827 research outputs found

    Barley- and Legume Products Beneficially Affect Metabolic Responses and Appetite Regulation

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    The role of dietary fibre (DF) in disease prevention has been extensively investigated and prospective studies observed that increased DF intake decreased the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), reduced the risk of weight gain as well as the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Also a diet characterized by low glycaemic index (GI) has been shown to reduce the risk of T2D and CVD. More recently, evidence have accumulated suggesting that obesity, T2D and CVD may stem from a high-fat diet induced metabolic endotoxemia, implicating a role of the composition of gut microbiota. Mechanisms behind observed health merits of DF-rich foods suggests e.g. delayed digestion and absorption or increased gut fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates. The present thesis studies the potential impact of indigestible carbohydrates intrinsic to barley kernel- and legume products on cardiometabolic risk factors and appetite regulation using a semi-acute meal study approach in healthy young or elderly subjects. The work described is based on randomized cross-over studies, and metabolic responses were measured in an over-night perspective, i.e. from evening meal to breakfast. The possible link between gut fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates and metabolic responses was evaluated from analysis of breath hydrogen (H2) and circulating levels of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). Healthy young subjects were provided a late evening meal with boiled barley kernels (BK) or reference white wheat brad (WWB). At a subsequent breakfast, decreased blood (b-) glucose responses and increased concentrations of plasma (p-) glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 were observed after the BK evening meal, compared with WWB. The decreased b-glucose- and increased p-GLP-1 responses were maintained during the experimental day, 10.5-16 hours (h) after intake of the BK evening meal. In addition, decreased voluntary energy intake at a lunch meal consumed approximately 14 h after BK was registered while at the same time promoting decreased subjective ratings of hunger over the entire experimental day (10.5-16 h), compared to after WWB evening meal. Further, higher levels of gut fermentation metabolites, i.e. serum (s-) SCFA, and breath H2, were observed at breakfast after BK evening meal, compared to WWB. Supportive of a link between gut microbial metabolism and appetite regulation, p-GLP-1 levels were positively correlated to s-propionate, and inversely related to subjective feelings of hunger and desire to eat, respectively. The impact of barley kernel based bread (BB) on glycaemia and appetite regulation were evaluated in elderly subjects (50-70 years) after three days intake of BB, as opposed to three days intake of WWB. At a subsequent standardized breakfast on day four, decreased b-glucose- and s-insulin responses were observed, and a measure of insulin sensitivity (ISIcomposite) was improved. The metabolic benefits of BB in an over-night perspective previously observed in young adults (20-35 years) were thus also present among a more mature study cohort (50-70 years). The results are among the first to show that a meal rich in intrinsic indigestible carbohydrates promotes parallel increase in plasma levels of gut-derived hormones p-GLP-1, p-peptide YY (PYY) and p-GLP-2 in healthy humans. This is of potential importance in relation to facilitated glucose- and appetite regulation, as well as reduced sub-clinical inflammation. The increase in p-GLP-2 might be considered beneficial considering its role in maintaining integrity of the intestinal epithelium, in favor of a lowered inflammatory tonus. In addition, three days of BB compared to WWB stimulated gut microbial metabolism as indicated by increased levels of s-SCFA and breath H2. The potential interplay between gut fermentation and host metabolism was supported by a positive correlation between total s-SCFA; and p-GLP-1 or p-PYY, respectively. It was hypothesized that intake of commercially available probiotics could interfere with gut microbiota derived mechanisms for observed benefits of barley kernel products on metabolism and appetite regulation. Healthy young subjects were provided with BB or WWB during a four day intervention. BB intervention was performed twice, once including a dietary background of a mixture of probiotics (BB(+)) and once with placebo (BB(-)). The WWB intervention was performed with placebo background (WWB(-)). At a subsequent standardized breakfast, BB interventions increased p-GLP-1 levels and increased breath H2 both with and without probiotic supplementation, compared to WWB(-). Decreased glycaemic responses were observed after BB(-) but not after BB(+), compared to WWB(-). However, not only p-GLP-2 but also p-glucagon and s-PAI-1 were increased after BB(+) compared to BB(-). It is concluded that with the exception of increased GLP-2 concentrations, overall outcome of the BB intervention was not enhanced by a dietary background of common probiotics; rather, the benefits on glycaemic regulation were to some extent blunted. Legumes, in conformity with barley kernel products, are naturally rich in DF, including RS. However the DF components differ. Thus, legumes are rich in raffinose-oligosaccharides and galactomannans, whereas barley is especially acknowledged for its high content of ÎČ-glucans. It was hypothesized that the DF present in legumes could promote gut fermentation and mediate benefits on glucose- and appetite regulation, as previously observed for barley kernel products. Boiled beans of different varieties (red, white, brown and black) or chickpeas were given to healthy young subjects as a late evening meal. WWB was included as a reference evening meal. A late-evening meal of boiled brown beans (BrB) beneficially improved glucose tolerance at a subsequent standardized breakfast, as judged from lowered b-glucose- and s-insulin responses, as compared to WWB evening meal. Having chickpeas in the evening significantly increased perceived feeling of satiety at fasting in the morning compared to WWB evening meal. All legumes increased gut fermentative activity 11-14 h after intake as indicated by increased breath H2. Further, investigations with respect to cardiometabolic risk markers were performed after BrB only. The evening meal with BrB increased insulin sensitivity index (ISIcomposite), increased s-SCFA and promoted higher levels of satiety hormones (p PYY and p-oxyntomodulin (OXM)), reduced the orexigenic peptide ghrelin in plasma and decreased markers of inflammation (s-IL-6 and s-IL-18) in response to the subsequent breakfast, compared with WWB evening meal. Additionally, the BrB evening meal stimulated higher p-GLP-2 in the late postprandial phase at the standardized breakfast. Inverse relations between willingness to eat and p-PYY and p-GLP-2, respectively, were found and supporting a beneficial role of BrB in appetite regulation. In summary, barley kernel- and legume products rich in DF, were found to induce metabolic advantages, as indicated by decreased glycaemia, increased insulin sensitivity, beneficial effects on appetite regulatory hormones and decreased voluntary food intake at subsequent meals. The results are supportive of a mechanism whereby indigestible carbohydrates may be involved in positive health outcomes, with respect to obesity, T2D and CVD, through mechanisms involving fermentation. The results provide interesting possibilities to develop new foods containing specific indigestible carbohydrate substrates capable of addressing the gut microbiota – host metabolism cross-talk

