550 research outputs found

    Selection criteria for weighting factor in linear regression

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    Poster apresentado no 54th Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) 28 de agosto - 1 setembro 2016, Brisbane, AustraliaN/

    Ageing perception in seniors’ formal caregivers

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    This paper explores the ageing perception of a group of seniors’ caregiver workers, particularly those who have direct contact with the elderly while performing their tasks. Therefore, we analyze the variables that influence this perception and the ones that can be good predictors. One hundred and forty-eight individuals took part in this study (a hundred and thirty- five females and twelve males) with ages between twentyone and sixty-five years old. It was applied the Portuguese versions of the tests Ageing Perception Questionnaire, the Self-Concept Scale (TSCS:2) and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results showed that the ageing perception is more negative as age advances. On the other hand, individuals with higher education, training in the health field or with a stronger self-concept have a more positive ageing perception. The studied variables that best predict the emotional representation for ageing are the academic qualifications and the academic self-concept.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MDMA intoxication in a potential organ donor with cardiac arrest

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    Amphetamine and its derivatives’ consumption is still an important public health issue, namely in terms of compounds variability and disposition to consumers. However, some of them, like MDMA, still live in the illicit market, with continuous success. Nevertheless, there is always new information and data on MDMA intoxication, both in vivo and in post-mortem context. The authors report an intoxication case with MDMA, in an 18 years old male, considered a potential organ donor after a cardiac arrest. Whole blood samples were collected in vivo, at the Emergency Room (ER), and post-mortem, at the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. After a general screening procedure, samples were extracted by SPE (OASIS® MCX), followed by GC-MS analysis. The whole blood post-mortem sample was positive for lidocaine (< 500 ng/mL), compatible with the ER intervention, and positive for MDMA (2278 ng/mL) and MDA (49 ng/mL), while whole blood samples collected in vivo (during the maintenance of the individual under advanced life support), were positive for MDMA (504 ng/mL to 1918 ng/mL) and MDA (20 ng/mL to 89 ng/mL). Samples were negative for other substances, namely ethanol, other drugs of abuse and medicines.Results interpretation is pivotal to understand the behaviour of the substance. Thus, in this case, MDMA post-mortem behaviour should be carefully evaluated, considering as possible influencers, in the specific context of the case, the time lapse between death verification, maintenance of the advanced life support and body manipulation for organ collection purposes. Also referred and discussed is the ante-mortem/post-mortem ratio of MDMA obtained values, compared with literature references. There is no doubt that death was due to MDMA intoxication, but information from the analysis performed on the in vivo samples suggests that this type of sample should also be considered, in a complementary role, whenever possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Quantification of GHB and GHB-GLUC in an 1,4-butanediol intoxication: a case report

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    Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is an endogenous compound with known action at the neural level. Its psychoactive effects led to an illicit use context including recreational purposes, muscle building effects in bodybuilders and drug-facilitated crimes, specifically in sexual assaults. Besides the misuse of the main compound, there are precursors like Gammabutyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD), usually non controlled substances, becoming a much easier way to obtain the target-compound. The authors present the first reported intoxication case in Portugal with 1,4-Butanediol, including the quantification of GHB and GHB-GLUC in serum, by GC-MS/MS TQD. A suspicious liquid and a serum sample were sent by an hospital ER and analysed by GC-MS-single quadrupole and GC-MS/MS TQD, respectively. A methodology including protein precipitation and GC-MS/MS TQD analysis was used to detect and quantify GHB and GHB-GLUC in serum. Toxicological analysis revealed the presence of 1,4-Butanediol in the liquid and GHB [171 mg/L] and GHB-GLUC [13,7 mg/L] in serum. The victim reverted the coma with no neurological sequelae. This was the first detected case, in Portugal, with 1,4-Butanediol, suggesting that it is important to be aware that consumers have different options to obtain illicit compounds, such as GHB. On the other hand, GHB-GLUC was identified and quantified for the first time in a real case, due to intoxication. This case highlights the importance of analysing all samples for active compounds, precursors and metabolites that can lead to the main intoxication origin.publishe

