5,889 research outputs found

    Postface. The Laurentide Ice Sheet : Research Problems

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    Although major progress has been made in several research topics on the Laurentide Ice Sheet, there are still substantial problems that require investigation over the next decade. Of particular importance will be the active participation between modelers and those who provide the "ground truth". Although individual reconstructions of the ice sheet, based on glacial isostasy, glaciology, climatology, and glacial geology, will continue to be developed and refined the next important step should be the development of an integrated climate/glaciology/isostatic ice sheet reconstruction that will serve to provide a holistic series of predictions about glacial, glacial marine, and periglacial landforms, sediments, and chronologies. These predictions can then serve as the basis for guiding field programs to examine bedforms and sediments associated with this ice sheet. This program of model reconstruction and verification will require a more complete understanding of glacial depositional processes than is currently available and, in addition, will be heavily dependant on a detailed dating program to improve our knowledge of the chronology of events.Malgré les progrès importants accomplis dans l'étude de plusieurs questions touchant la calotte glaciaire laurentidienne, certains problèmes majeurs devront être abordés au cours de la prochaine décennie. Ainsi, la collaboration entre les chercheurs qui élaborent les modèles et ceux qui fournissent les données de terrain sera primordiale. Même si on poursuivra l'élaboration de reconstitutions davantage raffinées fondées sur l'isostasie glaciaire, la glaciologie, la climatologie ou la géologie glaciaire, on devra en arriver à réaliser une reconstitution de la calotte glaciaire où les données climatiques, glaciologiques et isostatiques seront intégrées. Cette reconstitution servira à fournir des extrapolations d'ensemble sur les paysages glaciaires, glacio-marins et périglaciaires, sur les sédiments et les chronologies. Ses extrapolations serviront à leur tour à orienter les recherches de terrain sur la forme des lits glaciaires et sur les sédiments associés à l'inlandsis. Un tel projet de reconstitution du modèle glaciaire et de vérifications sur le terrain ne pourra être accompli sans une meilleure compréhension des processus de mise en place des sédiments glaciaires et sans la mise sur pied d'un programme détaillé de prises d'échantillons pour fins de datation afin d'augmenter nos connaissances sur la chronologie des événements

    University of Colorado 1969 Summer Field Season in East Baffin Island

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    For the second year running, the University of Colorado's Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and associated Departments (Biology, Geology, Geography and Anthropology) carried out a multidisciplinary research project in the region of Broughton Island, east Baffin Island (c 67°30'N). During the 1968 summer, the late glacial chronology and uplift at the head of Quajon and Narpaing fiords had been studied. An Austrian storage gauge was installed to estimate winter precipitation. Twelve individuals were involved in the 1969 summer program - this included 3 faculty members, 4 graduate students, 4 undergraduates and Mr. K. Dudley, author and teacher (Toronto). The programs were as follows: Late glacial chronology and recent crustal movements .... Late glacial chronology and recent crustal movements in the Broughton Is. area .... Glaciology and climatology .... Archaeology .... Aquatic biology .... Plant ecology .... Plans for the 1970 summer. The main base of operations for 1970 will be Narpaing Fiord. An intensive program will be undertaken in the glacierized and non-glacierized corrie basins, involving their heat and water balances as well as their glacial histories. Postglacial uplift and late glacial chronology of the fiord will be studied and a reconnaissance survey made of Okoa Bay and Nedlukseak Fiord. The "neoglacial" history of the mountain ice caps and glaciers lying seaward of the Penny Ice Cap will be studied and related to sea level changes

    “Heinrich events” (& sediments): A history of terminology and recommendations for future usage

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    A Sixteen Thousand Year Old Organic Deposit, Northern Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada: Palynology and Significance

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    A 3 m exposure of sediment containing organics was sampled near the settlement of Arctic Bay, Baffin Island, N.W.T. A total of seven radiocarbon dates have been obtained from the deposit. Three dates between 182.5 and 290 cm depth gave radiocarbon ages between 14,185 ± 760 and 16,849 ± 860. A date from 82.5 to 87.5 cm resulted in an age of 8635 ± 565. An apparent reversal in 14C dates may reflect folding of the sediments associated with the downslope creep of the deposit or rapid accumulation of organics. The three basal dates are the first terrestrial sediments from Baffin Island to date from older than ca. 10,000 BP and less than 20,000 BP. Analysis of the sediment for pollen indicated that it is generally sparse. The pollen assemblage is dominated by Salix, Cyperaceae, and Gramineae pollen and exotic pollen types {Pinus, Picea, Betula, and Alnus) occur sporadically throughout the section.Dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, près de la localité de Arctic Bay, dans l'île de Baffin, on a échantillonné une coupe de 3 m effectuée dans des sédiments renfermant des matériaux organiques. On en a tiré sept datations au radiocarbone. Entre 182,5 et 290 cm, trois datations font remonter les sédiments entre 14 185 ± 760 et 16 849 ± 860. Entre 82,5 et de 87,5 cm, la datation les fait remonter à 8635 ± 565. L'inversion apparente des dates au 14C pourrait indiquer qu'un plissement des sédiments s'est associé au glissement du dépôt ou à l'accumulation rapide de sédiments organiques. Les trois datations effectuées à la base de la coupe représentent les premiers sédiments terrestres de l'île de Baffin à remonter avant 10 000 BP, soit entre 10 000 et 20 000 BP. L'analyse pollinique des sédiments a révélé que le pollen y est plutôt rare. L'assemblage pollinique est dominé par les pollens de Salix, de cyperacées et de graminés ; quelques types de pollens exotiques (Pinus, Picea, Betula, et Alnus) apparaissent de façon sporadique dans toute la coupe.In der Nàhe der Siedlung Arctic Bay, Baffin-lnsel, Nord-West-Territorien, wurden Sediment-Proben, die Organisches Material enthalten, aus einem 3 m tiefen Schnitt entnommen. Insgesamt konnten sieben Radiokarbon-Daten aus dieser Ablagerung gewonnen werden. Zwischen 182.5 und 290 cm Tiefe ergaben drei Datierungen Radiokarbon-Alter zwischen 14 185 ± 760 und 16 849 ± 860. Zwischen 82,5 bis 87,5 cm fùhrte die Datierung zu einem Alter von 8635 ± 565. Eine offenbare Umkehrung in den 14C Datierungen mag wohl das Résultat einer Faltung der Sedimente sein in Verbindung mit einem Herunterrutschen der Ablagerung oder einer raschen Anhàufung organischen Materials. Die drei Datierungen von der Basis des Schnitts sind die ersten Erd-Sedimente von der Baffin-lnsel, die als alter als ca. 10 000 v.u.Z. zu datierne sind und weniger als 20 000 v.u.Z. Die Analyse des Sediments in Bezug auf Pollen zeight, da(3 dieser im allgemeinen spârlich ist. Die Pollen-Ansammlung ist beherrscht von Salix-, Cyperaceae- und Gramineae-Pollen und exotische Pollen-Typen (Pinus, Picea, Betula und Alnus) finden sich sporadisch in dem Schnitt

