97 research outputs found

    Conductivimétrie électromagnétique et cartographie automatique des sols salés : une méthode rapide et fiable

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    La mesure de la conductivité électrique sur extrait de sol (CE) et la conductivité électromagnétique (CEM) sont comparées dans le but de réaliser des cartes de sols salés. Une méthode de cartographie basée sur la mesure de la CEM et l'emploi d'un logiciel de géostatistique est proposé

    STOP Proteins are Responsible for the High Degree of Microtubule Stabilization Observed in Neuronal Cells

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    Neuronal differentiation and function require extensive stabilization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Neurons contain a large proportion of microtubules that resist the cold and depolymerizing drugs and exhibit slow subunit turnover. The origin of this stabilization is unclear. Here we have examined the role of STOP, a calmodulin-regulated protein previously isolated from cold-stable brain microtubules. We find that neuronal cells express increasing levels of STOP and of STOP variants during differentiation. These STOP proteins are associated with a large proportion of microtubules in neuronal cells, and are concentrated on cold-stable, drug-resistant, and long-lived polymers. STOP inhibition abolishes microtubule cold and drug stability in established neurites and impairs neurite formation. Thus, STOP proteins are responsible for microtubule stabilization in neurons, and are apparently required for normal neurite formation

    Sustained increase of alpha7 nicotinic receptors and choline-induced improvement of learning deficit in STOP knock-out mice.

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    International audienceMice deficient in the microtubule stabilizing protein STOP (stable tubule only polypeptide) show synaptic plasticity anomalies in hippocampus, dopamine hyper-reactivity in the limbic system and severe behavioral deficits. Some of these disturbances are alleviated by long-term antipsychotic treatment. Therefore, this mouse line represents a pertinent model for some aspects of schizophrenia symptomatology. Numerous data support dysfunction of nicotinic neurotransmission in schizophrenia and epidemiological studies show increased tobacco use in schizophrenic patients, in whom nicotine has been reported to improve cognitive deficits and impairment in sensory gating. In this study, we examined potential alterations in cholinergic (ACh) and nicotinic components and functions in STOP mutant mice. STOP KO mice displayed no variation of the density of ACh esterase and beta2* nicotinic receptors (nAChRs), large reductions in the density of vesicular ACh transporter and alpha6* nAChRs and marked increases in the density of alpha7 nAChRs, in some brain areas. STOP KO mice were hypersensitive to the stimulating locomotor effect of nicotine and, interestingly, their impaired performance in learning the cued version of the water maze were improved by administration of the preferential alpha7 nAChR agonist choline. Altogether, our data show that the deletion of the ubiquitous STOP protein elicited restricted alterations in ACh components. They also suggest that nicotinic neurotransmission can be deficient in STOP KO mice and that mutant mice can represent a meaningful model to study some nicotinic dysfunctions and therapeutic treatments

    MCAK associates with the tips of polymerizing microtubules.

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    International audienceMCAK is a member of the kinesin-13 family of microtubule (MT)-depolymerizing kinesins. We show that the potent MT depolymerizer MCAK tracks (treadmills) with the tips of polymerizing MTs in living cells. Tip tracking of MCAK is inhibited by phosphorylation and is dependent on the extreme COOH-terminal tail of MCAK. Tip tracking is not essential for MCAK's MT-depolymerizing activity. We propose that tip tracking is a mechanism by which MCAK is preferentially localized to regions of the cell that modulate the plus ends of MTs

    The Rho-associated protein kinase p160ROCK is required for centrosome positioning

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    The p160–Rho-associated coiled-coil–containing protein kinase (ROCK) is identified as a new centrosomal component. Using immunofluorescence with a variety of p160ROCK antibodies, immuno EM, and depletion with RNA interference, p160ROCK is principally bound to the mother centriole (MC) and an intercentriolar linker. Inhibition of p160ROCK provoked centrosome splitting in G1 with the MC, which is normally positioned at the cell center and shows little motion during G1, displaying wide excursions around the cell periphery, similar to its migration toward the midbody during cytokinesis. p160ROCK inhibition late after anaphase in mitosis triggered MC migration to the midbody followed by completion of cell division. Thus, p160ROCK is required for centrosome positioning and centrosome-dependent exit from mitosis

    The stop null mice model for schizophrenia displays [corrected] cognitive and social deficits partly alleviated by neuroleptics.

