682 research outputs found

    Mesh-based Autoencoders for Localized Deformation Component Analysis

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    Spatially localized deformation components are very useful for shape analysis and synthesis in 3D geometry processing. Several methods have recently been developed, with an aim to extract intuitive and interpretable deformation components. However, these techniques suffer from fundamental limitations especially for meshes with noise or large-scale deformations, and may not always be able to identify important deformation components. In this paper we propose a novel mesh-based autoencoder architecture that is able to cope with meshes with irregular topology. We introduce sparse regularization in this framework, which along with convolutional operations, helps localize deformations. Our framework is capable of extracting localized deformation components from mesh data sets with large-scale deformations and is robust to noise. It also provides a nonlinear approach to reconstruction of meshes using the extracted basis, which is more effective than the current linear combination approach. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations

    Data-driven weight optimization for real-time mesh deformation

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    3D model deformation has been an active research topic in geometric processing. Due to its efficiency, linear blend skinning (LBS) and its follow-up methods are widely used in practical applications as an efficient method for deforming vector images, geometric models and animated characters. LBS needs to determine the control handles and specify their influence weights, which requires expertise and is time-consuming. Further studies have proposed a method for efficiently calculating bounded biharmonic weights of given control handles which reduces user effort and produces smooth deformation results. The algorithm defines a high-order shape-aware smoothness function which tends to produce smooth deformation results, but fails to generate locally rigid deformations. To address this, we propose a novel data-driven approach to producing improved weights for handles that makes full use of available 3D model data by optimizing an energy consisting of data-driven, rigidity and sparsity terms, while maintaining its advantage of allowing handles of various forms. We further devise an efficient iterative optimization scheme. Through contrast experiments, it clearly shows that linear blend skinning based on our optimized weights better reflects the deformation characteristics of the model, leading to more accurate deformation results, outperforming existing methods. The method also retains real-time performance even with a large number of deformation examples. Our ablation experiments also show that each energy term is essential

    Multiscale Mesh Deformation Component Analysis with Attention-based Autoencoders

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    Deformation component analysis is a fundamental problem in geometry processing and shape understanding. Existing approaches mainly extract deformation components in local regions at a similar scale while deformations of real-world objects are usually distributed in a multi-scale manner. In this paper, we propose a novel method to exact multiscale deformation components automatically with a stacked attention-based autoencoder. The attention mechanism is designed to learn to softly weight multi-scale deformation components in active deformation regions, and the stacked attention-based autoencoder is learned to represent the deformation components at different scales. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, with the multiscale deformation components extracted by our method, the user can edit shapes in a coarse-to-fine fashion which facilitates effective modeling of new shapes.Comment: 15 page

    Biharmonic deformation transfer with automatic key point selection

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    Deformation transfer is an important research problem in geometry processing and computer animation.A fundamental problem for existing deformation transfer methods is to build reliable correspondences. This is challenging, especially when the source and target shapes differ significantly and manual labeling is typically used. We propose a novel deformation transfer method that aims at minimizing user effort. We adapt a biharmonic weight deformation framework which is able to produce plausible deformation even with only a few key points. We then develop an automatic algorithm to identify a minimum set of key points on the source model that characterizes the deformation well. While minimal user effort is still needed to specify corresponding points on the target model for the selected key points, our approach avoids the difficult problem of choosing key points. Experimental results demonstrate that our method, despite requiring little user effort, produces better deformation results than alternative solutions. Keywords: shape deformation; biharmonic weights; key point selection; deformation transfe

    Automatic unpaired shape deformation transfer

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    Transferring deformation from a source shape to a target shape is a very useful technique in computer graphics. State-of-the-art deformation transfer methods require either point-wise correspondences between source and target shapes, or pairs of deformed source and target shapes with corresponding deformations. However, in most cases, such correspondences are not available and cannot be reliably established using an automatic algorithm. Therefore, substantial user effort is needed to label the correspondences or to obtain and specify such shape sets. In this work, we propose a novel approach to automatic deformation transfer between two unpaired shape sets without correspondences. 3D deformation is represented in a high-dimensional space. To obtain a more compact and effective representation, two convolutional variational autoencoders are learned to encode source and target shapes to their latent spaces. We exploit a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to map deformed source shapes to deformed target shapes, both in the latent spaces, which ensures the obtained shapes from the mapping are indistinguishable from the target shapes. This is still an under-constrained problem, so we further utilize a reverse mapping from target shapes to source shapes and incorporate cycle consistency loss, i.e. applying both mappings should reverse to the input shape. This VAE-Cycle GAN (VC-GAN) architecture is used to build a reliable mapping between shape spaces. Finally, a similarity constraint is employed to ensure the mapping is consistent with visual similarity, achieved by learning a similarity neural network that takes the embedding vectors from the source and target latent spaces and predicts the light field distance between the corresponding shapes. Experimental results show that our fully automatic method is able to obtain high-quality deformation transfer results with unpaired data sets, comparable or better than existing methods where strict correspondences are required

    Mesh-based autoencoders for localized deformation component analysis

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    Spatially localized deformation components are very useful for shape analysis and synthesis in 3D geometry processing. Several methods have recently been developed, with an aim to extract intuitive and interpretable deformation components. However, these techniques suffer from fundamental limitations especially for meshes with noise or large-scale deformations, and may not always be able to identify important deformation components. In this paper we propose a novel mesh-based autoencoder architecture that is able to cope with meshes with irregular topology. We introduce sparse regularization in this framework, which along with convolutional operations, helps localize deformations. Our framework is capable of extracting localized deformation components from mesh data sets with large-scale deformations and is robust to noise. It also provides a nonlinear approach to reconstruction of meshes using the extracted basis, which is more effective than the current linear combination approach. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations

    Sparse data driven mesh deformation

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    Example-based mesh deformation methods are powerful tools for realistic shape editing. However, existing techniques typically combine all the example deformation modes, which can lead to overfitting, i.e. using an overly complicated model to explain the user-specified deformation. This leads to implausible or unstable deformation results, including unexpected global changes outside the region of interest. To address this fundamental limitation, we propose a sparse blending method that automatically selects a smaller number of deformation modes to compactly describe the desired deformation. This along with a suitably chosen deformation basis including spatially localized deformation modes leads to significant advantages, including more meaningful, reliable, and efficient deformations because fewer and localized deformation modes are applied. To cope with large rotations, we develop a simple but effective representation based on polar decomposition of deformation gradients, which resolves the ambiguity of large global rotations using an as-consistent-as-possible global optimization. This simple representation has a closed form solution for derivatives, making it efficient for our sparse localized representation and thus ensuring interactive performance. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art data-driven mesh deformation methods, for both quality of results and efficiency
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