39 research outputs found

    Metal, Ceramic and Polymeric Composites for Various Uses

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    Composite materials, often shortened to composites, are engineered or naturally occurring materials made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties which remain separate and distinct at the macroscopic or microscopic scale within the finished structure. The aim of this book is to provide comprehensive reference and text on composite materials and structures. This book will cover aspects of design, production, manufacturing, exploitation and maintenance of composite materials. The scope of the book covers scientific, technological and practical concepts concerning research, development and realization of composites

    Nanocomposites with Unique Properties and Applications in Medicine and Industry

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    This book contains chapters on nanocomposites for engineering hard materials for high performance aircraft, rocket and automobile use, using laser pulses to form metal coatings on glass and quartz, and also tungsten carbide-cobalt nanoparticles using high voltage discharges. A major section of this book is largely devoted to chapters outlining and applying analytic methods needed for studies of nanocomposites. As such, this book will serve as good resource for such analytic methods

    Nanocomposites and Polymers with Analytical Methods

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    This book contains 16 chapters. In the first part, there are 8 chapters describing new materials and analytic methods. These materials include chapters on gold nanoparticles and Sol-Gel metal oxides, nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes, methods of evaluation by depth sensing, and other methods. The second part contains 3 chapters featuring new materials with unique properties including optical non-linearities, new materials based on pulp fibers, and the properties of nano-filled polymers. The last part contains 5 chapters with applications of new materials for medical devices, anodes for lithium batteries, electroceramics, phase change materials and matrix active nanoparticles

    Continuous flow electrophoresis for study of membrane protein compartments.

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    Nuclear V-type ATPase

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    An ion transporter involved in congenital deafness

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