6 research outputs found

    Revisión de la literatura de la regulación de tarifas mediante tasa de retorno: una visión macro

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    La regulación de tarifas mediante la tasa de retorno, aun cuando ha sido el método regulatorio más empleado en la historia de la regulación de los servicios públicos, siempre ha sido un tema controversial dentro del área económica. Con el propósito de reducir la controversia se espera que los procedimientos del regulador de tarifas se ejecuten de forma ordenada, predecible y transparente. Con dicho propósito, la regulación de tarifas mediante la tasa de retorno debe seguir ciertos principios, que pueden resumirse en: i) sostenibilidad (que se cubran los mínimos costos necesarios para la operatividad de la empresa); eficiencia (no desperdiciar insumos o permitir futuras inversiones que garanticen mejores tecnológicas); y equidad (que los servicios alcancen el mayor número de usuarios)

    Evaluation of the quality of life in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and colorectal cancer in different clinical stages attended in the Mexican Institute of Social Security [Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida en Pacientes con Linfoma no Hodgkin y Cáncer Colo-Rectal en Diferentes Etapas Clínicas Atendidos en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social]

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    Introduction: In Mexico during 2008, were reported 127,604 new cancer cases, 6,347 of them were colorectal cancer cases and 4,276 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) cases. Objective: To Evaluate Health Related Quality of Life in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and colorectal cancer cases in different clinical stages, attended in a High Specialty Medical facility at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, during a 13 month period. Results: 162 patients were included, 56.8% (n=92) with NHL and 43.2% (n=70) with colorectal cancer. The scores obtained in the NHL group were: Global health status/QoL: 67.75 (±27.55), physical functioning 69.64 (±29.98), role functioning 71.38 (±33.73), emotional functioning 69.7 (±26.57), cognitive functioning 75.36 (±28.01), social functioning 79.35 (±29.38), fatigue 35.27 (±28.27), nausea and vomiting 13.41 (±21.85), pain 28.08 (±30.25), dyspnea 19.20 (±32.11), insomnia 30.80 (±38.03), appetite lost 26.45 (±36.16), constipation 19.20 (±32.11), diarrhea 12.32 (±26.48), financial difficulties 26.09 (±35.57). In colorectal cancer patients the scores were: Global health status/QoL: 68.21 (±24.46), physical functioning 67.38 (±30.45), role functioning 65.48 (±35.70), emotional functioning 66.43 (±26.84), cognitive functioning 78.57 (±26.49), social functioning 75.24 (±31.05), fatigue 37.78 (±31.62), nausea and vomiting 20.00 (±28.32), pain 37.38 (±34.45), dyspnea 11.90 (±26.64), insomnia 28.09 (±35.73), appetite lost 23.81 (±36.40), constipation 19.05 (±32.88), diarrhea 20.95 (±31.17), financial difficulties 34.76 (±38.67). Conclusions: With these basal results is important a follow-up with special attention to the treatment and attendance processes, in patients with this neoplasms and their impact on the quality of life. © 2011 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)

    Quality of life in Mexican women with breast cancer in different clinical stages and its association with socio-demographic features, comorbidity states and care process characteristics in the Mexican Institute of Social Security [Calidad de Vida en Mujeres Mexicanas con Cáncer de Mama en Diferentes Etapas Clínicas y su Asociación con Características Socio-Demográficas, Estados Co-Mórbidos y Características del Proceso de Atención en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social]

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    Introduction: Quality of Life is the most studied PRO (patient reported outcome) in cancer patients. With early diagnosis and better treatments in breast cancer, this entity has been transformed in a chronic disease with longer survival. The joint effects of diseases and treatment on quality of life are each day more important to consider in survival patients. Objective: To evaluate Quality of Life, Socioeconomic factors, co-morbidities, and the attendance process impact on quality of life in breast cancer women with different clinical stages attending at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social using the EORCT QLQ-C30 Results: The scores of EORTC QLQ-C30 (v3) were: Global health status / QoL: 73.47 (±20.81), physical functioning 76.98 (±20.85), role functioning 76.60 (±27.57), emotional functioning 64.53 (±26.81), cognitive functioning 74.47 (±26.02), social functioning 84.96 (±23.20), fatigue 31.94 (±25.45), nausea and vomiting 19.49 (±26.93), pain 28.95 (±27.27), dyspnea 15.29 (±24.62), insomnia 35.13 (±32.10), appetite lost 18.04 (±28.75), 18.04 (±28.75), constipation 19.20 (±32.11), diarrhea 12.9 (±24.25), financial difficulties 40.57 (±37.26). The scores with EORTC QLQ-BR23 were: body image 74.84 (±31.69), sexual functioning13.73 (±22.55), sexual enjoyment 32.86 (±36.17), future perspectives 51.69 (±38.00), systemic therapy side effects 30.82 (±20.71), breast symptoms22.85 (±23.49), arm symptoms 27.53 (±24.75), upsert by hair loss 43.80 (±44.01). Conclusions: Clinical stage in breast cancer is associated with differences in the scores from fatigue, nausea and vomiting and financial difficulties according to the evolution of the disease and the physical detriment associated. Socio-demographic features were related role functioning, fatigue and pain in single women with higher scores. © 2011 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)