5 research outputs found

    Structure stability of fine-grained Mg-based alloys prepared by various processing routes

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    Department of Physics of MaterialsKatedra fyziky materiálůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Physical properties of ultrafine-grained polycrystals of magnesium based alloys

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    The objective of the thesis is the study of microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, defect structure and corrosion resistance of ultra-fine grained magnesium alloy AZ31 prepared by a combined two-step process: the extrusion and the equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). The microstructure development was studied using light and transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Mechanical properties were studied by microhardness measurement and tensile tests and the defect structure by positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). The results of tensile tests indicates that the characteristic stress σ0.2 increases slightly with increasing number of ECAP passes only to the second pass and then decreases significantly with additional ECAP straining. This behaviour is in accordance with the results of PAS. EBSD measurements show that the microstructure of extruded and ECAPed material has a bimodal distribution of grain sizes. The bimodal distribution becomes homogeneous with increasing number of ECAP passes and no remaining large grains are observed after 8 passes. The average grain size in the specimen after 8 passes is in the submicrometer range and the fraction of high-angle grain boundary (HAGB) is approximately 80%. The extruded specimens after 8 ECAP passes show..

    Fyzikální vlastnosti ultrajemnozrrných polykrystalů slitin na bázi hořčíku

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    The objective of the thesis is the study of microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, defect structure and corrosion resistance of ultra-ne grained magnesium alloy AZ31 prepared by a combined two-step process: the extrusion and the equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). The microstructure development was studied using light and transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Mechanical properties were studied by microhardness measurement and tensile tests and the defect structure by positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). The results of tensile tests indicates that the characteristic stress 0.2 increases slightly with increasing number of ECAP passes only to the second pass and then decreases signicantly with additional ECAP straining. This behaviour is in accordance with the results of PAS. EBSD measurements show that the microstructure of extruded and ECAPed material has a bimodal distribution of grain sizes. The bimodal distribution becomes homogeneous with increasing number of ECAP passes and no remaining large grains are observed after 8 passes. The average grain size in the specimen after 8 passes is in the submicrometer range and the fraction of high-angle grain boundary (HAGB) is approximately 80%. The extruded specimens after 8 ECAP passes show the best...Department of Physics of MaterialsKatedra fyziky materiálůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Fyzikální vlastnosti ultrajemnozrrných polykrystalů slitin na bázi hořčíku

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    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá studiem mikrostruktury, mechanickými vlastnostmi, strukturou poruch a korozní odolností ultrajemnozrnné hořčíkové slitiny AZ31 připravené dvěma po sobě jdoucími procesy: extruzí a metodou ECAP. Vývoj mikrostruktury byl studován pomocí optické a transmisní elektronové mikroskopie a pomocí difrakce zpětně odražených elektronů (EBSD). Mechanické vlastnosti byly zkoumány měřením mikrotvrdosti a tahovými zkouškami, struktura poruch byla pozorována metodou positronové anihilační spektroskopie (PAS). Z tahových zkoušek bylo zjištěno, že charakteristické napětí σ0.2 slabě roste pouze do dvou průchodů ECAP a s každým dalším průchodem poměrně výrazně klesá. Tento průběh napětí σ0.2 odpovídá naměřeným výsledkům z PAS. Měření EBSD prokázalo, že materiál obsahujebimodální strukturu - skládá se z menšího množství velkých zrn, které jsou obklopené malými zrny. Tato bimodální struktura s rostoucím počtem průchodů postupně mizí. Po 8 průchodech již nejsou pozorována žádná hrubá zrna, struktura je homogenní a průměrná velikost zrn se pohybuje v submikronové oblasti. Podíl vysokoúhlových hranic zrn je přibližně 80%. Nejlepší korozní odolnosti ze všech studovaných vzorků bylo dosaženo u vzorku po osmi průchodech ECAP. Tato relativně vysoká odolnost proti korozi je způsobena hlavně...The objective of the thesis is the study of microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, defect structure and corrosion resistance of ultra-fine grained magnesium alloy AZ31 prepared by a combined two-step process: the extrusion and the equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). The microstructure development was studied using light and transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Mechanical properties were studied by microhardness measurement and tensile tests and the defect structure by positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). The results of tensile tests indicates that the characteristic stress σ0.2 increases slightly with increasing number of ECAP passes only to the second pass and then decreases significantly with additional ECAP straining. This behaviour is in accordance with the results of PAS. EBSD measurements show that the microstructure of extruded and ECAPed material has a bimodal distribution of grain sizes. The bimodal distribution becomes homogeneous with increasing number of ECAP passes and no remaining large grains are observed after 8 passes. The average grain size in the specimen after 8 passes is in the submicrometer range and the fraction of high-angle grain boundary (HAGB) is approximately 80%. The extruded specimens after 8 ECAP passes show...Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látekDepartment of Condensed Matter PhysicsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult