544 research outputs found

    Measurement of the properties of the 125 GeV Higgs boson with the CMS detector

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    The measurement of the properties of the recently discovered boson is central to the LHC physics program. In this contribution we review preliminary measurements of the properties of the new 125 GeV boson performed by the CMS experiment using the full proton-proton dataset collected in 2011–12 (~25 fb−1). In the H → ZZ (4l) channel, a signal significance of 6.7σ is now observed. In the other high-resolution mode, H → γγ, updated results were obtained on the signal strength, μ = σ/σSM, which is now measured to be ~0.8 ± 0.3. The two high-resolution modes allowed independent determinations of the Higgs mass: 125.8±0.6 GeV, in H → ZZ (4l); and 125.4±0.8 GeV, in H → γγ. The four-lepton channel permitted tests of the spin-parity of the new boson. From these studies, the pure pseudoscalar hypothesis is excluded at 99.8% C.L. and, for the first time, simple spin 2 models are excluded with greater than 98.5% C.L. Significantly, strong evidence is seen in a fermionic decay mode of the Higgs for the first time, namely in the H → ττ channel, which is reported with a significance of nearly 3σ. The new measurements of the spin-parity (JP) assignments for this particle, coupled with the measured strength of the interaction of this particle with other particles, strongly indicates that the new particle is a Higgs boson, responsible for the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. While all of these measurements are consistent with values predicted for a SM Higgs boson, they still fall far short of the requisite precision to rule out all BSM scenarios. Additional data from Run 2 of the LHC and HL-LHC will be needed to firmly establish this conclusion.Peer Reviewe

    Polyploid lineages in the genus Porphyra

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    Whole genome duplication is now accepted as an important evolutionary force, but the genetic factors and the life history implications affecting the existence and abundance of polyploid lineages within species are still poorly known. Polyploidy has been mainly studied in plant model species in which the sporophyte is the dominant phase in their life history. In this study, we address such questions in a novel system (Porphyra, red algae) where the gametophyte is the dominant phase in the life history. Three Porphyra species (P. dioica, P. umbilicalis, and P. linearis) were used in comparisons of ploidy levels, genome sizes and genetic differentiation using flow cytometry and 11 microsatellite markers among putative polyploid lineages. Multiple ploidy levels and genome sizes were found in Porphyra species, representing different cell lines and comprising several cytotype combinations among the same and different individuals. In P. linearis, genetic differentiation was found among three polyploid lineages: triploid, tetraploid and mixoploids, representing different evolutionary units. We conclude that the gametophytic phase (n) in Porphyra species is not haploid, contradicting previous theories. New hypotheses for the life histories of Porphyra species are discussed.FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal) [SFRH/BPD/109452/2015, NORIGENOMICS - PTDC/MAR/099698/2008, UID/Multi/04326/2013, BIODIVERSA/004/2015-MARFOR

    Marine biotechnology: a challenging path to sustainable food, feed, energy and improved human and animal health

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    As life began in the oceans, the past, but also the future of the human population is intrinsically linked to marine living resources. The oceans offer a bounty of biodiversity that needs to be protected, properly managed and exploited with responsibility. Recent studies on the biodiversity of marine organisms have revealed that the tree of life is actually a web of life with multiple interactions in terms of complex networks of gene transfers, endosymbiotic events and trophic relationships. The understanding of this complexity and the evolutionary history that underlies and explains the biology, biochemistry and ecology of marine life is key to its effective exploitation to benefit human beings as a whole in a responsible manner. We will discuss knowledge-based strategies that are currently being implemented in order to use the available marine living resources as novel sources of food, feed, energy and bioactive compounds, so that a more sustainable future can be provided to future generations.0055 ALGARED+ 5E funded under the INTERREG V-A programme for the trans-border cooperation Spain – Portugal (POCTEP)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zagaias do paleolítico superior de Portugal

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    Chemical profiling of infusions and decoctions of Helichrysum italicum subsp picardii by UHPLC-PDA-MS and in vitro biological activities comparatively with green tea (Camellia sinensis) and rooibos tisane (Aspalathus linearis)

