55,088 research outputs found

    Size dependence of second-order hyperpolarizability of finite periodic chain under Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

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    The second hyperpolarizability γN(−3ωω,ω,ω)\gamma_N(-3\omega\omega,\omega,\omega) of NN double-bond finite chain of trans-polyactylene is analyzed using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model to explain qualitative features of the size-dependence behavior of γN\gamma_N. Our study shows that γN/N\gamma_N/N is {\it nonmonotonic} with NN and that the nonmonotonicity is caused by the dominant contribution of the intraband transition to γN\gamma_N in polyenes. Several important physical effects are discussed to reduce quantitative discrepancies between experimental and our resultsComment: 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Possible TeV Source Candidates In The Unidentified EGRET Sources

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    We study the γ\gamma-ray emission from the pulsar magnetosphere based on outer gap models, and the TeV radiation from pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) through inverse Compton scattering using a one-zone model. We showed previously that GeV radiation from the magnetosphere of mature pulsars with ages of ∼105−106\sim 10^5-10^6 years old can contribute to the high latitude unidentified EGRET sources. We carry out Monte Carlo simulations of γ\gamma-ray pulsars in the Galaxy and the Gould Belt, assuming the pulsar birth rate, initial position, proper motion velocity, period, and magnetic field distribution and evolution based on observational statistics. We select from the simulation a sample of mature pulsars in the Galactic plane (∣b∣≤5∘|b|\leq 5^\circ) and in the high latitude (∣b∣>5∘|b|> 5^\circ) which could be detected by EGRET. The TeV flux from the pulsar wind nebulae of our simulated sample through the inverse Compton scattering by relativistic electrons on the microwave cosmic background and synchrotron seed photons are calculated. The predicted fluxes are consistent with the present observational constraints. We suggest that strong EGRET sources can be potential TeV source candidates for present and future ground-based TeV telescopes.Comment: Minor changes, MNRAS in pres

    Magnetization Losses in Multifilament Coated Superconductors

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    We report the results of a study of the magnetization losses in experimental multifilament, as well as control (uniform), coated superconductors exposed to time-varying magnetic field of various frequencies. Both the hysteresis loss, proportional to the sweep rate of the applied magnetic field, and the coupling loss, proportional to the square of the sweep rate, have been observed. A scaling is found that allows us to quantify each of these contributions and extrapolate the results of the experiment beyond the envelope of accessible field amplitude and frequency. The combined loss in the multifilament conductor is reduced by about 90% in comparison with the uniform conductor at full field penetration at sweep rate as high as 3T/s

    The Equation of State and Quark Number Susceptibility in Hard-Dense-Loop Approximation

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    Based on the method proposed in [ H. S. Zong, W. M. Sun, Phys. Rev. \textbf{D 78}, 054001 (2008)], we calculate the equation of state (EOS) of QCD at zero temperature and finite quark chemical potential under the hard-dense-loop (HDL) approximation. A comparison between the EOS under HDL approximation and the cold, perturbative EOS of QCD proposed by Fraga, Pisarski and Schaffner-Bielich is made. It is found that the pressure under HDL approximation is generally smaller than the perturbative result. In addition, we also calculate the quark number susceptibility (QNS) at finite temperature and finite chemical potential under hard-thermal/dense-loop (HTL/HDL) approximation and compare our results with the corresponding ones in the previous literature.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Biogeochemical variations at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained Observatory in the northeast Atlantic Ocean, from weekly to inter-annual timescales

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    We present high-resolution autonomous measurements of carbon dioxide partial pressure p(CO2) taken in situ at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) in the northeast Atlantic (49° N, 16.5° W; water depth of 4850 m) for the period 2010–2012. Measurements of p(CO2) made at 30 m depth on a sensor frame are compared with other autonomous biogeochemical measurements at that depth (including chlorophyll a fluorescence and nitrate concentration data) to analyse weekly to seasonal controls on p(CO2) flux in the inter-gyre region of the North Atlantic. Comparisons are also made with in situ regional time series data from a ship of opportunity and mixed layer depth (MLD) measurements from profiling Argo floats. There is a persistent under-saturation of CO2 in surface waters throughout the year which gives rise to a perennial CO2 sink. Comparison with an earlier data set collected at the site (2003–2005) confirms seasonal and inter-annual changes in surface seawater chemistry. There is year-to-year variability in the timing of deep winter mixing and the intensity of the spring bloom.The 2010–2012 period shows an overall increase in p(CO2) values when compared to the 2003–2005 period as would be expected from increases due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The surface temperature, wind speed and MLD measurements are similar for both periods of time. Future work should incorporate daily CO2 flux measurements made using CO2 sensors at 1 m depth and the in situ wind speed data now available from the UK Met Office Buoy
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