7,374 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Optogenetic Motor Mapping Revealed Structural and Functional Impairments and Enhanced Corticorubral Projection after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury in Mice

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    Current evaluation of impairment and repair after spinal cord injury (SCI) is largely dependent on behavioral assessment and histological analysis of injured tissue and pathways. Here, we evaluated whether transcranial optogenetic mapping of motor cortex could reflect longitudinal structural and functional damage and recovery after SCI. In Thy1-Channelrhodopsin2 transgenic mice, repeated motor mappings were made by recording optogenetically evoked electromyograms (EMGs) of a hindlimb at baseline and 1 day and 2, 4, and 6 weeks after mild, moderate, and severe spinal cord contusion. Injuries caused initial decreases in EMG amplitude, losses of motor map, and subsequent partial recoveries, all of which corresponded to injury severity. Reductions in map size were positively correlated with motor performance, as measured by Basso Mouse Scale, rota-rod, and grid walk tests, at different time points, as well as with lesion area at spinal cord epicenter at 6 weeks post-SCI. Retrograde tracing with Fluoro-Gold showed decreased numbers of cortico- and rubrospinal neurons, with the latter being negatively correlated with motor map size. Combined retro- and anterograde tracing and immunostaining revealed more neurons activated in red nucleus by cortical stimulation and enhanced corticorubral axons and synapses in red nucleus after SCI. Electrophysiological recordings showed lower threshold and higher amplitude of corticorubral synaptic response after SCI. We conclude that transcranial optogenetic motor mapping is sensitive and efficient for longitudinal evaluation of impairment and plasticity of SCI, and that spinal cord contusion induces stronger anatomical and functional corticorubral connection that may contribute to spontaneous recovery of motor function

    Is the late near-infrared bump in short-hard GRB 130603B due to the Li-Paczynski kilonova?

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    Short-hard gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are widely believed to be produced by the merger of two binary compact objects, specifically by two neutron stars or by a neutron star orbiting a black hole. According to the Li-Paczynski kilonova model, the merger would launch sub-relativistic ejecta and a near-infrared/optical transient would then occur, lasting up to days, which is powered by the radioactive decay of heavy elements synthesized in the ejecta. The detection of a late bump using the {\em Hubble Space Telescope} ({\em HST}) in the near-infrared afterglow light curve of the short-hard GRB 130603B is indeed consistent with such a model. However, as shown in this Letter, the limited {\em HST} near-infrared lightcurve behavior can also be interpreted as the synchrotron radiation of the external shock driven by a wide mildly relativistic outflow. In such a scenario, the radio emission is expected to peak with a flux of ∼100μ\sim 100 \muJy, which is detectable for current radio arrays. Hence, the radio afterglow data can provide complementary evidence on the nature of the bump in GRB 130603B. It is worth noting that good spectroscopy during the bump phase in short-hard bursts can test validity of either model above, analogous to spectroscopy of broad-lined Type Ic supernova in long-soft GRBs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published in ApJ Lette

    Electromagnetic Scattering from Realistic Targets

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    The general goal of the project is to develop computational tools for calculating radar signature of realistic targets. A hybrid technique that combines the shooting-and-bouncing-ray (SBR) method and the finite-element method (FEM) for the radiation characterization of microstrip patch antennas in a complex geometry was developed. In addition, a hybridization procedure to combine moment method (MoM) solution and the SBR method to treat the scattering of waveguide slot arrays on an aircraft was developed. A list of journal articles and conference papers is included
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