98 research outputs found

    La Expresión Dramática Como Estrategia Lúdica Para El Fomento De La Sana Convivencia

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    El presente documento de estudio titulado: “La Expresión Dramática Como Estrategia Lúdica Para El Fomento De La Sana Convivencia” asumió como objetivo general diseñar una propuesta de experiencias dramáticas orientadas a fomentar la sana convivencia en niños de 4 años de edad de la Casa del Padre Iglesia de la Montaña. De carácter específico quiso identificar experiencias dramáticas que pudieran ayudar a fomentar la sana convivencia por medio de la planeación de actividades guiadas a despertar en los niños la curiosidad y el deseo de relacionarse con los demás de manera pacífica y que evaluó el impacto que generan las mismas en relación al desarrollo de habilidades en el niño llevándolo a mejorar su convivencia con los demás. Para este fin, se utilizó metodología cualitativa en exploración de un problema real y delimitado teniendo en cuenta los objetivos planteados para dar posibles soluciones desde el ámbito educativo. las trascendencias de dicha investigación tienen relación directamente con el enfoque y la formulación del problema. Por esta razón se planteó una propuesta pedagógica la cual mostró las expresiones dramáticas como estrategia lúdica, que permitió a los niños expresarse de manera espontánea y valerse del títere y algunos objetos para proyectar sus emociones y sentimientos de manera llamativa y divertida, recreando cuentos e historias propias e identificando acciones y desarrollando habilidades personales que lo impulsaron a solucionar conflictos a través del dialogo mejorando su convivencia entre iguales.The present document entitled: "Dramatic Expression as a Playful Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Coexistence" assumed as a general objective to design a proposal for dramatic experiences aimed at promoting healthy coexistence in 4-year-old children of the Casa del Padre Iglesia of the mountain. Of a specific nature, he wanted to identify dramatic experiences that could help promote healthy coexistence through the planning of activities aimed at awakening in children the curiosity and desire to interact with others in a peaceful manner and that evaluated the impact generated by them. in relation to the development of skills in the child, leading him to improve his coexistence with others. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was developed in the exploration of a real and delimited problem, taking into account the objectives set to provide possible solutions from the educational field. the transcendence of this research is directly related to the approach and formulation of the problem. For this reason, a pedagogical proposal was proposed which showed dramatic expressions as a playful strategy, which helped children to express themselves spontaneously and use the puppet and some objects to project their emotions and feelings in a striking and fun way, recreating stories and own stories and identifying actions and developing personal skills that prompted him to resolve conflicts through dialogue, improving his coexistence among equals

    Conocimientos y aplicación de medidas de seguridad en trabajadores de morgues, Risaralda Colombia 2017

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    Introducción: Los residuos peligrosos son aquellas sustancias u objetos que han tenido contacto o provienen del cuerpo humano, ya que pueden estar contaminados con virus o bacterias que representan un peligro para la humanidad, por el riesgo de contagiar y hacer daño. Los residuos tanatopraxicos son los que surgen de todas las actividades que se tienen con los cadáveres, con el propósito de que, una vez intervenidos sea más tardío su proceso de putrefacción; dichos residuos son similares a los de los residuos de los hospitales. Por tal razón los profesionales de la salud deben utilizar unas barreras físicas específicas que ofrecen al individuo una protección ante estos agentes patógenos. Materiales: El tipo de estudio es observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal, con las personas que tienen acceso a los cadáveres en todo el proceso.Resultados: Se espera determinar el nivel de conocimiento, manejo, admisión, transporte, vigilancia y disposición final de cadáveres y residuos tanatopráxicos

    Conocimientos y aplicación de medidas de seguridad en trabajadores de morgues, Risaralda Colombia 2017

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    Introducción: Los residuos peligrosos son aquellas sustancias u objetos que han tenido contacto o provienen del cuerpo humano, ya que pueden estar contaminados con virus o bacterias que representan un peligro para la humanidad, por el riesgo de contagiar y hacer daño. Los residuos tanatopraxicos son los que surgen de todas las actividades que se tienen con los cadáveres, con el propósito de que, una vez intervenidos sea más tardío su proceso de putrefacción; dichos residuos son similares a los de los residuos de los hospitales. Por tal razón los profesionales de la salud deben utilizar unas barreras físicas específicas que ofrecen al individuo una protección ante estos agentes patógenos. Materiales: El tipo de estudio es observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal, con las personas que tienen acceso a los cadáveres en todo el proceso.Resultados: Se espera determinar el nivel de conocimiento, manejo, admisión, transporte, vigilancia y disposición final de cadáveres y residuos tanatopráxicos

    Ausencia de la figura paterna en la adolescencia.

