1,035 research outputs found

    An ALMA Constraint on the GSC 6214-210 B Circum-Substellar Accretion Disk Mass

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of GSC 6214-210 A and B, a solar-mass member of the 5-10 Myr Upper Scorpius association with a 15 ±\pm 2 Mjup companion orbiting at \approx330 AU (2.2"). Previous photometry and spectroscopy spanning 0.3-5 μ\mum revealed optical and thermal excess as well as strong Hα\alpha and Pa~β\beta emission originating from a circum-substellar accretion disk around GSC 6214-210 B, making it the lowest mass companion with unambiguous evidence of a subdisk. Despite ALMA's unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution, neither component was detected in our 880 μ\mum (341 GHz) continuum observations down to a 3-σ\sigma limit of 0.22 mJy/beam. The corresponding constraints on the dust mass and total mass are <0.15 Mearth and <0.05 Mjup, respectively, or <0.003% and <0.3% of the mass of GSC 6214-210 B itself assuming a 100:1 gas-to-dust ratio and characteristic dust temperature of 10-20 K. If the host star possesses a putative circum-stellar disk then at most it is a meager 0.0015% of the primary mass, implying that giant planet formation has certainly ceased in this system. Considering these limits and its current accretion rate, GSC 6214-210 B appears to be at the end stages of assembly and is not expected to gain any appreciable mass over the next few Myr.Comment: Accepted to ApJ

    Vapor pressures of acetylene at low temperatures

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    The atmospheres of many of the outer planets and their satellites contain a large number of hydrocarbon species. In particular, acetylene (C2H2) has been identified at Jupiter, Saturn and its satellite Titan, Uranus and Neptune. In the lower atmospheres of these planets, where colder temperatures prevail, the condensation and/or freezing of acetylene is probable. In order to obtain accurate models of the acetylene in these atmospheres, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of its vapor pressures at low temperatures. Vapor pressures at low temperatures for acetylene are being determined. The vapor pressures are measured with two different techniques in order to cover a wide range of temperatures and pressures. In the first, the acetylene is placed in a sample tube which is immersed in a low temperature solvent/liquid nitrogen slush bath whose temperature is measured with a thermocouple. The vapor pressure is then measured directly with a capacitance manometer. For lower pressures, a second technique which was called the thin-film infrared method (TFIR) was developed. It involves measuring the disappearance rate of a thin film of acetylene at a particular temperature. The spectra are then analyzed using previously determined extinction coefficient values, to determine the disappearance rate R (where R = delta n/delta t, the number of molecules that disappear per unit time). This can be related to the vapor pressure directly. This technique facilitates measurement of the lower temperatures and pressures. Both techniques have been calibrated using CO2, and have shown good agreement with the existing literature data

    Prospective relationships between body weight and physical activity: an observational analysis from the NAVIGATOR study

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    Objectives: While bidirectional relationships exist between body weight and physical activity, direction of causality remains uncertain and previous studies have been limited by self-reported activity or weight and small sample size. We investigated the prospective relationships between weight and physical activity. Design: Observational analysis of data from the Nateglinide And Valsartan in Impaired Glucose Tolerance Outcomes Research (NAVIGATOR) study, a double-blinded randomised clinical trial of nateglinide and valsartan, respectively. Setting Multinational study of 9306 participants. Participants: Participants with biochemically confirmed impaired glucose tolerance had annual measurements of both weight and step count using research grade pedometers, worn for 7 days consecutively. Along with randomisation to valsartan or placebo plus nateglinide or placebo, participants took part in a lifestyle modification programme. Outcome measures: Longitudinal regression using weight as response value and physical activity as predictor value was conducted, adjusted for baseline covariates. Analysis was then repeated with physical activity as response value and weight as predictor value. Only participants with a response value preceded by at least three annual response values were included. Results: Adequate data were available for 2811 (30%) of NAVIGATOR participants. Previous weight (χ2=16.8; p&lt;0.0001), but not change in weight (χ2=0.1; p=0.71) was inversely associated with subsequent step count, indicating lower subsequent levels of physical activity in heavier individuals. Change in step count (χ2=5.9; p=0.02) but not previous step count (χ2=0.9; p=0.34) was inversely associated with subsequent weight. However, in the context of trajectories already established for weight (χ2 for previous weight measurements 747.3; p&lt;0.0001) and physical activity (χ2 for previous step count 432.6; p&lt;0.0001), these effects were of limited clinical importance. Conclusions: While a prospective bidirectional relationship was observed between weight and physical activity, the magnitude of any effect was very small in the context of natural trajectories already established for these variables

    Investigating the inner discs of Herbig Ae/Be stars with CO bandhead and Br Gamma emission

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    Herbig Ae/Be stars lie in the mass range between low and high mass young stars, and therefore offer a unique opportunity to observe any changes in the formation processes that may occur across this boundary. This paper presents medium resolution VLT/X-Shooter spectra of six Herbig Ae/Be stars, drawn from a sample of 91 targets, and high resolution VLT/CRIRES spectra of five Herbig Ae/Be stars, chosen based on the presence of CO first overtone bandhead emission in their spectra. The X-Shooter survey reveals a low detection rate of CO first overtone emission (7 per cent), consisting of objects mainly of spectral type B. A positive correlation is found between the strength of the CO v=2-0 and Br {\gamma} emission lines, despite their intrinsic linewidths suggesting a separate kinematic origin. The high resolution CRIRES spectra are modelled, and are well fitted under the assumption that the emission originates from small scale Keplerian discs, interior to the dust sublimation radius, but outside the co-rotation radius of the central stars. In addition, our findings are in very good agreement for the one object where spatially resolved near-infrared interferometric studies have also been performed. These results suggest that the Herbig Ae/Be stars in question are in the process of gaining mass via disc accretion, and that modelling of high spectral resolution spectra is able to provide a reliable probe into the process of stellar accretion in young stars of intermediate to high masses.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 5 figure

    Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding the entire precursor of rat liver medium chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase.

