3,245 research outputs found

    Toimintaympäristön kartoitus kotityöpalveluyritykselle

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    Kotityöpalvelut ovat palveluita, jotka tapahtuvat ihmisten kodeissa ja ne eivät edellytä ter-veydenhoidollista ammattikoulutusta. Hyvinvointialalla palveluita tarjoavat kotityöpalveluyri-tykset. Niiden asiakkaina ovat julkisen sektorin lisäksi yksittäiset kotitaloudet. Kotityöpalvelu on uusi kehittyvä palveluala ja niiden markkinat ovat vasta kehittymässä. Kotityöpalveluyri-tysten toimintaa on tuettu valtakunnallisesti muun muassa kotitalouksien verovähennyksillä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä kartoitettiin kotityöpalveluyrityksen toimintaympäristöä valtakunnalli-sesti tutkimusten ja muun kirjallisen aineiston avulla. Tähän työhön valittiin menetelmäksi dokumenttianalyysi. Sen tarkoituksena oli saada selkeä kuvaus tutkittavasta ja kehitettävästä asiasta. Yrityksen toimintaympäristö on laaja kokonaisuus ja tässä työssä, sitä tarkastellaan poliittisten, sosiaalisten, taloudellisten ja teknologisten asioiden muodostamana. Kotityöpalveluyrittäjäksi ryhtyvät rohkeat, itseensä uskovat ja osaavat ihmiset. Laadukas ko-tityöpalvelu edellyttääkin ennen kaikkea luotettavaa ja monipuolista ammattitaitoa. Kodin palvelujen ammattitaitovaateina painottuvat moniosaaminen, vuorovaikutustaidot, täsmälli-syys ja luotettavuus. Työskentelyn lähtökohtana on asiakas. Suomi ikääntyy vauhdilla ja ikääntyvien palvelujen tarve kasvaa. Heille on järjestettävä hoito ja huolenpito, joka kattaa laajan, monimuotoisen ja vaativan palvelukokonaisuuden. Suomes-sa tästä vastaavat kunnat sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon puitelainsäädännön ja omien voimava-rojen rajoissa. Palveluissa onkin havaittu puutteita ja kotona asuvien palveluiden tarpeesta jää tyydyttämättä puolet. Siksi kotipalvelualalle olisi lähiaikoina mahdollista työllistyä 10 000 ihmistä. Kunnat arvioivatkin, että yksityisiä kotipalveluja tarvitaan koko maan tasolla.Environment Mapping for a Domestic Work Service Company Domestic work services are services that take place in people's homes and do not require any professional qualification from a vocational school of health education. Domestic work service companies are providers of welfare area services. It is a new emerging service sector and the market area is still developing. Clients for companies that produce domestic work services are the public sector and individual households. The operations of domestic work service compa-nies have been supported nationwide, among other things by utilising household tax deduc-tions. This Bachelor’s thesis approached the national operating environment of domestic work ser-vices companies with earlier studies and other written material. This work is based on docu-ment analysis. Its purpose is to provide a clear description of the research and development in the matter. The operating environment of a company is a large entity. In this thesis, the political, social, economic and technological issues that are a part of the operating environ-ment are discussed. People who become domestic work services entrepreneurs are courageous, believe in them-selves and are skilled. High quality domestic work service requires, above all, reliable and versatile professional skills. Home services workmanship focuses on multi-level skills, interac-tion skills, punctuality and reliability. Work is based on the needs of the customer. The population of Finland is aging fast and the need for elderly services will grow. Care and treatment, covering a broad, diverse and demanding set of services, need to be organised. In Finland, the municipalities are responsible for this social and healthcare framework within the limits of their own resources as well as national laws. Services are found to be deficient and a half of the people living at home cannot get appropriate services. Therefore there is possibly a need to employ 10 000 people in the near future. Local authorities estimate that private home services are needed on a national level

    effects of temperature, pH and sugar binding on the structures of lectins ebulin f and selfd

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    Producción CientíficaEbulin f and SELfd are two lectins of Sambucus ebulus L. that show different stability and digestibility properties in gastric fluid due to their structural differences which may explain their different toxicological profiles. The main aim was to determine the effects of pH, temperature and sugar binding on the intrinsic structures of both proteins by fluorescence analyses. Quenching experiments were conducted, under different pH and temperature conditions, with acrylamide (uncharged) and iodide (charged), to study the possible changes of their intrinsic fluorescence. Results revealed that the native structure of SELfd is more folded than that of ebulin f. At pH 2.0, ebulin f displayed a more open structure than at neutral pH. It can be concluded that this is the main reason why ebulin f is accessible to pepsin action and more sensitive to degradation, in contrast to SELfd as we reported previously.Grupo de Excelencia GR106UVa-GIR Inmunotoxinas AntitumoralesConvenio Consejería de Sanidad JCy