    Interactions between training load, submaximal heart rate, and performance in endurance runners

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    Background: The popularity of endurance running events has rapidly increased in recent years with more recreational runners entering the field. How recreational runners train is not well known. Understanding this and the relationship between training and performance in this group of runners is important for prescribing appropriate training to maximise performance and decrease the risk of injury. This forms the underlying theme throughout this thesis. Aim: The broad aims of this thesis were to better understand the ad libitum training habits of well-trained competitive recreational runners and to determine the relationships between performance, training load, and submaximal heart rate (HR) in this cohort. Methods: Five inter-related studies were performed to: 1) determine relationships between 56-km race performance and pacing (n = 7,327) in competitive recreational runners; 2) determine relationships between 56-km race performance, pacing, and training load in competitive recreational runners (n = 69); 3) determine the accuracy of GPS sport watches in measuring distance (n = 255); 4) develop a feasible and reliable submaximal running test, and 5) determine relationships between performance on a submaximal running test, training load, and submaximal HR in well-trained competitive recreational runners (n = 29). Main findings: A group of well-trained competitive recreational runners performed 44 ± 22 km/week (median ± IQR) in a six-month time frame while training ad libitum. This group had a wide range of inter-individual differences in training load performed even when considering participants who had the same relative marathon performance. The same group of well-trained competitive recreational runners maintained most of their training over a sixmonth period in a range of 0.81 – 1.14 for the acute: chronic workload ratio (ACWR). When the ACWR values reached > 1.50, it was mainly due to participation in endurance running races (> 21-km). When looking at relative weekly changes in training load, the maximum increase was 30% with only two participants having maximum increases of < 10%. The increases in load were predominantly short term (one to two weeks). Submaximal HR had a negative linear relationship with performance in 21% of the study participants. In those participants, poor performances were associated with a higher submaximal HR. Training load was only related to changes in performance in one participant. Conclusion: This thesis confirms that no single variable can provide the necessary information on how to adjust training load to maximise performance. Athletes, coaches, and sports scientists need to have a holistic view of stress exposure and how this affects the body. Although we can only speculate, when the participants had a poor performance it may have been due to factors such as lack of motivation, fatigue, mental stress, dehydration, and/or sleep deprivation. It is important for runners, coaches, and sports scientists to approach the training load – recovery balance as being unique for each athlete. Even in a homogenous group of well-trained competitive recreational runners, their ad libitum training load is widely varied and was not associated with performance or ability level. The balance should be adjusted over time based on the athlete’s symptoms


