1,573 research outputs found

    Gunflints and Musket Balls: Implications for the Occupational History of the Eaton Site and the Niagara Frontier

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    The multicomponent Eaton site in West Seneca, New York, was the focus of a long-term archaeological project. While the major emphasis was the excavation of a mid-16th-century Iroquoian village, all artifacts are being analyzed. These include 12 gunflints and 8 musket balls deposited at some point after the abandonment of the Iroquoian village. This article describes these objects, their distribution and dating, and the implications of these artifacts for the history of the site and the region

    Aerodynamic Characterization of a Modern Launch Vehicle

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    A modern launch vehicle is by necessity an extremely integrated design. The accurate characterization of its aerodynamic characteristics is essential to determine design loads, to design flight control laws, and to establish performance. The NASA Ares Aerodynamics Panel has been responsible for technical planning, execution, and vetting of the aerodynamic characterization of the Ares I vehicle. An aerodynamics team supporting the Panel consists of wind tunnel engineers, computational engineers, database engineers, and other analysts that address topics such as uncertainty quantification. The team resides at three NASA centers: Langley Research Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, and Ames Research Center. The Panel has developed strategies to synergistically combine both the wind tunnel efforts and the computational efforts with the goal of validating the computations. Selected examples highlight key flow physics and, where possible, the fidelity of the comparisons between wind tunnel results and the computations. Lessons learned summarize what has been gleaned during the project and can be useful for other vehicle development projects

    Runaway GC evolution in gerbil genomes

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    Recombination increases the local GC-content in genomic regions through GC-biased gene conversion (gBGC). The recent discovery of a large genomic region with extreme GC-content in the fat sand rat Psammomys obesus provides a model to study the effects of gBGC on chromosome evolution. Here, we compare the GC-content and GC-to-AT substitution patterns across protein-coding genes of four gerbil species and two murine rodents (mouse and rat). We find that the known high-GC region is present in all the gerbils, and is characterised by high substitution rates for all mutational categories (AT-to-GC, GC-to-AT and GC-conservative) both at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites. A higher AT-to-GC than GC-to-AT rate is consistent with the high GC-content. Additionally, we find more than 300 genes outside the known region with outlying values of AT-to-GC synonymous substitution rates in gerbils. Of these, over 30% are organised into at least 17 large clusters observable at the megabase-scale. The unusual GC-skewed substitution pattern suggests the evolution of genomic regions with very high recombination rates in the gerbil lineage, which can lead to a runaway increase in GC-content. Our results imply that rapid evolution of GC-content is possible in mammals, with gerbil species providing a powerful model to study the mechanisms of gBGC

    Protocol of a cluster randomized trial of an educational intervention to increase knowledge of living donor kidney transplant among potential transplant candidates

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    BackgroundThe best treatment option for end-stage renal disease is usually a transplant, preferably a live donor kidney transplant (LDKT). The most effective ways to educate kidney transplant candidates about the risks, benefits, and process of LDKT remain unknown.Methods/designWe report the protocol of the Enhancing Living Donor Kidney Transplant Education (ELITE) Study, a cluster randomized trial of an educational intervention to be implemented during initial transplant evaluation at a large, suburban U.S. transplant center. Five hundred potential transplant candidates are cluster randomized (by date of visit) to receive either: (1) standard-of-care ("usual") transplant education, or (2) intensive education that is based upon the Explore Transplant series of educational materials. Intensive transplant education includes viewing an educational video about LDKT, receiving print education, and meeting with a transplant educator. The primary outcome consists of knowledge of the benefits, risks, and process of LDKT, assessed one week after the transplant evaluation. As a secondary outcome, knowledge and understanding of LDKT are assessed 3 months after the evaluation. Additional secondary outcomes, assessed one week and 3 months after the evaluation, include readiness, self-efficacy, and decisional balance regarding transplant and LDKT, with differences assessed by race. Although the unit of randomization is the date of the transplant evaluation visit, the unit of analysis will be the individual potential transplant candidate.DiscussionThe ELITE Study will help to determine how education in a transplant center can best be designed to help Black and non-Black patients learn about the option of LDKT.Trial registrationClinicaltrials.gov number NCT01261910

    Effect of urinary pH and diatrizoate on Bence Jones protein nephrotoxicity in the rat

