122 research outputs found

    RNA transfer by Epstein-Barr virus triggers early events that regulate cell fate and promote immune evasion

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    More than 90% of the worldwide population is infected with Epstein Barr virus (EBV). In general, the infection remains asymptomatic and the virus persists for life in latently infected B cells. During this state, viral activity is reduced to the maintenance of the viral genome such that EBV-infected cells are not efficiently recognized by the immune system. However, the first days of primary infection are characterized by a period of lytic gene expression that contributes to successful virus establishment (Kalla et al., 2010). The abundant expression of “foreign” protein renders the infected cell prone to immune recognition and requires viral counter-measures to evade immune responses. The first part of this work focuses on the importance of two immune evasins of EBV during this early phase of infection: BCRF1 and BNLF2a, encoding the viral homologue of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and a unique inhibitor of epitope loading on MHC I molecules, respectively. To study their impact on immune responses to freshly infected B cells, I generated recombinant EBV mutants, which are deficient in expressing either BCRF1 or BNLF2a or both. I observed significant immunological consequences during the first days of infection, but, unexpectedly, the MHC I surface pattern of infected B cells was not affected. Deficiency in BNLF2a expression in infected cells resulted in a drastically increased response of EBV-specific CD8+ T cells. BCRF1 did not participate in this effect, but instead severely impaired the cytokine response to viral infection and protected infected cells from elimination by NK/NKT cells. Thus, both immune evasins have important functions during the early phase of infection and are instrumental for the establishment of latency. Their balanced activity illustrates the perfect adaptation of the virus to the host’s immune system. The second part of this work builds upon my initial observation that viral transcripts are present in the infected cell almost instantly following virus entry. I found that EBV particles represent the source of these transcripts as I identified them to contain viral RNA which is transferred to and expressed in the infected cell. I could further demonstrate that these packaged transcripts exert important biological functions in the infected cells by triggering the initial viral transcription program or acting as immune modulators. In sum, delivered RNAs apparently create a supportive environment that promotes virus establishment in infected B cells. Thus, despite EBV’s classification as a DNA virus, also packaged RNAs are apparently essential for its infectious nature

    Similar Risks – Different Results

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    Analyzing the Inconsistent Application of the Precautionary Principle in European GMO Authorizatio

    Dissecting the impact of Frizzled receptors in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling of human mesenchymal stem cells

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    Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is of fundamental importance in the regulation of self-renewal, migration/invasion, and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Because little information is available about the function of Frizzled receptors (Fzds) as the main receptors of Wnt proteins in hMSCs, we first performed comparative Fzd mRNA expression profiling. Fzd9 and Fzd10 were not expressed in hMSCs. While Fzd3 was expressed at low levels in hMSCs, the other Fzds exhibited high expression rates. Activation and repression of Wnt signaling in hMSCs revealed that the expression levels of Fzd1, Fzd6, and Fzd7 are positively correlated with the Wnt/beta-catenin activation status, whereas Fzd8 exhibited an inverse relation. For studying the functional relevance of Fzds in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, RNA interference, ectopic expression studies, and rescue approaches were performed in hMSCs carrying a highly sensitive TCF/LEF reporter gene system (Gaussia luciferase). We found that, Fzd1, Fzd5, Fzd7, and Fzd8 are largely involved in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling of hMSCs. Moreover, the knockdown of Fzd5 can be compensated by the ectopic expression of Fzd7. Conversely, the ectopic expression of Fzd5 in Fzd7-knockdown hMSCs resulted in a rescue of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, pointing to a functional redundancy of Fzd5 and Fzd7

    Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation During Archaeal Ammonia Oxidation: Coupled Estimates From Measurements of Residual Ammonium and Accumulated Nitrite