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kesadaran wajib pajak, kegiatan sosialisasi perpajakan, dan pemeriksaan pajak mempengaruhi penerimaan pajak penghasilan di KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying. Kesadaran wajib pajak diukur dari jumlah SPT Masa PPh 25 yang dilaporkan tepat waktu. Kegiatan sosialisasi perpajakan diukur dari jumlah kegiatan sosialisasi yang diadakan KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying untuk wajib pajak orang pribadi. Pemeriksaan pajak diukur dari jumlah STP PPh 25 yang diterbitkan bagi wajib pajak orang pribadi. Penerimaan PPh adalah jumlah penerimaan angsuran PPh pasal 25 wajib pajak orang pribadi di KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode time series dan data kuantitatif berupa data sekunder yang diperoleh dari KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying untuk tahun pajak 2011 sampai 2015 setiap bulannya. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kesadaran wajib pajak berpengaruh positif terhadap penerimaan pajak penghasilan di KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying, sosialisasi perpajakan tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap penerimaan pajak penghasilan di KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying dan pemeriksaan pajak berpengaruh positif terhadap penerimaan pajak penghasilan di KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying.;---This research aimed to determine whether taxpayers' awareness, tax socialization activities, and tax inspection affects the income tax revenue in KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying. Taxpayers' awareness was measured by the number of Income Tax Article 25 which were reported timely. Taxation socialization activities was measured by the number of socialization activities held by KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying for individual taxpayers. Tax inspection was measured by the number of Income Tax Article 25 issued for individual taxpayers. Income tax revenue is the amount of the installment receipt of Income Tax Article 25 from individual taxpayers in KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying. This research used time series method and quantitative data in the form of secondary data obtained from KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying for the fiscal years of 2011 until 2015 each month. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression. This research proved that taxpayers' awareness effects positively towards income tax revenue in KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying, tax socialization do not effects positively towards income tax revenue in KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying and tax inspection effects positively towards income tax revenue in KPP Pratama Bandung Cibeunying

    Stormwater management in Gaborone - A study of the quality and quantity of water in Segoditshane River

