42 research outputs found

    Gastroesophageal Junction and Pylorus Distensibility Before and After Sleeve Gastrectomy-pilot Study with EndoFlipTM.

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    Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is the most frequently performed bariatric surgical intervention worldwide. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is frequently observed after SG and is a relevant clinical problem. This prospective study investigated the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and pyloric sphincter by impedance planimetry (EndoFlipTM) and their association with GERD at a tertiary university hospital center. Between January and December 2018, patients undergoing routine laparoscopic SG had pre-, intra-, and postoperative assessments of the GEJ and pyloric sphincter by EndoFlipTM. The distensibility index (DI) was measured at different volumes and correlated with GERD (in accordance with the Lyon consensus guidelines). Nine patients were included (median age 48 years, preoperative BMI 45.1 kg/m2, 55.6% female). GERD (de novo or stable) was observed in 44.4% of patients one year postoperatively. At a 40-ml filling volume, DI increased significantly pre- vs. post-SG of the GEJ (1.4 mm2/mmHg [IQR 1.1-2.6] vs. 2.9 mm2/mmHg [2.6-5.3], p VALUE=0.046) and of the pylorus (6.0 mm2/mmHg [4.1-10.7] vs. 13.1 mm2/mmHg [7.6-19.2], p VALUE=0.046). Patients with postoperative de novo or stable GERD had a significantly increased preoperative DI at 40 ml of the GEJ (2.6 mm2/mmHg [1.9-3.5] vs. 0.5 mm2/mmHg [0.5-1.1], p VALUE=0.031). There was no significant difference in DI at 40 mL filling in the preoperative pylorus and postoperative GEJ or pylorus. In this prospective study, the DI of the GEJ and the pylorus significantly increased after SG. Postoperative GERD was associated with a significantly higher preoperative DI of the GEJ but not of the pylorus

    Exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz

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    Zusammenfassung. Die exokrine Pankreasinsuffizienz ist als Verdauungsstörung in Folge einer verminderten pankreatischen Enzym- und Bikarbonatsekretion definiert. Der nicht kompensierbare Ausfall der Pankreaslipase verursacht ein durch Steatorrhoe, Vitaminmangel und Gewichtsverlust gekennzeichnetes Malabsorptionssyndrom. Die Ursachen sind chronische Pankreatitis, Pankreastumore, Zystische Fibrose sowie extrapankreatische Erkrankungen wie Mb. Crohn oder Zöliakie. Bei Fehlen morphologischer Läsionen wird die Diagnose durch nicht invasive Tests der exokrinen Pankreasfunktion gesichert. Die Therapie umfasst Enzymsubstitution sowie Nikotin- und Alkohol-Abstinenz. Der Therapieerfolg wird durch klinische oder funktionsdiagnostische Parameter monitiert. Behandlungsziele sind die Normalisierung der Verdauungsfunktion und die Prävention von Gewichtsverlust und Folgeschäden. Bei unzureichendem Ansprechen kann die Dosis der Enzymersatztherapie gesteigert und ein Protonenpumpenhemmer dazu kombiniert werden. </jats:p


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    Book Reivew

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    [Cough from the perspective of a gastroenterologist].

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    Cough from the perspective of a gastroenterologist Abstract. Chronic cough can have numerous origins. The work-up of these conditions should always include a multidisciplinary approach to exclude other causes first (cardial, pulmonary, structural changes of pharynx and larynx, allergies, malignancy) before thinking of an upper GI pathology. Cough as an extra-esophageal manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the most common gastroenterological condition. From a gastroenterologist's perspective eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and esophageal motility disorders are potential differential diagnosis. If other worrisome symptoms (weight loss, anemia, dysphagia) are present at the same time an endoscopic evaluation with esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (EGD) should be performed first to exclude a malignancy. Hereby one should perform biopsies of the esophagus to exclude an eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). If the macroscopic and histopathology results of the EGD are unremarkable a probatory trial of acid-suppressive therapy with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is the first-line therapeutic option. For non-responders to PPI-therapy functional diagnostics are the next step. With the help of ambulatory pH-impedance monitoring one can diagnose a non- erosive reflux disease and an esophageal hypersensitivity. An esophageal manometry can deliver relevant information about the physiological anti-reflux barrier and diagnose motility disorders of the esophagus. Surgical therapy (antireflux surgery) can be an option for selected patients with proven reflux associated cough refractory to medical therapy. The aim of this review is to give an overview over a possible diagnostic-therapeutic algorithm from a gastroenterologist's point of view to approach the symptom cough