56 research outputs found

    Sobolev space theory and H\"older estimates for the stochastic partial differential equations on conic and polygonal domains

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    We establish existence, uniqueness, and Sobolev and H\"older regularity results for the stochastic partial differential equation du=(i,j=1daijuxixj+f0+i=1dfxii)dt+k=1gkdwtk,t>0,xD du=\left(\sum_{i,j=1}^d a^{ij}u_{x^ix^j}+f^0+\sum_{i=1}^d f^i_{x^i}\right)dt+\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}g^kdw^k_t, \quad t>0, \,x\in \mathcal{D} given with non-zero initial data. Here {wtk:k=1,2,}\{w^k_t: k=1,2,\cdots\} is a family of independent Wiener processes defined on a probability space (Ω,P)(\Omega, \mathbb{P}), aij=aij(ω,t)a^{ij}=a^{ij}(\omega,t) are merely measurable functions on Ω×(0,)\Omega\times (0,\infty), and D\mathcal{D} is either a polygonal domain in R2\mathbb{R}^2 or an arbitrary dimensional conic domain of the type \begin{equation} \label{conic} \mathcal{D}(\mathcal{M}):=\left\{x\in \mathbb{R}^d :\,\frac{x}{|x|}\in \mathcal{M}\right\}, \quad \quad \mathcal{M}\in S^{d-1}, \quad (d\geq 2) \end{equation} where M\mathcal{M} is an open subset of Sd1S^{d-1} with C2C^2 boundary. We measure the Sobolev and H\"older regularities of arbitrary order derivatives of the solution using a system of mixed weights consisting of appropriate powers of the distance to the vertices and of the distance to the boundary. The ranges of admissible powers of the distance to the vertices and to the boundary are sharp

    Promoting Thermal Conductivity of Alumina-Based Composite Materials by Systematically Incorporating Modified Graphene Oxide

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    Small amounts of thermally conductive graphene oxide (GO) and modified GO are systematically introduced as a second filler to thermal interface materials (TIMs) consisting of alumina (Al2O3) particles and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The surface of GO is covalently linked with an organic moiety, octadecylamine (ODA), to significantly improve the miscibility and dispersity of GO across the TIM matrix. Subsequently, two series of PDMS-Al2O3 composite TIMs are manufactured as a function of GO and ODA-GO content (0.25 wt%–2.5 wt%) to understand the effect of these second additives. The incorporation of GO into the Al2O3-PDMS composite materials generally increases the thermal conductivity (TC), ranging from 18% to 29%. Conversely, the use of ODA-GO further enhances the overall performance of TIMs (22–54%) by facilitating the dispersion degree of GO across the composite matrix. The great improvement in TC is presumably related to the formation of conductive pathways by uniformly integrating 2D-type GO flakes across spherical Al2O3 particle networks. The ability to simply regulate the polarity of the thermally conductive second filler can provide an idea for designing cost-effective and practical TIM-2-type pads that can be commercially applicable in between an integrated heat spreader and a heat sink

    Vacancy driven surface disorder catalyzes anisotropic evaporation of ZnO (0001) polar surface

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    The evaporation and crystal growth rates of ZnO are highly anisotropic and are fastest on the Zn-terminated ZnO (0001) polar surface. Herein, we study this behavior by direct atomic-scale observations and simulations of the dynamic processes of the ZnO (0001) polar surface during evaporation. The evaporation of the (0001) polar surface is accelerated dramatically at around 300 °C with the spontaneous formation of a few nanometer-thick quasi-liquid layer. This structurally disordered and chemically Zn-deficient quasi-liquid is derived from the formation and inward diffusion of Zn vacancies that stabilize the (0001) polar surface. The quasi-liquid controls the dissociative evaporation of ZnO with establishing steady state reactions with Zn and O2_{2} vapors and the underlying ZnO crystal; while the quasi-liquid catalyzes the disordering of ZnO lattice by injecting Zn vacancies, it facilitates the desorption of O2_{2} molecules. This study reveals that the polarity-driven surface disorder is the key structural feature driving the fast anisotropic evaporation and crystal growth of ZnO nanostructures along the [0001] direction

    Observed impacts of COVID-19 on urban CO₂ emissions

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    Governments restricted mobility and effectively shuttered much of the global economy in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Six San Francisco Bay Area counties were the first region in the United States to issue a “shelter‐in‐place” order asking non‐essential workers to stay home. Here we use CO₂ observations from 35 Berkeley Environment, Air‐quality and CO₂ Network (BEACO₂N) nodes and an atmospheric transport model to quantify changes in urban CO₂ emissions due to the order. We infer hourly emissions at 900‐m spatial resolution for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks during the order. We observe a 30% decrease in anthropogenic CO₂ emissions during the order and show that this decrease is primarily due to changes in traffic (–48%) with pronounced changes to daily and weekly cycles; non‐traffic emissions show small changes (–8%). These findings provide a glimpse into a future with reduced CO₂ emissions through electrification of vehicles

