23,122 research outputs found


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    The effects of managerial ability on farm financial success are analyzed for a 1990 sample of Pennsylvania commercial dairy farms using structural latent variable techniques. Latent factors related to dairy, crop, and financial management are used with herd size to explain farm financial success, measured by net farm income. Results indicate the relative importance of each management variable toward farm financial success.Farm Management,

    Mechanism of Reductive Elimination of Methyl Iodide from a Novel Gold(III)−Monomethyl Complex

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    Oxidation of (Idipp)AuMe (Idipp = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene) with I_2 gives a monomethyl Au(III) complex, (Idipp)AuI_2Me, which decomposes cleanly to MeI and (Idipp)AuI. Kinetics experiments show that this transformation occurs primarily via three-coordinate, cationic [(Idipp)AuIMe]^+, which undergoes intramolecular reductive elimination rather than nucleophilic attack by external I^−

    Molecular cloning and characterization of a new member of the gap junction gene family, connexin-31

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    A new member of the connexin gene family has been identified and designated rat connexin-31 (Cx31) based on its predicted molecular mass of 30,960 daltons. Cx31 is 270 amino acids long and is coded for by a single copy gene. It is expressed as a 1.7-kilobase mRNA that is detected in placenta, Harderian gland, skin, and eye. Cx31 is highly conserved and can be detected in species as distantly related to rat as Xenopus laevis. It exhibits extensive sequence similarity to the previously identified connexins, 58, 50, and 40% amino acid identity to Cx26, Cx32, and Cx43, respectively. When conservation of predicted phosphorylation sites is used to adjust the alignment of Cx31 to other connexins, a unique alignment of three predicted protein kinase C phosphorylation sites near the carboxyl terminus of Cx31 with three sites at the carboxyl terminus of Cx43 is revealed

    Mechanisms Affecting Recruitment of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan

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    Report issued on: August 2001INHS Technical Report prepared for Great Lakes Fishery Trus


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    How can rights of first refusal protect prime agricultural land? This paper develops a theory for valuing rights of first refusal based on compensation for foreclosing future demand, information asymmetry, and advance purchase of market share. A procedure is developed for governments to use these rights to prevent conversion.Land Economics/Use,

    ALMA Observations of Circumstellar Disks in the Upper Scorpius OB Association

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    We present ALMA observations of 106 G-, K-, and M-type stars in the Upper Scorpius OB Association hosting circumstellar disks. With these data, we measure the 0.88 mm continuum and 12^{12}CO JJ = 3-2 line fluxes of disks around low-mass (0.141.660.14-1.66 MM_{\odot}) stars at an age of 5-11 Myr. Of the 75 primordial disks in the sample, 53 are detected in the dust continuum and 26 in CO. Of the 31 disks classified as debris/evolved transitional disks, 5 are detected in the continuum and none in CO. The lack of CO emission in approximately half of the disks with detected continuum emission can be explained if CO is optically thick but has a compact emitting area (40\lesssim 40 au), or if the CO is heavily depleted by a factor of at least 1000\sim1000 relative to interstellar medium abundances and is optically thin. The continuum measurements are used to estimate the dust mass of the disks. We find a correlation between disk dust mass and stellar host mass consistent with a power-law relation of MdustM1.67±0.37M_{\mathrm{dust}}\propto M_*^{1.67\pm0.37}. Disk dust masses in Upper Sco are compared to those measured in the younger Taurus star-forming region to constrain the evolution of disk dust mass. We find that the difference in the mean of log(Mdust/M)\log(M_{\mathrm{dust}}/M_*) between Taurus and Upper Sco is 0.64±0.090.64\pm0.09, such that Mdust/MM_{\mathrm{dust}}/M_* is lower in Upper Sco by a factor of 4.5\sim4.5.Comment: 18 pages of text, 11 Figures, 5 Tables. Published in Ap