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    The naturally occurring nitrogen (N) isotopes,N-15 and(14)N, exhibit different reaction rates during many microbial N transformation processes, which results in N isotope fractionation. Such isotope effects are critical parameters for interpreting natural stable isotope abundances as proxies for biological process rates in the environment across scales. The kinetic isotope effect of ammonia oxidation (AO) to nitrite (NO2-), performed by ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), is generally ascribed to the enzyme ammonia monooxygenase (AMO), which catalyzes the first step in this process. However, the kinetic isotope effect of AMO, or epsilon(AMO), has been typically determined based on isotope kinetics during product formation (cumulative product, NO2-) alone, which may have overestimated epsilon(AMO)due to possible accumulation of chemical intermediates and alternative sinks of ammonia/ammonium (NH3/NH4+). Here, we analyzed(15)N isotope fractionation during archaeal ammonia oxidation based on both isotopic changes in residual substrate (RS, NH4+) and cumulative product (CP, NO2-) pools in pure cultures of the soil strainNitrososphaera viennensisEN76 and in highly enriched cultures of the marine strainNitrosopumilus adriaticusNF5, under non-limiting substrate conditions. We obtained epsilon(AMO)values of 31.9-33.1 parts per thousand for both strains based on RS (delta(NH4+)-N-15) and showed that estimates based on CP (delta(NO2-)-N-15) give larger isotope fractionation factors by 6-8 parts per thousand. Complementary analyses showed that, at the end of the growth period, microbial biomass was(15)N-enriched (10.1 parts per thousand), whereas nitrous oxide (N2O) was highly(15)N depleted (-38.1 parts per thousand) relative to the initial substrate. Although we did not determine the isotope effect of NH(4)(+)assimilation (biomass formation) and N2O production by AOA, our results nevertheless show that the discrepancy between epsilon(AMO)estimates based on RS and CP might have derived from the incorporation of(15)N-enriched residual NH(4)(+)after AMO reaction into microbial biomass and that N2O production did not affect isotope fractionation estimates significantly

    Description of an aerodynamic levitation apparatus with applications in Earth sciences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In aerodynamic levitation, solids and liquids are floated in a vertical gas stream. In combination with CO<sub>2</sub>-laser heating, containerless melting at high temperature of oxides and silicates is possible. We apply aerodynamic levitation to bulk rocks in preparation for microchemical analyses, and for evaporation and reduction experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Liquid silicate droplets (~2 mm) were maintained stable in levitation using a nozzle with a 0.8 mm bore and an opening angle of 60°. The gas flow was ~250 ml min<sup>-1</sup>. Rock powders were melted and homogenized for microchemcial analyses. Laser melting produced chemically homogeneous glass spheres. Only highly (e.g. H<sub>2</sub>O) and moderately volatile components (Na, K) were partially lost. The composition of evaporated materials was determined by directly combining levitation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. It is shown that the evaporated material is composed of Na > K >> Si. Levitation of metal oxide-rich material in a mixture of H<sub>2 </sub>and Ar resulted in the exsolution of liquid metal.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Levitation melting is a rapid technique or for the preparation of bulk rock powders for major, minor and trace element analysis. With exception of moderately volatile elements Na and K, bulk rock analyses can be performed with an uncertainty of ± 5% relative. The technique has great potential for the quantitative determination of evaporated materials from silicate melts. Reduction of oxides to metal is a means for the extraction and analysis of siderophile elements from silicates and can be used to better understand the origin of chondritic metal.</p

    The EBV Immunoevasins vIL-10 and BNLF2a Protect Newly Infected B Cells from Immune Recognition and Elimination

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    Lifelong persistence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in infected hosts is mainly owed to the virus' pronounced abilities to evade immune responses of its human host. Active immune evasion mechanisms reduce the immunogenicity of infected cells and are known to be of major importance during lytic infection. The EBV genes BCRF1 and BNLF2a encode the viral homologue of IL-10 (vIL-10) and an inhibitor of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), respectively. Both are known immunoevasins in EBV's lytic phase. Here we describe that BCRF1 and BNLF2a are functionally expressed instantly upon infection of primary B cells. Using EBV mutants deficient in BCRF1 and BNLF2a, we show that both factors contribute to evading EBV-specific immune responses during the earliest phase of infection. vIL-10 impairs NK cell mediated killing of infected B cells, interferes with CD4+ T-cell activity, and modulates cytokine responses, while BNLF2a reduces antigen presentation and recognition of newly infected cells by EBV-specific CD8+ T cells. Together, both factors significantly diminish the immunogenicity of EBV-infected cells during the initial, pre-latent phase of infection and may improve the establishment of a latent EBV infection in vivo

