539 research outputs found

    Estatística no Instituto Politécnico de Santarém

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    O ensino da estatística nas licenciaturas do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Criação de espaços virtuais de aprendizagem a partir de um repositório de documentos XML

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    Para construir Espaços de Aprendizagem na Web, mais do que recolher e digitalizar informações, é necessário um poderoso mecanismo de busca e extração de dados e um sofisticado mecanismo de publicação na web. Neste artigo, é apresentado um sistema para construir automaticamente esses espaços de aprendizagem com base num repositório digital. O sistema extrai de um repositório de documentos XML a informação necessária para popular uma ontologia (a base de conhecimento que serve como núcleo do nosso sistema) criando uma representação interna tripla. Uma linguagem de domínio específico (CaVaDSL) será usada para especificar os espaços de aprendizagem com base nessa ontologia. A descrição formal, escrita nessa linguagem, será processada pelo motor Cavagen para gerar o espaço virtual de aprendizagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    CaVa: An example of the automatic generation of virtual learning spaces

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    In order to construct web Learning Spaces (LS), more than collect and digitalize information, a powerful data extraction and querying engine and a sophisticated web publishing mechanism are needed. In this paper, a system to automatically construct those learning spaces based on a digital repository is presented. The system takes XML files from repositories and populates an ontology (representing the knowledge base, the core of our system) to create the triples internal representation. A Domain Specific Language (CaVaDSL) will be used to specify the learning spaces based on that ontology. The formal description, written in that DSL, will be processed by Cavagen engine to generate the final LS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cognitive room for Design education: Theoretical aspects

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    The normal aspect of rooms dedicated to Design education tends to use exhibitions of actual and past student’s work as a strategy to inspire creativity in their students. On other hand, the maintenance of the same objects in that room can lead to some boringness as students or workers look at the same things for a period. This leads us to the problem we wish to reflect on: Can a room be designed to be user-adaptative allowing multi-sensory experience in line with the educational process in a Design setting? Our goal was to describe the possible link between the educational process and the contribution of a room that is cognitive adaptable to the different needs of that educational process. To achieve this, a theoretical study was conducted to propose a framework for cognitive room creation, based on augmented cognition concepts. The concepts of creativity, visual pollution, and human-environment interaction understood as the cognitive workload was confronted in order to create a technology-based concept of a room that is adaptative to the cognitive needs of its users, in a design creational process setting. Theoretically, it seems possible to create a room that adapts to one’s educational needs, including emotional status, one aspect that can directly be associated with the creativity performance in Design. The implementation of a simulated room based on these ideas will help to quantify the real benefit of this theoretical assumption to Design education and practice. If true it can be traduced to other room-based realities as school rooms. Keywords: Adaptative rooms; augmented cognition; education; media as multi-sensory experiences

    Avaliação de Métodos de Cálculo de Exigência de Capital para Risco de Mercado de Carteiras de Ações no Brasil

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    This paper analyses four methods of calculating capital requirements for coverage of market risk generated by exposure in stocks and their derivatives, except options. For simulation purposes, two theoretical portfolios were created with some assets that compose Ibovespa. The methods evaluated follow the directives of the Basel Committee. The first is based on the standardized approach and the others, on the approach of proprietary models based on the Value-at-Risk (VaR) concept. The backtesting of the methods follows the methodology suggested by the Committee. Additionally, the Kupiec test for proportion of failures is applied to the methods based on VaR.

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    persons Funding Information: This work was sponsored by national funds through FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the scope of the projects CINTESIS, R&D Unit (reference UIDB/4255/2020) and “RISE—LA/P/0053/2020”. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent gastrointestinal disease with no effective treatment. Altered microbiota composition seems implicated in disease etiology and therefore fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) has emerged as a possible treatment therapy. To clarify the clinical parameters impacting FMT efficacy, we conducted a systematic review with subgroup analysis. Methods: A literature search was performed identifying randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing FMT with placebo in IBS adult patients (8-week follow-up) with a reported improvement in global IBS symptoms. Results: Seven RCTs (489 participants) met the eligibility requirements. Although FMT seems not to be effective in global improvement of IBS symptoms, subgroup analysis shows that FMT through gastroscopy or nasojejunal tube are effective IBS treatments (RR 3.03; 95% CI 1.94–4.73; I2 = 10%, p < 0.00001). When considering non-oral ingestion routes, IBS patients with constipation symptoms are more likely to benefit from FMT administration (p = 0.003 for the difference between IBS subtypes regarding constipation). Fresh fecal transplant and bowel preparation seem also to have impact on FMT efficacy (p = 0.03 and p = 0.01, respectively). Conclusion: Our meta-analysis revealed a set of critical steps that could affect the efficacy of FMT as clinical procedure to treat IBS, nevertheless more RCTs are needed.publishersversionpublishe


