7,153 research outputs found

    The Low-Redshift Intergalactic Medium

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    The low-redshift Ly-alpha forest of absorption lines provides a probe of large-scale baryonic structures in the intergalactic medium, some of which may be remnants of physical conditions set up during the epoch of galaxy formation. We discuss our recent Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations and interpretation of low-z Ly-alpha clouds toward nearby Seyferts and QSOs, including their frequency, space density, estimated mass, association with galaxies, and contribution to Omega-baryon. Our HST/GHRS detections of 70 Ly-alpha absorbers with N_HI > 10^12.6 cm-2 along 11 sightlines covering pathlength Delta(cz) = 114,000 km/s show f(>N_HI) ~ N_HI^{-0.63 +- 0.04} and a line frequency dN/dz = 200 +- 40 for N_HI > 10^12.6 cm-2 (one every 1500 km/s of redshift). A group of strong absorbers toward PKS 2155-304 may be associated with gas (400-800) h_75^-1 kpc from 4 large galaxies, with low metallicity (< 0.003 solar) and D/H < 2 x 10^-4. At low-z, we derive a metagalactic ionizing radiation field from AGN of J_0 = 1.3^{+0.8 -0.5} x 10^-23 ergs/cm2/s/Hz/sr and a Ly-alpha-forest baryon density Omega-baryon = (0.008 +- 0.004) h_75^-1 [J_-23 N_14 b_100]^{1/2} For clouds of characteristic size b = (100 kpc)b_100.Comment: 5 figure

    Bronchial Circulation Angiogenesis in the Rat Quantified with SPECT and Micro-CT

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    Introduction As pulmonary artery obstruction results in proliferation of the bronchial circulation in a variety of species, we investigated this angiogenic response using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and micro-CT. Materials and methods After surgical ligation of the left pulmonary artery of rats, they were imaged at 10, 20, or 40 days post-ligation. Before imaging, technetium-labeled macroaggregated albumin (99mTc MAA) was injected into the aortic arch (IA) labeling the systemic circulation. SPECT/micro-CT imaging was performed, the image volumes were registered, and activity in the left lung via the bronchial circulation was used as a marker of bronchial blood flow. To calibrate and to verify successful ligation, 99mTc MAA was subsequently injected into the left femoral vein (IV), resulting in accumulation within the pulmonary circulation. The rats were reimaged, and the ratio of the IA to the IV measurements reflected the fraction of cardiac output (CO) to the left lung via the bronchial circulation. Control and sham-operated rats were studied similarly. Results The left lung bronchial circulation of the control group was 2.5% of CO. The sham-operated rats showed no significant difference from the control. However, 20 and 40 days post-ligation, the bronchial circulation blood flow had increased to 7.9 and 13.9%, respectively, of CO. Excised lungs examined after barium filling of the systemic vasculature confirmed neovascularization as evidenced by tortuous vessels arising from the mediastinum and bronchial circulation. Conclusion Thus, we conclude that SPECT/micro-CT imaging is a valuable methodology for monitoring angiogenesis in the lung and, potentially, for evaluating the effects of pro- or anti-angiogenic treatments using a similar approach

    The Local Ly-alpha Forest IV: STIS G140M Spectra and Results on the Distribution and Baryon Content of HI Absorbers

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    We present HST STIS/G140M spectra of 15 extragalactic targets, which we combine with GHRS/G160M data to examine the statistical properties of the low-z Ly-alpha forest. We evaluate the physical properties of these Ly-alpha absorbers and compare them to their high-z counterparts. We determine that the warm, photoionized IGM contains 29+/-4% of the total baryon inventory at z = 0. We derive the distribution in column density, N_HI^(1.65+/-0.07) for 12.5 < log [N_HI] 14.5. The slowing of the number density evolution of high-W Ly-alpha clouds is not as great as previously measured, and the break to slower evolution may occur later than previously suggested (z~1.0 rather than 1.6). We find a 7.2sigma excess in the two-point correlation function (TPCF) of Ly-alpha absorbers for velocity separations less than 260 km/s, which is exclusively due to the higher column density clouds. From our previous result that higher column density Ly-alpha clouds cluster more strongly with galaxies, this TPCF suggests a physical difference between the higher and lower column density clouds in our sample.Comment: 71 pages, 6 tables, 26 EPS figures, to appear in ApJ Supplemen

    The Local Lyman-Alpha Forest: Absorbers in Galaxy Voids

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    We have conducted pointed redshift surveys for galaxies in the direction of bright AGN whose HST far-UV spectra contain nearby (cz <~ 30,000 kms), low column density (12.5 <= log N_{HI} (cm s^{-2}) <= 14.5) Ly-alpha forest absorption systems. Here we present results for four lines-of-sight which contain nearby (cz <~ 3000 kms) Ly-alpha absorbers in galaxy voids. Although our data go quite deep (-13 <= M_{B}(limit) <= -14) out to impact parameters of 100-250 h_{70}^{-1} kpc, these absorbers remain isolated and thus appear to be truly intergalactic, rather than part of galaxies or their halos. Since we and others have discovered no galaxies in voids, the only baryons detected in the voids are in the Ly-alpha ``clouds''. Using a photoionization model for these clouds, the total baryonic content of the voids is 4.5% +/- 1.5% of the mean baryon density.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Upset Simulation and Training Initiatives for U.S. Navy Commercial Derived Aircraft