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    Effect of urinary pH and diatrizoate on Bence Jones protein nephrotoxicity in the rat. Both low urinary pH and radiocontrast agents may intensify myeloma nephrotoxicity. To study the effects of these factors, we determined inulin clearances (CIn) before and after infusions of human Bence Jones protein (BJP) in male Sprague-Dawley rats in a dose previously shown to be nephrotoxic. Rats that drank 0.15 M NaHCO3 for 48 hr before study had no change in CIn (+ 3 ± 20%) after BJP unlike those that drank 0.15 M NH4Cl (- 33 ± 14%, P < 0.05); urinary pH differed (7.6 ± 0.1 vs. 6.2 ± 0.1, P < 0.05), but urinary flow rates did not. The acidifying regimen was used in all subsequent groups. Infusion of diatrizoate (DTZ) after BJP produced a further decrease in CIn (- 85 ± 8%, P < 0.05). In contrast, infusion of albumin, which raised plasma protein concentration to that seen in BJP-infused rats, did not change CIn (+ 39 ± 17%). Infusion of beta-lactoglobulin also led to a greater decrease in CIn after DTZ (- 35 ± 9 vs. - 67 ± 8%, P < 0.05), but myoglobin did not (- 58 ± 7 vs. - 54 ± 12%). Urinary pH and flow rate did not differ between any DTZ-infused group and its appropriate control. These data suggest that aciduria independent of urinary flow rate increases the nephrotoxicity of BJP. In this setting, DTZ further intensifies the nephrotoxicity of BJP as well as some but not all filterable proteins.Effet du pH urinaire et du diatrizoate sur la néphrotoxicité de la protéine de Bence Jones chez le rat. Un pH urinaire bas et les produits de contraste peuvent accroître la néphrotoxité du myélome. Pour étudier les effets de ces facteurs, nous avons déterminé les clearances de l'inuline (CIn) avant et après perfusion de protéine de Bence Jones humaine (BJP) chez des rats mâles Sprague-Dawley à dose préalablement montrée néphrotoxique. Les rats qui buvaient 0,15 M NaHCO3 pendant 48 hr avant l'étude n'avaient pas de modification de CIn (+ 3 ± 20%) après BJP à la différence de ceux qui buvaient 0,15 M NH4Cl (- 33 ± 14%, P < 0,05); les pH urinaires différaient (7,6 ± 0,1 contre 6,2 ± 0,1, P < 0,05), mais non les débits urinaires. Le régime acidifiant a été utilisé chez tous les groupes ultérieurs. La perfusion de diatrizoate (DTZ) après BJP a entraîné une diminution supplémentaire de CIn (- 85 ± 8%, P < 0,05). A l'opposé une perfusion d'albumine, qui augmentait la protidémie à la valeur observée chez les rats perfusés avec BJP ne modifiait pas CIn (+ 39 ± 17%). Une perfusion de béta-lactoglobuline a également entraîné une plus forte baisse de CIn après DTZ (- 35 ± 9 contre - 67 ± 8%, P < 0,05), mais non de la myoglobine (- 58 ± 7 contre - 54 ± 12%). Le pH et le débit urinaires ne différaient pas entre aucun des groupes perfusés par le DTZ et leur contrôle approprié. Ces données suggèrent que l'acidurie, indépendamment du débit urinaire, augmente la néphrotoxicité de la BJP. Dans ce schéma, DTZ accentue encore la néphrotoxicité de la BJP, de même que certaines, mais non toutes les protéines filtrables

    Coherent States and Modified de Broglie-Bohm Complex Quantum Trajectories

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    This paper examines the nature of classical correspondence in the case of coherent states at the level of quantum trajectories. We first show that for a harmonic oscillator, the coherent state complex quantum trajectories and the complex classical trajectories are identical to each other. This congruence in the complex plane, not restricted to high quantum numbers alone, illustrates that the harmonic oscillator in a coherent state executes classical motion. The quantum trajectories are those conceived in a modified de Broglie-Bohm scheme and we note that identical classical and quantum trajectories for coherent states are obtained only in the present approach. The study is extended to Gazeau-Klauder and SUSY quantum mechanics-based coherent states of a particle in an infinite potential well and that in a symmetric Poschl-Teller (PT) potential by solving for the trajectories numerically. For the coherent state of the infinite potential well, almost identical classical and quantum trajectories are obtained whereas for the PT potential, though classical trajectories are not regained, a periodic motion results as t --> \infty.Comment: More example

