60 research outputs found

    La triangulación China-España-América Latina desde una perspectiva china

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    Este ARI examina las perspectivas de la triangulación entre China, España y América Latina tras el acuerdo Sinopec-Repsol en Brasil. El reciente acuerdo Sinopec-Repsol en el sector de la energía brasileña es el resultado de la estrategia china de “salida al exterior” (going out) y del papel cada vez más importante de España como “puente” en la región latinoamericana. Este ARI revisa los resultados y las perspectivas de la triangulación China-España-América Latina, poniendo de relieve los desafíos que aguardan a este prometedor ejemplo de cooperación internacional

    Recent development of Sino-Latin American relations and its implications

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    As a developing country, China always considers its relations with other developing countries as the foundation of its foreign policies. It adheres to the principle of pursuing equality, mutual benefits, effectiveness and common development. Its relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean, dating back to a long time ago, is part of the South-South cooperation that has benefited both sides. In discussing Sino-Latin American relations, we have to note three factors, namely, the Latin American factor in China's development, the China factor in Latin American development, and the U.S. factor in Sino-Latin American relations. Latin America is important for China economically, politically and diplomatically. China's rise in the world stage has been making contributions to Latin America in many ways, and neither the «China threat» nor the «fear of China» are correct. The Sino-Latin American relationship poses no threat to any third party, so there is no need for the United States to worry about it. Chile holds several «first» in the development of the bilateral relations. Therefore, Chile is one of the Latin American countries that has very good relations with China

    Sino-Latin American Relations:Retrospect and Prospects

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    Reflections from Comparative Studies of the Development Models in Latin America and East Asia

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    Relaciones bilaterales chino-chilenas al umbral del nuevo siglo

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    Las relaciones chino-chilenas, desde la fundación de la República Popular China han estado marcadas por períodos de gran acercamiento e identificación política y económica, como también enfriamiento pero donde el pragmatismo ha superado diferentes obstáculos. Los desarrollos y nuevos acontecimientos tras el fin de la Guerra Fría, los grandes cambios tecnológicos, económicos, políticos y sociales provocados por la emergencia de la globalización y la profundización de la internacionalización, han dado un nuevo impulso a las relaciones bilaterales. China y Chile se han acercado sobre nuevas bases y condiciones más favorables tras alcanzar la madurez de sus relaciones. Sin embargo, queda mucho que trabajar aún para lograr mayores niveles de entendimiento y conocimiento mutuo

    Soil pH, total phosphorus, climate and distance are the major factors influencing microbial activity at a regional spatial scale

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    Considering the extensive functional redundancy in microbial communities and great difficulty in elucidating it based on taxonomic structure, studies on the biogeography of soil microbial activity at large spatial scale are as important as microbial community structure. Eighty-four soil samples were collected across a region from south to north China (about 1,000 km) to address the questions if microbial activity displays biogeographic patterns and what are driving forces. These samples represented different soil types, land use and climate. Redundancy analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling clearly revealed that soil microbial activities showed distinct differentiation at different sites over a regional spatial scale, which were strongly affected by soil pH, total P, rainfall, temperature, soil type and location. In addition, microbial community structure was greatly influenced by rainfall, location, temperature, soil pH and soil type and was correlated with microbial activity to some extent. Our results suggest that microbial activities display a clear geographic pattern that is greatly altered by geographic distance and reflected by climate, soil pH and total P over large spatial scales. There are common (distance, climate, pH and soil type) but differentiated aspects (TP, SOC and N) in the biogeography of soil microbial community structure and activity

    Cell-Free DNA Sequencing of Intraocular Fluid as Liquid Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Vitreoretinal Lymphoma

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    PurposeTo seek novel diagnostic approaches, we improved the workflow of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) sequencing and evaluated its feasibility in vitreoretinal lymphoma (VRL) specimens; the profile of mutations was preliminarily analyzed for potential diagnostic value.MethodsThe study was a diagnostic trial. 23 eyes of 23 patients with VRL and 25 eyes of 25 patients with inflammatory eye diseases were enrolled. Approximate 500μl undiluted vitreous humor and 10ml diluted vitreous fluid was obtained through diagnostic vitrectomy and sent for cytopathological examinations. 500μl of the diluted vitreous fluid was spared for cfDNA sequencing. For cfDNA sequencing, DNA fragmentation procedure was added to the workflow to improve the extraction efficiency; mutations detected were analyzed for potential diagnostic model. The sensitivity and specificity of the cytopathology and cfDNA sequencing were compared. The clinical manifestations were preliminarily analyzed for potential correlations with the genotypes.ResultsCfDNA sequencing was accomplished in 23 eyes with VRL and 20 eyes with inflammatory eye diseases. VRL-related mutated genes included MYD88 (18 eyes, 78%), ETV6 (11 eyes, 48%), PIM1 (11 eyes,48%), BTG2 (7 eyes, 30%), IRF4 (7 eyes, 30%), CD79B (6 eyes, 26%), LRP1B (6 eyes, 26%), etc. Logistic regression based on the mutations of MYD88 and ETV6 was of the potential for the diagnosis of VRL (P<0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.789, sensitivity 0.913, specificity 0.950); by comparison, the sensitivity and specificity of the vitreous cytopathology were 0.826 and 1.000, respectively. Further analysis of the mutation profile showed that patients carrying CD79B mutation tended to have higher intraocular interleukin-10 level (P=0.030), that CARD11 mutation was correlated with younger age at ocular onset (P=0.039), and that patients with intracranial involvement carried more multiple-site mutations in the BTG2 gene (P=0.013).ConclusionsThe improved workflow of CfDNA sequencing is of sound feasibility in a limited amount of vitreous humor. The logistic model based on the mutations could help to provide reliable clues for the diagnosis of VRL

    The relationships of preventive behaviors and psychological resilience with depression, anxiety, and stress among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-wave longitudinal study in Shandong Province, China

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    IntroductionStudies have shown that the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to long-term health problems; therefore, more attention should be paid to the mental health of university students. This study aimed to explore the longitudinal effects of preventive behaviors and psychological resilience on the mental health of Chinese college students during COVID-19.MethodsWe recruited 2,948 university students from five universities in Shandong Province. We used a generalized estimating equation (GEE) model to estimate the impact of preventive behaviors and psychological resilience on mental health.ResultsIn the follow-up survey, the prevalence of anxiety (44.8% at T1 vs 41.2% at T2) and stress (23.0% at T1 vs 19.6% at T2) decreased over time, whereas the prevalence of depression (35.2% at T1 vs 36.9% at T2) increased significantly (P < 0.001). Senior students were more likely to report depression (OR = 1.710, P < 0.001), anxiety (OR = 0.815, P = 0.019), and stress (OR = 1.385, P = 0.011). Among all majors, medical students were most likely to report depression (OR = 1.373, P = 0.021), anxiety (OR = 1.310, P = 0.040), and stress (OR = 1.775, P < 0.001). Students who wore a mask outside were less likely to report depression (OR = 0.761, P = 0.027) and anxiety (OR = 0.686, P = 0.002) compared to those who did not wear masks. Students who complied with the standard hand-washing technique were less likely to report depression (OR = 0.628, P < 0.001), anxiety (OR = 0.701, P < 0.001), and stress (OR = 0.638, P < 0.001). Students who maintained a distance of one meter in queues were less likely to report depression (OR = 0.668, P < 0.001), anxiety (OR = 0.634, P < 0.001), and stress (OR = 0.638, P < 0.001). Psychological resilience was a protective factor against depression (OR = 0.973, P < 0.001), anxiety (OR = 0.980, P < 0.001), and stress (OR = 0.976, P < 0.001).DiscussionThe prevalence of depression among university students increased at follow-up, while the prevalence of anxiety and stress decreased. Senior students and medical students are vulnerable groups. University students should continue to follow relevant preventive behaviors to protect their mental health. Improving psychological resilience may help maintain and promote university students' mental health