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    Several medicinal plants are currently used by the food industry as functional additives, for example botanical extracts in herbal drinks. Moreover, the scientific community has recently begun focusing on halophytes as sources of functional beverages. Helichrysum italicum subsp. picardii (everlasting) is an aromatic halophyte common in southern Europe frequently used as spice and in traditional medicine. In this context, this work explored for the first time H. italicum subsp. picardii as a potential source of innovative herbal beverages with potential health promoting properties. For that purpose, infusions and decoctions were prepared from roots, vegetative aerial-organs (stems and leaves) and flowers and evaluated for in vitro antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities. Samples were also assessed for toxicity in different mammalian cell lines and chemically characterized by spectrophotometric methods and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography photo diode array mass-spectrometry (UHPLC-PDA-MS). Results were expressed relating to 'a cup-of-tea' and compared with those obtained with green tea (Camellia sinensis) and rooibos tisane (Aspalathus linearis). Tisanes from the everlasting's above-ground organs, particularly flowers, have high polyphenolic content and several phenolics were identified; the main compounds were chlorogenic and quinic acids, dicaffeoylquinic-acid isomers and gnaphaliin-A. The antioxidant activity of beverages from the everlasting's above-ground organs matched or surpassed that of green tea and rooibos. Its anti-diabetic activity was moderate and toxicity low. Overall, our results suggest that the everlasting is a potential source of innovative and functional herbal beverages. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.national funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) [CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013]FCT [SFRH/BD/94407/2013, SFRH/BD/116604/2016]Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) [12M8315N]FCT Investigator Programme [IF/00049/2012]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização do machado mirense : os materiais de monte dos amantes (Vila do Bispo, Algarve)

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    The mirian axe is one of the most characteri stic macrolithic artifact from the late Plistocene and/or early post glacial industries of the Baixo Alentejo coast, were it was recognized as a part of a specific industrial assemblage. Initially applied to this particular type of artifact, the mirian designation (from the river Mira estuary, near Vila Nova de Milfontes, took as eponym), is now extended to the whole industrial assemblage. Recent archaeological surveys, at the origin of this study, demonstrated thal the distribution centre of the mirian axc is in fact in the Westem Algarve region. At Monte dos Amantes (Vila do Bispo) were collected more mirian axes.than those from all known sites. Such an important and homogeneous group enabled an essay of typological characterisation, through multivariate statistical methods. A total of fourteen dimensional parameters were considered and expressed numerically and two multivariate factor analysis applied: . ordination by principal component analysis using the PC - programme SPAD; . hierarchive Clustering by the UPGMA method, using the PC - programme NTSYS. The first method allowed the analysis of the Pearson correlations between parameters, showing the homogeneity of the sample in study. The second method allowed the identification of several groups, emphasizing sample size differences, but not morphological variations, because data used was based on dimensional parameters. A new c1uster analysis, by UPGMA was performed. using shape attributes, after an individualisation of fundamental; Sectors, in each artifact. The eight groups obtained showed that, within this statistical homogeneous assemblage, it is possible the identification of several types, perhaps as a result of a funcional speciali sation - like their abundance in this site. This activities, eventually seasonal, of a population that, during the late glacial and/or the first post-glacial times inhabited the littoral and contiguous areas from Baixo Alentejo and Algarve regions, are not yet well known

    A mais antiga representação de Equus do Vale do Tejo

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    Têm sido publicadas fotografias e, mesmo, decalques, mais ou menos completos, de um sector da rocha 155 de Fratel que incluem uma importante figuração de equídeo. Contudo, a sua análise em termos de uma consequente identificação zoológica e possível interpretação comportamental, ou etológica, não foi, ainda, realizada. O trabalho agora apresentado pretende adicionar a abordagem deste tipo de informação aos atributos estilísticos, técnicos e morfológicos, tal como à sua inserção estratigráfica, de modo a melhor podermos tentar a integração daquela representação, tanto no seu contexto paleontológico e paleo-ambiental, como cultural.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio