12 research outputs found

    Water color from Sentinel-2 MSI data for monitoring large rivers: Yangtze and Danube

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    Rivers provide key ecosystem services that are inherently engineered and optimized to meet the strategic and economic needs of countries around the world. However, limited water quality records of a full river continuum hindered the understanding of how river systems response to the multiple stressors acting on them. This study highlights the use of Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) data to monitor changes in water color in two optically complex river systems: the Yangtze and Danube using the Forel-Ule Index (FUI). FUI divides water color into 21 classes from dark blue to yellowish brown stemming from the historical Forel-Ule water color scale and has been promoted as a useful indicator showing water turbidity variations in water bodies. The results revealed contrasting water color patterns in the two rivers on both spatial and seasonal scales. Spatially, the FUI of the Yangtze River gradually increased from the upper reaches to the lower reaches, while the FUI of the Danube River declined in the lower reaches, which is possibly due to the sediment sink effect of the Iron Gate Dams. The regional FUI peaks and valleys observed in the two river systems have also been shown to be related to the dams and hydropower stations along them. Seasonally, the variations of FUI in both systems can be attributed to climate seasonality, especially precipitation in the basin and the water level. Moreover, land cover within the river basin was possibly a significant determinant of water color, as higher levels of vegetation in the Danube basin were associated with lower FUI values, whereas higher FUI values and lower levels of vegetation were observed in the Yangtze system. This study furthers our knowledge of using Sentinel-2 MSI to monitor and understand the spatial-temporal variations of river systems and highlights the capabilities of the FUI in an optically complex environment

    The genomic and bulked segregant analysis of \u3ci\u3eCurcuma alismatifolia\u3c/i\u3e revealed its diverse bract pigmentation

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    Compared with most flowers where the showy part comprises specialized leaves (petals) directly subtending the reproductive structures, most Zingiberaceae species produce showy ‘‘flowers’’ through modifications of leaves (bracts) subtending the true flowers throughout an inflorescence. Curcuma alismatifolia, belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, a plant species originating from Southeast Asia, has become increasingly popular in the flower market worldwide because of its varied and esthetically pleasing bracts produced in different cultivars. Here, we present the chromosome-scale genome assembly of C. alismatifolia ‘‘Chiang Mai Pink’’ and explore the underlying mechanisms of bract pigmentation. Comparative genomic analysis revealed C. alismatifolia contains a residual signal of wholegenome duplication. Duplicated genes, including pigment-related genes, exhibit functional and structural differentiation resulting in diverse bract colors among C. alismatifolia cultivars. In addition, we identified the key genes that produce different colored bracts in C. alismatifolia, such as F3\u275’H, DFR, ANS and several transcription factors for anthocyanin synthesis, as well as chlH and CAO in the chlorophyll synthesis pathway by conducting transcriptomic analysis, bulked segregant analysis using both DNA and RNA data, and population genomic analysis. This work provides data for understanding the mechanism of bract pigmentation and will accelerate breeding in developing novel cultivars with richly colored bracts in C. alismatifolia and related species. It is also important to understand the variation in the evolution of the Zingiberaceae family