    Illicit fentanyl intoxication: a case report

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    Poster apresentado no 56th Annual Meeting of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists – Ghent, Bélgica, 26 a 30 de Agosto, 2018N/

    Expression analysis of a set of genes related to the ripening of bananas and mangoes

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    During ripening many important physic-chemical changes contribute to fruit quality, and they are precisely determined by gene expression. Specific genes are essential to normal ripening; however, information on gene expression about the majority of tropical fruit, such as bananas and mangoes is limited. In this way, the present study was undertaken with the objective to provide preliminary access to the changes in expression of some genes potentially relevant to banana and mango ripening. To simultaneously evaluate the changes in gene expression, a small collection of genes related to ethylene biosynthesis, starch mobilization, cell wall disassembly, pigment synthesis and ascorbate metabolism was assembled in nylon membranes and probed with cDNA from unripe and ripe fruit. Some interesting differences were observed between gene expression in bananas and mangoes. In relation to starch metabolism, banana a-amylase was induced during ripening while phosphorylase was more induced in mangoes. Similarly, expression of cell wall-related genes for polygalacturonase and expansin were also different in those fruits. Fructanfructosyltransferase, chalcone synthase, and ascorbate oxidase genes were also induced in ripening mangoes, but not in bananas. Although the number of sequences involved was relatively small, this simple and feasible approach provided interesting preliminary data that can be starting points for more in depth studies.FAPES

    A retrospectÍve analysis of data from cannabinoid forensic cases in the Centre of Portugal between 2020 and 2023

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    Poster apresentado no 60th Annual TIAFT meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Rome ( Italy), 2023Background and aim: Marijuana, hashish and other psychoactive products obtained from Cannabis are the most produced and trafficked illicit drugs around the world. Methods: The authors studied all the positive cases for cannabinoids in the Centre of Portugal; from autopsies at the Forensic Clinical and Pathology Service of Coimbra’s Delegation of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (NILMFS), from other autopsies in the Centre of Portugal, and road traffic and labour accidents from June 2020 until March 2023. Results were from blood samples routinely tested for the presence of cannabinoids by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and confirmed by LC-MS/MS. When requested, other substances were analysed. Results and discussion: During the study period, a total of 4599 toxicological requests for cannabinoids were received at the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory. 461 cases (10.0%) tested positive in screening tests, all confirmed by LC-MS/MS. Among positive cases, 77% were road traffic surveillance cases , and 24.9% related to other antemortem and postmortem cases.We observed that there was an accentuated consumption of cannabinoids between ages 21 and 30 years old, average age 33 years, and a higher prevalence in men (92.4%). THC was confirmed and quantified in 76.5% of the cases, with an average blood concentration of 13.5 ng/mL; the mean and percent for the active metabolites, 11-OH-THC, was 5.9 ng/mL in 44.5% and for THCCOOH was 20.1 ng/mL in 56.2% of the positive cases. It is important to highlight that in the 75.1% positive road traffic surveillance cases the achieved THC average was 11.6 ng/mL and in postmortem cases related to road traffic accidents this value increased to 16.0 ng/mL. 25.4% of the cases (n=117) had cannabinoids together with other psychoactive substances and ethanol was present in 162 of the cases, with 33.9% presenting a BAC ≥0.5 <1.2 g/L and 50.6% a BAC ≥1.2 g/L. 20.9% of the Forensic Pathology and Clinic cases were road accidents with 79.2% drivers. Conclusion: Cannabis is frequently used before and during driving with high concentrations of the active compounds demonstrating impairment increasing theof a crash. It is also important to be aware of the results showing simultaneous use of THC and alcohol increasing accident risk.N/

    Effectiveness of the European Natura 2000 network at protecting Western Europe’s agro-steppes

