626 research outputs found


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    This study measures the welfare changes in agriculture and to consumers should people eat the recommended levels of fruits and vegetables for a cancer prevention diet. An equilibrium displacement model is used to measure the change in welfare to fruit and vegetable industries, other commodities, and agricultural input markets.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Linkages Between Greater Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Agriculture

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    This study will estimate the benefits to fruit and vegetable industries and consumers should people in the U.S. meet the USDA minimum dietary guidelines. Specifically the objectives of the study are to 1) estimate the benefits to fruit and vegetable industries and consumers should people eat the general and subgroup 7-a-day and 9-a-day recommendation; 2) estimate the benefits should smaller increases of only 10 percent or 25 percent be achieved; and 3) determine how agricultural inputs, including land and labor, would be affected by the increase in demand for fruits and vegetables. To protect against the incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer the 2005 USDA dietary guidelines recommend the consumption of 3 to 4 fruit servings and 4 to 5 vegetable servings a day. They also provide recommendations on the composition of fruit and vegetable consumption as well as the level. For example, almost one serving of dark leafy vegetables is recommended per day. Depite the known health benefits, many people do not eat the amounts recommended in the USDA dietary guidelines and low income consumers (those whose median household income is less than 25,000ayear)eatfewerservings.BasedontheNHANES4(Nationalhealthandnutritionexaminationsurvey)andNHANES5,averageconsumptionoffruitbylowincomeconsumerswouldneedtoincreasebyatleast83percentatmeetthe3adayrecommendationand39percentinordertomeetthe4adayrecommendation.Peopleinhigherincomehouseholdsonlyneedtoincreaseconsumptionbyonly60percentforfruitand30percentforvegetables.Theproportionalincreasesinconsumptionassumethatpeoplenolongereatpotatochipsorfrenchfriesinordertomeetdietaryguidelinesonfatconsumption.Ashiftinconsumptionpatternstotherecommendedlevelswouldcausethedemandforfruitsandvegetablestorisesignificantly,leadingtohigherpricesandincreasedproduction,shiftingtheuseofagriculturalresources(suchasland,labor,andwater)intotheproductionofthosecommodities,andbenefitingtheentireagriculturalsector.Despitethepotentialgainstoagriculture,thesevalueshavebeenignoredinpreviousstudiesofimprovednutrientintake.Suchabenefittoproducersmightjustifyadditionalpublicsectorinvestmentinpromotinghealthierdiets.Thechangesinprices,agriculturalproduction,agriculturalinputusage,andtradewillbesimulatedusinganequilibriumdisplacementmodel.Thedualapproachusedinthisanalysislaysoutbasicdemandandsupplyequationsfromdemandandcostfunctionstoshowhowequilibriumconditionschangeinresponsetoshocks,suchasanincreaseinthedemandforfruitsandvegetables.Thefunctionscharacterizethefinalmarket,allowforsubstitutabilitybetweenmarketingandnonmarketinginputsinthemarketingsector,includesthefarmsector,andchangesininputuseresultingfromchangesincropmixandsubstitutabilityinland,laborandotherinputs.Equilibriumdisplacementmodelshavebeenwidelyusedtoestimatethebenefitsofagriculturalresearchagriculturalpoliciesandthebenefitstothedairyindustryofasocialmarketingprogramtomiddleschoolchildren.Themodelisparameterizedwithfarm,marketandconsumptiondata.TheincreaseinfruitandvegetableconsumptionismodeledasashiftinthedemandcurvewiththeshiftequaltothepercentageincreaseneededtomeettheUSDAdietaryguidelines.Producersurplusisestimatedfromthechangesingrowerpricesandagriculturalproduction,lesschangesinthecostofinputs.Consumersurplusforpeoplelivinginlowincomehouseholds(lessthan25,000 a year) eat fewer servings. Based on the NHANES4 (National health and nutrition examination survey) and NHANES5, average consumption of fruit by low-income consumers would need to increase by at least 83 percent at meet the 3 a day recommendation and 39 percent in order to meet the 4 a day recommendation. People in higher-income households only need to increase consumption by only 60 percent for fruit and 30 percent for vegetables. The proportional increases in consumption assume that people no longer eat potato chips or french fries in order to meet dietary guidelines on fat consumption. A shift in consumption patterns to the recommended levels would cause the demand for fruits and vegetables to rise significantly, leading to higher prices and increased production, shifting the use of agricultural resources (such as land, labor, and water) into the production of those commodities, and benefiting the entire agricultural sector. Despite the potential gains to agriculture, these values have been ignored in previous studies of improved nutrient intake. Such a benefit to producers might justify additional public sector investment in promoting healthier diets. The changes in prices, agricultural production, agricultural input usage, and trade will be simulated using an equilibrium displacement model. The dual approach used in this analysis lays out basic demand and supply equations from demand and cost functions to show how equilibrium conditions change in response to shocks, such as an increase in the demand for fruits and vegetables. The functions characterize the final market, allow for substitutability between marketing and non-marketing inputs in the marketing sector, includes the farm sector, and changes in input use resulting from changes in crop mix and substitutability in land, labor and other inputs. Equilibrium displacement models have been widely used to estimate the benefits of agricultural research agricultural policies and the benefits to the dairy industry of a social marketing program to middle school children. The model is parameterized with farm, market and consumption data. The increase in fruit and vegetable consumption is modeled as a shift in the demand curve with the shift equal to the percentage increase needed to meet the USDA dietary guidelines. Producer surplus is estimated from the changes in grower prices and agricultural production, less changes in the cost of inputs. Consumer surplus for people living in low-income households (less than 25,000 a year median income) and higher income households is estimated from the changes in retail prices and final market quantities consumed by each income group.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Drugs and hepatic transporters: A review