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    cDNA encoding the precursor of rat liver medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC was cloned and sequenced. The longest cDNA insert isolated was 1866 bases in length. This cDNA encodes the entire protein of 421-amino acids including a 25-amino acid leader peptide and a 396-amino acid mature polypeptide. The identity of the medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase clone was confirmed by matching the amino acid sequence predicted from the cDNA to the NH2-terminal and nine internal tryptic peptide sequences derived from pure rat liver medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. The calculated molecular masses of the precursor medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, the mature medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and the leader peptide are 46,600, 43,700, and 2,900 daltons, respectively. The leader peptide contains five basic amino acids and only one acidic amino acid; thus, it is positively charged, overall. Cysteine residues are unevenly distributed in the mature portion of the protein; five of six are found within the NH2-terminal half of the polypeptide. Comparison of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase sequence to other flavoproteins and enzymes which act on coenzyme A ester substrates did not lead to unambiguous identification of a possible FAD-binding site nor a coenzyme A-binding domain. The sequencing of other homologous acyl-CoA dehydrogenases will be informative in this regard

    Supergravity Models for 3+1 Dimensional QCD

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    The most general black M5-brane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity (with a flat R^4 spacetime in the brane and a regular horizon) is characterized by charge, mass and two angular momenta. We use this metric to construct general dual models of large-N QCD (at strong coupling) that depend on two free parameters. The mass spectrum of scalar particles is determined analytically (in the WKB approximation) and numerically in the whole two-dimensional parameter space. We compare the mass spectrum with analogous results from lattice calculations, and find that the supergravity predictions are close to the lattice results everywhere on the two dimensional parameter space except along a special line. We also examine the mass spectrum of the supergravity Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and find that the KK modes along the compact D-brane coordinate decouple from the spectrum for large angular momenta. There are however KK modes charged under a U(1)xU(1) global symmetry which do not decouple anywhere on the parameter space. General formulas for the string tension and action are also given.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 11 figures include

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 8, 1973

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    Dr. Pancoast predicts much competition for teachers • Civil service commission announces test dates • Service organization shows true colors • Christmas concert • Campus Chest schedules fund raising activities • Concert cancellation • Editorial: When the life sciences become the death sciences • Letters to the editor: Beef over rhetoric; Physics dept. maintains status quo; A plea for silence; What are we doing here? • Alumni corner • Faculty Portrait: Mr. Ted Xaras • The stage: ProTheatre begins year with three one-act plays in new theatre • A bundle of letters • Film: “Jeremy” • Third team goes undefeated! • Football Bears tie, 21-21 • Once beaten Harriers enter MAC championship • Women’s volleyball team into actionhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Probing the Inner Disk Emission of the Herbig Ae Stars HD 163296 and HD 190073

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    The physical processes occurring within the inner few astronomical units of proto-planetary disks surrounding Herbig Ae stars are crucial to setting the environment in which the outer planet-forming disk evolves and put critical constraints on the processes of accretion and planet migration. We present the most complete published sample of high angular resolution H- and K-band observations of the stars HD 163296 and HD 190073, including 30 previously unpublished nights of observations of the former and 45 nights of the latter with the CHARA long-baseline interferometer, in addition to archival VLTI data. We confirm previous observations suggesting significant near-infrared emission originates within the putative dust evaporation front of HD 163296 and show this is the case for HD 190073 as well. The H- and K-band sizes are the same within (3±3)%(3 \pm 3)\% for HD 163296 and within (6±10)%(6 \pm 10)\% for HD 190073. The radial surface brightness profiles for both disks are remarkably Gaussian-like with little or no sign of the sharp edge expected for a dust evaporation front. Coupled with spectral energy distribution analysis, our direct measurements of the stellar flux component at H and K bands suggest that HD 190073 is much younger (<400 kyr) and more massive (~5.6 M_\odot) than previously thought, mainly as a consequence of the new Gaia distance (891 pc).Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    The Greater Taurus–Auriga Ecosystem. I. There is a Distributed Older Population

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    The census of Taurus–Auriga has been assembled over seven decades and inherited the biases and incompleteness of the input studies. The unusual shape of its inferred initial mass function (IMF) and the existence of isolated disk-bearing stars suggest that additional (likely disk-free) members remain to be discovered. We therefore have begun a global reassessment of the census of Taurus–Auriga that exploits new data and better definitions of youth and kinematic membership. As a first step, we reconsider the membership of all disk-free candidate members from the literature with spectral type ≥F0, 3^h50^m < α < 5^h40^m, and 14° < δ < 34°. We combine data from the literature with Keck/HIRES and UH88/SNIFS spectra to test the membership of these candidates using the positions in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, proper motions, radial velocities, Hα, lithium, and surface gravity. We find 218 confirmed or likely Taurus members, 160 confirmed or likely interlopers, and only 18 that lack sufficient evidence to draw firm conclusions. A significant fraction of these stars (81/218 = 37%) are not included in the most recent canonical member lists. There are few additional members to the immediate vicinity of the molecular clouds, preserving the IMFs that have been deemed anomalous in past work. Many of the likely Taurus members are instead distributed broadly across the search area. When combined with the known disk hosts, our updated census reveals two regimes: a high-density population with a high disk fraction (indicative of youth) that broadly traces the molecular clouds, and a low-density population with low disk fraction (hence likely older) that most likely represents previous generations of star formation