72 research outputs found

    Public x private partnership in the development of animal breeding research

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    O melhoramento genético animal é, normalmente, pesquisado e desenvolvido nas universidades e instituições públicas de pesquisa do Brasil. No entanto, os rebanhos de exploração zootécnica, verdadeiros objetivos desses estudos, pertencem à iniciativa privada. O melhoramento genético animal e as parcerias público-privadas constituem-se em um caso especial de grande sucesso, que é analisado no presente texto, com ênfase especial ao Grupo de Melhoramento Animal e Biotecnologia da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, instituição de origem dos autores. O sucesso desse grupo, medido em atividades de pesquisa e suas conseqüentes publicações, de ensino e formação de recursos humanos e de extensão de serviços à comunidade, é apresentado como incentivo aos pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas ligadas à produção animal.Animal breeding is, normally, developed and investigated in public institutions in Brazil. However, herds and populations, true users of that knowledge, are private. The relationship between the public and the private is a very successful case in animal breeding and that case is discussed in this text, with special emphasis on the Animal Breeding and Biotechnology Group of the College of Animal Science and Food Technology of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The exit of that group, measured in research and publications, education and extension is presented as an incentive to other research groups related to animal production in the country

    Liver proteomics unravel the metabolic pathways related to feed efficiency in beef cattle

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    Improving nutrient utilization efficiency is essential for livestock, given the current scenario of increasing demand for animal protein and sustainable resource use. In this context, understanding the biology of feed efficiency (FE) in beef cattle allows the development of markers for identification and selection of best animals for animal production. Thus, 98 young Nellore bulls were evaluated for FE and at the end of the experiment liver samples from six High Feed Efficient (HFE) and six Low Feed Efficient (LFE) animals were collected for protein extraction, digestion and analysis by HPLC-MS/MS. Data were analyzed for differential abundant proteins (DAPs), protein networks, and functional enrichment. Serum endotoxin was also quantified. We found 42 DAPs and 3 protein networks significantly related to FE. The main pathways associated with FE were: microbial metabolism; biosynthesis of fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins; glycolysis/gluconeogenesis; xenobiotic metabolism and; antigen processing and presentation. Serum endotoxins were significantly higher in LFE animals supporting the results. Therefore, the findings presented here confirmed the altered hepatic metabolism and pronounced hepatic inflammation in LFE animals supporting that the increased bacterial load is at least in part responsible for the hepatic lesions and inflammation in LFE animals9COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação[2014/12492-8; 2014/07566-2; 2014/02493-7; 2014/04937-

    Proteínas de choque térmico na qualidade da carne

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    The objective of this work was to quantify heat shock proteins (HSP) 27 and 70 in the Longissimus dorsi muscle of cattle during aging and to check their potential as biomarkers for meat quality. A total of 191 steers ½ South African Simmental x ½ Nellore (16–18 months, 391.7±99.7 kg), castrated, and feedlot finished were used. Meat quality was measured by pH, color, cooking loss, and shear force (SF) at 1 and 14 days of aging time. HSP27 and HSP70 were quantified according to the SF values in the more and less tender meat groups, with 20 samples each, for each aging time. HSP27 concentrations in more and less tender meat decrease from 1 to 14 days of aging, and do not differ when evaluated at the same period. HSP70 concentrations in more tender meat increase during aging, and, in less tender meat, there is no difference between periods or at the same period. The correlations between the HSP27 and HSP70 concentrations and meat quality characteristics are low for South African Simmental x Nellore, which indicate the low potential of HSP as biomarkers for these traits, especially for meat tenderness.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar as proteínas de choque térmico (HSP) 27 e 70 no músculo Longissimus dorsi bovino, durante a maturação, e verificar seu potencial como biomarcadores na qualidade da carne. Foram utilizados 191 novilhos ½ Simental Sul Africano x ½ Nelore (16–18 meses, 391,7±99,7 kg), castrados e terminados em confinamento. A qualidade da carne foi mensurada por pH, cor, perda de água por cocção e força de cisalhamento (FC) a 1 e 14 dias de maturação. A quantificação de HSP27 e HSP70 foi realizada a partir dos valores de FC, nos grupos de carne mais e menos macia, com 20 amostras cada um, para cada tempo de maturação. As concentrações de HSP27 nas carnes mais e menos macias diminuem no decorrer de 1 a 14 dias de maturação, e não diferiram no mesmo período. As concentrações de HSP70 nas carnes mais macias aumentam com o decorrer da maturação, e, nas menos macias, não há diferença entre períodos ou no mesmo período. As correlações entre as concentrações de HSP27 e HSP70 e as características de qualidade da carne são baixas para Simental Sul Africano x Nelore, o que indica o baixo potencial das HSP como biomarcadores para essas características, especialmente para maciez da carne