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    Militarized versions of commercial platforms are growing in popularity due to many logistical benefits in the form of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts, established production methods, and commonality for different certifications. Commercial data and best practices are often leveraged to reduce procurement and engineering development costs. While the developmental and cost reduction benefits are clear, these militarized aircraft are routinely operated in flight at significantly different conditions and in significantly different manners than for routine commercial flight. Therefore they are at a higher risk of flight envelope exceedance. This risk may lead to departure from controlled flight and/or aircraft loss1. Historically, the risk of departure from controlled flight for military aircraft has been mitigated by piloted simulation training and engineering analysis of typical aircraft response. High-agility military aircraft simulation databases are typically developed to include high angles of attack (AoA) and sideslip due to the dynamic nature of their missions and have been developed for many tactical configurations over the previous decades. These aircraft simulations allow for a more thorough understanding of the vehicle flight dynamics characteristics at high AoA and sideslip. In recent years, government sponsored research on transport airplane aerodynamic characteristics at high angles of attack has produced a growing understanding of stall/post-stall behavior. This research along with recent commercial airline training initiatives has resulted in improved understanding of simulator-based training requirements and simulator model fidelity.2-5 In addition, inflight training research over the past decade has produced a database of pilot performance and recurrency metrics6. Innovative solutions to aerodynamically model large commercial aircraft for upset conditions such as high AoA, high sideslip, and ballistic damage, as well as capability to accurately account for scaling factors, is necessary to develop realistic engineering and training simulations. Such simulations should significantly reduce the risk of departure from controlled flight, loss of aircraft, and ease the airworthiness certification process. The characteristics of commercial derivative aircraft are exemplified by the P-8A Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) aircraft, and the largest benefits of initial investigation are likely to be yielded from this platform. The database produced would also be utilized by flight dynamics engineers as a means to further develop and investigate vehicle flight characteristics as mission tactics evolve through the years ahead. This paper will describe ongoing efforts by the U.S. Navy to develop a methodology for simulation and training for large commercial-derived transport aircraft at unusual attitudes, typically experienced during an aircraft upset. This methodology will be applied to a representative Navy aircraft (P-8A) and utilized to develop a robust simulation that should accurately represent aircraft response in these extremes. Simulation capabilities would then extend to flight dynamics analysis and simulation, as well as potential training applications. Recent evaluations of integrated academic, ground-based simulation, and in-flight upset training will be described along with important lessons learned, specific to military requirements

    Discontinuity Edge Overdraw

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    Aliasing is an important problem when rendering triangle meshes. Efficient antialiasing techniques such as mipmapping greatly improve the filtering of textures defined over a mesh. A major component of the remaining aliasing occurs along discontinuity edges such as silhouettes, creases, and material boundaries. Framebuffer supersampling is a simple remedy, but 2x2 supersampling leaves behind significant temporal artifacts, while greater supersampling demands even more fill-rate and memory. We present an alternative that focuses effort on discontinuity edges by overdrawing such edges as antialiased lines. Although the idea is simple, several subtleties arise. Visible silhouette edges must be detected efficiently. Discontinuity edges need consistent orientations. They must be blended as they approach the silhouette to avoid popping. Unfortunately, edge blending results in blurriness. Our technique balances these two competing objectives of temporal smoothness and spatial sharpness. Finally, the best results are obtained when discontinuity edges are sorted by depth. Our approach proves surprisingly effective at reducing temporal artifacts commonly referred to as "crawling jaggies," with little added cost.Engineering and Applied Science

    The Metallicity of Intergalactic Gas in Cosmic Voids

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    We have used the Hubble/STIS and FUSE archives of ultraviolet spectra of bright AGN to identify intergalactic Lya absorbers in nearby (z < 0.1) voids. From a parent sample of 651 Lya absorbers, we identified 61 void absorbers located more than 1.4/h_70 Mpc from the nearest L* or brighter galaxy. Searching for metal absorption in high-quality (S/N > 10) spectra at the location of three diagnostic metal lines (O VI 1032, C IV 1548, Si III 1206), we detected no metal lines in any individual absorber, or in any group of absorbers using pixel co-addition techniques. The best limits on metal-line absorption in voids were set using four strong Lya absorbers with N(H I) > 10^{14} cm^-2, with 3-sigma equivalent-width limits ranging from 8 mA (O VI), 7-15 mA (C IV), and 4-10 mA (Si III). Photoionization modeling yields metallicity limits Z < 10^{-1.8+/-0.4} Z_sun, from non-detections of C IV and O VI, some 6 times lower than those seen in Lya and OVI absorbers at z < 0.1. Although the void Lya absorbers could be pristine material, considerably deeper spectra are required to rule out a universal metallicity floor produced by bursts of early star formation, with no subsequent star formation in the voids. The most consistent conclusion derived from these low-z results, and similar searches at z = 3-5, is that galaxy filaments have increased their mean IGM metallicity by factors of 30-100 since z = 3.Comment: Accepted for ApJ, 8 pages including Fig 1a,