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    The liver is the primary organ for the metabolic degradation of xenobiotics. Transmembrane transport proteins from the ABC and the SLC families mediate the uptake of endogenous compounds and xenobiotics into the hepatocyte as well as their elimination from the cells. Multiple processes are involved. The uptake of xenobiotics in hepatocytes is mediated by organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) and by organic anion and cation transporters (OATs and OCTs). The elimination of drugs and metabolites from the liver cell back to the bloodstream is accomplished mainly by multidrug resistance-associated protein 3 (MRP3) and MRP4, while the elimination towards the biliary canaliculi is mediated by several different transporters (MRP2, BCRP, MDR1 and MATE1). Since bile acids and their salts are toxic detergents for hepatocytes, they have to be eliminated efficiently. This task is accomplished by the bile salt export pump BSEP. Two further transporters, MDR3 and ATP8B1 are involved in the proper constitution of bile. All these transporters can be influenced, mainly inhibited by a number of drugs, but also by metabolites from endogenous compounds such as estrogens. Additionally, rare monogenetic diseases exist which can be explained by absence of function or dysfunction of specific hepatic transporters, such as progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2 by genetic modifications in BSEP that lead to a loss of transporter function. Functional impairment of other transporters by genetics or by drugs also leads to liver injury, a potentially life-threatening disease that is still not fully understood. Hence, the interplay between drugs and hepatic transporters is multiple, and the knowledge of this interplay helps in understanding the etiology and molecular mechanisms behind some forms of (drug-induced) liver injury

    Local RBF approximation for scattered data fitting with bivariate splines

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    In this paper we continue our earlier research [4] aimed at developing effcient methods of local approximation suitable for the first stage of a spline based two-stage scattered data fitting algorithm. As an improvement to the pure polynomial local approximation method used in [5], a hybrid polynomial/radial basis scheme was considered in [4], where the local knot locations for the RBF terms were selected using a greedy knot insertion algorithm. In this paper standard radial local approximations based on interpolation or least squares are considered and a faster procedure is used for knot selection, signicantly reducing the computational cost of the method. Error analysis of the method and numerical results illustrating its performance are given

    Developing a Model for Quantifying QTc-Prolongation Risk to Enhance Medication Safety Assessment: A Retrospective Analysis

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    There are currently no established methods to predict quantitatively whether the start of a drug with the potential to prolong the QTc interval poses patients at risk for relevant QTc prolongation. Therefore, this retrospective study aimed to pave the way for the development of models for estimating QTc prolongation in patients newly exposed to medications with QTc-prolonging potential. Data of patients with a documented QTc prolongation after initiation of a QTc-prolonging drug were extracted from hospital charts. Using a standard model-building approach, general linear mixed models were identified as the best models for predicting both the extent of QTc prolongation and its absolute value after the start of a QTc-time-prolonging drug. The cohort consisted of 107 adults with a mean age of 64.2 years. Patients were taking an average of 2.4 drugs associated with QTc prolongation, with amiodarone, propofol, pipamperone, ondansetron, and mirtazapine being the most frequently involved. There was a significant but weak correlation between measured and predicted absolute QTc values under medication (r2^2 = 0.262, p < 0.05), as well as for QTc prolongation (r2^2 = 0.238, p < 0.05). As the developed models are based on a relatively small number of subjects, further research is necessary to ensure their applicability and reliability in real-world scenarios. Overall, this research contributes to the understanding of QTc prolongation and its association with medications, providing insight into the development of predictive models. With improvements, these models could potentially aid healthcare professionals in assessing the risk of QTc prolongation before adding a new drug and in making informed decisions in clinical settings

    College Health Students’ Knowledge and Perceptions of Exercise Benefits and Dysfunctional Exercise

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    Background and Purpose: A high percentage of people fail to meet the federal Physical Activity Guidelines while some adults develop dysfunctional exercise. The applications of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in the field of physical activity suggest that how people are motivated to exercise can lead to different outcomes, such as dysfunctional exercise. Adequate training for health promotion professionals can ensure their competency in successfully promoting healthy exercise. This study assessed the knowledge and perceptions regarding exercise benefits and dysfunctional exercise among Kinesiology and Community Health students—the future health professionals. Methods: A crosssectional study was conducted in a convenience sample of 183 participants from a public university in the northwest region. Results: Both Kinesiology and Community Health majors demonstrated a low level of knowledge regarding dysfunctional exercise, and were inclined to cite controlled rather than autonomous benefits for exercise engagement. Conclusion: Program curriculum changes, such as the coverage of dysfunctional exercise and Self-Determination Theory, should be considered to address the issue

    The digital data processing concepts of the LOFT mission

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    The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT) is one of the five mission candidates that were considered by ESA for an M3 mission (with a launch opportunity in 2022 - 2024). LOFT features two instruments: the Large Area Detector (LAD) and the Wide Field Monitor (WFM). The LAD is a 10 m 2 -class instrument with approximately 15 times the collecting area of the largest timing mission so far (RXTE) for the first time combined with CCD-class spectral resolution. The WFM will continuously monitor the sky and recognise changes in source states, detect transient and bursting phenomena and will allow the mission to respond to this. Observing the brightest X-ray sources with the effective area of the LAD leads to enormous data rates that need to be processed on several levels, filtered and compressed in real-time already on board. The WFM data processing on the other hand puts rather low constraints on the data rate but requires algorithms to find the photon interaction location on the detector and then to deconvolve the detector image in order to obtain the sky coordinates of observed transient sources. In the following, we want to give an overview of the data handling concepts that were developed during the study phase.Comment: Proc. SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91446