543 research outputs found

    Approximation of Rectangular Beta-Laguerre Ensembles and Large Deviations

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    We investigate the random eigenvalues coming from the beta-Laguerre ensemble with parameter p, which is a generalization of the real, complex and quaternion Wishart matrices of parameter (n,p). In the case that the sample size n is much smaller than the dimension of the population distribution p, a common situation in modern data, we approximate the beta-Laguerre ensemble by a beta-Hermite ensemble which is a generalization of the real, complex and quaternion Wigner matrices. As corollaries, when n is much smaller than p, we show that the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the complex Wishart matrix are asymptotically independent; we obtain the limiting distribution of the condition numbers as a sum of two i.i.d. random variables with a Tracy-Widom distribution, which is much different from the exact square case that n=p by Edelman (1988); we propose a test procedure for a spherical hypothesis test. By the same approximation tool, we obtain the asymptotic distribution of the smallest eigenvalue of the beta-Laguerre ensemble. In the second part of the paper, under the assumption that n is much smaller than p in a certain scale, we prove the large deviation principles for three basic statistics: the largest eigenvalue, the smallest eigenvalue and the empirical distribution of eigenvalues, where the last large deviation is derived by using a non-standard method

    Flavor Changing Effects in Family Nonuniversal Z' Models

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    Flavor-changing and CP-violating interactions of Z' to fermions are generally present in models with extra U(1) gauge symmetry that are string-inspired or related to broken gauged family symmetry. We study the consequences of such couplings in fermion electric dipole moments, muon g-2, and K and B meson mixings. From experimental limits or measured values, we constrain the off-diagonal Z' couplings to fermions. Some of these constraints are comparable or stronger than the existing constraints obtained from other observables.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    A High-Entropy Alloy with Hierarchical Nanoprecipitates and Ultrahigh Strength

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    High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are a class of metallic materials that have revolutionized alloy design. They are known for their high compressive strengths, often greater than 1 GPa; however, the tensile strengths of most reported HEAs are limited. Here, we report a strategy for the design and fabrication of HEAs that can achieve ultrahigh tensile strengths. The proposed strategy involves the introduction of a high density of hierarchical intragranular nanoprecipitates. To establish the validity of this strategy, we designed and fabricated a bulk Fe25Co25Ni25Al10Ti115 HEA to consist of a principal face-centered cubic (fcc) phase containing hierarchical intragranular nanoprecipitates. Our results show that precipitation strengthening, as one of the main strengthening mechanisms, contributes to a tensile yield strength (σ0.2) of ~1.86 GPa and an ultimate tensile strength of ~2.52 GPa at room temperature, which heretofore represents the highest strength reported for an HEA with an appreciable failure strain of ~5.2%

    Real-time PCR for diagnosing and quantifying co-infection by two globally distributed fungal pathogens of wheat

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    Co-infections – invasions of a host-plant by multiple pathogen species or strains – are common, and are thought to have consequences for pathogen ecology and evolution. Despite their apparent significance, co-infections have received limited attention; in part due to lack of suitable quantitative tools for monitoring of co-infecting pathogens. Here, we report on a duplex real-time PCR assay that simultaneously distinguishes and quantifies co-infections by two globally important fungal pathogens of wheat: Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and Parastagonospora nodorum. These fungi share common characteristics and host species, creating a challenge for conventional disease diagnosis and subsequent management strategies. The assay uses uniquely assigned fluorogenic probes to quantify fungal biomass as nucleic acid equivalents. The probes provide highly specific target quantification with accurate discrimination against non-target closely related fungal species and host genes. Quantification of the fungal targets is linear over a wide range (5000–0.5 pg DNA µl-1) with high reproducibility (RSD = 10%). In the presence of host DNA in the assay matrix, fungal biomass can be quantified up to a fungal to wheat DNA ratio of 1 to 200. The utility of the method was demonstrated using field samples of a cultivar sensitive to both pathogens. While visual and culture diagnosis suggested the presence of only one of the pathogen species, the assay revealed not only presence of both co-infecting pathogens (hence enabling asymptomatic detection) but also allowed quantification of relative abundances of the pathogens as a function of disease severity. Thus, the assay provides for accurate diagnosis; it is suitable for high-throughput screening of co-infections in epidemiological studies, and for exploring pathogen–pathogen interactions and dynamics, none of which would be possible with conventional approaches

    Drosophila Exo70 is Essential for Neurite Extension and Survival under Thermal Stress

