133 research outputs found

    Incarcerated Mothers: What Role Does Communication Play in Successful Family and Community Reintegration?

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    The Incarcerated Mothers Project (TIFF--Transitioning Incarcerated Females & Families) is a four-tiered investigation into the subject of incarcerated mothers and how communication affects parental dynamics. The first tier of research included an earlier pilot study of 53 incarcerated mother. The second tier involved an experiment assessing the impact of exposure to a documentary narrative about the impact of a mother’s incarceration on her family; results showed significant knowledge gain and empathetic responses among general receivers. This summer, additional footage was added to the documentary, with instrumentation ready for a Fall 2014 data collection. Also this summer, progress was made on the third tier, which involved speaking with various experts and professionals in the field of incarceration and reintegration. These interviews established that both family and community support are vital preventatives toward preventing recidivism. The fourth tier of the project includes developing additional interview questions to continue the pilot study both with the established group of research subjects and extending that research pool for a more expansive data set. Data collected will be used to develop programs in communication, including family communication education modules video education modules for incarcerated and reintegrating populations.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2014/1011/thumbnail.jp

    AMPA receptors: Role in brain injury

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    Glutamate can be considered a 'Jekyll and Hyde' molecule that serves an essential role as neurotransmitter whilst having potentially damaging, neurotoxic effects. The neurotransmitter and neurotoxic properties of glutamate are partly mediated by AMPA receptors. Due to their ubiquitous distribution in the central nervous system (CNS), events occurring at the AMPA receptor can have profound consequences for CNS functioning. In this thesis, two AMPA receptor-mediated events were examined. Firstly, the neurotoxic potential of AMPA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity was examined in white matter. Secondly, AMPA receptor potentiators, which enhance glutamatergic neurotransmission, were investigated. The role of AMPA receptors in mediating axonal damage in vivoWhite matter is vulnerable to injury in a variety of neurological disorders, however, comparatively less is known about the mechanisms of white matter injury compared to grey matter injury. In addition to their presence on neuronal perikarya, AMPA receptors are present on the cellular components of white matter. To determine if axons were vulnerable to AMPA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in vivo, AMPA (2.5 or 25 nmol) or vehicle was injected into the subcortical white matter of rats. AMPA induced a dose dependent increase in axonal damage assessed with MAP 5 immunohistochemistry. In addition, AMPA induced myelin, oligodendroglial and neuronal damage. The AMPA-induced damage was attenuated by pre-treatment with the AMPA receptor antagonist SPD 502 (16mg/kg), but not with co-administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist (MK 801, 5nmol); suggesting that it occurs through AMPA-receptor mediated mechanisms. The role of AMPA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in mediating axonal damage following focal cerebral ischaemia was also examined. In addition to protecting grey matter damage, pre-treatment with the AMPA receptor antagonist SPD 502 (16mg/kg) significantly reduced axonal damage following middle cerebral artery occlusion. Collectively, these data suggest a role for AMPA receptors in mediating both grey and white matter damage, and suggest that AMPA receptor antagonists are capable of salvaging multiple cellular elements required for the functioning of the CNS

    Pracademics? Exploring transitions and professional identities in higher education

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    Within the context of a competitive UK Higher Education (HE) environment, this paper explores the transitions made by former or current practitioners who are now university academics, referred to in this study (and others) as ‘pracademics'. Drawing together the concepts of pracademia, academic selves and professional identity, this paper makes a tri-fold contribution. First, this case study examines pracademics' perceptions from a post-1992, UK-based higher education institution (HEI) through collaborative reflexivity. Secondly, it suggests how pracademics' professional self-identities can be fluid and context-dependent. Thirdly, it explores affinities and tensions between academia and practice, and identifies opportunities for building links between them. In doing so, the research makes a number of specific recommendations. The authors advocate for the recruitment of academics with practitioner experience and the facilitation of their effective transition into and within the HEI environment

    Activation of Nrf2-Regulated Glutathione Pathway Genes by Ischemic Preconditioning

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    Prophylactic pharmacological activation of astrocytic gene expression driven by the transcription factor Nrf2 boosts antioxidant defences and protects against neuronal loss in ischemia and other disease models. However, the role of Nrf2 in mediating endogenous neuroprotective responses is less clear. We recently showed that Nrf2 is activated by mild oxidative stress in both rodent and human astrocytes. Moreover, brief exposure to ischemic conditions was found to activate Nrf2 both in vivo and in vitro, and this was found to contribute to neuroprotective ischemic preconditioning. Here we show that transient ischemic conditions in vitro and in vivo cause an increase in the expression of Nrf2 target genes associated with the glutathione pathway, including those involved in glutathione biosynthesis and cystine uptake. Taken together, these studies indicate that astrocytic Nrf2 may represent an important mediator of endogenous neuroprotective preconditioning pathways

