25 research outputs found


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    The article aims to evaluate the benefit of follow-up surveys which are a useful tool to get feedback from university graduates. Questionnaire surveys are of irreplaceable sources of information from students and graduates, but several rules have to be taken into account when conducting such survey. The questionnaire is then one of the most often used tools for data collection in such types of surveys. The article presents not only the essential methods and principles of data collection and analysis, but it also evaluates the surveys efficiency and their impact on the quality of the educational process. Various methodological principles are presented within the context of large questionnaire survey of CULS graduates that was held in 2008. In connection with the survey, the process is presented from the very beginning (list of questions, data matrix) through the introduction of the most often used statistical methods up to the analysis of the survey profit

    Banking contracts

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    RESUMÉ Diplomová práce se věnuje problematice bankovních smluv. Bankovní smlouvy lze označit jako smlouvy typicky uzavírané bankou při její podnikatelské činnosti. Cílem této práce je analýza účinné právní úpravy bankovních smluv, a to jak z hlediska společných rysů tohoto pojmu, tak i z hlediska jednotlivých smluvních typů. Přestože je práce zpracována dle účinné právní úpravy obsažené v zákoně č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, autorka si dovoluje v rámci jednotlivých pasáží upozornit na nejvýznamnější změny oproti dosavadní právní úpravě. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. První část se zabývá společnou charakteristikou bankovních smluv. Autorka v této části vymezuje pojem bankovních smluv, shrnuje příslušné právní předpisy a charakterizuje smluvní strany. Zvýšená pozornost je věnována bance jako typickému subjektu uzavírajícího bankovní smlouvy na straně poskytovatele služeb na straně jedné a spotřebiteli jako příjemci těchto služeb vzhledem k jeho zvýšené ochraně na straně druhé. Autorka dále v první části analyzuje pro oblast bankovních smluv typický způsob jejich uzavírání, a to způsob adhezní. Vzhledem k tomu, že bankovní smlouvy často nabývají podoby smluv rámcových a formulářových, tvoří pojednání o těchto typech smluv samostatnou kapitolu části prvé. Na závěr první části se autorka soustředí na...This diploma thesis deals with the topic of banking contracts. Banking contracts can be specified as contracts typically closed by the bank, along its business activity. The aim of this thesis is an analysis of an effective legal regulation of banking contracts. As from the point of common features of banking contracts, then also from the point of view of individual contract types. Although the diploma thesis is elaborated based on effective legal regulation of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil code. The author tries, within the frame of each section, bring attention to the most important changes in comparison with the present legal regulation. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first one is dealing with common characteristic of banking contracts. The author defines the idea of bank contracts, summarizes relevant legal regulations and defines contracting parties. Intensified attention is given to a bank as to a typical subject, closing banking contracts on the side of the service provider on one side and to a consumer as a receiver of these services, based on his better protection on the other side. At the first section, the author also analyses contracts of adhesion. Because banking contracts very often obtain forms of the general and the blank contracts, the essay on these types of...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Vyhodnocení dotazníkového šetření pomocí korespondenční analýzy

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    The article is focused on the evaluation of a questionnaire survey. The aim was to determine whether the creation of interactive manuals, which monitor working in statistical software, helps to make education processes effective. For a clear evaluation and presentation of the pilot survey a method of correspondence analysis was chosen. The correspondence analysis is a multivariate graphical technique for representing information in a two-way contingency table. Analysis outputs indicate that these manuals are an effective way of teaching how to work in statistical software. This conclusion was confirmed primarily by less skilful students


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    Educational and tutorial programs are being developed together, with the changing world of information technology it is a necessary course to adapt to and accept new possibilities and needs. Use of online learning tools can amplify our teaching resources and create new types of learning opportunities that did not exist in the pre-Internet age. The world is full of information, which needs to be constantly updated. Virtualisation of studying materials enables us to update and manage them quickly and easily. As an advantage, we see an asynchronous approach towards learning materials that can be tailored for the students´ needs and adjusted according to their time and availability. The specificness of statistical learning lies in various statistical programs. The high technical demands of these programs require tutorials (instructional presentations), which can help students to learn how to use them efficiently. Instructional presentation may be understood as a demonstration of how the statistical software program works. This is one of the options that students may use to simplify the utilization of control and navigation through the statistical system. Thanks to instructional presentations, students will be able to transfer their theoretical statistical knowledge into practical situation and real life and, therefore, improve their personal development process. The goal of this tutorial is to show an innovative approach for learning of statistics in the Czech University of Life Sciences. The use of presentations and their benefits for students was evaluated according to results obtained from a questionnaire survey completed by students of the 4th grade of the Faculty of Economics and Management. The aim of this pilot survey was to evaluate the benefits of these instructional presentations, and the students interest in using them. The information obtained was used as essential data for the evaluation of the efficiency of this new approach. Firstly the knowledge about whether the creation of these tutorials is useful and whether it contributes to better and faster management of work done within the system. The efficiency and benefits of this proposed solution were evaluated through correspondence analysis. Outputs from this multi-dimensional method suggest that interactive manuals are indeed an efficient learning tool. Mostly students with less technical knowledge welcome the benefits of these tutorials