    Procesamiento de argumentos en tareas de descripcion de imagenes en ninos con trastorno especifico del lenguaje mixto y expresivo

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    85 p.Los niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) suelen presentar dificultades en su desarrollo sintáctico – semántico. Entre otros aspectos, manifiestan problemas en el procesamiento de argumentos. El presente estudio está dirigido a estudiar este aspecto en niños con TEL mediante la aplicación de tareas de descripción a través de imágenes. Estudios previos respecto a dicha temática, revelan que existen diferencias en el procesamiento de los argumentos en niños con TEL y niños con desarrollo típico del lenguaje, sin embargo, no hay estudios que comparen dicho componente entre niños con TEL mixto y TEL expresivo, de ahí la importancia de la presente investigación. El propósito de este trabajo es determinar el rendimiento de los niños con TEL mixto, entre 5 a 5 años 11 meses, de la lengua española en el procesamiento de argumentos, comparado con niños con TEL expresivo de igual edad cronológica. Los resultados demuestran que existe un rendimiento homogéneo en el reconocimiento de los diferentes tipos de argumentos estudiados independiente del tipo de trastorno específico del lenguaje presentado por los menores. Se analizan las implicancias de los resultados obtenidos

    Institutional flexibility, political alternation, and middle-of-the-road policies

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    This paper presents a novel explanation for political alternation in democracies, rooted in the benefit for the median voter of keeping policy from drifting too far to either extreme. Central to this argument is the idea that policy change is gradual and that this gradualism depends on the institutional flexibility/rigidity of the country. Built on this idea, we propose a model of dynamic elections and show that institutional rigidities cause alternation. We also show that, though institutional rigidities prevent governments from implementing extreme policies, they incentivize parties to polarize as much as they can. However, more flexible institutions can foster moderation. Last, we analyze the resilience of equilibrium policies to players’ impatience and discuss extensions of our model, including office-motivated parties, the cost of alternation, alternation every two terms, and asymmetric policies

    Implementation of the K-Means Algorithm on Heterogeneous Devices: A Use Case Based on an Industrial Dataset

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    This paper presents and analyzes a heterogeneous implementation of an industrial use case based on K-means that targets symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), GPUs and FPGAs. We present how the application can be optimized from an algorithmic point of view and how this optimization performs on two heterogeneous platforms. The presented implementation relies on the OmpSs programming model, which introduces a simplified pragma-based syntax for the communication between the main processor and the accelerators. Performance improvement can be achieved by the programmer explicitly specifying the data memory accesses or copies. As expected, the newer SMP+GPU system studied is more powerful than the older SMP+FPGA system. However the latter is enough to fulfill the requirements of our use case and we show that uses less energy when considering only the active power of the execution.This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 project AXIOM (grant agreement n. 645496), HiPEAC (grant agreement n. 687698), and Mont-Blanc (grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697), the Spanish Government Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015- 65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programaci´o i Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Condiciones para la adaptación de los pequeños productores de café ante presiones económicas mediante procesos de "upgrading" en la cadena productiva

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    El análisis de los medios de vida se ha utilizado con éxito para ilustrar el comportamiento de las familias como resultado de la interacción de sus miembros con un mundo lleno de restricciones y oportunidades institucionales a escala local, regional, nacional y global. En ese mundo, las familias organizan sus activos y recursos para hacer frente con eficacia a las presiones exógenas y cambios en su ambiente institucional o biofísico. Uno de los principales desafíos del análisis de medios de vida aplicado a las comunidades rurales lo constituye la comprensión de cómo la familia se vincula a los cambios en el mercado que resultan de la globalización económica. En este artículo se argumenta que la respuesta de las familias a las presiones económicas externas puede ser explicada por el tipo de participación que tengan en las cadenas globales de mercancías (CGM). Esto en consecuencia relaciona el tipo de respuesta a las oportunidades que se derivan de los procesos de "upgrading" en las cadenas, pero cuya concreción depende del entorno institucional en que operan las familias. Se hace una aplicación a los productores de café en Veracruz, México, el cual ilustra un caso de desacople de las políticas orientadas a los pequeños productores con los requerimientos para mantenerse competitivamente en la cadena de café.Livelihood analysis has been used successfully to illustrate how the behavior of families is the result of the interaction of its members in a world of restrictions and institutional opportunities on the local, regional, national, and global scales. Livelihood analysis proposes that families organize their assets and resources to effectively face the exogenous pressures and changes in their institutional or biophysical atmosphere. One of the main challenges of the livelihoods approach applied to rural communities is the understanding of how families link to market changes deriving from economic globalization. This paper argues that the response by families to external economic pressures is better understood through the analysis of their participation in the global commodity chains related to the requirement for upgrading in the chains and depending on the institutional environment in which families operate. An application is made to the case of coffee producers in Veracruz, Mexico, which illustrates a case of decoupling between the policies developed for small producers with their requirements to keep competitive in the coffee chain

    Tics: una estrategia didáctica para el perfeccionamiento y la adquisición de la habilidad de speaking en el área de inglés.

