12 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Radiological assessment of chest compression point and achievable compression depth in cardiac patients

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    The presence of blood-filled structures beneath the centre of sternum at the internipple line level. Percentages do not sum up to 100 because several structures may be present in one patient. (DOCX 65 kb

    Feature selection with BSTsel (top) and the <i>L</i><sub>1</sub>-LRsel (bottom) approaches.

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    <p>The results are shown for 4-s (left) and 8-s (right) segments for both public and OHCA databases. The mean BER is shown (with errorbars) for each subset size, and the horizontal line represents the subset selection threshold for the public (red) and OHCA (green) databases. The triangle and dot marks and their corresponding numbers represent the selected subset and the minimum BER subset, respectively.</p

    Examples of ECG found in public (top) and OHCA (bottom) data.

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    <p>The top-left segment corresponds to a VF from CUDB (record, cu05) right after VF onset, and presents large amplitude and a fibrillation frequency of 4.5 Hz. The bottom-left segments were recorded during OHCA 5–10 minutes after VF onset, and have smaller amplitudes and fibrillation frequencies (3.5 Hz and 2.5 Hz). The top-right segment corresponds to a NSR from cu05 right before VF onset. The bottom-right segments are examples of PEA in OHCA patients. Both cases show aberrant QRS complexes and low heart rates. The bottom example presents an extremely low heart-rate of 15 beats per minute.</p