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    The octomeric exocyst complex governs the final step of exocytosis in both plants and animals. Its roles, however, extend beyond exocytosis and include organelle biogenesis, ciliogenesis, cell migration, and cell growth. Exo70 is a conserved component of the exocyst whose function in Drosophila is unclear. In this study, we characterized two mutant alleles of Drosophila exo70. exo70 mutants exhibit reduced synaptic growth, locomotor activity, glutamate receptor density, and mEPSP amplitude. We found that presynaptic Exo70 is necessary for normal synaptic growth at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). At the neuromuscular junction, exo70 genetically interacts with the small GTPase ralA to regulate synaptic growth. Loss of Exo70 leads to the blockage of JNK signaling-, activity-, and temperature-induced synaptic outgrowths. We showed that this phenotype is associated with an impairment of integral membrane protein transport to the cell surface at synaptic terminals. In octopaminergic motor neurons, Exo70 is detected in synaptic varicosities, as well as the regions of membrane extensions in response to activity stimulation. Strikingly, mild thermal stress causes severe neurite outgrowth defects and pharate adult lethality in exo70 mutants. exo70 mutants also display defective locomotor activity in response to starvation stress. These results demonstrated that Exo70 is an important regulator of induced synaptic growth and is crucial for an organism’s adaptation to environmental changes

    Matter wave functions and Yukawa couplings in F-theory Grand Unification

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    We study the local structure of zero mode wave functions of chiral matter fields in F-theory unification. We solve the differential equations for the zero modes derived from local Higgsing in the 8-dimensional parent action of F-theory 7-branes. The solutions are found as expansions both in powers and derivatives of the magnetic fluxes. Yukawa couplings are given by an overlap integral of the three wave functions involved in the interaction and can be calculated analytically. We provide explicit expressions for these Yukawas to second order both in the flux and derivative expansions and discuss the effect of higher order terms. We explicitly describe the dependence of the couplings on the U(1) charges of the relevant fields, appropriately taking into account their normalization. A hierarchical Yukawa structure is naturally obtained. The application of our results to the understanding of the observed hierarchies of quarks and leptons is discussed.Comment: Latex, 51 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, note adde

    Extremely long quasiparticle spin lifetimes in superconducting aluminium using MgO tunnel spin injectors

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    There has been an intense search in recent years for long-lived spin-polarized carriers for spintronic and quantum-computing devices. Here we report that spin polarized quasi-particles in superconducting aluminum layers have surprisingly long spin-lifetimes, nearly a million times longer than in their normal state. The lifetime is determined from the suppression of the aluminum's superconductivity resulting from the accumulation of spin polarized carriers in the aluminum layer using tunnel spin injectors. A Hanle effect, observed in the presence of small in-plane orthogonal fields, is shown to be quantitatively consistent with the presence of long-lived spin polarized quasi-particles. Our experiments show that the superconducting state can be significantly modified by small electric currents, much smaller than the critical current, which is potentially useful for devices involving superconducting qubits

    A comprehensive review on laser powder bed fusion of steels : processing, microstructure, defects and control methods, mechanical properties, current challenges and future trends

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    Laser Powder Bed Fusion process is regarded as the most versatile metal additive manufacturing process, which has been proven to manufacture near net shape up to 99.9% relative density, with geometrically complex and high-performance metallic parts at reduced time. Steels and iron-based alloys are the most predominant engi-neering materials used for structural and sub-structural applications. Availability of steels in more than 3500 grades with their wide range of properties including high strength, corrosion resistance, good ductility, low cost, recyclability etc., have put them in forefront of other metallic materials. However, LPBF process of steels and iron-based alloys have not been completely established in industrial applications due to: (i) limited insight available in regards to the processing conditions, (ii) lack of specific materials standards, and (iii) inadequate knowledge to correlate the process parameters and other technical obstacles such as dimensional accuracy from a design model to actual component, part variability, limited feedstock materials, manual post-processing and etc. Continued efforts have been made to address these issues. This review aims to provide an overview of steels and iron-based alloys used in LPBF process by summarizing their key process parameters, describing thermophysical phenomena that is strongly linked to the phase transformation and microstructure evolution during solidifica-tion, highlighting metallurgical defects and their potential control methods, along with the impact of various post-process treatments; all of this have a direct impact on the mechanical performance. Finally, a summary of LPBF processed steels and iron-based alloys with functional properties and their application perspectives are presented. This review can provide a foundation of knowledge on LPBF process of steels by identifying missing information from the existing literature