144 research outputs found

    A valorização do capital humano no olhar do serviço social: a experiência da COPERCAMPOS

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Curso de Serviço Social.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo, através da pesquisa de campo realizada, identificar como os colaboradores da COPERCAMPOS® (Cooperativa Regional Agropecuária de Campos Novos) avaliam o Setor de Recursos Humanos da Empresa. A estrutura do trabalho está dividida em três capítulos, sendo que, no primeiro, é realizada a contextualização do mundo do trabalho, destacando a reestruturação produtiva, discorrendo sobre os modelos produtivos e de organização do trabalho: o taylorismo, fordismo e o toyotismo e, as conseqüências que os mesmos provocam para o trabalhador. Dentro destas transformações, destacamos o trabalhador como capital humano e o surgimento do departamento de recursos humanos no Brasil. No segundo capítulo, discorremos sobre o Serviço Social no Brasil, o movimento de reconceituação e a inserção do Serviço Social na empresas, abrindo-se como um novo campo de atuação profissional em que destacamos o Serviço Social inserido no Recursos Humanos da Copercampos® e sua trajetória profissional. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, são apresentadas as análises dos dados obtidos com a pesquisa de campo, caracterizada como pesquisa exploratória e quanti-qualitativa, o que possibilitou uma aproximação maior com o tema estudado. A amostragem foi aleatória com a participação de 85 colaboradores da empresa que foram convidados a responder o roteiro de pesquisa elaborado. A pesquisa demonstrou que o departamento de Recursos Humanos da Copercampos é eficaz quanto ao repasse de informações, mas se percebe que as mesmas não atingem o grau de efetividad

    Tracing poly(Vinyl acetate) emulsions by infrared and raman spectroscopies: Identification of spectral markers

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    Vinyl emulsions started to be used by artists in paintings at least since the early 1960s, being now present in several artworks worldwide. However, different vinyl formulations can result in distinct behaviours over time, and if some artworks are currently showing a good condition, others already show damages due to the use of compositions more susceptible to degradation. For this reason, it is fundamental to identify the main components in the vinyl acetate-based (VAc-based) emulsion. This work focuses on the molecular study of VAc-based emulsions by infrared and Raman spectroscopies. It aims at deepening the knowledge on the variability of the composite formulation and on the identification of characteristic bands and spectral profiles (identified as spectral markers) for both polymer and additives. To this end, a broad set of vinyl emulsions was gathered, including reference materials, historical commercial brands in use by Portuguese artists, and commercial brands collected from industrial companies. The entire set includes vinyl homopolymers produced for the purpose of the study and known formulations of vinyl homopolymers and copolymers, with and without plasticisers, according to technical data sheets and previous studies. Furthermore, unknown formulations have been included to validate the usefulness of the identified spectral markers. This set has been studied in the form of solid films deposited in glass slides by infrared spectroscopy in attenuated total reflection mode (ATR-FTIR) and micro-Raman spectroscopy (µ-Raman), both conducted in situ. As conclusions, the combined use of ATR-FTIR and µ-Raman proved to be very useful as different spectral markers were detected by each technique, confirming their complementarity. Besides the clear identification of vinyl acetate-based emulsions by both techniques, it was also possible to suggest spectral markers for the copolymerisation of vinyl acetate with vinyl versatate by µ-Raman, the stabilisation of the emulsion with poly(vinyl alcohol) by ATR-FTIR, and the addition of phthalates or benzoates plasticisers by both ATR-FTIR and µ-Raman.publishersversionpublishe

    A co-criação de experiências como factor de inovação no turismo

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    Mestrado em Economia e Gestão de Ciência, Tecnologia e InovaçãoO turismo é um sector experiencial, onde a interação personalizada com o usufrutuário pode contribuir para a entrega de um serviço diferenciado. A participação do usufrutuário pode influenciar a criação e entrega do serviço, existindo a possibilidade de as empresas turísticas co-criarem valor em conjunto com os seus clientes. O presente trabalho pretende estudar a relação entre o esforço de interação com o usufrutuário, a co-criação e o seu resultado em termos de melhorias e criação de novos serviços turísticos. Com este fim, foram analisadas quatro empresas de turismo sediadas em Portugal, com serviços experiências e potencial co-criativo. Para facilitar a identificação e análise das dimensões em estudo foi elaborado, com base na literatura, um quadro de análise conceptual que poderá ser adaptado a investigações futuras sobre experiências nos serviços. Concluído o estudo, foi possível identificar a importância de uma interação relacional entre a empresa e o cliente no estímulo de atividades co-criativas. A interação com o cliente poderá proporcionar à empresa acesso a ideias e conhecimento que poderão gerar valor acrescentado, através de melhorias nos serviços e processos comerciais.Tourism is an experiential sector where a costumized interaction with the user can contribute to the delivery of a differentiated service. The participation of the user may have influence in the creation and delivery of the service, being possible that companies co-create value with their clients. The present work studies the relationship between the effort of interacting with the user, co-creation and its result in terms of improvement and creation of new touristic services. To this end, four tourism companies based in Portugal with experiential services and potential for co-creation were analyzed. To facilitate the identification and analysis of the dimensions under study, a conceptual analysis framework was created based on the literature, that may be adapted to future research on experiences in services. After concluding the study, it was possible to identify the importance of a relational interaction between the company and the client in the inducement of co-creative activities. Interacting with the customer may provide the company with access to ideas and knowledge that may generate added value, through improvements in services and business processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório de EStágio Profissional

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    Qual o papel da chupeta no risco de otite média aguda?

