7 research outputs found

    Strategy for Developing the UMAURIP Eco-Tourism Area in Timpag Village, Kerambitan District, Tabanan

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    Tourism has become a necessity for all levels of society. Therefore, tourism management must be done seriously by involving related parties. The Central Government and local governments issued several policies to support tourism development in Bali. The Bali Provincial Government through the policy and program direction implemented is the Vision ”Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali” Which contains the meaning of maintaining the sanctity and harmony of Bali’s nature and its contents to realize a prosperous and happy Balinese manners life, from the scale to the life of Balinese manners and gumi in accordance with Bung Karno’s Trisakti principles, namely political sovereignty, economic independence, and personality in culture. Timpag Village is a village in Tabanan Regency, one of the programs rolled out in Timpag Village which is an innovative breakthrough, namely ”Umaurip, Utamaning Uma Lan Urip” with ecotourism development, namely developing the potential of Tourism Villages based on agricultural areas. With the main focus on developing owls (Tyto alba) which are friends of farmers in eradicating rat pests. The method used in this study is a mix method, which is a combination of qualitative research methods and reinforced with quantitative research methods. And the conclusion of this study briefly is that the Umaurip ecotourism area still prioritizes the development of ecotourism areas based on the community itself and there has been collaboration with various parties to advance the area, suggestions from researchers so that in the future this ecotourism area will be intensified in terms of promotion. so that many people know about the existence of this area. Keywords: Tourism, Umaurip, Ecotouris

    Handling COVID-19 in a collaboration perspective

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    To optimize the role of government in the implementation of public policy, according to the paradigm of new public governance must involve all parties (government, civil society, private sector). Similarly, in the perspective of a network of cooperation between actors and stakeholders in policy implementation, collaboration is a suggested concept, because collaboration concerns inter-organizational relations, inter-governmental relations, strategic alliances and multi-organizational networks (Agranoff, 2004). As a multi-dimensional problem, handling the Covid19 pandemic requires the involvement of various parties to be able to optimize the implementation of policies that have been formulated. This qualitative descriptive research aims to analyze the cooperation of various parties in dealing with COVID-19 in Denpasar City. Data is collected through observations, literature studies and interviews with informants determined by purposive sampling. The results showed that cooperation in the handling of Covid-19 was limited in coordination between government actors, indigenous villages, entrepreneurs (private), universities and mass media. Meanwhile, to optimize the handling of Covid19 requires collaborative cooperation from the actors involved

    Evaluation the policy of establishment satgas gotong royong based on traditional village in handling COVID-19 in Denpasar City

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide impact on various fields of human life in the world. Efforts to deal with COVID in Indonesia have led to various policies both at the national and regional levels. Similarly, the policy for handling COVID-19 in the Province of Bali. One of the policies is the policy of establishing the SATGAS Gotong Royong based on traditional village. The policy in its implementation produces various achievements according to the conditions of the community in which the policy is implemented.  The case in Denpasar City, as an urban city with high interaction of activities and human mobility, it is certainly different from other regencies in Bali with more homogeneous community conditions. This qualitative research with a case study approach wants to evaluate the policy of establishing the SATGAS Gotong Royong based on traditional village in handling COVID-19 in Denpasar City. This needs to be done as a form of supervision because no matter how good a new policy is, its success or failure will be known through an assessment called evaluation.&nbsp

    The Urgence of Writing Awig's Pararem in Increasing Community Legal Awareness in Traditional Village Pelem Gede, Tabanan

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    Desa Adat is a traditional village in Bali which has been autonomous since its inception. Each Traditional Village has its own management and assets, and has the authority to make rules, known as awig-awig and/or pararem. It turns out that the program partners do not yet have pararem panyahcah awig as rules for implementing awig-awig.  By providing accessible and relevant information about legal rights, responsibilities, and processes, "Pararem Panyahcah Awig" equips community members with the knowledge they need to navigate legal matters effectively.  s to emphasize the importance and necessity of documenting and disseminating the local customary laws, known as Awig's Pararem, within the context of the Traditional Village Pelem Gede in Tabanan. The method used in this service program is by: (1) giving lectures or legal counseling about the importance of a pararem panyahcah awig in life in a traditional village, (2) carrying out focus group discussions (FGD) on pararem drafts, and (3) provide assistance in making traditional village pararem. The result of this program activity is the compilation of an awig pararem with a total of 42 Pawos, in accordance with the awig-awig mandate set forth in Pawos-Pawos (article). With the pararem panyahcah awig, the community will be wiser in acting and behaving in their association in society. Therefore, it will indirectly increase legal awareness