370 research outputs found


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    Electronic journal (e-journal) publishing has started to change the ways we think about publish-ing. However, many scholars and scientists in the mind and brain sciences are still ignorant of the new possibilities and on-going debates. This paper will provide a summary of the issues in-volved, give an update of the current discussion, and supply practical information on issues re-lated to e- journal publishing and self-archiving relevant for the mind and brain sciences. Issues such as differences between traditional and e-journal publishing, open archive initiatives, world-wide conventions, quality control, costs involved in e-journal publishing, and copyright questions will be addressed. Practical hints on how to self-archive, how to submit to the e-journal Psycolo-quy, how to create an open research archive, and where to find information relevant to e-publishing will be supplied

    Vieillissement normal et cognition

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    Le vieillissement normal est accompagné de modifications du fonctionnement cognitif. Les plus fréquentes touchent la mémoire, l’attention ou les habiletés visuospatiales. Des facteurs généraux et des facteurs spécifiques expliquent ces changements indicateurs du vieillissement cérébral. Ils ne sont cependant pas obligatoires, mais dépendent des réserves en ressources cognitives que les individus possèdent, et de la façon dont ils continuent à les entretenir et à les exploiter. Le cerveau est en effet un organe qui s’adapte si on le met dans de bonnes conditions. Il est donc possible de retarder les effets du vieillissement et, dans certains cas, de les moduler.It is now well documented that normal aging modifies the cognitive functioning and most observations suggest that cognition evolves in the direction of deterioration. The more frequently impaired functions are memory, attention and visual-spatial abilities. On the other hand, some abilities seem to increase, such as vocabulary. Considering the aging effect on cognition, questions remain regarding directionality, universality and reversibility. A great variability in aged related impacts is observed among subjects and among cognitive domains. Some individuals evolved more rapidly than others. Some cognitive functions are more affected by aging than others. General and specific factors are hypothesized to explain the aged related cognitive decline. Among them, educational level, health, cognitive style, life style, personality, are likely to modulate the aged related cognitive evolution by influencing attentional resources and cerebral plasticity. Cognitive resources are essential to develop adaptative strategies. During the life span, resources are activated and increased by learning and training. Considering the role of cognitive resources, successful aging is dependent on several conditions : absence of disease leading to a loss of autonomy, maintenance of cognitive and physical activities, and active and social engaged lifestyle

    The Heroine's reclamation of the girlish and the portrayal of girl-power in Sailor Moon

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    This thesis considers the value of 1990s girl-power as demonstrated by the cartoon Sailor Moon. Girl-power and the girlish body were often chastised in 90s popular culture for providing girls with a negative example of empowerment that valued only a shallow, pleasure-seeking, and self-involved model of strength. Consequently, the girl-power genre is unfairly lumped in under the negative umbrella of post-feminism. Post-feminism is a label that sometimes includes ideas and thinkers that place themselves in opposition to feminism

    Lippenkraftmessungen bei 7- bis 10-jährigen Schulkindern:eine klinische Querschnitts- und Longitudinalstudie

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    Es wird die Maximalkraft bei Lippenzugversuchen in einer Querschnittsstudie an 9-jährigen Schulkindern sowie in einer Longitudinalstudie an Kindern im Alter von 7 und 10 Jahren untersucht. Bei den Querschnittsuntersuchungen von 388 neunjährigen Schulkindern liegt die Maximalkraft bei einem Mittelwert von 9,8 N. Zwischen den männlichen und weiblichen Probanden, sowie Angle Klasse I und II und Tiefbiss und Nicht-Tiefbiss Probanden ist kein signifikanter Unterschied vorhanden. Die longitudinale Untersuchung 163 Sieben- und Zehnjähriger erfolgte als Gesamtgruppe, sowie bezüglich des Geschlechts, Gebissklassifikation und dem Ausmass der vertikalen Frontzahnstufe. Der Mittelwert bei den 7-jährigen betrug 7,8 N, bei den 10-Jährigen 10,8 N. In der Gesamtgruppe, sowie bei den männlichen und weiblichen Probanden, der Angle Klasse I und II und den Gruppen Tiefbiss und Nicht-Tiefbiss stieg die Lippenkraft in den 3 Jahren sehr bzw. höchst signifikant an

    La puissance des faits qui sont tus : la Cour suprême du Canada et l'expulsion vers la torture