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    This master thesis was partly performed as a field study in Gaborone, the capital city of Botswana, located in southern Africa. The semi-arid climate in Botswana together with a rapid financial development in the country during the last decades has increased the need for water. The last years the water situation has been strained in Gaborone, and Gaborone dam which used to be one of the city’s drinking water sources has come down to a level of only a few per cent of its total capacity. The water scarcity results in a need for the country to transport water from northern Botswana as well as from South Africa to meet the need for water in Gaborone. The severe water situation results in need for alternative water sources for Gaborone. Reuse of urban stormwater is one alternative water source worth to investigate. A large amount of the stormwater from Gaborone discharges into Segoditshane River, a watercourse which flows through Gaborone. The aim with this project was to investigate the quality and quantity of water from Segoditshane River and the possibilities of collection and reuse of the water. Water samples were collected from Segoditshane River at three times and at two locations each time. One sample of stormwater was also collected from a parking lot at University of Botswana and another water sample was collected from a roof at Motheo Apartments, both located in Gaborone. Quality parameters for the water samples were measured at the sample sites and in laboratories at University of Botswana. The water contained several metals. Most outstanding were arsenic, lead, cadmium and aluminium. Hydrocarbons connected to traffic pollution were also noticed in the water. When water from Segoditshane River was tested for pollution of microorganisms no E. Coli was found but other enteric bacteria were found and hence possible inflow of sewage water in Segoditshane River cannot be disregarded. However, the enteric bacteria may also origin from faeces from animals. Depending on the planned reuse of the water, different water treatment would be needed. Drinking water needs more treatment than irrigation water. Biological treatment methods along Segoditshane River may improve the quality of the water. A stormwater dam downstream can store the water and prevent flooding as well as further improve the water quality through settling. Rainfall data for the years 2001-2010 was given from Department of Meteorological Services in Botswana and were processed in order to estimate the water volume possible to collect in the urban part of Segoditshane River catchment. In the quantity calculations the evaporation is not included and the annual water volumes originating from stormwater will therefore be lower than the volumes presented below. Three scenarios were set up to describe potential situations for the stormwater in the catchment. Scenario 1 includes the stormwater runoff from larger roads and gravel areas and according to this scenario a water volume of less than 4.8 Mm3 is possible to collect. This corresponds to 15% of the total annual water usage in Gaborone. Scenario 2 includes the stormwater runoff from all house roofs in the city and in this scenario a water volume of less than 3.6 Mm3 is possible to collect, 10% of the total water usage in Gaborone. Scenario 3 describes the amount of stormwater runoff from large roads, gravel areas and house roofs ending up in Segoditshane River and in this scenario a water volume of less than 7.2 Mm3, 23% of the total water usage in Gaborone, can be collected. There is a potential worth considering of collecting stormwater from Segoditshane River and rainwater from house roofs in Gaborone in order to reuse the water and hence improve the stressed water situation in Gaborone.ÅteranvĂ€ndning av regnvatten för att förbĂ€ttra Gaborones vattensituation Gaborone, liksom större delen av södra Botswana, lider av extrem vattenbrist. Torka och uteblivna regnperioder har gjort att vatten nu mĂ„ste transporteras lĂ„nga strĂ€ckor för att tĂ€cka stadens behov. Den anstrĂ€ngda vattensituationen talar för att anvĂ€nda alternativa vattenkĂ€llor, dĂ€ribland Ă„teranvĂ€ndning av regnvatten. Den största delen av regnvattnet i Gaborone rinner ut i Segoditshane, ett vattendraget som rinner genom staden. Vattnet i Segoditshane innehĂ„ller höga koncentrationer av vissa tungmetaller, frĂ€mst kadmium och bly, men ocksĂ„ andra metaller som aluminium och arsenik. Det förekommer Ă€ven kolvĂ€ten med troligt ursprung frĂ„n stadens trafik. Mikrobiologiska analyser tyder pĂ„ att utslĂ€pp av avloppsvatten kan förekomma lĂ€ngs Segoditshane. Regnvattnet i Gaborone kan samlas upp pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Ett sĂ€tt Ă€r att samla upp regnvatten frĂ„n hustak i regnvattentankar. Ett annat sĂ€tt Ă€r att lĂ„ta regnvattnet frĂ„n staden rinna ut i Segoditshane och nedströms vattendraget samla upp det i en damm. De olika alternativen har olika för- och nackdelar. Vatten frĂ„n hustak som samlas upp i regnvattentankar Ă€r troligtvis renare Ă€n det som runnit en lĂ€ngre strĂ€cka pĂ„ marken och samlats upp i Segoditshane. DĂ€remot kan det vara lĂ€ttare att kontrollera kvaliteten pĂ„ vattnet om det endast samlas upp pĂ„ ett stĂ€lle. En damm kan Ă€ven förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten genom sedimentering av partiklar. Det uppsamlade vattnet kan ha olika anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den. Det kan till exempel anvĂ€ndas som dricksvatten eller till bevattning av grödor. Beroende pĂ„ anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den för det uppsamlade vattnet, behövs olika typer av rening. Biologisk rening Ă€r en reningsmetod dĂ€r metaller och kolvĂ€ten tas upp av mikroorganismer och vĂ€xter. Metoden kan anvĂ€ndas lĂ€ngs Segoditshane för att förbĂ€ttra vattenkvaliteten. Om allt vatten som faller pĂ„ hustak i Gaborone under ett Ă„r skulle samlas upp, skulle det motsvara högst en tiondel av allt vatten som Ă„rligen anvĂ€nds i Gaborone. I ett torrt klimat med oregelbundet regn Ă€r det bra att ta vara pĂ„ allt vatten som finns. Varje droppe rĂ€knas