    Pedigree analysis and inbreeding depression on growth traits in Brazilian Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds

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    The study of population structure by pedigree analysis is useful to identify important circumstances that affect the genetic history of populations. The intensive use of a small number of superior individuals may reduce the genetic diversity of populations. This situation is very common for the beef cattle breeds. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to analyze the pedigree and possible inbreeding depression on traits of economic interest in the Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds and to test the inclusion of the individual inbreeding coefficient (F-i) or individual increases in inbreeding coefficient (Delta F-i) in the genetic evaluation model for the quantification of inbreeding depression. The complete pedigree file of the Marchigiana breed included 29,411 animals born between 1950 and 2003. For the Bonsmara breed, the pedigree file included 18,695 animals born between 1988 and 2006. Only animals with at least 2 equivalent generations of known pedigree were kept in the analyses of inbreeding effect on birth weight, weaning weight measured at about 205 d, and BW at 14 mo in the Marchigiana breed, and on birth weight, weaning weight, and scro-tal circumference measured at 12 mo in the Bonsmara breed. The degree of pedigree knowledge was greater for Marchigiana than for Bonsmara animals. The average generation interval was 7.02 and 3.19 for the Marchigiana and Bonsmara breed, respectively. The average inbreeding coefficient was 1.33% for Marchigiana and 0.26% for Bonsmara. The number of ancestors explaining 50% of the gene pool and effective population size computed via individual increase in coancestry were 13 and 97.79 for Marchigiana and 41 and 54.57 for Bonsmara, respectively. These estimates indicate reduction in genetic variability in both breeds. Inbreeding depression was observed for most of the growth traits. The model including Delta F-i can be considered more adequate to quantify inbreeding depression. The inclusion of F-i or Delta F-i in the genetic evaluation model may not result in better fit to the data. A genetic evaluation with simultaneous estimation of inbreeding depression can be performed in Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds, providing additional information to producers and breeders

    Grau de multicolinearidade e variáveis envolvidas na dependência linear em modelos aditivo-dominantes

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    The objective of this work was to assess the degree of multicollinearity and to identify the variables involved in linear dependence relations in additive-dominant models. Data of birth weight (n=141,567), yearling weight (n=58,124), and scrotal circumference (n=20,371) of Montana Tropical composite cattle were used. Diagnosis of multicollinearity was based on the variance inflation factor (VIF) and on the evaluation of the condition indexes and eigenvalues from the correlation matrix among explanatory variables. The first model studied (RM) included the fixed effect of dam age class at calving and the covariates associated to the direct and maternal additive and non-additive effects. The second model (R) included all the effects of the RM model except the maternal additive effects. Multicollinearity was detected in both models for all traits considered, with VIF values of 1.03 - 70.20 for RM and 1.03 - 60.70 for R. Collinearity increased with the increase of variables in the model and the decrease in the number of observations, and it was classified as weak, with condition index values between 10.00 and 26.77. In general, the variables associated with additive and non-additive effects were involved in multicollinearity, partially due to the natural connection between these covariables as fractions of the biological types in breed composition

