114 research outputs found

    Analytic quasi-perodic cocycles with singularities and the Lyapunov Exponent of Extended Harper's Model

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    We show how to extend (and with what limitations) Avila's global theory of analytic SL(2,C) cocycles to families of cocycles with singularities. This allows us to develop a strategy to determine the Lyapunov exponent for extended Harper's model, for all values of parameters and all irrational frequencies. In particular, this includes the self-dual regime for which even heuristic results did not previously exist in physics literature. The extension of Avila's global theory is also shown to imply continuous behavior of the LE on the space of analytic M2(C)M_2(\mathbb{C})-cocycles. This includes rational approximation of the frequency, which so far has not been available

    Continuity of the measure of the spectrum for quasiperiodic Schrodinger operators with rough potentials

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    We study discrete quasiperiodic Schr\"odinger operators on \ell^2(\zee) with potentials defined by γ\gamma-H\"older functions. We prove a general statement that for γ>1/2\gamma >1/2 and under the condition of positive Lyapunov exponents, measure of the spectrum at irrational frequencies is the limit of measures of spectra of periodic approximants. An important ingredient in our analysis is a general result on uniformity of the upper Lyapunov exponent of strictly ergodic cocycles.Comment: 15 page

    Holder continuity of absolutely continuous spectral measures for one-frequency Schrodinger operators

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    We establish sharp results on the modulus of continuity of the distribution of the spectral measure for one-frequency Schrodinger operators with Diophantine frequencies in the region of absolutely continuous spectrum. More precisely, we establish 1/2-Holder continuity near almost reducible energies (an essential support of absolutely continuous spectrum). For non-perturbatively small potentials (and for the almost Mathieu operator with subcritical coupling), our results apply for all energies.Comment: 16 page

    Delocalization in random polymer models

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    A random polymer model is a one-dimensional Jacobi matrix randomly composed of two finite building blocks. If the two associated transfer matrices commute, the corresponding energy is called critical. Such critical energies appear in physical models, an example being the widely studied random dimer model. It is proven that the Lyapunov exponent vanishes quadratically at a generic critical energy and that the density of states is positive there. Large deviation estimates around these asymptotics allow to prove optimal lower bounds on quantum transport, showing that it is almost surely overdiffusive even though the models are known to have pure-point spectrum with exponentially localized eigenstates for almost every configuration of the polymers. Furthermore, the level spacing is shown to be regular at the critical energy

    Exponential dynamical localization for the almost Mathieu operator

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    We prove that the exponential moments of the position operator stay bounded for the supercritical almost Mathieu operator with Diophantine frequency

    Cantor spectrum of graphene in magnetic fields

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    We consider a quantum graph as a model of graphene in magnetic fields and give a complete analysis of the spectrum, for all constant fluxes. In particular, we show that if the reduced magnetic flux Φ/2π\Phi / 2\pi through a honeycomb is irrational, the continuous spectrum is an unbounded Cantor set of Lebesgue measure zero