    Genetisk variation i gener associerade med brakycefali hos hund

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    Domestication followed by controlled breeding has generated many dog breeds, displaying high morphological variation. One type of dogs with a dis-tinct morphology is brachycephalic dogs, characterized by a shortened muz-zle, a wide head and widely spaced eyes. The phenotype of brachycephalic dogs has been associated with several health issues, where one of the most obvious is the Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway syndrome (BOAS) which affects the breathing capacity and thermoregulation of the dog. Several stud-ies have aimed to identify the molecular background of the shorter snouts in brachycephalic dogs. So far, mutations in genes such as Bone Morphogenic Protein 3 (BMP3), Fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4), SPARC-related mod-ular calcium binding gene 2 (SMOC2) and DISHEVELLED 2 (DVL2) are thought to be associated with the altered skull shape causing canine brachy-cephaly. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate the genetic variation in the genes SMOC2, BMP3, and DVL2 in the Swedish population of four brachycephalic breeds; Boston Terrier, English Bulldog, French Bulldog and Pug. 102 privately owned brachycephalic dogs were genotyped for the muta-tion in the SMOC2 gene, additionally, 45 of these dogs were also genotyped for the mutations in the BMP3 and DVL2 gene. The mutant variant of the SMOC2 gene was fixated in all four breeds. The mutant variant of the BMP3 gene had high allele frequency in all breeds. In Bull type breeds (Boston Terrier, English Bulldog and French Bulldog) the mutant version of the DVL2 gene was fixated, whilst all Pugs were tested wild type for the DVL2 mutation. Low genetic variation will make it more chal-lenging to improve health through genetic selection within the breeds.Domesticering följt av kontrollerad avel har genererat mÄnga hundraser med stora variationer i utseende. En typ av hundar som uppvisar ett distinkt utse-ende Àr brakycefala (trubbnosiga) hundar, karaktÀriserat av en kort nos, brett huvud och med stort avstÄnd mellan ögonen. Fenotypen hos brakycefala hun-dar har kopplats till hÀlsoproblem dÀr ett av de mest pÄtagliga problemen Àr Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), ett syndrom som pÄ-verkar hundens andning och förmÄga att reglera sin kroppstemperatur. Fler-talet studier har utförts för att identifiera de molekylÀra bakomliggande orsa-kerna till den kortare nosen hos brakycefala hundar. Hittills har mutationer i gener sÄ som Bone Morphogenic Protein 3 (BMP3), Fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4), SPARC-related modular calcium binding gene 2 (SMOC2) och DISHEVELLED 2 (DVL2) kunnat kopplas till den avvikande huvudformen hos brakycefala hundar. Syftet för detta examensarbete var att undersöka den genetiska variationen i generna SMOC2, BMP3 och DVL2 för den svenska populationen av bostonterrier, engelsk bulldogg, fransk bulldogg och mops. Totalt genotypades 102 privatÀgda brakycefala hundar för mutationen i SMOC2 genen, dessutom genotypades 45 av dessa hundar för mutationerna i BMP3 och DVL2. Denna studie pekar pÄ att mutationen i SMOC2 var fixerad i de fyra raserna. I de fyra raserna var allelfrekvensen för den muterade BMP3 allelen hög. I de tre raserna av bull-typ (bostonterrier, engelsk bulldogg och fransk bulldogg) var mutationen i DVL2 fixerad, medan alla mopsar var ge-notypade som vildtyp. LÄg genetisk variation kommer göra det mer utma-nande att förbÀttra hÀlsan genom genomisk selektion inom raserna

    Insulin resistance in horses : impact of diet, obesity and exercise

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    Insulinresistens innebÀr att celler fÄr minskad kÀnslighet för insulin och att det insulin-beroende glukosupptaget bromsas. Den bakomliggande mekanismen för insulinresistens hos hÀst Àr till stor del okÀnd. Minskad insulinkÀnslighet kan leda fÄng. FÄng Àr en mycket smÀrtsam sjukdom dÄ hovens lamell, som sammanbinder hovvÀggen med underliggande ben, blir inflammerad och förlorar sammanbindningsförmÄgan. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Àr att utreda hur diet, hull och motion pÄverkar insulinkÀnsligheten hos hÀst. Resultat frÄn ett antal studier tyder pÄ att ett samband finns mellan dessa faktorer och pÄverkan pÄ insulinkÀnsligheten. Denna uppsats ger en fördjupning av under vilka omstÀndigheter dessa samband har setts, vilket ger en grund för diskussion kring uppkomst av insulinresistens hos hÀst. LitteraturgenomgÄngen visar att dieter med hög andel socker och stÀrkelse Àr kopplat till nedsatt insulinkÀnslighet. Studier visar ocksÄ att en sÀnkning i insulinkÀnslighet ofta ses samtidigt som överhull. Motion kan dÀremot till en viss del motverka en sÀnkning i insulinkÀnslighet. Dessa faktorer pÄverkar enskilda hÀstar samtidigt, vilket leder till slutsatsen att insulinresistens bör hanteras med ett helhetsperspektiv, dÀr diet, hullstatus och motion vÀgs samman.Insulin resistance is a state where cells decrease their insulin sensitivity which makes the insulin-dependent glucose uptake decelerated. The underlying mechanism is in large parts unknown in horses. Insulin resistance is connected to certain forms of laminitis. Laminitis is a painful disease where the laminae, which connects the hoof wall to the underlying bone, becomes inflamed and weakened. The aim of this literature study is to investigate how diet, body condition and exercise impact insulin sensitivity in horses. The results of a number of studies show a connection between these factors and insulin sensitivity in horses. By investigating the circumstances in which this connection was seen, a basis is provided for further discussion of the progression of insulin resistance. Results of studies show that diets with high portions of sugar and starch is connected to decreased insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, obesity is connected to a decrease in insulin sensitivity. On the contrary, exercise seem to counteract a decrease in insulin sensitivity. The fact that these factors often effect a single horse simultaneously leads to the conclusion that insulin resistance should be handled with a holistic perspective, where diet, body condition and exercise is considered as an enterity