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    Evidencia que la ausencia de la figura padre en la adolescencia, es un fenómeno social, que afecta tanto a los hijos que son víctimas directas como a las madres. El estudio se realizó se realizó en la Escuela para Varones República de El Salvador, ubicada en 13 calle y 12 avenida de la colonia Roosevelt, zona 11 de la ciudad capital, durante el mes de febrero del año 2010. Para seleccionar la muestra se utilizó la técnica de muestreo estatificado, la muestra estuvo representada por 10 estudiantes, comprendidos entre los 11 a 16 años de edad. Para recopilar datos se utilizaron: la entrevista estructurada de 24 preguntas que se aplicó a los estudiantes y entrevista estructurada que se aplicó a los docentes. Se determinaron los mecanismos que presentaron los adolescentes ante ciertas circunstancias que narraron: el empoderamiento, la resiliencia, la enajenación, la alienación y la frustración. Analiza los resultados y concluye que, es evidente que la ausencia de la figura paterna causa inestabilidad emocional y desestabilización del Yo en el niño y/o adolescente, además de algunas problemáticas que se generan en torno a la identificación en la infancia e identidad durante la adolescencia, pero la existencia de una persona responsable que estimule y cubra la mínima parte del papel del padre en la vida de éstos es adecuada para fortalecer ciertas áreas de desarrollo

    Discovery of a deep Seyfert-2 galaxy at z = 0.222 behind NGC 300

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    We report on the unveiling of the nature of the unidentified X-ray source 3XMM J005450.3–373849 as a Seyfert-2 galaxy located behind the spiral galaxy NGC 300 using Hubble Space Telescope data, new spectroscopic Gemini observations and available XMM–Newton and Chandra data. We show that the X-ray source is positionally coincident with an extended optical source, composed of a marginally resolved nucleus/bulge, surrounded by an elliptical disc-like feature and two symmetrical outer rings. The optical spectrum is typical of a Seyfert-2 galaxy redshifted to z = 0.222 ± 0.001, which confirms that the source is not physically related to NGC 300. At this redshift the source would be located at 909 ± 4 Mpc (comoving distance in the standard model). The X-ray spectra of the source are well fitted by an absorbed power-law model. By tying NH between the six available spectra, we found a variable index Γ running from ∼2 in 2000–2001 to 1.4–1.6 in the 2005–2014 period. Alternatively, by tying Γ, we found variable absorption columns of NH ∼ 0.34 × 10−22 cm−2 in 2000–2001, and 0.54−0.75 × 10−22 cm−2 in the 2005–2014 period. Although we cannot distinguish between a spectral or absorption origin, from the derived unabsorbed X-ray fluxes, we are able to assure the presence of long-term X-ray variability. Furthermore, the unabsorbed X-ray luminosities of 0.8–2 × 1043 erg s−1 derived in the X-ray band are in agreement with a weakly obscured Seyfert-2 AGN at z ≈ 0.22.Instituto Argentino de RadioastronomíaFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Discovery of a deep Seyfert-2 galaxy at z = 0.222 behind NGC 300

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    We report on the unveiling of the nature of the unidentified X-ray source 3XMM J005450.3–373849 as a Seyfert-2 galaxy located behind the spiral galaxy NGC 300 using Hubble Space Telescope data, new spectroscopic Gemini observations and available XMM–Newton and Chandra data. We show that the X-ray source is positionally coincident with an extended optical source, composed of a marginally resolved nucleus/bulge, surrounded by an elliptical disc-like feature and two symmetrical outer rings. The optical spectrum is typical of a Seyfert-2 galaxy redshifted to z = 0.222 ± 0.001, which confirms that the source is not physically related to NGC 300. At this redshift the source would be located at 909 ± 4 Mpc (comoving distance in the standard model). The X-ray spectra of the source are well fitted by an absorbed power-law model. By tying NH between the six available spectra, we found a variable index Γ running from ∼2 in 2000–2001 to 1.4–1.6 in the 2005–2014 period. Alternatively, by tying Γ, we found variable absorption columns of NH ∼ 0.34 × 10−22 cm−2 in 2000–2001, and 0.54−0.75 × 10−22 cm−2 in the 2005–2014 period. Although we cannot distinguish between a spectral or absorption origin, from the derived unabsorbed X-ray fluxes, we are able to assure the presence of long-term X-ray variability. Furthermore, the unabsorbed X-ray luminosities of 0.8–2 × 1043 erg s−1 derived in the X-ray band are in agreement with a weakly obscured Seyfert-2 AGN at z ≈ 0.22.Instituto Argentino de RadioastronomíaFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Topical Administration of Somatostatin Prevents Retinal Neurodegeneration in Experimental Diabetes

