56 research outputs found

    Cloud-cloud collision and star formation in G323.18+0.15

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    We studied the cloud-cloud collision candidate G323.18+0.15 based on signatures of induced filaments, clumps, and star formation. We used archival molecular spectrum line data from the SEDIGISM 13^{13}CO(JJ\,=\,2--1) survey, from the Mopra southern Galactic plane CO survey, and infrared to radio data from the GLIMPSE, MIPS, Hi-GAL, and SGPS surveys. Our new result shows that the G323.18+0.15 complex is 3.55kpc away from us and consists of three cloud components, G323.18a, G323.18b, and G323.18c. G323.18b shows a perfect U-shape structure, which can be fully complemented by G323.18a, suggesting a collision between G323.18a and the combined G323.18bc filamentary structure. One dense compressed layer (filament) is formed at the bottom of G323.18b, where we detect a greatly increased velocity dispersion. The bridge with an intermediate velocity in a position-velocity diagram appears between G323.18a and G323.18b, which corresponds to the compressed layer. G323.18a plus G323.18b as a whole are probably not gravitationally bound. This indicates that high-mass star formation in the compressed layer may have been caused by an accidental event. The column density in the compressed layer of about 1.36×10221.36 \times 10^{22}cm2^{-2} and most of the dense clumps and high-mass stars are located there. The average surface density of classI and classII young stellar objects (YSOs) inside the G323.18+0.15 complex is much higher than the density in the surroundings. The timescale of the collision between G323.18a and G323.18b is 1.591.59Myr. This is longer than the typical lifetime of classI YSOs and is comparable to the lifetime of classII YSOs

    Gravitational collapse and accretion flows in the hub filament system G323.46-0.08

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    We studied the hub filament system G323.46-0.08 based on archival molecular line data from the SEDIGISM 13CO survey and infrared data from the GLIMPSE, MIPS, and Hi-GAL surveys. G323.46-0.08 consists of three filaments, F-north, F-west, and F-south, that converge toward the central high_mass clump AGAL 323.459-0.079. F-west and Part 1 of the F-south show clear large-scale velocity gradients 0.28 and 0.44 km s-1 pc-1, respectively. They seem to be channeling materials into AGAL 323.459-0.079. The minimum accretion rate was estimated to be 1216 M Myr-1. A characteristic V-shape appears around AGAL 323.459-0.079 in the PV diagram, which traces the accelerated gas motions under gravitational collapse. This has also been supported by model fitting results. All three filaments are supercritical and they have fragmented into many dense clumps. The seesaw patterns near most dense clumps in the PV diagram suggests that mass accretion also occurs along the filament toward the clumps. Our results show that filamentary accretion flows appear to be an important mechanism for supplying the materials necessary to form the central high-mass clump AGAL 323.459-0.079 and to propel the star forming activity taking place therein

    Meta-analysis of Androgen Insensitivity in Preoperative Hormone Therapy in Hypospadias.

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    OBJECTIVE: To define androgen insensitivity prevalence in hypospadias patients treated with preoperative hormone therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We searched databases that were published in English and Chinese up to September 10, 2014 for our studies. Eligibility criteria were pre-established. Title, abstract, and full-text screenings were conducted by 2 authors independently. Discrepancies were resolved by consensus. Quality assessment of included studies was completed. Meta-analysis was done when appropriate using R, version 3.1.1 for Windows. Heterogeneity among individual studies was tested using the Cochran chi-square Q test and quantified by calculating the I(2) index. RESULTS: Thirteen of 1278 publications met inclusion criteria and were incorporated into this study. Of 306 patients with preoperative hormone therapy, 25 displayed androgen resistance. Meta-analysis demonstrated that the random-effects model generates a pooled estimate of 7.14% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.16%-15.31%), whereas the fixed-effect model provides an estimate of 14.61% (95% CI, 10.00%-20.85%). Heterogeneity among included studies was found above medium (I(2) = 67.1% [95% CI, 41.2%-81.6%]; P = .0003]. After exclusion of the heterogeneity, both random-effects and fixed-effect models produce a consistent pooled estimate of 6.95% (95% CI, 0%-47.8%). CONCLUSION: We have defined that the prevalence of androgen resistance in hypospadias is 7.14% (95% CI, 3.16%-15.31%). To distinguish isolated hypospadias from patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome, we recommend that androgen-resistant patients should be specifically targeted by molecularly focused diagnosis. Management strategies should include identification of mutations in the androgen receptor gene, timely surgery to repair hypospadias, and long-term follow-up of sexual function and fertility later in life

