57 research outputs found

    Algunas aportaciones de la psicologia al ámbito de los enfermos en situación terminal

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza, por un lado, el grado de precision del pronostico de longitud de vida de los enfermos en situación terminal en el momento del ingreso en una unidad de cuidados paliativos, y por otro, las principales preocupaciones manifestadas por los enfermos en el mismo periodo de tiempo. Asimismo, se describen, brevemente, algunas de las posibles intervenciones del psicólogo en la atención de este tipo de enfermosThe aim of this study was: a) to analyse the accuracy of prognosis life expectancy of terminally illpatients when Unit, and, b) to assess the main worries expressed by terminally cancerpatients at the moment of the admission in the Palliative Care Unit. From this point on, possible psychological interventions in this field are describe

    Coping and quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus : a review

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    Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) is characterized by uncertain prognosis, severe symptoms and a negative impacton quality of life (qol) of patients. Purpose: The aim of this review is to generate a comprehensive approach in order to improve psychological intervention in these patients. Methods: A qualitative review of articles indexed in medline, Psycinfo and scopus up to July 2015 was conducted. Articles reporting sle, coping strategies and qol were included. Results: Twenty-four studies were found,covering different research designs, forms of assessment and intervention. Coping strategies and their relationship with qol wereanalyzed in order to describe the best strategies for dealing with sle. Conclusions: There are no adaptive or maladaptive strategies, and the suitability of these depends on the situation that a patient could sustain; nevertheless, an active coping style seems to help preserve the qol. The main goal of psychological intervention should be diversify and expand the number of coping strategies used by patientsAntecedentes: El lupus eritematoso sistémico (les) se caracteriza por un pronóstico incierto, síntomas graves y un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida (cv) de los pacientes. Propósito: El objetivo de esta revisión es generar un enfoque integral para mejorar la intervención psicológica en estos pacientes. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una revisión cualitativa de artículos indexados en medline, Psycinfo y scopus hasta el mes de julio de 2015. Se incluyeron artículos que informaban sobre les, estrategias de afrontamiento y cv. Resultados: Se encontraron 24 estudios que abarcan diferentes diseños de investigación, formas de evaluación e intervención. Se analizaron las estrategias de afrontamiento y su relación con la cv con el fin de describir las mejores estrategias para tratar con el les. Conclusiones: No existen estrategias adaptativas o desadaptativas y la idoneidad de las mismas depende de la situación que podría estar experimentado el paciente; sin embargo, un estilo de afrontamiento activo parece ayudar a preservar la cv. La principal meta de la intervención psicológica debe ser diversificar y ampliar el número de estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por los pacientesAntecedentes: o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (les) é caracterizado por um prognóstico incerto, sintomas graves e um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida (qv) dos pacientes. Propósito: o objetivo desta revisão é gerar um enfoque integral para melhorar a intervenção psicológica nesses pacientes. Métodos: realizou-se uma revisão qualitativa de artigos indexados em medline, Psycinfo e scopus até o mês de julho de 2015. Foram incluídos artigos que informavam sobre o les, estratégias de enfrentamento e qv. Resultados: encontraram-se 24 estudos que abrangiam diferentes desenhos de pesquisa, formas de avaliação e intervenção. Analisaram-se as estratégias de enfrentamento e sua relação com a qv a fim de descrever as melhores estratégias para lidar com o les. Conclusões: não existem estratégias adaptativas ou desadaptativas e a idoneidade delas depende da situação que o paciente poderia estar experimentando; contudo, um estilo de enfrentamento ativo parece ajudar a preservar a qv. A principal meta da intervenção psicológica deve ser diversificar e ampliar o número de estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos paciente

    Influència de la intel·ligència emocional en el consum de tabac i cànnabis

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    Els darrers anys la intel·ligència emocional (IE) ha adquirit una considerable popularitat, tant a nivell social com professional. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi, realitzat amb alumnes de la llicenciatura de Psicologia de la UAB, va consistir en analitzar el possible paper que l'inteligencia emocional podría tenir en el consum del tabac o cannabis.En los últimos años la inteligencia emocional (IE) ha adquirido una considerable popularidad, tanto a nivel social como profesional. El objetivo de este estudio, realizado con estudiantes de la licenciatura de Psicología de la UAB, consistió en analizar el posible papel que la inteligencia emocional podría tener en el consumo de tabaco o cannabis

    Emotional intelligence and recovering from induced negative emotional state

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and recovering from negative emotions induction, using a performance test to measure EI. Sixty seven undergraduates participated in the procedure, which lasted 75 min and was divided into three stages. At Time 1, subjects answered the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)-S, Profile of Mood States (POMS)-A, and EI was assessed by Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). At Time 2, negative emotions were induced by nine pictures taken from the International Affective Picture System and participants were asked to complete a second STAI-S and POMS-B questionnaires. At Time 3 participants were allowed to rest doing a distracting task and participants were asked to complete a third STAI-S and POMS-A questionnaires. Results showed that the branches of the MSCEIT emotional facilitation and emotional understanding are related to previous mood states and mood recovery, but not to mood reactivity. This finding contrasts nicely with studies on which emotional recovery was assessed in relation to EI self-reported measures, highlighting the perception and emotional regulatio