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    Retinal neurodegeneration is an early event in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Somatostatin (SST) is an endogenous neuroprotective peptide that is downregulated in the diabetic eye. The aim of the study was to test the usefulness of topical administration of SST in preventing retinal neurodegeneration. For this purpose, rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (STZ-DM) were treated with either SST eye drops or vehicle for 15 days. Nondiabetic rats treated with vehicle served as a control group. Functional abnormalities were assessed by electroretinography (ERG), and neurodegeneration was assessed by measuring glial activation and the apoptotic rate. In addition, proapoptotic (FasL, Bid, and activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3) and survival signaling pathways (BclxL) were examined. Intraretinal concentrations of glutamate and its main transporter glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) were also determined. Treatment with SST eye drops prevented ERG abnormalities, glial activation, apoptosis, and the misbalance between proapoptotic and survival signaling detected in STZ-DM rats. In addition, SST eye drops inhibited glutamate accumulation in the retina and GLAST downregulation induced by diabetes mellitus. We conclude that topical administration of SST has a potent effect in preventing retinal neurodegeneration induced by diabetes mellitus. In addition, our findings open up a new preventive pharmacological strategy targeted to early stages of DR

    Rationale of the association between Mediterranean diet and the risk of frailty in older adults and systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Frailty is a geriatric syndrome whose frequency is increasing in parallel with population aging and is of great interest due to its dire consequences: increased disability, hospitalizations, falls and fractures, institutionalization, and mortality. Frailty is multifactorial but nutritional factors, which are modifiable, play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Epidemiologic evidence supports that high-quality dietary patterns can prevent, delay or even reverse the occurrence of frailty. In order to add new knowledge bridging the gap as the main purpose of the present article we performed a comprehensive review of the rationale behind the association of MedDiet with frailty and a systematic review and meta-analysis updating the latest ones published in 2018 specifically examining the relationship of Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and incident frailty. Adding the updated information, our results confirmed a robust association of a higher adherence to MedDiet with reduced incident frailty. Key components of the MedDiet, i.e., abundant consumption of vegetables and fruit as well as the use of olive oil as the main source of fat, all of which have been associated with a lower incidence of frailty, may help explain the observed benefit. Future well-designed and sufficiently large intervention studies are needed to confirm the encouraging findings of the current observational evidence. Meanwhile, based on the existing evidence, the promotion of MedDiet, a high-quality dietary pattern, adapted to the conditions and traditions of each region, and considering lifelong and person-tailored strategies, is an open opportunity to reduced incident frailty. This could also help counteract the worrying trend towards the spread of unhealthy eating and lifestyle models such as those of Western diets that greatly contribute to the genesis of chronic non-communicable diseases and disabilit

    Evolution of legislation and crimes based on sexual identity or orientation in Spain: a retrospective observational study (2011-2021)

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    Respect for different sexual options and orientations prevents the occurrence of hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGTBI) persons for this reason. Our aim was to review the legislation that protects the rights of LGTBI people and to quantify the victimization rates of hate crimes based on sexual identity and orientation. A retrospective observational study was conducted across all regions of Spain from 2011?2021. The laws on LGTBI rights in each region were identified. Hate crime victimization data on sexual identity and orientation were collected in annual rates per 100,000 inhabitants, annual percentage change and average change during the study period to assess the trend. The regulatory development of laws against discrimination against LGTBI individuals is heterogeneous across regions. Overall, in Spain there is an upward trend in the number of hate crime victimizations motivated by sexual identity or orientation. The effectiveness of data collection, thanks to better training and awareness of police forces regarding hate crimes and the processes of data cleansing and consolidation contributes to a greater visibility of hate crimes against LGTBI people

    Metamorfosis de la explotación sexual en NNA para vivir mejor.

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    Según datos de UNICEF(2001) 35 mil niños y niñas menores de 18 años son explotados sexualmente en Colombia, en los últimos 10 años se ha aumentado el número de niños y niñas inducidos a la prostitución y se ha estimado que la edad de inicio es en edades tempranas, en algunos casos antes de los 10 años (UNICEF, 2001), por este motivo se establece como pregunta problema ¿Cuál es el impacto psicológico que puede llegar a tener un protocolo de intervención basado en la resiliencia para el caso de NNA que han sido víctimas de explotación sexual comercial y que están actualmente vinculados a la entidad ESCNNA en Bogotá