17 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of explosion overpressure.

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    The black curve is the change in explosion overpressure with ignition time when the spray system is not opened, and the red curve is the change value of explosion overpressure with ignition time under the spray pressure for optimal explosion suppression.</p

    Flame morphology and temperature distribution during overpressure rising stage.

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    (I) is the flame morphology change diagram in the overpressure rising stage. (II) is the temperature distribution diagram of the overpressure rising stage.</p

    The change value of explosion overpressure with time under different spray pressure.

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    The area of different colors represents the change of overpressure under different pressures. (XLSX)</p

    Peak overpressure and rate change.

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    Each reference column is the explosion overpressure peak (Y axis) under different spray pressures (X axis), and the curve is the explosion overpressure propagation rate (Y axis) under different spray pressures (X axis).</p

    The optimal explosion suppression spray pressure and the change value of explosion overpressure without spray system.

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    The black and red curve represent the change value of explosion overpressure with time under no spray system and optimal explosion suppression spray pressure, respectively. The green dots represent the representative time nodes of different stages of explosion under the optimal explosion suppression spray pressure. (PDF)</p

    The change of overpressure peak and overpressure rate under different spray pressure.

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    The reference column reflects the value of explosion overpressure under different spray pressures, and the curve highlights the influence of different spray pressures on the propagation velocity of explosion overpressure. (PDF)</p

    Diagram of ignition positions.

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    The X axis is the horizontal distance, the Y-axis is the vertical distance, and the red mark is the location of the ignition location.</p

    Explosion overpressure variation with spray pressure.

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    Each curved surface is a function of the explosion overpressure (Z axis) with time (X axis) under different spray pressures (Y axis).</p

    Flame morphology and temperature distribution under optimal explosion-suppression spray pressure.

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    (I) is the flame morphology and temperature change diagram of the explosion overpressure rising stage and (II) is the flame morphology and temperature change diagram of the explosion overpressure decay stage.</p