697 research outputs found

    Half-Remembrance of Things Past: Critics and Cuts of Old

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    Manslaughter by Automobile - Johnson v. State

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    Use Under Void Parol Grant Ripening into Easement by Prescription - Phillips v. Phillips

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    The Elements of Surface Tension (Abstract)

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    Many of our ordinary statements about surface tension are true only when properly qualified. Common laboratory experiments give correct values only when correction terms are used. A number of surface tension paradoxes will be given

    Electricity and Mechanics

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    When electric charges are in motion the forces between them differ from the electrostatic forces. The magnetic concept is used to take account of these non-electrostatic forces. The magnetic effect of a moving charge is relative to the electrostatic extremely small except when the velocity approaches that of light. However due to the circumstance that the electrostatic effects often, as in a wire carrying a current, practically cancel, the magnetic forces are very important. According to our present beliefs any field of force changes in an analogous manner if it be moved. There is theoretically the same excuse for speaking of a magnetic field about a moving mass as a moving charge. The difference is that in this latter case the discrepancy from the gravitostatic force is not of practical importance

    A Method Obtaining Absolute Values for X-Ray Energy Levels

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    X-ray absorption edges usually correspond to the removal of the orbital electron to some definite outer level, not to complete ionization. The difference between this state and the state of complete removal from the metal is not known. It is probably of the order of 25 volts. By measuring the energies of photoelectrons produced by known photons the energy levels can be definitely placed. The experiment suggested is a modification of the one recently described by Kretschman (Phys. Rev. Vol. 43, p. 417)

    Fundamental Dimensions and Electrical Units

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    Proposition: What dimensions and how many are fundamental is a matter of choice, custom and convenience, not of logical necessity. Limitation: This does not deal with how many and what fundamental entities are required to build a universe; it is simply a question of mensuration; how many and what independent dimensions shall (must) we use to express physical quantities unambiguously, and to make physical equations balance

    Product Liability Law Symposium: Introduction

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    Mean Free Paths of Molecules and the Wave Mechanics

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    Direct experimental determination of the mean free paths of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen have led to a value of the effective cross section of the molecule between 4 and 5 times greater than that obtained from viscosity measurements. Massey and Mohr have shown that assuming the rigid sphere molecule the wave mechanics leads to a difference in the values; the theoretical ratio, however, is not greater than 2

    Ubi Facit Ibi Est

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    Where a thing acts there it is. In place of the old dogma of Descartes, Cogito ergo sum, the modern pragmatist says that a thing exists if it affects us; we have an objective rather than subjective philosophy
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