20 research outputs found

    Learning Representations of Bi-level Knowledge Graphs for Reasoning beyond Link Prediction

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    Knowledge graphs represent known facts using triplets. While existing knowledge graph embedding methods only consider the connections between entities, we propose considering the relationships between triplets. For example, let us consider two triplets T1T_1 and T2T_2 where T1T_1 is (Academy_Awards, Nominates, Avatar) and T2T_2 is (Avatar, Wins, Academy_Awards). Given these two base-level triplets, we see that T1T_1 is a prerequisite for T2T_2. In this paper, we define a higher-level triplet to represent a relationship between triplets, e.g., T1\langle T_1, PrerequisiteFor, T2T_2\rangle where PrerequisiteFor is a higher-level relation. We define a bi-level knowledge graph that consists of the base-level and the higher-level triplets. We also propose a data augmentation strategy based on the random walks on the bi-level knowledge graph to augment plausible triplets. Our model called BiVE learns embeddings by taking into account the structures of the base-level and the higher-level triplets, with additional consideration of the augmented triplets. We propose two new tasks: triplet prediction and conditional link prediction. Given a triplet T1T_1 and a higher-level relation, the triplet prediction predicts a triplet that is likely to be connected to T1T_1 by the higher-level relation, e.g., T1\langle T_1, PrerequisiteFor, ?\rangle. The conditional link prediction predicts a missing entity in a triplet conditioned on another triplet, e.g., T1\langle T_1, PrerequisiteFor, (Avatar, Wins, ?)\rangle. Experimental results show that BiVE significantly outperforms all other methods in the two new tasks and the typical base-level link prediction in real-world bi-level knowledge graphs.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 15 tables. 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023

    InGram: Inductive Knowledge Graph Embedding via Relation Graphs

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    Inductive knowledge graph completion has been considered as the task of predicting missing triplets between new entities that are not observed during training. While most inductive knowledge graph completion methods assume that all entities can be new, they do not allow new relations to appear at inference time. This restriction prohibits the existing methods from appropriately handling real-world knowledge graphs where new entities accompany new relations. In this paper, we propose an INductive knowledge GRAph eMbedding method, InGram, that can generate embeddings of new relations as well as new entities at inference time. Given a knowledge graph, we define a relation graph as a weighted graph consisting of relations and the affinity weights between them. Based on the relation graph and the original knowledge graph, InGram learns how to aggregate neighboring embeddings to generate relation and entity embeddings using an attention mechanism. Experimental results show that InGram outperforms 14 different state-of-the-art methods on varied inductive learning scenarios.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023

    Representation Learning on Hyper-Relational and Numeric Knowledge Graphs with Transformers

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    A hyper-relational knowledge graph has been recently studied where a triplet is associated with a set of qualifiers; a qualifier is composed of a relation and an entity, providing auxiliary information for a triplet. While existing hyper-relational knowledge graph embedding methods assume that the entities are discrete objects, some information should be represented using numeric values, e.g., (J.R.R., was born in, 1892). Also, a triplet (J.R.R., educated at, Oxford Univ.) can be associated with a qualifier such as (start time, 1911). In this paper, we propose a unified framework named HyNT that learns representations of a hyper-relational knowledge graph containing numeric literals in either triplets or qualifiers. We define a context transformer and a prediction transformer to learn the representations based not only on the correlations between a triplet and its qualifiers but also on the numeric information. By learning compact representations of triplets and qualifiers and feeding them into the transformers, we reduce the computation cost of using transformers. Using HyNT, we can predict missing numeric values in addition to missing entities or relations in a hyper-relational knowledge graph. Experimental results show that HyNT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on real-world datasets.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 12 tables. 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2023

    Localized Ranking in Social and Information Networks

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    Scalable and Memory-Efficient Clustering of Large-Scale Social Networks

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    Abstract—Clustering of social networks is an important task for their analysis; however, most existing algorithms do not scale to the massive size of today’s social networks. A popular class of graph clustering algorithms for large-scale networks, such as PMetis, KMetis and Graclus, is based on a multilevel framework. Generally, these multilevel algorithms work reasonably well on networks with a few million vertices. However, when the network size increases to the scale of 10 million vertices or greater, the performance of these algorithms rapidly degrades. Furthermore, an inherent property of social networks, the power law degree distribution, makes these algorithms infeasible to apply to large-scale social networks. In this paper, we propose a scalable and memory-efficient clustering algorithm for large-scale social networks. We name our algorithm GEM, by mixing two key concepts of the algorithm, Graph Extraction and weighted kernel k-Means. GEM efficiently extracts a good skeleton graph from the original graph, and propagates the clustering result of the extracted graph to the rest of the network. Experimental results show that GEM produces clusters of quality comparable to or better than existing state-of-the-art graph clustering algorithms, while it is much faster and consumes much less memory. Furthermore, the parallel implementation of GEM, called PGEM, not only produces higher quality of clusters but also achieves much better scalability than most current parallel graph clustering algorithms. Keywords-clustering; social networks; graph clustering; scalable computing; graph partitioning; kernel k-means; I

    Overlapping Community Detection Using Seed Set Expansion

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    Community detection is an important task in network analysis. A community (also referred to as a cluster) is a set of cohesive vertices that have more connections inside the set than outside. In many social and information networks, these communities naturally overlap. For instance, in a social network, each vertex in a graph corresponds to an individual who usually participates in multiple communities. One of the most successful techniques for finding overlapping communities is based on local optimization and expansion of a community metric around a seed set of vertices. In this paper, we propose an efficient overlapping community detection algorithm using a seed set expansion approach. In particular, we develop new seeding strategies for a personalized PageRank scheme that optimizes the conductance community score. The key idea of our algorithm is to find good seeds, and then expand these seed sets using the personalized PageRank clustering procedure. Experimental results show that this seed set expansion approach outperforms other state-of-the-art overlapping community detection methods. We also show that our new seeding strategies are better than previous strategies, and are thus effective in finding good overlapping clusters in a graph