    Population structure of a closed herd of Nellore cattle of the Lemgruber line

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a estrutura populacional e os efeitos causados pela endogamia, em um rebanho fechado da raça Nelore da linhagem Lemgruber. O arquivo de pedigree avaliado incluiu registros de 39.290 animais, 17.646 machos e 21.644 fêmeas, nascidos entre 1951 e 2007. A estrutura da população foi analisada com uso dos programas Poprep e Endog, tendo-se determinado algum nível de endogamia em 61,82% dos animais. O valor do F médio foi 3,02% para toda a população e 4,89% para os animais endogâmicos; e o F máximo foi de 37,5%. O número de ancestrais que contribuiu para a população referência foi 2.380 animais, dos quais apenas sete explicam 50% da variabilidade genética da população. O número efetivo de fundadores (Nf) e o número efetivo de ancestrais (Na) nessa população foram 25 e 21, respectivamente. O incremento esperado de endogamia, causado pela contribuição desequilibrada dos fundadores, foi de 1,62%. A estrutura populacional do rebanho apresenta envelhecimento dos reprodutores, com consequente aumento no intervalo de gerações, além de um contínuo incremento de endogamia e alta percentagem de indivíduos endogâmicos, fatos que comprometem o ganho genético anual e que devem merecer maior atenção dos selecionadores.The objective of this work was to determine the population structure and the effects caused by inbreeding in a closed herd of Nellore cattle of the Lemgruber line. The pedigree file included records of 39,290 animal, 17,646 males and 21,644 females, born between 1951 and 2007. The population structure was analysed using the software Poprep and Endog, which resulted in some level of inbreeding for 61,82% of the animals. The average F value was 3.02% for the whole population and 4.89% for the inbred animals; and F maximum value was 37.5%. The number of ancestors that contributed to the reference population was 2,380 animals, from which only seven explained 50% of the genetic variability of the population. The effective number of founders (Nf) and the effective number of ancestors (Na) in this population were, respectively, 25 and 21. The expected increase of inbreeding, caused by the unbalanced contribution of founders, was 1.62%. The herd populational structure shows the aging of the breeders, with a consequent increase of the generation´s interval, as well as a continuous increase of inbreeding and a high percentage of inbred individuals. Such facts compromise the annual genetic gain and should deserve a closer attention from breeders

    Estimates of heritability and genetic correlations for meat quality traits in broilers

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    Broiler meat quality is one of the primary factors considered by the poultry industry. This study was conducted to estimate heritability and genetic correlation coefficients for meat quality traits in a single male broiler line. The meat ultimate pH (24 h after slaughter) and lightness presented the highest heritability estimates. Given the estimated genetic correlations, the pH measured at 15 min and 24 h after slaughtering, as well as lightness, were characterized by a close and negative genetic relationship with water holding capacity traits. In contrast, meat quality traits exhibited only non-significant genetic correlations with performance and carcass traits. Noticed exceptions were breast weight, which was genetically and favorably associated with the initial pH and thawing-cooking losses, and ultrasound record of pectoral muscle depth, which was genetically and unfavourably associated with the shear force of meat. Meat pH values at 24 h after slaughtering or lightness may be a favorable selection criterion for the poultry industry for improving meat quality, since these traits are associated with the water holding capacity of the meat. Out of the traits studied, lightness is most easily assessed on the industrial slaughtering line. The direct selection for breast weight could improve the initial pH and thawing-cooking losses of meat, even as selection for ultrasound records of Pectoralis major may affect the meat tenderness in this lin