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    Assessing progress towards achieving conservation targets is a requirement for all countries committed to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Natura 2000 network is the largest protected area network in the world and was created to protect Europe’s threatened species and habitats, often requiring active management. This study assesses the effectiveness of areas classified under the EU Birds Directive at protecting Western Europe’s agro-steppes, the last remnants of suitable habitat for several endangered bird species. We quantify agro-steppe habitat change in the last 10 years using high-resolution aerial images of 21 Special Protection Areas and surrounding areas. The selected SPAs hold one third of the global population of great bustards Otis tarda , a flagship conservation species. Agro-steppe area losses occurred across all sites surveyed but were 45% lower inside Natura 2000 compared to non-protected areas. Natura 2000 sites still lost over 35 000 ha of agro-steppe habitat in 10 years, an area that could hold approximately 500 great bustards. These low yield farmlands are being converted predominately to permanent and irrigated crops. At the current rate of habitat conversion, agro-steppes could be reduced to 50% of the present area during the next century. Moreover, the greater conversions outside protected sites may transform the remaining agro-steppes into isolated “islands” with low population connectivity. Our study on agro-steppes illustrates the relevant contribution of Natura 2000 at protecting Europe’s key habitats, but also highlights crucial insufficiencies that still need to be addressed to achieve the CBD conservation targets and halt biodiversity loss

    Fisher's perceptions about a marine protected area over time

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    The perceptions of fishers towards the Arrábida Marine Park, a marine protected area (MPA) in the west coast of Portugal, were studied through face-to-face interviews in two different moments of the MPA life cycle. Fishers' perceptions about the MPA and the impact it had on the fishing activity over time were identified just before the full implementation of the zoning and regulations of the management plan and 10 years later. This study aimed to investigate fishers' knowledge, acceptance and perceptions about the MPA changed with time, if support for the MPA was linked to the impact of the MPA on the fishing activity, and if fishers' perceptions about the impact of the MPA on the fishing activity match with local landings trends. Results show that although knowledge about the marine park significantly improved over time, fishers' acceptance did not. A decrease on fishers' support was not substantial but occurred. Issues such as the disagreement with regulations reinforced concerns raised during the implementation of the marine park, particularly in relation to the top-down decision-making, which commonly confers minor participation, recognition and legitimacy to fishers. Apparently, fisheries benefits were still not perceived by local fishers, though they are central for fishers' support. Further, the perceived negative impacts of the park seemed to be more related to social aspects and individual interests than to impacts on catches. Addressing adequate management, enforcement and participation of local fishers is still possible and are advocated here as to contribute to the expected socioecological outcomes and respective support, leading to the future successful performance of the Arrábida Marine Park. Assessing fishers’ perceptions towards an MPA over time is central and should be included on periodical socioecological monitoring and inform an effective adaptive managementFudação ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Performance of GPS/GPRS tracking devices improves with increased fix interval and is not affected by animal deployment

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    The use of GPS tracking technologies has revolutionized the study of animal movement providing unprecedentedly detailed information. The characterization of GPS accuracy and precision under different conditions is essential to correctly identify the spatial and temporal resolution at which studies can be conducted. Here, we examined the influence of fix acquisition interval and device deployment on the performance of a new GPS/GSM solar powered device. Horizontal and vertical accuracy and precision of locations were obtained under different GPS fix acquisition intervals (1min, 20 min and 60 min) in a stationary test. The test devices were deployed on pre-fledgling white storks (Ciconia ciconia) and we quantified accuracy and precision after deployment while controlling for bias caused by variation in habitat, topography, and animal movement. We also assessed the performance of GPS-Error, a metric provided by the device, at identifying inaccurate locations (> 10 m). Average horizontal accuracy varied between 3.4 to 6.5 m, and vertical accuracy varied between 4.9 to 9.7 m, in high (1 min) and low frequency (60 min) GPS fix intervals. These values were similar after the deployment on white storks. Over 84% of GPS horizontal positions and 71% of vertical positions had less than 10m error in accuracy. Removing 3% of data with highest GPS-Error eliminated over 99% of inaccurate positions in high GPS frequency intervals, but this metric was not effective in the low frequency intervals. We confirmed the suitability of these devices for studies requiring horizontal and vertical accuracies of 5-10m. For higher accuracy data, intensive GPS fix intervals should be used, but this requires more sophisticated battery management, or larger batteries and devices