136 research outputs found

    Time to Go Our Separate Ways: Opposite Effects of Study Duration on Priming and Recognition Reveal Distinct Neural Substrates

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    Amnesic patients have difficulties recognizing when stimuli are repeated, even though their responses to stimuli can change as a function of repetition in indirect tests of memory – a pattern known as priming without recognition. Likewise, experimental manipulations can impair recognition in healthy individuals while leaving priming relatively unaffected, and priming and recognition have been associated with distinct neural correlates in these circumstances. Does this evidence necessarily indicate that priming and recognition rely on distinct brain systems? An alternative explanation is that recognition is merely more sensitive to amnestic insults and experimental manipulations than is priming, and that both priming and recognition are produced by a single brain system. If so, then experimental manipulations would tend to drive priming and recognition in the same direction, albeit to a greater extent for one versus the other in some circumstances. We found evidence to the contrary – that manipulating study duration has opposite effects on priming versus recognition. Studying objects for one-quarter second led to worse recognition than studying objects for 2 s, whereas the opposite was true for priming (greater for one-quarter-second study than two-second study). Furthermore, distinct electrophysiological repetition effects were associated with priming versus recognition. We therefore conclude that study duration had opposite effects on priming and recognition, and on the engagement of implicit versus explicit memory systems. These findings call into question single-process accounts of priming and recognition, and substantiate previous behavioral, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging dissociations between implicit and explicit memory

    Basic perceptual changes that alter meaning and neural correlates of recognition memory

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    It is difficult to pinpoint the border between perceptual and conceptual processing, despite their treatment as distinct entities in many studies of recognition memory. For instance, alteration of simple perceptual characteristics of a stimulus can radically change meaning, such as the color of bread changing from white to green. We sought to better understand the role of perceptual and conceptual processing in memory by identifying the effects of changing a basic perceptual feature (color) on behavioral and neural correlates of memory in circumstances when this change would be expected to either change the meaning of a stimulus or to have no effect on meaning (i.e., to influence conceptual processing or not). Abstract visual shapes (squiggles) were colorized during study and presented during test in either the same color or a different color. Those squiggles that subjects found to resemble meaningful objects supported behavioral measures of conceptual priming, whereas meaningless squiggles did not. Further, changing color from study to test had a selective effect on behavioral correlates of priming for meaningful squiggles, indicating that color change altered conceptual processing. During a recognition memory test, color change altered event-related brain potential correlates of memory for meaningful squiggles but not for meaningless squiggles. Specifically, color change reduced the amplitude of frontally distributed N400 potentials (FN400), indicating that these potentials indicated conceptual processing during recognition memory that was sensitive to color change. In contrast, color change had no effect on FN400 correlates of recognition for meaningless squiggles, which were overall smaller in amplitude than for meaningful squiggles (further indicating that these potentials signal conceptual processing during recognition). Thus, merely changing the color of abstract visual shapes can alter their meaning, changing behavioral and neural correlates of memory

    Behavioral/Systems/Cognitive Fluent Conceptual Processing and Explicit Memory for Faces Are Electrophysiologically Distinct

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    Implicit memory and explicit memory are fundamentally different manifestations of memory storage in the brain. Yet, conceptual fluency driven by previous experience could theoretically be responsible for both conceptual implicit memory and aspects of explicit memory. For example, contemplating the meaning of a word might serve to speed subsequent processing of that word and also make it seem familiar. We examined electrophysiological correlates of conceptual priming with 180 celebrity faces to determine whether or not they resemble electrophysiological correlates of explicit memory. Celebrity faces are ideal for this purpose because they carry with them preexisting conceptual information (i.e., biographical facts) that can selectively be brought to mind such that conceptual processing can be manipulated systematically. In our experiment, exposure to biographical information associated with only one-half of the celebrities yielded conceptual priming for those faces, whereas all faces were perceptually primed. Conceptual priming was indexed by positive brain potentials over frontal regions from ϳ250 to 500 ms. Explicit memory retrieval was associated with later brain potentials over posterior regions that were strikingly similar to potentials previously associated with pure familiarity for faces (when a face seems familiar in the absence of retrieval of any specific information about previous occurrence). Furthermore, the magnitude of conceptual priming was correlated across subjects with the amplitude of frontal but not posterior potentials, whereas the opposite was true for explicit memory. Distinct brain processes were thus associated with conceptual priming and conscious recognition of faces, thus providing a sharper focus on the border between implicit and explicit memory

    A Human Depression Circuit Derived From Focal Brain Lesions

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    Background: Focal brain lesions can lend insight into the causal neuroanatomical substrate of depression in the human brain. However, studies of lesion location have led to inconsistent results.Methods: Five independent datasets with different lesion etiologies and measures of postlesion depression were collated (N = 461). Each 3-dimensional lesion location was mapped to a common brain atlas. We used voxel lesion symptom mapping to test for associations between depression and lesion locations. Next, we computed the network of regions functionally connected to each lesion location using a large normative connectome dataset (N = 1000). We used these lesion network maps to test for associations between depression and connected brain circuits. Reproducibility was assessed using a rigorous leave-one-dataset-out validation. Finally, we tested whether lesion locations associated with depression fell within the same circuit as brain stimulation sites that were effective for improving poststroke depression.Results: Lesion locations associated with depression were highly heterogeneous, and no single brain region was consistently implicated. However, these same lesion locations mapped to a connected brain circuit, centered on the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Results were robust to leave-one-dataset-out cross-validation. Finally, our depression circuit derived from brain lesions aligned with brain stimulation sites that were effective for improving poststroke depression.Conclusions: Lesion locations associated with depression fail to map to a specific brain region but do map to a specific brain circuit. This circuit may have prognostic utility in identifying patients at risk for poststroke depression and therapeutic utility in refining brain stimulation targets.</p

    Ten golden rules for optimal antibiotic use in hospital settings: the WARNING call to action

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    Antibiotics are recognized widely for their benefits when used appropriately. However, they are often used inappropriately despite the importance of responsible use within good clinical practice. Effective antibiotic treatment is an essential component of universal healthcare, and it is a global responsibility to ensure appropriate use. Currently, pharmaceutical companies have little incentive to develop new antibiotics due to scientific, regulatory, and financial barriers, further emphasizing the importance of appropriate antibiotic use. To address this issue, the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery established an international multidisciplinary task force of 295 experts from 115 countries with different backgrounds. The task force developed a position statement called WARNING (Worldwide Antimicrobial Resistance National/International Network Group) aimed at raising awareness of antimicrobial resistance and improving antibiotic prescribing practices worldwide. The statement outlined is 10 axioms, or “golden rules,” for the appropriate use of antibiotics that all healthcare workers should consistently adhere in clinical practice

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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