114 research outputs found

    Sintomatología psicológica en población reclusa del establecimiento carcelario de Bogotá

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    El principal objetivo de este estudio es establecer los síntomas psicológicos en la población reclusa del establecimiento carcelario de Bogotá. Este estudio (descriptivo-comparativo) incluyó una muestra total de 40 reclusos del sector norte y sur del EC de Bogotá. A los participantes se les aplicó el inventario SCL 90-R en su adaptación española. Los resultados mostraron una alta presencia de sintomatología, relacionada con la dimensión de psicoticismo, y de algunas otras que indican de manera directa el nivel de malestar o distrés global. Además, estos no arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los reclusos del sector norte y sur en lo referente a la sintomatología que presentaban. Por último, la mayoría de los participantes mostraron un estilo de respuesta aumentador (exageración) o de simulación

    Programa de adquisición de habilidades y capacidades para el desempeño profesional a través del Prácticum en Psicología Social. (continuación)

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    Con este proyecto tratamos de dar continuidad a una iniciativa que pusimos en marcha el hace ya dos años, con el objetivo de facilitar la transición entre el mundo académico y la realidad profesional con la que los estudiantes empiezan a tomar contacto a través del prácticum. Se trata de ofreceros orientación, asesoramiento y formación complementaria a la que formalmente se recibe en el Grado, clarificar el rol profesional y lo que puede esperar el estudiante del mundo profesional. Para ello contamos con tres pilares fundamentales: A) Ponencias de profesionales de la Psicología Social. B) Formación en competencias profesionales: impartidas por vari@s profesor@s del departamento de Psicología Social. C) Visitas a los centros: la universidad se acerca al mundo profesional

    Psicología jurídica aplicada

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    El presente texto académico muestra algunas aplicaciones específicas del área de la psicología jurídica, campo de conocimiento especializado cuyo objeto de estudio lo constituyen los procesos cognitivos, afectivos y emocionales que explican las conductas jurídico-legales de las personas que se involucran con el sistema judicial. La intención fue articular en una sola publicación diferentes temas relacionados con los fundamentos teóricos y epistemológicos de la psicología criminológica, la conducta feminicida vista desde un enfoque psicojurídico, la teoría del sentido de comunidad observada en un centro penitenciario, y, por último, una revisión sobre la calidad de la metodología de los estudios en psicología del testimonio, analizando los aspectos psicofisiológicos del engaño; todo ello para mostrar los elementos conceptuales o técnicos aplicados a contextos penales, brindándole al lector, sea este psicólogo, abogado, policía, juez, fiscal, funcionario de prisiones, investigador de las ciencias de la conducta o estudiante universitario de pregrado o posgrado la oportunidad de entender que el ámbito forense no solo es de utilidad para los operadores jurídicos. Con esto se espera contribuir a una mejor comprensión de esta disciplina, tanto para los expertos como para los neófitos en el área.A los lectores. Prólogo. Presentación. Capítulo I La psicología criminal: fundamentos teóricos y epistemológicos. Capítulo II Perspectiva psicojurídica del feminicidio. Capítulo III Sentido de comunidad en establecimientos carcelarios. Capítulo IV Evaluación de la calidad metodológica de estudios en psicología del testimonio: psicofisiológica del engaño.2ª ed

    Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on out-of-hospital health professionals: A living systematic review

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    Producción CientíficaHealth professionals (HPs), especially those working in the front line, have been one of the groups most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to identify the best available scientific evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of out-of-hospital HPs in terms of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. A living systematic review of the literature was designed, consulting the electronic online versions of the CINHAL, Cochrane Library, Cuiden, IBECS, JBI, LILACS, Medline PyscoDoc, PsycoINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science databases in November 2021. Original research was selected, published in either English, Spanish, French, Italian, or Portuguese. In total, 2082 publications were identified, of which 16 were included in this review. The mental health of out-of-hospital HPs was affected. Being a woman or having direct contact with patients showing suspicious signs of COVID-19 or confirmed cases were the factors related to a greater risk of developing high levels of stress and anxiety; in the case of depressive symptoms, it was having a clinical history of illnesses that could weaken their defenses against infection. Stopping unpleasant emotions and thoughts was the coping strategy most frequently used by these HPs

    Identification of Solanum pimpinellifolium genome regions for increased resilience to nitrogen deficiency in cultivated tomato