    Perceived emotional intelligence and its relation to tobacco and cannabis use among university students

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    The aim of this work has been to analyse the role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI) in the use of tobacco and cannabis in 133 psychology undergraduates (114 women and 19 men), all aged between 18 and 27, with a mean age of 21.52 yr. (SD= 5.42). PEI was assessed using an abbreviated version of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS), developed by Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey and Palfai (1995) and adapted into Spanish by Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera, and Ramos (2004). The TMMS assesses an individual's ability to perceive, understand and manage emotion. The principal results obtained point to the fact that the students who consume tobacco or cannabis present lower levels of the Repair component of the TMMS and are those who started consuming tobacco or cannabis at an earlier age. On the other hand, Emotional Clarity appears to be related to the occasional consumption of cannabis, in that the students attaining high scores were those who consumed less. The Emotional Attention component of the TMMS is not involved in the consumption of these substances. These preliminary findings indicate the existing relationship between some components of the TMMS and the consumption of tobacco or cannabis. Nevertheless, we need to further investigate the differing implications of each one of the PEI components in the use of these substancesEl objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar el papel de la Inteligencia Emocional Percibida (IEP) en el consumo de tabaco y cannabis en 133 estudiantes de psicología (114 mujeres y 19 hombres) con una edad comprendida entre 18 y 27 años, y una media de edad 21.52 años (DS= 5.42). La PEI fue medida mediante la versión abreviada del Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) desarrollado por Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey y Palfai (1995) y adaptado al castellano por Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera y Ramos (2004). El TMMS es una medida que evalúa la habilidad del individuo para percibir, comprender y manejar las emociones. Los principales resultados obtenidos apuntan al hecho de que los estudiantes que consumen tabaco o cannabis presentan niveles bajos en el componente de Reparación del TMMS y son los que comenzaron a consumir tabaco o cannabis a una edad más temprana. Por otro lado, la Claridad Emocional parece estar relacionada con el consumo ocasional de cannabis, de modo que los estudiantes con alta puntuación en este factor consumieron menos. El componente de Atención Emocional del TMMS no está implicado en el consumo de estas sustancias. Estos resultados preliminares indican la relación existente entre algunos componentes del TMMS y el consumo de tabaco o cannabis. No obstante, es necesario investigar más en las diferentes implicaciones de cada uno de los componentes de la IEP en el consumo de estas sustancia

    Relación entre la inteligencia emocional percibida y ansiedad ante la muerte en estudiantes universitarios

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    Este estudio analiza la relación entre los niveles de inteligencia emocional percibida (IEP) y la ansiedad ante la muerte. Una muestra de 453 estudiantes universitarios cumplimentaron la Trait Meta-Mood Scales de Salovey et al., (1995) en la versión castellana de Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera y Ramos (2004) para evaluar la IEP, el 'Inventario de Ansiedad ante la Muerte' (Death Anxiety Inventory-DAI) desarrollado por Tomás-Sábado y Gómez-Benito (2005). Los resultados mostraron que los componentes de la IEP están relacionados con los niveles de ansiedad ante la muerte de forma diferencial: altos niveles de atención emocional se relacionan con altos niveles de anisedad ante la muerte, mientras que altos niveles de claridad o reparación emocional se relacionan con bajos niveles de ansiedad ante la muerte. Así mismo, se observa que las mujeres presentan mayores niveles de ansiedad ante la muerte que los hombres, y que los estudiantes más jóvenes presentan mayor ansiedad ante la muert

    Assessing well-being in pediatric palliative care : A pilot study about views of children, parents and health professionals

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABObjectives Our research aims to compare the perception that children in the pediatric palliative care setting have of their emotional well-being, or that expressed by the parents, with the perception held by the professionals involved in their care. Methods In this cross-sectional study, the emotional well-being of 30 children with a mean age of 10.8 years (standard deviation [SD] = 6.1) is evaluated. Children, or parents where necessary, evaluate their situation with a question about emotional well-being on a 0-10 visual analog scale. For each child, a health professional also rates the child's emotional status using the same scale. Results The average child's emotional well-being score provided by children or parents was 7.1 (SD = 1.6), while the average score given by health professionals was 5.6 (SD = 1.2). Children or parents graded the children's emotional well-being significantly higher than professionals (t-test = 4.6, p-value < .001). Health professionals rated the children's emotional well-being significantly lower when the disease status was progressive than when the disease was not (t-test = 2.2, p-value = .037). Significance of results Children themselves, or their parents, report more positive evaluations of emotional well-being than health professionals. Sociodemographic and disease variables do not seem to have a direct influence on this perception, rather it is more likely that children, parents, and professionals focus on different aspects and that children or parents need to hold on to a more optimistic vision. We must emphasize that when this difference is more pronounced, it can be a warning sign that further analysis is required of the situation