3 research outputs found

    A Novel Method of Aircraft Detection Based on High-Resolution Panchromatic Optical Remote Sensing Images

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    In target detection of optical remote sensing images, two main obstacles for aircraft target detection are how to extract the candidates in complex gray-scale-multi background and how to confirm the targets in case the target shapes are deformed, irregular or asymmetric, such as that caused by natural conditions (low signal-to-noise ratio, illumination condition or swaying photographing) and occlusion by surrounding objects (boarding bridge, equipment). To solve these issues, an improved active contours algorithm, namely region-scalable fitting energy based threshold (TRSF), and a corner-convex hull based segmentation algorithm (CCHS) are proposed in this paper. Firstly, the maximal variance between-cluster algorithm (Otsu’s algorithm) and region-scalable fitting energy (RSF) algorithm are combined to solve the difficulty of targets extraction in complex and gray-scale-multi backgrounds. Secondly, based on inherent shapes and prominent corners, aircrafts are divided into five fragments by utilizing convex hulls and Harris corner points. Furthermore, a series of new structure features, which describe the proportion of targets part in the fragment to the whole fragment and the proportion of fragment to the whole hull, are identified to judge whether the targets are true or not. Experimental results show that TRSF algorithm could improve extraction accuracy in complex background, and that it is faster than some traditional active contours algorithms. The CCHS is effective to suppress the detection difficulties caused by the irregular shape

    Impact of Crystal Habit on Solubility of Ticagrelor

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    Drugs with poor biopharmaceutical performance are the main obstacle to the development and design of medicinal preparations. The anisotropic surface chemistry of different surfaces on the crystal influences its physical and chemical properties, such as solubility, tableting, etc. In this study, the antisolvent crystallization and rapid-cooling crystallization were carried out to tune the crystal habits of ticagrelor (TICA) form II. Different crystal habits of ticagrelor (TICA) form II (TICA-A, TICA-B, TICA-C, TICA-D, and TICA-E) were prepared and evaluated for solubility. The single-crystal diffraction (SXRD) indicated that TICA form II belongs to the triclinic P1 space group with four TICA molecules in the asymmetric unit. The TICA molecules are generated through intermolecular hydrogen bonds along the (010) direction, forming an infinite molecular chain, which are further stacked by hydrogen bonds between hydroxyethoxy side chains, forming molecular circles composed of six TICA molecules along bc directions. Thus, in the case of TICA form II, hydrogen bonds drive growth along one axis (b-axis), which results in the formation of mostly needle-shape crystals. Morphology and face indexation reveals that (001), (010) and (01-1) are the main crystal planes. Powder diffractions showed that five habits have the same crystal structure and different relative intensity of diffraction peak. The solubility of the obtained crystals showed the crystal habits affect their solubility. This work is helpful for studying the mechanism of crystal habit modification and its effect on solubility