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    Introduction: Sucking reflex is acknowledged as a comforting mechanism for infants. When used for short periods of time, it is considered a healthy habit. Acute otitis media is one of the most frequent infections in pediatric age and has been associated with pacifier misuse.Objectives: To review available evidence regarding the association between pacifier use in the first years of life and otitis media risk.Methods: A literature search was conducted on several databases using MeSH terms “otitis” and “pacifiers” for guidelines, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, and observational studies over the last 20 years. SORT scale of the American Family Physician was used to evaluate evidence levels.Results: A total of 56 articles were retrieved, of which four guidelines, one systematic review, and one original article were selected. According to guidelines, there is no reason to discourage pacifier use, as it can be particularly beneficial in the first six months of life. Afterwards, pacifier use should be limited to moments of falling asleep. Its use should also be avoided in infants with chronic or recurrent otitis media. The systematic review stablished pacifier use as a risk factor for recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM) which is susceptible to intervention. In the observational study, a statistically significant association was found between pacifier use and RAOM risk.Conclusions: Pacifier use should not be actively discouraged in the first semester of life, as it can have beneficial effects for children (SORT A). Afterwards, its use should be discontinued due to increased otitis risk (SORT A).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Envelhecer bem : um estudo sobre qualidade de vida e espiritualidade

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    Mestrado em GerontologiaObjectivos: A relação entre qualidade de vida e espiritualidade associada ao envelhecimento permanece como um campo de investigação que necessita de mais exploração, sobretudo em pessoas que envelhecem bem. Assim, este estudo visa compreender a relação entre a qualidade de vida e a espiritualidade em pessoas com 65 ou mais anos, que frequentam uma universidade sénior. Metodologia: Optou-se por realizar um estudo quantitativo, de tipo descritivocorrelacional. A amostra foi constituída por 70 pessoas com uma média etária de 73,47 anos. Os instrumentos de recolha de dados utilizados foram: a versão portuguesa do EASYCare (Sousa et al., 2009); a Escala de Avaliação da Espiritualidade (Pinto & Pais-Ribeiro, 2007); e um questionário complementar. Resultados: Os principais resultados indicam que: a) os participantes apresentam uma percepção positiva da sua qualidade de vida, evidenciando elevados níveis de funcionalidade e independência; b) os participantes atribuem importância à espiritualidade, sobrevalorizando as crenças religiosas ou espirituais; c) as pessoas que percepcionam uma melhor qualidade de vida perspectivam o futuro com mais esperança e optimismo. Implicações: Os resultados sublinham a importância de se perspectivar a espiritualidade como um factor associado à qualidade de vida no envelhecimento. Além disso, evidenciam a necessidade de uma nova atitude social que reconheça as pessoas idosas como um grupo heterogéneo e promova a sua participação social e activa. ABSTRACT: Objectives: The relationship between quality of life and spirituality associated with aging remains a research field that needs further exploration, especially with people who age well. This study aims to understand the relationship between quality of life and spirituality in people aged 65 years or older, who attend a senior university. Methods: A quantitative descriptive-correlational study was conducted. The sample comprises 70 persons with an average age of 73.47 years old. Data was collected through the use of the following instruments: the Portuguese version of EASYCare (Sousa et al., 2009); the Spirituality Assessment Scale (Pinto & Pais-Ribeiro, 2007); and an additional questionnaire. Results: The main results suggest that: a) participants have a positive perception of their quality of life, with high levels of functionality and independence; b) participants recognized the importance of spirituality, overstating religious or spiritual beliefs; c) older people who perceive a better quality of life tend to perspective the future with more hope and optimism. Implications: These findings underline the importance to perspective spirituality as a factor associated with quality of life in later life. In addition, demonstrate the need for a new social attitude that recognizes the elderly as a heterogeneous group and promotes their social and active participation

    Farnesol antimicrobial role as biofilm cell detachment inducer in S. epidermidis biofilms

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    Objetives: Farnesol is a naturally-occurring sesquiterpene that was originally isolated from essential oils found in many plants has been described to have antimicrobial potential against several bacteria, including S. epidermidis. However, farnesol mechanism of action is not yet fully understood and some contradictory findings have been reported. We recently described that while farnesol was not efficient at killing biofilm bacteria, a strong reduction on biofilm biomass was detected, and we hypothesize that farnesol could be inducing biofilm detachment. Here, we address this hypothesis. Methods: To test our hypothesis we used 36 representative clinical strains of S. epidermidis from different parts of the world and characterized them in terms of genetic variability, biofilm formation and on the effect of farnesol on biofilm physiology and gene expression. Results: Farnesol had no bactericidal effect on stationary phase populations equal or above 108 CFU/mL. In exponential phase planktonic bacteria, farnesol showed a bacteriostatic effect after cell density reached 108 CFU/mL. In any of the growth phases studied, farnesol was effective in killing above 90% of bacteria in 4 h when cell density was 107 CFU/mL or below. Confocal microscopy and flow citometry analysis confirmed that in biofilms bacteria were not killed by farnesol but nevertheless cell wall integrity was affected. Gene expression studies revealed differential responses to farnesol, depending on the bacterial strain tested. Farnesol cell detachement from biofilms was also straindependent. Conclusions: We found that while farnesol cannot kill high density bacterial communities, such as biofilms, it was nevertheless able to induce biofilm detachment in 50% of the strains that formed biofilm


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