    Banking contracts

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    This diploma thesis deals with the topic of banking contracts. Banking contracts can be specified as contracts typically closed by the bank, along its business activity. The aim of this thesis is an analysis of an effective legal regulation of banking contracts. As from the point of common features of banking contracts, then also from the point of view of individual contract types. Although the diploma thesis is elaborated based on effective legal regulation of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil code. The author tries, within the frame of each section, bring attention to the most important changes in comparison with the present legal regulation. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first one is dealing with common characteristic of banking contracts. The author defines the idea of bank contracts, summarizes relevant legal regulations and defines contracting parties. Intensified attention is given to a bank as to a typical subject, closing banking contracts on the side of the service provider on one side and to a consumer as a receiver of these services, based on his better protection on the other side. At the first section, the author also analyses contracts of adhesion. Because banking contracts very often obtain forms of the general and the blank contracts, the essay on these types of..

    Inflammatory response to coronary stenting and occurrence of complications

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    Perkutánní koronární intervence s následnou implantací stentu je v současné době častou volbou léčby závažné ischemické choroby srdeční. Na trhu je celá řada koronárních stentů, přesto se stále vyskytují závažné komplikace, jako je trombóza nebo restenóza ve stentu. Proto je intenzivně zkoumána zánětlivá reakce v cévě po implantaci stentu. Reparaci cévy ovlivňuje řada zánětlivých mediátorů, mezi které patří například selektiny, integriny, interleukiny, tumor nekrotizující faktor nebo mezibuněčné adhezní molekuly, dále i různé microRNA, které mají schopnost inhibovat nebo podporovat proliferaci buněk hladké svaloviny.Percutaneous coronary intervention with subsequent stenting is currently a frequent way of treatment of significant coronary artery disease. There is a wide range of coronary stents, but still serious complications occur, such as stent thrombosis or in-stent restenosis. Therefore, an inflammatory reaction in the blood vessel wall after stent implantation is intensively studied. The vessel repair is affected by a number of inflammatory mediators, including selectins, integrins, interleukins, tumour necrosis factor or intercellular adhesion molecules, and also by various microRNA, which have the ability to inhibit or promote smooth muscle cell proliferation.Fakulta chemicko-technologick

    Application of Multivariate Statistical Methods in the Analysis of Czech Population Life Quality with Attention to Regional Differentiation

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    Quality of life in the regions is affected by many mutually interlinked factors. The paper is aimed at the research of regional disparities in CR population life quality as assessed from the viewpoint of economic efficiency of the region and the social and environmental conditions. The interregional disparities research started from statistical modeling based on identification of key indicators affecting life quality in the CR districts and the outcomes reached have been exploited further for multidimensional classification of districts as to the indicators analyzed. Attention has been paid also to the ways of application of cartographic map facilitating a clear visualization of regional disparities

    The effect of fatty acid profile of erythrocyte membranes and serum phospholipids on systemic inflammation after coronary stent implantation in patients with ischemic heart disease

