31 research outputs found

    Giant Superfluorescent Bursts from a Semiconductor Magnetoplasma

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    Currently, considerable resurgent interest exists in the concept of superradiance (SR), i.e., accelerated relaxation of excited dipoles due to cooperative spontaneous emission, first proposed by Dicke in 1954. Recent authors have discussed SR in diverse contexts, including cavity quantum electrodynamics, quantum phase transitions, and plasmonics. At the heart of these various experiments lies the coherent coupling of constituent particles to each other via their radiation field that cooperatively governs the dynamics of the whole system. In the most exciting form of SR, called superfluorescence (SF), macroscopic coherence spontaneously builds up out of an initially incoherent ensemble of excited dipoles and then decays abruptly. Here, we demonstrate the emergence of this photon-mediated, cooperative, many-body state in a very unlikely system: an ultradense electron-hole plasma in a semiconductor. We observe intense, delayed pulses, or bursts, of coherent radiation from highly photo-excited semiconductor quantum wells with a concomitant sudden decrease in population from total inversion to zero. Unlike previously reported SF in atomic and molecular systems that occur on nanosecond time scales, these intense SF bursts have picosecond pulse-widths and are delayed in time by tens of picoseconds with respect to the excitation pulse. They appear only at sufficiently high excitation powers and magnetic fields and sufficiently low temperatures - where various interactions causing decoherence are suppressed. We present theoretical simulations based on the relaxation and recombination dynamics of ultrahigh-density electron-hole pairs in a quantizing magnetic field, which successfully capture the salient features of the experimental observations.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Ubiquitin Ligase RNF146 Regulates Tankyrase and Axin to Promote Wnt Signaling

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    Canonical Wnt signaling is controlled intracellularly by the level of β-catenin protein, which is dependent on Axin scaffolding of a complex that phosphorylates β-catenin to target it for ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation. This function of Axin is counteracted through relocalization of Axin protein to the Wnt receptor complex to allow for ligand-activated Wnt signaling. AXIN1 and AXIN2 protein levels are regulated by tankyrase-mediated poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARsylation), which destabilizes Axin and promotes signaling. Mechanistically, how tankyrase limits Axin protein accumulation, and how tankyrase levels and activity are regulated for this function, are currently under investigation. By RNAi screening, we identified the RNF146 RING-type ubiquitin E3 ligase as a positive regulator of Wnt signaling that operates with tankyrase to maintain low steady-state levels of Axin proteins. RNF146 also destabilizes tankyrases TNKS1 and TNKS2 proteins and, in a reciprocal relationship, tankyrase activity reduces RNF146 protein levels. We show that RNF146, tankyrase, and Axin form a protein complex, and that RNF146 mediates ubiquitylation of all three proteins to target them for proteasomal degradation. RNF146 is a cytoplasmic protein that also prevents tankyrase protein aggregation at a centrosomal location. Tankyrase auto-PARsylation and PARsylation of Axin is known to lead to proteasome-mediated degradation of these proteins, and we demonstrate that, through ubiquitylation, RNF146 mediates this process to regulate Wnt signaling

    Gata3 Acts Downstream of β-Catenin Signaling to Prevent Ectopic Metanephric Kidney Induction

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    Metanephric kidney induction critically depends on mesenchymal–epithelial interactions in the caudal region of the nephric (or Wolffian) duct. Central to this process, GDNF secreted from the metanephric mesenchyme induces ureter budding by activating the Ret receptor expressed in the nephric duct epithelium. A failure to regulate this pathway is believed to be responsible for a large proportion of the developmental anomalies affecting the urogenital system. Here, we show that the nephric duct-specific inactivation of the transcription factor gene Gata3 leads to massive ectopic ureter budding. This results in a spectrum of urogenital malformations including kidney adysplasia, duplex systems, and hydroureter, as well as vas deferens hyperplasia and uterine agenesis. The variability of developmental defects is reminiscent of the congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) observed in human. We show that Gata3 inactivation causes premature nephric duct cell differentiation and loss of Ret receptor gene expression. These changes ultimately affect nephric duct epithelium homeostasis, leading to ectopic budding of interspersed cells still expressing the Ret receptor. Importantly, the formation of these ectopic buds requires both GDNF/Ret and Fgf signaling activities. We further identify Gata3 as a central mediator of β-catenin function in the nephric duct and demonstrate that the β-catenin/Gata3 pathway prevents premature cell differentiation independently of its role in regulating Ret expression. Together, these results establish a genetic cascade in which Gata3 acts downstream of β-catenin, but upstream of Ret, to prevent ectopic ureter budding and premature cell differentiation in the nephric duct

    E. coli

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