    EBV-gp350 Confers B-Cell Tropism to Tailored Exosomes and Is a Neo-Antigen in Normal and Malignant B Cells—A New Option for the Treatment of B-CLL

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    gp350, the major envelope protein of Epstein-Barr-Virus, confers B-cell tropism to the virus by interacting with the B lineage marker CD21. Here we utilize gp350 to generate tailored exosomes with an identical tropism. These exosomes can be used for the targeted co-transfer of functional proteins to normal and malignant human B cells. We demonstrate here the co-transfer of functional CD154 protein on tailored gp350+ exosomes to malignant B blasts from patients with B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), rendering B blasts immunogenic to tumor-reactive autologous T cells. Intriguingly, engulfment of gp350+ exosomes by B-CLL cells and presentation of gp350-derived peptides also re-stimulated EBV-specific T cells and redirected the strong antiviral cellular immune response in patients to leukemic B cells. In essence, we show that gp350 alone confers B-cell tropism to exosomes and that these exosomes can be further engineered to simultaneously trigger virus- and tumor-specific immune responses. The simultaneous exploitation of gp350 as a tropism molecule for tailored exosomes and as a neo-antigen in malignant B cells provides a novel attractive strategy for immunotherapy of B-CLL and other B-cell malignancies

    Mesenchymal stromal cells : a new tool against graft-versus-host disease ?

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent a heterogeneous subset of multipotent cells that can be isolated from several tissues including bone marrow and fat. MSCs exhibit immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties that prompted their clinical use as prevention and/or treatment for severe graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Although a number of phase I-II studies have suggested that MSCs infusion was safe and might be effective for preventing or treating acute GVHD, definitive proof for their efficacy remains lacking thus far. Multicenter randomized studies are ongoing to more precisely assess the impact of MSCs infusion on GVHD prevention/treatment, whereas further research is performed in vitro and in animal models with the aims of determining the best way to expand MSCs ex vivo as well as the most efficient dose and schedule of MSCs administration. After introducing GVHD, MSC biology, and results of MSCs infusion in animal models of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, this article reviews the results of the first clinical trials investigating the use of MSCs infusion as prevention or treatment of GVHD.Peer reviewe

    Infliximab is associated with attenuated immunogenicity to BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in patients with IBD.

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    OBJECTIVE: Delayed second dose SARS-CoV-2 vaccination trades maximal effectiveness for a lower level of immunity across more of the population. We investigated whether patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with infliximab have attenuated serological responses to a single dose of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. DESIGN: Antibody responses and seroconversion rates in infliximab-treated patients (n=865) were compared with a cohort treated with vedolizumab (n=428), a gut-selective anti-integrin α4β7 monoclonal antibody. Our primary outcome was anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) antibody concentrations, measured using the Elecsys anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) antibody assay 3-10 weeks after vaccination, in patients without evidence of prior infection. Secondary outcomes were seroconversion rates (defined by a cut-off of 15 U/mL), and antibody responses following past infection or a second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine. RESULTS: Geometric mean (SD) anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody concentrations were lower in patients treated with infliximab than vedolizumab, following BNT162b2 (6.0 U/mL (5.9) vs 28.8 U/mL (5.4) p<0.0001) and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (4.7 U/mL (4.9)) vs 13.8 U/mL (5.9) p<0.0001) vaccines. In our multivariable models, antibody concentrations were lower in infliximab-treated compared with vedolizumab-treated patients who received the BNT162b2 (fold change (FC) 0.29 (95% CI 0.21 to 0.40), p<0.0001) and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (FC 0.39 (95% CI 0.30 to 0.51), p<0.0001) vaccines. In both models, age ≥60 years, immunomodulator use, Crohn's disease and smoking were associated with lower, while non-white ethnicity was associated with higher, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody concentrations. Seroconversion rates after a single dose of either vaccine were higher in patients with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection and after two doses of BNT162b2 vaccine. CONCLUSION: Infliximab is associated with attenuated immunogenicity to a single dose of the BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Vaccination after SARS-CoV-2 infection, or a second dose of vaccine, led to seroconversion in most patients. Delayed second dosing should be avoided in patients treated with infliximab. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN45176516