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    Vícerozměrnou statistickou analýzou dat byl hodnocen vliv koncentrací dvaceti mastných kyselin stanovených v membránách erytrocytů a ve fosfolipidech séra na velikost zánětlivé reakce a oxidačního stresu buněk u pacientů s ischemickou chorobou srdeční podstupujících perkutánní koronární intervenci s následnou implantací stentu. Zánětlivá reakce byla indikována změnou koncentrace C-reaktivního proteinu, sérového amyloidu A a ceruloplasminu za 48 hodin po implantaci stentu a v případě interleukinu 6 za 24 hodin po zákroku. Markerem oxidačního poškození buněk bylo navýšení koncentrace malondialdehydu za 48 hodin po implantaci stentu. Vícenásobná lineární regrese odhalila, že existují statisticky významné vztahy mezi koncentracemi mastných kyselin v membránách erytrocytů a velikostí zánětlivé reakce, resp. oxidačním stresem po implantaci koronárního stentu. Se změnou koncentrace C-reaktivního proteinu velmi silně pozitivně korelovala kyselina myristová a v menší míře kyselina olejová. Inverzní korelace s navýšením C-reaktivního proteinu byla prokázána u kyseliny elaidové, v menší míře u kyseliny palmitoolejové a nervonové. Se zvyšováním koncentrace interleukinu 6 byla v pozitivní korelaci kyselina myristová, méně pak kyselina gondová a ve velmi malé míře, téměř zanedbatelně, kyselina dokosahexaenová. V inverzní korelaci s navýšením interleukinu 6 byla koncentrace kyseliny pentadekanové, alfa-linolenové a méně pak kyseliny stearové. Na změnu koncentrace malondialdehydu měla vliv pouze kyselina gamma-linolenová. Mezi hodnocenými indikátory zánětlivé reakce byly dále sérový amyloid A a ceruloplasmin. Bylo odhaleno, že tyto markery nejsou vhodné pro posouzení námi sledovaných vztahů.Multidimensional statistical data analysis was carried out assess the effect of concentrations of twenty fatty acids determined in erythrocyte membranes and serum phospholipids on the extent of inflammatory response and oxidative stress in patients with ischemic heart disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention followed by implantation of the stent. The inflammatory response was indicated by a change in the concentration of C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and ceruloplasmin at 48 hours after implantation of the stent, and in case of interleukin 6 in 24 hours after the procedure. An increase in malondialdehyde concentration at 48 hours after implantation of the stent marked the oxidative cell damage. Multiple linear regression revealed that there are statistically significant relationships between fatty acid concentrations in erythrocyte membranes and inflammatory response rates, resp. oxidative stress after implantation of the coronary stent. Increase of C-reactive protein concentration strongly correlated with myristic acid and, to a lesser extent, with oleic acid. An inverse correlation with the increase in C-reactive protein was demonstrated in elaidic acid, to a lesser extent in palmitoleic acid and nervonic acids. With increasing interleukin 6 concentration, myristic acid was positively correlated, to a lesser extend gondoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid correlated to a very low extent. In inverse correlation with the increase in interleukin 6, pentadecanoic acid, alfa-linolenic acid and, to a lesser extent stearic acid concentrations were found. Only gamma-linolenic acid correlated positively with malondialdehyde concentration. Among assessed indicators of the inflammatory response there were also serum amyloid A and ceruloplasmin. It was revealed that these markers are inappropriate for assessing relationships which were analysed.Fakulta chemicko-technologickáPrezentace výsledků diplomové práce. Diskuze k posudku vedoucího a oponenta diplomové práce. Studentka zodpověděla všechny dotazy a připomínky k DP

    The Estimated Market Value of the company IKEA Česká republika, s.r.o. using DCF APV Method

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá odhadem tržní hodnoty společnosti IKEA Česká republika, s.r.o. za použití výnosové metody DCF APV. Cílem je nalezení tržní hodnoty pro potenciálního zájemce o koupi k datu 1.9.2016. Práce je rozčleněna na čtyři základní okruhy. V první části je v rámci strategické analýzy zkoumán vnitřní a vnější potenciál podniku, následuje finanční analýza, která se zabývá ověřením finančního zdraví. Ve třetí části jsou prognózovány generátory hodnoty, které tvoří základ pro ocenění a usnadňují sestavení finančního plánu upraveného pro účely ocenění. Čtvrtá část se zabývá samotným oceněním a jejím výstupem je získání výsledné hodnoty podniku.The diploma thesis aims to find the estimated market value of the company IKEA Česká republika, s.r.o. using earning value based method DCF APV for purposes of sale to a potencial buyer on a market as of September 1st, 2016. The thesis consists of four main parts. Firstly, the strategic analysis is performed in order to analyze the inner and outer potential of the company, followed by financial analysis to assess financial situation. In the third part, the main generators that drive the value are determined and the financial plan is set up. The final part deals with the valuation itself and the estimated net worth is revealed


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    The Czech University of Life Sciences operates seven tutorial centres for combined education in several regions of the Czech Republic. The number of female students is over 50% in the tutorial centres as well as in the full-time study form in Prague. The share of women is remarkably growing in combined study. The article focuses on the students in tutorial centres. The data on their demographic structure, their subjective opinions and motivation are from a questionnaire survey which the authors proposed and realised in several centres outside Prague. The goal of the survey is also to discover differences in motivation and conditions for male and female students. The article contains results of the questionnaire survey and its statistical analysis. The analysis brings basic demographic structure of the respondents and other information from students with comparisons of answers of men and women. The analysis of quantitative signs, tests of relationships and odds ratio, are made to find relations and dependencies between chosen variables. The statistical analysis uses software SPSS, version 17. The differences between the genders are found only in two questions and none of them was strong. The data from questionnaires are eked out with official data given by the faculty study department. These data are used for comparison of full-time and combined studies. The article considers the numbers of students, their achievements and gender structure in full-time and combined form of study. The results appears more beneficial (and with raising trend) for women both in full-time and distance studies