    Human Intestinal Lumen and Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

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    Recent reports have suggested the involvement of gut microbiota in the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC). We utilized pyrosequencing based analysis of 16S rRNA genes to determine the overall structure of microbiota in patients with colorectal cancer and healthy controls; we investigated microbiota of the intestinal lumen, the cancerous tissue and matched noncancerous normal tissue. Moreover, we investigated the mucosa-adherent microbial composition using rectal swab samples because the structure of the tissue-adherent bacterial community is potentially altered following bowel cleansing. Our findings indicated that the microbial structure of the intestinal lumen and cancerous tissue differed significantly. Phylotypes that enhance energy harvest from diets or perform metabolic exchange with the host were more abundant in the lumen. There were more abundant Firmicutes and less abundant Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria in lumen. The overall microbial structures of cancerous tissue and noncancerous tissue were similar; howerer the tumor microbiota exhibited lower diversity. The structures of the intestinal lumen microbiota and mucosa-adherent microbiota were different in CRC patients compared to matched microbiota in healthy individuals. Lactobacillales was enriched in cancerous tissue, whereas Faecalibacterium was reduced. In the mucosa-adherent microbiota, Bifidobacterium, Faecalibacterium, and Blautia were reduced in CRC patients, whereas Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas, Peptostreptococcus, and Mogibacterium were enriched. In the lumen, predominant phylotypes related to metabolic disorders or metabolic exchange with the host, Erysipelotrichaceae, Prevotellaceae, and Coriobacteriaceae were increased in cancer patients. Coupled with previous reports, these results suggest that the intestinal microbiota is associated with CRC risk and that intestinal lumen microflora potentially influence CRC risk via cometabolism or metabolic exchange with the host. However, mucosa-associated microbiota potentially affects CRC risk primarily through direct interaction with the host

    A crowdsourced analysis to identify ab initio molecular signatures predictive of susceptibility to viral infection

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    The response to respiratory viruses varies substantially between individuals, and there are currently no known molecular predictors from the early stages of infection. Here we conduct a community-based analysis to determine whether pre- or early post-exposure molecular factors could predict physiologic responses to viral exposure. Using peripheral blood gene expression profiles collected from healthy subjects prior to exposure to one of four respiratory viruses (H1N1, H3N2, Rhinovirus, and RSV), as well as up to 24 h following exposure, we find that it is possible to construct models predictive of symptomatic response using profiles even prior to viral exposure. Analysis of predictive gene features reveal little overlap among models; however, in aggregate, these genes are enriched for common pathways. Heme metabolism, the most significantly enriched pathway, is associated with a higher risk of developing symptoms following viral exposure. This study demonstrates that pre-exposure molecular predictors can be identified and improves our understanding of the mechanisms of response to respiratory viruses

    Origin of efficient oxygen reduction reaction on Pd monolayer supported on Pd-M (M=Ni, Fe) intermetallic alloy

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    Intermetallic alloy has become a hot topic in heterogeneous catalysis due to improved activity and stability. We report here the results of Pd monolayer supported on face-centered tetragonal (fct) Pd-M (M = Ni or Fe) intermetallic alloy as cathode materials by first principle calculations. Adsorbed O2 is found to undergo hydrogenation process into OOH instead of direct dissociative mechanism. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) proceeds via four-electron transfer pathway on both surfaces. The enhanced activities are ascribed to moderate adsorption strength for ORR intermediates due to compression strain and substrate electron transfer. The dissolution potential analysis indicates that both Pd/PdNi(111) and Pd/PdFe(111) are stable under operating condition. Gibbs free energy analysis and barrier calculations suggest that the proposed Pd monolayer structures are promising for cathode material. These results can be useful in designing intermetallic Pd-M alloy as ORR electrocatalysts

    Associations between digital literacy, health literacy, and digital health behaviors among rural residents: evidence from Zhejiang, China

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    Abstract Objective Within the digital society, the limited proficiency in digital health behaviors among rural residents has emerged as a significant factor intensifying health disparities between urban and rural areas. Addressing this issue, enhancing the digital literacy and health literacy of rural residents stands out as a crucial strategy. This study aims to investigate the relationship between digital literacy, health literacy, and the digital health behaviors of rural residents. Methods Initially, we developed measurement instruments aimed at assessing the levels of digital literacy and health literacy among rural residents. Subsequently, leveraging micro survey data, we conducted assessments on the digital literacy and health literacy of 968 residents in five administrative villages in Zhejiang Province, China. Building upon this foundation, we employed Probit and Poisson models to empirically scrutinize the influence of digital literacy, health literacy, and their interaction on the manifestation of digital health behaviors within the rural population. This analysis was conducted from a dual perspective, evaluating the participation of digital health behaviors among rural residents and the diversity to which they participate in such behaviors. Results Digital literacy exhibited a notably positive influence on both the participation and diversity of digital health behaviors among rural residents. While health literacy did not emerge as a predictor for the occurrence of digital health behavior, it exerted a substantial positive impact on the diversity of digital health behaviors in the rural population. There were significant interaction effects between digital literacy and health literacy concerning the participation and diversity of digital health behaviors among rural residents. These findings remained robust even after implementing the instrumental variable method to address endogeneity issues. Furthermore, the outcomes of robust analysis and heterogeneity analysis further fortify the steadfastness of the aforementioned conclusions. Conclusion The findings suggest that policymakers should implement targeted measures aimed at enhancing digital literacy and health literacy among rural residents. This approach is crucial for improving rural residents' access to digital health services, thereby mitigating urban–rural health inequality