    Pathways into services for offenders with intellectual disabilities : childhood experience, diagnostic information and offence variables

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    The patterns and pathways into intellectual disability (ID) offender services were studied through case file review for 477 participants referred in one calendar year to community generic, community forensic, and low, medium, and maximum secure services. Data were gathered on referral source, demographic information, index behavior, prior problem behaviors, diagnostic information, and abuse or deprivation. Community referrers tended to refer to community services and secure service referrers to secure services. Physical and verbal violence were the most frequent index behaviors, whereas contact sexual offenses were more prominent in maximum security. Age at first incident varied with security, with the youngest in maximum secure services. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or conduct disorder was the most frequently recorded diagnosis, and severe deprivation was the most frequent adverse developmental experience. Fire starting, theft, and road traffic offenses did not feature prominently. Generic community services accepted a number of referrals with forensic-type behavior and had higher proportions of both women and people with moderate or severe ID

    A Database of Cepheid Distance Moduli and TRGB, GCLF, PNLF and SBF Data Useful for Distance Determinations

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    We present a compilation of Cepheid distance moduli and data for four secondary distance indicators that employ stars in the old stellar populations: the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), the globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF), the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB), and the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) method. The database includes all data published as of July 15, 1999. The main strength of this compilation resides in all data being on a consistent and homogeneous system: all Cepheid distances are derived using the same calibration of the period-luminosity relation, the treatment of errors is consistent for all indicators, measurements which are not considered reliable are excluded. As such, the database is ideal for inter-comparing any of the distance indicators considered, or for deriving a Cepheid calibration to any secondary distance indicator. Specifically, the database includes: 1) Cepheid distances, extinctions and metallicities; 2) apparent magnitudes of the PNLF cutoff; 3) apparent magnitudes and colors of the turnover of the GCLF (both in the V- and B-bands); 4) apparent magnitudes of the TRGB (in the I-band) and V-I colors at and 0.5 magnitudes fainter than the TRGB; 5) apparent surface brightness fluctuation magnitudes I, K', K_short, and using the F814W filter with the HST/WFPC2. In addition, for every galaxy in the database we give reddening estimates from DIRBE/IRAS as well as HI maps, J2000 coordinates, Hubble and T-type morphological classification, apparent total magnitude in B, and systemic velocity. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. Because of space limitations, the figures included are low resolution bitmap images. Original figures can be found at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~laura/pub.ht

    A Geometrically Supported z∼10z\sim10 Candidate Multiply-Imaged by the Hubble Frontier Fields Cluster Abell 2744

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    The deflection angles of lensed sources increase with their distance behind a given lens. We utilize this geometric effect to corroborate the zphot≃9.8z_{phot}\simeq9.8 photometric redshift estimate of a faint near-IR dropout, triply-imaged by the massive galaxy cluster Abell 2744 in deep Hubble Frontier Fields images. The multiple images of this source follow the same symmetry as other nearby sets of multiple images which bracket the critical curves and have well defined redshifts (up to zspec≃3.6z_{spec}\simeq3.6), but with larger deflection angles, indicating that this source must lie at a higher redshift. Similarly, our different parametric and non-parametric lens models all require this object be at z≳4z\gtrsim4, with at least 95\% confidence, thoroughly excluding the possibility of lower-redshift interlopers. To study the properties of this source we correct the two brighter images for their magnifications, leading to a SFR of ∼0.3M⊙\sim0.3 M_{\odot}/yr, a stellar mass of ∼4×107M⊙\sim4\times10^{7} M_{\odot}, and an age of ≲220\lesssim220 Myr (95\% confidence). The intrinsic apparent magnitude is 29.9 AB (F160W), and the rest-frame UV (∼1500A˚\sim1500 \AA) absolute magnitude is MUV,AB=−17.6M_{UV,AB}=-17.6. This corresponds to ∼0.1Lz=8∗\sim0.1 L^{*}_{z=8} (∼0.2Lz=10∗\sim0.2 L^{*}_{z=10}, adopting dM∗/dz∼0.45dM^{*}/dz\sim0.45), making this candidate one of the least luminous galaxies discovered at z∼10z\sim10.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; V2: very minor changes, ApJ Letters Accepte
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