    Staden pÄ taken - En förtÀtningsstudie av Helsingborgs stadskÀrna

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    I takt med att vĂ€rldens befolkning ökar och allt fler vĂ€ljer att bosĂ€tta sig inne i staden ökar behovet av att hitta smarta och hĂ„llbara sĂ€tt att förtĂ€ta. En stad har sina begrĂ€nsningar och dĂ€rför har det genomgĂ„ende i projektet varit viktigt att undersöka hur vi kan töja pĂ„ stadens grĂ€nser och tillföra nya vĂ€rden utan att tumma pĂ„ befintliga kvaliteter. Att förtĂ€ta en stad Ă€r en möjlighet att höja kvaliteten pĂ„ dess befintliga stadsrum och tillföra nya urbana rum samtidigt som det befintliga behöver behandlas med stor hĂ€nsyn och respekt. Examensarbetet Ă€r en förtĂ€tningsstudie av centrala Helsingborg som inleds med en undersökning av potentiella platser för förtĂ€tning i en övergripande strategisk plan. Genom att sammankoppla dessa punkter och ha en övergripande plan för hur detta strĂ„k kan utvecklas med hjĂ€lp av förtĂ€tningsprojekt kan grĂ€nserna mellan stadens södra och norra delar minskas. En av platserna lĂ€ngs strĂ„ket undersöktes nĂ€rmre och platsens unika förutsĂ€ttningar lĂ„g till grund för utformningen av bostadsprojektet som presenteras i en mer detaljerad skala. Helsingborgs centrum bestĂ„r idag till största del av butiker och kontor vilket bidrar till tomma gator efter stĂ€ngning. Genom att förtĂ€ta med bostĂ€der ökar mĂ€ngden mĂ€nniskor som skapar en aktivare stad med fler sociala möten. Examensarbetet har dĂ€rför resulterat i ett nytt urbant rum med studentbostĂ€der samt en publik byggnad som Ă€r tĂ€nkt som en central mötesplats för stadens invĂ„nare. Projektet har utformats pĂ„ ett parkeringsdĂ€ck ovanpĂ„ Magnus Stenbock Gallerian dĂ€r fokus har varit att förankra det nya urbana rummet med det befintliga gatulivet för att skapa en plats som ger nĂ„got tillbaka till resten av staden.As the world population increases and more people choose to settle in the city the need to find smart and sustainable solutions to densify increases. A city has limitations and therefore it has been important to look at how we can stretch the cityÂŽs borders and adding new values without compromising the existing qualities. To densify a city is an opportunity to improve existing urban spaces and introduce new urban compositions while the surroundings need to be dealt with great consideration and respect. The thesis is a study of densification in central Helsingborg which starts of with an investigation of potential sites to densify in a comprehensive strategic plan. By connecting these sites and have a comprehensive plan for how this path can be developed the borders between the southern and northern parts of Helsingborg can be reduced with help from different densification projects. Along the path one of the sites were investigated more closely and the siteÂŽs unique circumstances formed the basis for the design of the housing project that is presented in a more detailed scale. The centre of Helsingborg currently consists mainly of retail and offices which contributes to deserted streets after closing hours. By densifying with housing the amount of people increases that creates a more active city with further social meetings. The thesis has resulted in a new urban space with student housing and a public building which is intended to serve as a central meeting place for the city’s inhabitants. The project has been designed on a parking deck on top of “Magnus Stenbock Gallerian” where the emphasis has been to connect the new urban space with the existing street life to create a place that gives back to the rest of the city

    Is the calf affected by the nutrition of the cow during gestation?