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo relatar o trabalho desenvolvido no Asilo Lar Bom Samaritano, no município de Videira/SC, por meio do Projeto de extensão “Jardinagem e Paisagismo”. O objetivo geral do projeto foi melhorar a ambiência do referido Asilo, utilizando técnicas de jardinagem e paisagismo, destacando também a horticultura e fruticultura, cujos produtos foram utilizados na alimentação dos idosos e demais pessoas envolvidas com o Asilo. O projeto foi desenvolvido por docentes, discentes e técnicos do IFC Videira, com o apoio dos funcionários e alguns idosos do Asilo. As técnicas e metodologias utilizadas no projeto foram realizadas com base nas informações de revistas, livros, sites especializados em técnicas de Jardinagem e Paisagismo, além de estudos dentro das disciplinas de Jardinagem e Paisagismo, e Olericultura. Com isso, percebeu-se que os jovens envolvidosaprenderam muito mais que a aplicabilidade das técnicas, mas a necessidade de dar mais atenção aos idosos. Nesse aspecto, a maior mudança ocorrida com a execução desse projetofoi a de uma postura mais humana em relação ao próximo

    Evaluation and testing system for automotive LiDAR sensors

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    The world is facing a great technological transformation towards fully autonomous vehicles, where optimists predict that by 2030 autonomous vehicles will be sufficiently reliable, affordable, and common to displace most human driving. To cope with these trends, reliable perception systems must enable vehicles to hear and see all their surroundings, with light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors being a key instrument for recreating a 3D visualization of the world in real time. However, perception systems must rely on accurate measurements of the environment. Thus, these intelligent sensors must be calibrated and benchmarked before being placed on the market or assembled in a car. This article presents an Evaluation and Testing Platform for Automotive LiDAR sensors, with the main goal of testing both commercially available sensors and new sensor prototypes currently under development in Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal. The testing system can benchmark any LiDAR sensor under different conditions, recreating the expected driving environment in which such devices normally operate. To characterize and validate the sensor under test, the platform evaluates several parameters, such as the field of view (FoV), angular resolution, sensor’s range, etc., based only on the point cloud output. This project is the result of a partnership between the University of Minho and Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal.This work was supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COM-PETE 2020), Project nº 037902, Funding Reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902

    Effect of a natural mineral-rich water on catechol-O-methyltransferase function

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    Abstract. Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) is a magnesium-dependent, catecholamine-metabolizing enzyme, whose impaired activity has been positively associated with cardiovascular diseases, particularly hypertension. Consumption of some natural mineral-rich waters has been shown to exert protective effects on cardiovascular risk factors, eg. by decreasing arterial blood pressure and blood lipids. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects are still poorly understood. So, the aim of this work was to investigate the effect of natural mineral-rich water ingestion upon liver and adrenal glands COMT expression and activity in Wistar Han rats. Over a seven-week period, animals had access to one of the following three drinking solutions: 1) tap water (control group; TW), 2) tap water with added Na + (to make the same concentration as in the MW group (TWNaCl group), or 3) natural mineral-rich water [Pedras Salgadas ® , which is very rich in bicarbonate, and with higher sodium, calcium and magnesium content than control tap water (MW group)]. COMT expression and activity were determined by RT-PCR and HPLC-ED, respectively. A higher hepatic COMT activity was found in the MW group compared with the TW and TWNaCl groups. On the other hand, adrenal gland COMT mRNA expression decreased in the MW group compared to TW group. In conclusion, the ability of natural mineral-rich waters to increase hepatic COMT activity may eventually explain the positive cardiovascular effects associated with the consumption of some natural mineral-rich waters