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    Dans Suresh c. Canada (Ministre de la Citoyenneté et de l'Immigration) (2002), la Cour suprême du Canada en vient à la conclusion que les principes de justice fondamentale prévus à l'm1icle 7 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés autorisent, dans des circonstances exceptionnelles, l'expulsion d'une personne vers la torture. La Cour nous indique que l'identification des principes de justice fondamentale doit se fonder sur une démarche contextuelle et sur un consensus dans la société canadienne. Le fondement factuel dans le raisonnement de la Cour est pourtant inexistant. Elle ne traite ni du contexte en matière d'immigration, ni du contexte en matière de sécurité nationale entourant cette décision. La Cour prescrit un haut degré de retenue pour le contrôle judiciaire de la décision du Ministre de la Citoyenneté et de l'Immigration d'expulser une personne vers la torture. Cette retenue explique en partie le traitement déficient des faits. La Cour conclut qu'il y aurait un consensus dans la société canadienne sur le principe de justice fondamentale qui autorise l'expulsion d'une personne vers la torture sans fournir la preuve de ce fait social. L'absence de traitement des faits et de la preuve affecte la légitimité – la force persuasive - de la décision de la Cour suprême dans Suresh.In Suresh v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) (2002), the Supreme Court of Canada concludes that the principles of fundamental justice in section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom allow, in exceptional circumstances, to deport a person facing a risk of torture. The Court writes that principles of fundamental justice must be determined by a contextual approach and based on a significant societal consensus. There is however no factual basis in the Court's reasoning. There is no discussion of the immigration context or the national security context surrounding this decision. The Court chooses a highly deferencial standard of review for the judicial review in administrative law of the Citizenship and Immigration Minister's decision to deport a person facing a risk of torture. This choice partly explains the deficient treatment of facts in the Court's decision. The Court concludes that there is a societal consensus on the principles of fundamental justice allowing deportation of a person facing a risk of torture without providing any evidence of this societal facto The absence of a proper examination of the facts and the evidence at the basis of conclusions in Suresh, reduces the legitimacy – the persuasiveness – of the Court's decision

    Multifactorial approaches to study bilingualism in the aging population: Past, present, future

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    A better understanding and more reliable classification of bilinguals has been progressively achieved through the fine-tuning methodology and simultaneously optimizing the measurement tools. However, the current understanding is far from generalization to a larger population varying in different measures of bilingualism—L2 Age of acquisition (L2 AOA), L2 usage and exposure, and L2 proficiency. More recent studies have highlighted the importance of modeling bilingualism as a continuous variable. An in-depth look at the role of bilingualism, comparing groups, may be considered a reductionist approach, i.e., grouping based on one measure of bilingualism (e.g., L2 AOA) may not account for variability in other measures of bilingualism (L2 exposure, L2 use or L2 proficiency, amongst others) within and between groups. Similarly, a multifactorial dimension is associated with cognitive performance, where not all domains of cognition and subcomponents are equally influenced by bilingualism. In addition, socio-cultural and demographical factors may add another dimension to the impact of bilingualism on cognitive performance, especially in older adults. Nevertheless, not many studies have controlled or used the multiple socio-cultural and demographical factors as a covariate to understand the role of different aspects of bilingualism that may influence cognitive performance differently. Such an approach would fail to generalize the research findings to a larger group of bilinguals. In the present review paper, we illustrate that considering a multifactorial approach to different dimensions of bilingual study may lead to a better understanding of the role of bilingualism on cognitive performance. With the evolution of various fine-tuned methodological approaches, there is a greater need to study variability in bilingual profiles that can help generalize the result universally

    Clinical Focus on Prosodic, Discursive and Pragmatic Treatment for Right Hemisphere Damaged Adults: What's Right?

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    Researchers and clinicians acknowledge today that the contribution of both cerebral hemispheres is necessary to a full and adequate verbal communication. Indeed, it is estimated that at least 50% of right brain damaged individuals display impairments of prosodic, discourse, pragmatics and/or lexical semantics dimensions of communication. Since the 1990's, researchers have focused on the description and the assessment of these impairments and it is only recently that authors have shown interest in planning specific intervention approaches. However, therapists in rehabilitation settings still have very few available tools. This review of recent literature demonstrates that, even though theoretical knowledge needs further methodological investigation, intervention guidelines can be identified to target right hemisphere damage communication impairments in clinical practice. These principles can be incorporated by speech and language pathologists, in a structured intervention framework, aiming at fully addressing prosodic, discursive and pragmatic components of communication

    Task-induced functional connectivity of picture naming in healthy aging : the impacts of age and task complexity

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    The topological organization of the brain, governed by the capacity of brain regions to synchronize their activity, allows for cost-effective performance during everyday cognitive activity. Functional connectivity is an fMRI method deemed task-specific and demand-dependent. Although the brain undergoes significant changes during healthy aging, conceptual knowledge and word-production accuracy are generally preserved. The exploration of task-induced functional connectivity patterns during active picture naming may thus provide additional information about healthy functional cerebral mechanisms that are specifically adapted to the cognitive activity at hand. The goal of this study is to assess and describe age-related differences in functional connectivity during an overt picture-naming task, as well as to compare age-related differences under complex task demand, defined by lexical frequency. Results suggest both age-specific and task-specific mechanisms. In the context of preserved behavioral performance in a picture-naming task, older adults show a complex array of differences in functional connectivity architecture, including both increases and decreases. In brief, there is increased segregation and specialization of regions that are classically assigned to naming processes. Results also expand on previous word-production studies and suggest that motor regions are particularly subject to age-related differences. This study also provides the first indication that intrinsic task demand, as manipulated by lexical frequency, interacts little with the relationship between age and functional connectivity. Together, these findings confirm the value of task-induced functional connectivity analysis in revealing the brain organization that subserves task performance during healthy aging