    Carcass and meat quality traits in lineages of Nellore breed

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between lineages of Nellore breed for carcass and meat quality traits. Thirteen lineages of Nellore breed were evaluated from data of carcass and meat quality of 516 animals for estimating the expected progeny difference for hot carcass weight, rib eye area, fat thickness, marbling and shear force values at 7, 14 and 21 days of ageing. The founder Golias reached the better values of expected progeny difference for hot carcass weight (+1.20kg), rib eye area (+0.88cm), marbling (+3.47un) and average shear force (-0,09kg), and Akasamu the better value for fat thickness (+0.05mm). The differences between lineages of Nellore breed found in this study couldbe used to select sires for genetic improvement of carcass and meat quality traits in Brazilian beef cattle herds.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar diferenças entre linhagens da raça Nelore para características de carcaça e qualidade de carne. Foram avaliadas treze linhagens da raça Nelore para as características de peso de carcaça quente, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea, marmoreio e força de cisalhamento aos 7,14 e 21 dias de maturação. Para isso, foram utilizadas informações fenotípicas de 516 animais da raça Nelore e estimadas as diferenças esperadas na progênie para comparação entre as linhagens. Dentre os genearcas estudados, Golias obteve os melhores valores das diferenças esperadas na progênie para peso de carcaça quente (+1,20kg), área de olho de lombo (+0,88cm), marmoreio (+3,47un) e força de cisalhamento média (-0,09kg) e Akasamu para espessura de gordura subcutânea (+0,05mm). As diferenças entre linhagens da raça Nelore encontradas neste estudo podem ser utilizadas na escolha de touros para melhoria genética de características de carcaça e carne em rebanhos de gado de corte brasileiros.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de AlimentosDepartamento de ZootecniaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia Instituto de Genética e BioquímicaUniversidade do Estado de Santa Catarina Departamento de ZootecniaUSP Departamento de ZootecniaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Veterinária Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de AlimentosSciEL

    Estimation methods of non-additive effects for characteristics of weight and scrotal circumference in crossbred beef cattle

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    The objective of this study was to investigate, in a population of crossbred cattle, the obtainment of the non-additive genetic effects for the characteristics weight at 205 and 390 days and scrotal circumference, and to evaluate the consideration of these effects in the prediction of breeding values of sires using different estimation methodologies. In method 1, the data were pre-adjusted for the non-additive effects obtained by least squares means method in a model that considered the direct additive, maternal and non-additive fixed genetic effects, the direct and total maternal heterozygosities, and epistasis. In method 2, the non-additive effects were considered covariates in genetic model. Genetic values for adjusted and non-adjusted data were predicted considering additive direct and maternal effects, and for weight at 205 days, also the permanent environmental effect, as random effects in the model. The breeding values of the categories of sires considered for the weight characteristic at 205 days were organized in files, in order to verify alterations in the magnitude of the predictions and ranking of animals in the two methods of correction data for the non-additives effects. The non-additive effects were not similar in magnitude and direction in the two estimation methods used, nor for the characteristics evaluated. Pearson and Spearman correlations between breeding values were higher than 0.94, and the use of different methods does not imply changes in the selection of animals

    Estimativas de herdabilidade para os escores visuais do coração e do fígado em linhagem macho de frangos

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar os coeficientes de herdabilidade para os escores visuais de coração e de fígado em uma linhagem macho de frangos de corte. As análises dos dados foram realizadas através do método da máxima verossimilhança restrita e do método R, utilizando-se informações de 6167 animais. Os escores visuais de coração e de fígado não pareceram ser capazes de apresentar resposta à seleção, tendo em vista as estimativas de herdabilidade obtidas através do método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, que foram de 0,05±0,02 para ambas as características. Possivelmente devido à pouca variabilidade dos dados dos escores visuais de coração e de fígado, as análises realizadas pelo método R não atingiram convergência.The objective of this study was to estimate the heritability coefficients for heart and liver visual scores in a male broiler line. Dataset analysis was realized by restricted maximum likelihood and by R method. Data from 6167 individuals were used. Heart and liver visual scores did not seem to be able to respond to selection, since the heritability estimates obtained by restricted maximum likelihood were 0,05±0,02 for both traits. Possibly due to the low variability of visual scores data, the analyses by R method did not converge