    How Do Consumers Use Nutrition Labels on Food Products in the United States?

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    This study examined how consumers use food labels in the United States. Based on the results from the cluster analysis, eight nutrition label questions from the Health and Diet Survey fell into 2 categories of label usage: for shopping or for dietary decisions. Survey respondents reported equal or more consideration of nutrition-label information for dietary choices than for shopping decisions in 2008 compared with prior survey years. Female consumers, frequent label users, well-educated, consumers aged 50 to 59, or consumers with any health issues were significantly more likely to use food labels for all kinds of purposes than their corresponding counterparts

    University of Colorado: 1971 Summer Field Season in East Baffin Island

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    Research was continued by University of Colorado faculty and graduate students in the area of Cumberland Peninsula. Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. The work was divided into four main phases: 1) studies on the glacial chronology of the Penny Ice Cap and local mountain ice caps; 2) the mass balance of the Boas Glacier; 3) air-sea interactions using ground stations, instrumented aircraft and satellite data; and 4) evaluation of climatic trends. ..

    University of Colorado: 1972 Field Season on East Baffin Island

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    SEA ICE. Studies of surface energy budgets on the fast ice at Broughton Island 67°35' N, 63°50' W) were undertaken from late May to August 1972. The program included micrometeorological measurements on the fast ice and ice thickness surveys. Climatological observations including radiation studies begun in June 1971 by The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at a site in Broughton village were continued. The summer of 1972 was one of unusually severe ice conditions for this section of Davis Strait, and the results of our winter 1971-72 and summer 1972 fieldwork are being examined together with synoptic data in an attempt to understand this situation. Meteorological satellite data are being analyzed to obtain regional extrapolations of synoptic surface energy budgets. BOAS GLACIER. The Boas Glacier was visited in early June, at which time snow pits and probing were used to estimate the winter balance. The mean snow depth based on 190 probes was 0.948 m with a standard error of ±0.06 m. Average snow density was 0.326 g/cm³ giving a specific winter balance of 0.31 m H2O. The glacier could not be visited in August due to extremely bad ice conditions, but on the basis of the weather in previous years we predict that the net specific balance will be positive and greater than 0.3 m H2O. The strain diamond was remeasured and analysis indicates that the principal strain axis is directed down-glacier and shows a compressive strain of 10**-6 yr (based on 2 years of measurements). Using the Boas Glacier mass balance data, a discriminant equation has been developed based on September to May accumulation at Broughton Island, and accumulated summer degree days (June, July, August). Investigations of other mass balance data suggest that the Broughton Island data constitute a sensitive predictor of mass balances as far north as Devon Island. This finding ... indicates a broad similarity of climatic events throughout major sections of the Arctic. QUATERNARY GEOLOGY. Investigations on Neoglacial, Wisconsin and pre-Wisconsin local ice advances were carried out in the area between Cape Dyer and Padloping Island. Echo soundings indicated the presence of glacio-marine deltas at depths of 30 m below sea level. Dr. G. Boulton, University of East Anglia, Norwich, visited the area and collected a peat monolith in front of the Maktak Glacier, and Dr. M. Church, University of British Columbia, carried out investigations on the Maktak sandur

    Between Rebel Flags: Iraqi Vexillology and State Iconography, 1921 - 2017

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    In under a century of existence, the Republic of Iraq has adopted seven national flags. The circumstances of these modifications occurred under times of tremendous political transformation following wars and military coups. The evolution of Iraqi vexillology often corresponded to sub-national violence and direct challenges to state authority. This thesis considers Iraqi identity through the lens of its national flags and iconography from 1921 to 2017. It argues that Iraqi flags and iconography constitute an archive revealing a national identity organized around an emphasis on ethnicity and transhistorical relationships
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