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    14 Pág.High-quality crop production with minimal fertilizer inputs is a key goal for the agriculture of the future. Globally, tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops and its intensive production and breeding has been based on the application of large quantities of nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Therefore, the development of N use efficient (NUE) cultivars with low N inputs needs to be addressed. Some variability in plant growth, fruit quality and NUE traits among tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) varieties under low N supply has been reported, however, the relevance of wild relatives of tomato has not yet been assessed. In this study, we found that S. pimpinellifolium accession To-937 (SP) may be a suitable resource to increase NUE in tomato. We studied a set of 29 introgression lines (IL) from SP into the Moneymaker cultivar (MM) in different seasons to investigate the potential of SP introgressions to maintain the tomato plant performance during the growth cycle under low N input in greenhouse conditions. We identified specific regions in the SP genome, on chromosomes 1, 3 and 10, involved in the responses to N inputs of fruit production and fruit quality. Notably, the line SP_10-4 maintained vegetative biomass and fruit yield production under limiting N supply. The introgressed region contained putative candidate genes as sucrose phosphate phosphatase (SPP), invertases (INV) and glutamine synthase 1 (GS1) genes, implicated in C and N metabolism. Genomic and expression analyses revealed differences in coding and non-coding sequences as well as in mRNA levels in SP_10-4, suggesting that these genes might well contribute to the reported biomass responses to N. Additionally, line SP_1-4 showed stable fruit amino acid contents under both sufficient and limiting N supplies, indicating that assimilated N partitioning to the fruit is maintained in response to N. Altogether, our results confirmed the suitability of SP as a source of NUE related traits and the interest in the studied ILs for developing new tomato cultivars with improved NUE under sustainable fertilization conditions.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grants RTA2015-00014-c02-00 to SGN and JM, PID2020-114165RR-C21 to JM, and PID2022-136541OB-I00 to SGN), the Agroalnext program (MCIN with funding of NextGenEU-PRTR-C17.I1 Generalitat Valenciana AGROALNEXT/2022/056 to SGN), Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universitat Politècnica de València (PAID-11-21 to SGN; PAID-10-20 and PAID-PD-22 to RM), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (TED2021-129296B-I00 to SGN) and European Commission H2020 research and innovation program through HARNESSTOM grant agreement no. 101000716 (to AG) and RoxyCOST CA18210 for networking activities (to AG). We also want to acknowledge the "Severo Ochoa Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D" (CEX2020-000999-S) supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. We thank Mike Bennett for revising the English language and Javier Forment from the IBMCP Bioinformatics service for support on genomic analyses.With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2020‐000999‐S)Peer reviewe

    Morphofunctional and Molecular Assessment of Nutritional Status in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Systemic Treatment: Role of Inflammasome in Clinical Nutrition

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    Malnutrition in patients with head and neck cancer is frequent, multifactorial and widely associated with clinical evolution and prognosis. Accurate nutritional assessments allow for early identification of patients at risk of malnutrition in order to start nutritional support and prevent sarcopenia. We aimed to perform a novel morphofunctional nutritional evaluation and explore changes in inflammasome-machinery components in 45 patients with head and neck cancer who are undergoing systemic treatment. To this aim, an epidemiological/clinical/anthropometric/biochemical evaluation was performed. Serum RCP, IL6 and molecular expression of inflammasome-components and inflammatory-associated factors (NOD-like-receptors, inflammasome-activation-components, cytokines and inflammation/apoptosis-related components, cell-cycle and DNA-damage regulators) were evaluated in peripheral-blood mononuclear-cells (PBMCs). Clinical-molecular correlations/associations were analyzed. Coherent and complementary information was obtained in the morphofunctional nutritional assessment of the patients when bioimpedance, anthropometric and ultrasound data were analyzed. These factors were also correlated with different biochemical and molecular parameters, revealing the complementary aspect of the whole evaluation. Serum reactive C protein (RCP) and IL6 were the most reliable parameters for determining patients with decreased standardized phase angle, which is associated with increased mortality in patients with solid malignancies. Several inflammasome-components were dysregulated in patients with malnutrition, decreased phase angle and dependency grade or increased circulating inflammation markers. A molecular fingerprint based on gene-expression of certain inflammasome factors (p27/CCL2/ASC) in PBMCs accurately differentiated patients with and without malnutrition. In conclusion, malnutrition induces a profound alteration in the gene-expression pattern of inflammasome-machinery components in PBMCs. A comprehensive nutritional assessment including novel morphofunctional techniques and molecular markers allows a broad characterization of the nutritional status in cancer patients. Profile of certain inflammasome-components should be further studied as potential targets for nutrition-focused treatment strategies in cancer patients