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    Kalvens hĂ€lsa och prestation har stor betydelse i mjölk- och dikalvsproduktion. Utfodringen under kons drĂ€ktighet har betydelse för bĂ„de kon och hennes foster. Vanligtvis i produktionen anpassas utfodringen för att uppfylla kons nĂ€ringsbehov för att hĂ„lla henne i rĂ€tt hull inför kalvning. Det finns faktorer i kons utfodring som pĂ„verkar kalven pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Kons utfodring under drĂ€ktigheten kan bland annat pĂ„verka kalvens födelsevikt, tillvĂ€xt och immunförsvar. RĂ„mjölken pĂ„verkar kalvens förmĂ„ga att utveckla en motstĂ„ndskraft mot infektioner och dess sammansĂ€ttning Ă€r viktig för kalvens tillvĂ€xt. Denna litteraturstudie tar upp nĂ„gra olika foderkomponenter som kan ge effekt pĂ„ kalvens prestation och livskraftighet. Effekterna utav underutfodring av kon under drĂ€ktigheten kan skilja sig mellan underutfodring i tidig drĂ€ktighet eller sen drĂ€ktighet. Kalvens födelsevikt kan pĂ„verkas negativt av underutfodring och denna effekt har visats ha en variation beroende pĂ„ ras och vilken del av drĂ€ktigheten kon Ă€r i nĂ€r hon blir underutfodrad. Tillskott av essentiella fettsyror och metionintillskott till drĂ€ktiga kor har visat sig pĂ„verka kalven. Enligt studier pĂ„ mjölkkor kan metionintillskott under drĂ€ktigheten ge en högre födelsevikt och tillskott av fettsyror till drĂ€ktiga kor kan resultera i att kalvarna fĂ„r ett bĂ€ttre upptag av antikroppar frĂ„n rĂ„mjölken. Studier bĂ„de pĂ„ mjölkkoraser och köttraser visar att underutfodring inte bara pĂ„verkar kalvens födelsevikt och tillvĂ€xt utan Ă€ven rĂ„mjölkens sammansĂ€ttning. Nyckelord: Fosterutveckling, nĂ€ringsbehov, essentiella fettsyror, tillvĂ€xt, födelsevikt, rĂ„mjölkThe calf's health and performance are of great importance in milk and beef production. The nutrition of the cow during the cow’s pregnancy is important for both the cow and her fetus. Usually in production, the feed is adapted to meet the nutritional needs of the cow to keep her in the right body condition before calving. However, there are factors in the nutrition of the cow that affect the unborn calf in different ways. Some factors that may be affected by the cow's feeding during pregnancy is the calf's birth weight, growth and immune system. The colostrum also affects the calf's ability to develop resistance to infections and its composition is important for the calf's growth. This literature study addresses some different feed components that can influence calf performance and viability. It also addresses the effects of the cow’s nutrition during pregnancy and whether the effects differ between early pregnancy or late pregnancy. The calf's birth weight can be negatively affected by underfeeding of the cow. That effect also been shown to have a variation depending on the breed and the period of the pregnancy. According to studies on dairy cows, methionine supplements during pregnancy can give a higher birth weight and the addition of fatty acids to pregnant cows can result in calves achieving a better absorption of antibodies from the colostrum. Studies on both milk breeds and beef breeds show that underfeeding during pregnancy affects not only the calf's birth weight and growth but also the composition of colostrum. Keywords: Fetus development, nutrient requirement, pregnancy, essential fatty acids, growth, birthweight, colostru

    The survival of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi in the equine stall environment after cleaning and disinfection

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    Streptococcus equi subspecies equi Àr en betahemolyserande streptokock som Àr den bakterien som orsakar hÀstsjukdomen kvarka. Symtom som förknippas med sjukdomen Àr feber, purulent nÀsflöde samt svullnad och abscessbildning i lymfknutorna i huvudregionen. Inget vaccin mot kvarka finns Ànnu i Sverige. Smittan sprids direkt eller indirekt via till exempel miljön. Stall som drabbats av utbrott behöver isoleras under en lÄng tid och vidta hygienÄtgÀrder. Sjukdomen skapar mÄnga negativa konsekvenser, bÄde för hÀstar och dess Àgare. Det ansÄgs angelÀget att undersöka hur bakterien i hÀstens nÀrmiljö pÄverkas av rengöring och desinfektion.I den experimentella studien kontaminerades betong, trÀ och plast med bakteriell suspension. Materialen provtogs ett och tre dygn efter kontaminering. DÀrefter gjordes ytterligare en provtagning efter att materialen rengjorts och desinfekterats. Proverna analyserades genom bakterieodling. Resultaten visade varierande vÀxt innan rengöring och desinfektion. Efter rengöring och desinfektion fanns ingen vÀxt pÄ nÄgot av materialen. Samtidigt utfördes provtagning frÄn kontrollprover, dÀr ingen rengöring och desinfektion hade utförts. Samtliga kontrollprover hade vÀxt av varierande riklighet. Fler prover pÄ flera olika material och i miljö med annan yttre miljöpÄverkan hade varit intressant, men studien Àr ÀndÄ sÄ pass omfattande att man kan konstatera att rengöring och desinfektion har stor pÄverkan pÄ avdödande av bakterien.Streptococcus equi subspecies equi Àr en betahemolyserande streptokock som Àr den bakterien som orsakar hÀstsjukdomen kvarka. Symtom som förknippas med sjukdomen Àr feber, purulent nÀsflöde samt svullnad och abscessbildning i lymfknutorna i huvudregionen. Inget vaccin mot kvarka finns Ànnu i Sverige. Smittan sprids direkt eller indirekt via till exempel miljön. Stall som drabbats av utbrott behöver isoleras under en lÄng tid och vidta hygienÄtgÀrder. Sjukdomen skapar mÄnga negativa konsekvenser, bÄde för hÀstar och dess Àgare. Det ansÄgs angelÀget att undersöka hur bakterien i hÀstens nÀrmiljö pÄverkas av rengöring och desinfektion.I den experimentella studien kontaminerades betong, trÀ och plast med bakteriell suspension. Materialen provtogs ett och tre dygn efter kontaminering. DÀrefter gjordes ytterligare en provtagning efter att materialen rengjorts och desinfekterats. Proverna analyserades genom bakterieodling. Resultaten visade varierande vÀxt innan rengöring och desinfektion. Efter rengöring och desinfektion fanns ingen vÀxt pÄ nÄgot av materialen. Samtidigt utfördes provtagning frÄn kontrollprover, dÀr ingen rengöring och desinfektion hade utförts. Samtliga kontrollprover hade vÀxt av varierande riklighet. Fler prover pÄ flera olika material och i miljö med annan yttre miljöpÄverkan hade varit intressant, men studien Àr ÀndÄ sÄ pass omfattande att man kan konstatera att rengöring och desinfektion har stor pÄverkan pÄ avdödande av bakterien