    Women Organizing Women –‘Doing it Backwards and in High Heels’

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    Summary This article looks at the formative stages of a Zimbabwean NGO, the Musasa Project. The process of arriving at a particular organizational model is examined. Particular attention is paid to two aspects of this process i) problems experienced in an organization run by women for women, in particular, the issue of gendered ‘dis?ease’ in the public sphere of work and how it affects performance, and ii) the impact of increased external funding on the organizational model and on the relative importance of members of the organization. The final section of the article poses questions about ‘scaling?up’ of NGOs, how it can affect organizational priorities, and how the accompanying ‘professionalization’ can marginalize less well?educated staff. A model of scaling?up is proposed which, by setting up structures to enhance the ‘voice’ of the constituency, ensures that their views continue to be heard. RESUME Comment s'y prendre à reculons, en chaussures à hauts talons Cet article examine les stades formateurs d'une ONG au Zimbabwe, le Projet de Musasa. Il examine le processus par lequel un model d'organisation particulier a été atteint. Deux aspects spécifiques sont examinés: tout d'abord les problèmes qui se sont soulevés dans une organisation menée par des femmes pour des femmes et notamment, la question des conditions défavorables au genre dans le secteur du service public et l'effet de ces conditions sur la performance; et deuxièmement, l'impact de l'augmentation des financements de provenance extérieure sur le modèle organisationnel adopté, et la question de l'importance relative des membres de l'organisation. La dernière section de l'article pose des questions sur la croissance des ONG et comment celle?ci peut affecter les priorités organisationnelles, ainsi que la manière dans laquelle la “professionalisation” qui l'accompagne peut servir à marginaliser les membres du personnel les moins bien éduqués. Un modèle de croissance est proposé et celui?ci, grâce à la mise en place de structures qui puisssent accentuer la “voix” des représenté(e)s, garantit que leurs opinions ne cesseront d'être entendus. RESUMEN Al revés y en tacos altos El artículo explora las fases formativas de una NGO en Zimbabwe, el proyecto Musasa. Se examina el proceso de llegada a un modelo organizativo particular, especialmente en dos aspectos: a) los problemas existentes en una organización manejada por mujeres para mujeres, en particular es asunto de la ‘incómodidad práctica’ del género en las esferas de actuación pública y cómo ésta afecta los resultados, y b) el impacto del aumento de la financiación externa en el modelo organizativo y en la importancia relativa de los miembros de la organización. Finalmente, el artículo plantea un serie de interrogantes relativos a la ‘ampliación’ de las NGOs, cómo ésta puede afectar prioridades de organización, y cómo la profesionalización que la acompaña puede marginalizar al personal con menos educación. Se propone un modelo de ‘ampliación’ que establece las estructuras para estimular las voces del distrito, y asegurar que sus opiniones sean escuchadas

    Mapping of skin surface sensitivity and skin surface temperature at the knee over a re-warming period following cryotherapy

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    Background Current literature proposes proprioceptive changes following cryotherapy applications due to changes in neurodynamic feedback from receptors altering knee joint position sense. However, minimal literature exists on the effect on skin surface sensitivity (SSS) which may be a contributing factor. This study investigated the effects of cryotherapy on knee SSS and temperature (Tsk) using monofilaments and thermal imaging in males and females. Methods SSS in 19 healthy participants mapped using a photographic knee pain map (PKPM), on the non-dominant knee following a 20-minute cryotherapy exposure used an Aesthesio Precision Tactile Sensory Evaluator (DanMic Global, USA) for measurement. Thermal imaging using a non-invasive infrared camera (ThermoVision A40M, Flir Systems, Danderyd, Sweden) measured Tsk. Data were collected pre, immediately post and at five-minute intervals up to 20-minutes. Results Statistical significant decreases in SSS are reported for superior medial section of the PKPM comparing baseline to immediately post intervention (P=0.04), and to 20-minutes post (P=0.04), and between pre to immediately post (P=0.02) and 5-minutes post (P=0.01) in the female participants only. Male only showed significant decrease in SSS between pre and immediately post intervention for the medial patella section (P=0.02). Conclusion Crushed ice application significantly reduces SSS around the medial aspect of the knee immediately post removal and with males and females showing different levels of response. SSS over the medial aspect of the knee had not returned to baseline 20-minutes post cooling. Therapists should be conscious of changes in SSS that may impede return to play following cooling due to feedback mechanisms which may affect joint position sense