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    Actualmente, el rendimiento académico de los aprendices es el tema de discusión para los tutores de nuestra nación, además, se ha convertido en el aspecto influyente en las limitadas, necesarias y adecuadas herramientas didácticas, de modo que esto se ve reflejado en el proceso de aprendizaje década uno de los estudiantes y la capacidad de comprender las temáticas expuestas y orientadas en la asignatura de inglés. Hoy por hoy, la metodología tradicional que se ha usado por décadas, paulatinamente se ha ido reemplazando por la educación constructivista, la cual propone que el estudiante sea un agente activo y participativo al momento de introducir nuevos saberes a su estructura mental usando materiales didácticos que generan altos niveles de motivación y aproximan al estudiante a su entorno, suministrando y concretando los saberes previos y los nuevos conocimientos dentro del área de inglés. Aquí reside la eficacia en las instituciones educativas de educación básica y centros de formación superior. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por título la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cómo a través del uso de las TIC’s se puede promover habilidades de speaking en el idioma del inglés en el grado quinto de la I.E. Santa Rosa de Lima de la ciudad de Montería?For teachers in Colombia, the academic performance of their students is a constant concern, and one of the factors that influence this is the lack of relevant didactic tools so that this affects the learning process of students and the ability to discern the themes of this foreign language. Currently, traditional education has little by little been displaced by constructivist education, where it proposes that the student act as an active and participatory agent when learning by using didactic materials which generate motivation, bring the student closer to their environment, facilitating and specifying pre-knowledge and new knowledge within the area of English. Herein lies the validity in educational establishments, universities, and other higher education centers. The title of this research work is the following question: How through the use of ICTs can speaking skills be promoted in the English language in the fifth grade of the I.E. Santa Rosa de Lima from the city of Montería

    Agglomeration noise strategic maps in Catalonia

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    The Directive 2002/49 on evaluation and management of the environmental noise demands in case of agglomerations, a series of information that one must communicate to the Commission, between which there is the number of people whose housings are exposed to every range of values of Lden and Lnight in dBA. In this work they present the criteria contemplated in the delimiting of the agglomerations inside Catalonia's territory, as well as the methodologies used in the estimation of the audible levels and the population exposed to the different indicators of noise with the results obtained.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Microstructure Insight of MTA Repair HP of Rapid Setting Capacity and Bioactive Response

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    Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is considered a bioactive endodontic material, which promotes natural mineralization at the material-tooth tissue interface. MTA Repair HP stands out because of the short setting time and the quick and effective bioactive response in vitro. The bioactivity, depens on material composition and microstructure. This work is devoted to analyze MTA Repair HP microstructural features, of both the powder precursor and set material, to get insights into the material physicochemical parameters—functionality performance relationships. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses were performed. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out at different times to investigate setting process. Bioactivity evaluation in vitro was carried out by soaking the processed cement disk in simulated body fluid (SBF). The presented results point out those MTA Repair HP precursor material characteristics of tricalcium silicate particles of nanometric size and high aspect ratio, which provide an elevated surface area and maximized components dispersion of calcium silicate and very reactive calcium aluminate. The MTA Repair HP precursor powder nanostructure and formulation, allows a hydration process comprising silicate hydrate structures, which are very effective to achieve both fast setting and efficient bioactive response.España Universidad de Sevilla grant number USE-17102-

    Recreation noise in acoustic mapping

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    As far as most of citizens complains are about noise coming from recreational activities, usually related with the presence of people in the street around bars, pubs, parties and other activities carried out in public spaces, it seems reasonable to include this kind of noise source in the strategic noise maps, especially if the main objective of the noise mapping is to draw action plans. A methodology is proposed to analyze that kind of noise environments including short-term and long-term measurements, obtaining the acoustic indicators Ln and Lden as well as number of people exposed to those indicators. The results obtained in six different cities show that similar trends can be found for commercial streets in different cities, showing an increase of 5 dBA in Leq between 5 p.m and 8 p.m compared to the average value of Leq during the rest of day time. Night recreational noise seems more variable and an in field study must be carried out. It has also been found that around 10% of population is exposed to noise coming from commercial streets.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version