    Mutation i FOXI3 – orsaken till tre hĂ„rlösa hundraser

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    Hunden (Canis lupus familiaris) Ă€r ett av de populĂ€raste sĂ€llskapsdjuren idag. Efter domesticeringen har det genom avel uppstĂ„tt hundratals hundraser med stor variation i storlek, pĂ€lsfĂ€rg och pĂ€lstyp. Alla hundar har dock inte pĂ€ls, genom avel har det Ă€ven uppstĂ„tt hĂ„rlösa hundar. I Syd- och Centralamerika antas hĂ„rlösa hundar funnits redan för 3 000 Ă„r sedan. Fenotypen hos hĂ„rlösa hundar kallas för Canine ectodermal dysplasia och kĂ€nnetecknas av sparsam eller avsaknad behĂ„ring och drabbade tĂ€nder. De hĂ„rlösa individer av hundraserna Chinese crested dog, Xoloitzcuintle och Perro sin Pelo del PerĂș har alla samma heterozygota mutation i transkriptionsfaktorn FOXI3. FOXI3 reglerar utvecklingen av ektodermala organ sĂ„ som hĂ„r, tĂ€nder, exokrina körtlar samt utvecklingen av huvudet. FOXI3 tros ligga nedströms en viktig signaleringsvĂ€g, Ectodysplasin (Eda) som Ă€r viktig för bildandet av plakoden, det första steget i utvecklingen av ektodermala organ. Minskad kroppsbehĂ„ring och pĂ„-verkade tĂ€nder misstĂ€nks delvis bero pĂ„ det minskade uttrycket av FOXI3 hos de hĂ„rlösa individerna. Den hĂ„rlösa fenotypen hos hĂ„rlösa hundar Ă€r intressant och hĂ„r-lösa hundar Ă€r efterfrĂ„gade. Fokus i denna litteraturstudie Ă€r dĂ€rför hĂ„rlösa hundraser och genetiken som orsakar deras fenotyp.The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is one of the most popular pets today. After the domestication of dogs, several hundred breeds have been formed with significant dif-ferences in size, coat color and coat type. However, all breeds do not have a coat. Hairless dogs have also formed through breeding. These dogs are believed to have originated 3 000 years ago in Central and South America. The phenotype of hairless dogs is known as canine ectodermal dysplasia and is characterized by absent or spare hair coat and affected teeth. The hairless individuals of Chinese crested dog, Xo-loitzcuintle and Perro sin Pelo del PerĂș all share the same heterozygous mutation in the gene encoding for the transcription factor FOXI3. FOXI3 is regulator of develop-ment of ectodermal organs such as hair, teeth and exocrine glands and in craniofacial development. FOXI3 is located downstream of Ectodysplasin (Eda), which is an im-portant signaling pathway for placode formation, which is the first step in the devel-opment of ectodermal organs. Sparse or absent hair and the affected teeth in the het-erozygous individuals may in part be caused by the reduced expression of FOXI3. The hairless phenotype is indeed interesting and hairless dogs are in demand. The aim of this literature study is therefore hairless dog breeds and the genetics behind the hairless phenotype