    Observed impacts of COVID-19 on urban CO₂ emissions

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    Governments restricted mobility and effectively shuttered much of the global economy in response to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Six San Francisco Bay Area counties were the first region in the United States to issue a “shelter‐in‐place” order asking non‐essential workers to stay home. Here we use CO₂ observations from 35 Berkeley Environment, Air‐quality and CO₂ Network (BEACO₂N) nodes and an atmospheric transport model to quantify changes in urban CO₂ emissions due to the order. We infer hourly emissions at 900‐m spatial resolution for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks during the order. We observe a 30% decrease in anthropogenic CO₂ emissions during the order and show that this decrease is primarily due to changes in traffic (–48%) with pronounced changes to daily and weekly cycles; non‐traffic emissions show small changes (–8%). These findings provide a glimpse into a future with reduced CO₂ emissions through electrification of vehicles

    Aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase undergoes structural transition to form extended spirosomes for substrate channeling

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    Aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase (AdhE) is an enzyme responsible for converting acetyl-CoA to ethanol via acetaldehyde using NADH. AdhE is composed of two catalytic domains of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and forms a spirosome architecture critical for AdhE activity. Here, we present the atomic resolution (3.43 Å) cryo-EM structure of AdhE spirosomes in an extended conformation. The cryo-EM structure shows that AdhE spirosomes undergo a structural transition from compact to extended forms, which may result from cofactor binding. This transition leads to access to a substrate channel between ALDH and ADH active sites. Furthermore, prevention of this structural transition by crosslinking hampers the activity of AdhE, suggesting that the structural transition is important for AdhE activity. This work provides a mechanistic understanding of the regulation mechanisms of AdhE activity via structural transition, and a platform to modulate AdhE activity for developing antibiotics and for facilitating biofuel production

    In Situ NMR Study on the Interaction between LiBH_4–Ca(BH_4)_2 and Mesoporous Scaffolds

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    We discuss the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to investigate the physical state of the eutectic composition of LiBH_(4)–Ca(BH_4)_2 (LC) infiltrated into mesoporous scaffolds and the interface effect of various scaffolds. Eutectic melting and the melt infiltration of mixed borohydrides were observed through in situ NMR. In situ and ex situ NMR results for LC mixed with mesoporous scaffolds indicate that LiBH_4 and Ca(BH_4)_2 exist as an amorphous mixture inside of the pores after infiltration. Surprisingly, the confinement of the eutectic LC mixture within the mesopores is initiated below the melting temperature, which indicates a certain interaction between the borohydrides and the mesoporous scaffolds. The confined borohydrides remain inside of the pores after cooling. These phenomena were not observed in microporous or nonporous materials, and this observation highlights the importance of the pore structure of the scaffolds. Such surface interactions may be associated with a faster dehydrogenation of the nanoconfined borohydrides

    Collagen-VI supplementation by cell transplantation improves muscle regeneration in Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy model mice

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    6型コラーゲンを補う細胞移植がウルリッヒ型先天性筋ジストロフィーモデルマウスの病態を改善する. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-08-24.iPS cells show therapeutic benefits for a rare muscle dystrophy. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-08-24.[Background] Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) function as supportive cells on skeletal muscle homeostasis through several secretory factors including type 6 collagen (COL6). Several mutations of COL6A1, 2, and 3 genes cause Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD). Skeletal muscle regeneration deficiency has been reported as a characteristic phenotype in muscle biopsy samples of human UCMD patients and UCMD model mice. However, little is known about the COL6-dependent mechanism for the occurrence and progression of the deficiency. The purpose of this study was to clarify the pathological mechanism of UCMD by supplementing COL6 through cell transplantation. [Methods] To test whether COL6 supplementation has a therapeutic effect for UCMD, in vivo and in vitro experiments were conducted using four types of MSCs: (1) healthy donors derived-primary MSCs (pMSCs), (2) MSCs derived from healthy donor induced pluripotent stem cell (iMSCs), (3) COL6-knockout iMSCs (COL6KO-iMSCs), and (4) UCMD patient-derived iMSCs (UCMD-iMSCs). [Results] All four MSC types could engraft for at least 12 weeks when transplanted into the tibialis anterior muscles of immunodeficient UCMD model (Col6a1KO) mice. COL6 protein was restored by the MSC transplantation if the MSCs were not COL6-deficient (types 1 and 2). Moreover, muscle regeneration and maturation in Col6a1KO mice were promoted with the transplantation of the COL6-producing MSCs only in the region supplemented with COL6. Skeletal muscle satellite cells derived from UCMD model mice (Col6a1KO-MuSCs) co-cultured with type 1 or 2 MSCs showed improved proliferation, differentiation, and maturation, whereas those co-cultured with type 3 or 4 MSCs did not. [Conclusions] These findings indicate that COL6 supplementation improves muscle regeneration and maturation in UCMD model mice