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    International audienceRecently evidence has accumulated that schizophrenia can arise from primary synaptic defects involving structural proteins particularly, microtubule associated proteins. Previous experiments have demonstrated that a STOP (stable tubule only peptide) gene deletion in mice leads to a phenotype mimicking some aspects of positive symptoms classically observed in schizophrenic patients. In the current study, we determined if STOP null mice demonstrate behavioral abnormalities related to the social and cognitive impairments of schizophrenia. Compared with wild-type mice, STOP null mice exhibited deficits in the non-aggressive component of social recognition, short term working memory and social and spatial learning. As described in humans, learning deficits in STOP null mice were poorly sensitive to long term treatment with typical neuroleptics. Since social and cognitive dysfunction have consistently been considered as central features of schizophrenia, we propose that STOP null mice may provide a useful model to understand the neurobiological correlates of social and cognitive defects in schizophrenia and to develop treatments that better target these symptoms

    Phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein STOP by calmodulin kinase II.: Phosphorylation of STOP by CaMKII

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    International audienceSTOP proteins are microtubule-associated, calmodulin-regulated proteins responsible for the high degree of stabilization displayed by neuronal microtubules. STOP suppression in mice induces synaptic defects affecting both short and long term synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. Interestingly, STOP has been identified as a component of synaptic structures in neurons, despite the absence of microtubules in nerve terminals, indicating the existence of mechanisms able to induce a translocation of STOP from microtubules to synaptic compartments. Here we have tested STOP phosphorylation as a candidate mechanism for STOP relocalization. We show that, both in vitro and in vivo, STOP is phosphorylated by the multifunctional enzyme calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), which is a key enzyme for synaptic plasticity. This phosphorylation occurs on at least two independent sites. Phosphorylated forms of STOP do not bind microtubules in vitro and do not co-localize with microtubules in cultured differentiating neurons. Instead, phosphorylated STOP co-localizes with actin assemblies along neurites or at branching points. Correlatively, we find that STOP binds to actin in vitro. Finally, in differentiated neurons, phosphorylated STOP co-localizes with clusters of synaptic proteins, whereas unphosphorylated STOP does not. Thus, STOP phosphorylation by CaMKII may promote STOP translocation from microtubules to synaptic compartments where it may interact with actin, which could be important for STOP function in synaptic plasticity

    Tubulin tyrosination is a major factor affecting the recruitment of CAP-Gly proteins at microtubule plus ends

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    Tubulin-tyrosine ligase (TTL), the enzyme that catalyzes the addition of a C-terminal tyrosine residue to α-tubulin in the tubulin tyrosination cycle, is involved in tumor progression and has a vital role in neuronal organization. We show that in mammalian fibroblasts, cytoplasmic linker protein (CLIP) 170 and other microtubule plus-end tracking proteins comprising a cytoskeleton-associated protein glycine-rich (CAP-Gly) microtubule binding domain such as CLIP-115 and p150 Glued, localize to the ends of tyrosinated microtubules but not to the ends of detyrosinated microtubules. In vitro, the head domains of CLIP-170 and of p150 Glued bind more efficiently to tyrosinated microtubules than to detyrosinated polymers. In TTL-null fibroblasts, tubulin detyrosination and CAP-Gly protein mislocalization correlate with defects in both spindle positioning during mitosis and cell morphology during interphase. These results indicate that tubulin tyrosination regulates microtubule interactions with CAP-Gly microtubule plus-end tracking proteins and provide explanations for the involvement of TTL in tumor progression and in neuronal organization

    A bacterial protein targets the BAHD1 chromatin complex to stimulate type III interferon response

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    International audienceIntracellular pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenesListeria\ monocytogenes subvert cellular functions through the interaction of bacterial effectors with host components. Here we found that a secreted listerial virulence factor, LntA, could target the chromatin repressor BAHD1 in the host cell nucleus to activate interferon IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs). IFN-λ\lambda expression was induced in response to infection of epithelial cells with bacteria lacking LntA; however, the BAHD1-chromatin associated complex repressed downstream ISGs. In contrast, in cells infected with lntAlntA-expressing bacteria, LntA prevented BAHD1 recruitment to ISGs and stimulated their expression. Murine listeriosis decreased in BAHD1+/−^{+/-} mice or when lntAlntA was constitutively expressed. Thus, the LntA-BAHD1 interplay may modulate IFN-λ\lambda-mediated immune response to control bacterial colonization of the host
