180 research outputs found

    Análisis y mejoramiento del proceso de producción de quesito en la empresa Colanta

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    En la actualidad, en la planta de producción de alimentos en el municipio de Entrerrios (Departamento de Antioquia), se presentan reclamos por parte de los clientes con respecto al peso real del quesito en una de sus líneas comerciales, en las referencias de 220g y 400g. Dichos reclamos, se centran en que el peso real de los productos, se encuentran por debajo de las especificaciones. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se propone realizar la estandarización del proceso de producción de las dos referencias del producto, como una forma de garantizar que el producto cumpla con las especificaciones en cuanto a calidad y cantidad. El proceso de estandarización incluirá entre sus actividades relacionadas con proceso la revisión y ajuste del proceso, selección de muestras para el control del peso en cada una de las etapas del proceso de producción como, por ejemplo: amasado, empaque y despacho. Esto, con el objetivo de analizar las pérdidas de peso del material, en cada etapa del proceso y estandarizar el flujo de materiales desde las entradas hasta el producto final. Como resultados, se espera obtener una propuesta de estandarización del proceso de producción de las dos referencias de la marca de quesito, con sus respectivos estándares de calidad y porcentajes de aprovechamientos y pérdidas a través del proceso.At present, in the food production plant in the municipality of Entrerrios (Department of Antioquia), claims are filed by customers regarding the actual weight of the cheese in one of its commercial lines, in the references of 220g and 400g. These claims focus on the fact that the actual weight of the products is below the specifications. Taking into account the above, it is proposed to standardize the production process of the two product references, as a way to guarantee that the product meets the specifications in terms of quality and quantity. The standardization process will include among its process-related activities the review and adjustment of the process, selection of samples for weight control in each of the stages of the production process, such as: kneading, packaging and dispatch. This, in order to analyze the weight losses of the material, at each stage of the process and standardize the flow of materials from the inputs to the final product. As a result, it is expected to obtain a standardization proposal for the production process of the two references of the cheese brand, with their respective quality standards and percentages of utilization and losses throughout the process

    Egg Shell Quality Assessment–Do We Need Multiple Records?

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    The objective of this study was to estimate repeatability within and between ages for dynamic stiffnessin two lines of layer chickens in order to verify if multiple records are necessary to adequately describe a bird’s genetic merit for egg shell quality.Repeatability was low across ages to moderate within age,which suggests that for accurate evaluation eggs should be collected at different stages of laying cycle,with additional benefit from analyzing more than one egg within age

    Evaluation of Egg Production in Layers Using Random Regression Models

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    The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for egg production over the age trajectory in three commercial layer breeding lines, which represent different biotypes for egg production, and to validate the use of breeding values for slope as a measure of persistency to be used in the selection program. Egg production data of over 26,000 layers per line from six consecutive generations were analyzed. Daily records were cumulated into biweekly periods. Data were analyzed with a random regression model with linear polynomials on period for random additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. In all lines, a nonzero genetic variance for mean and slope and a positive genetic correlation between mean and slope were estimated. Breeding values for slope well reflected the shape of the egg production curve and can be used to select for persistency of egg production. The model proposed in this study appealing for implementation in large and multiple populations under commercial conditions by breeding companies or other breeding organizations

    Percepción de los estudiantes de la gestión educativa y la acreditación en la especialidad de textil y confección del CETPRO PROMAE Rímac, 2013

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    La presente investigación titulada “Percepción de los estudiantes de la gestión educativa y la acreditación en la especialidad de textil y confección del CETPRO PROMAE Rímac, 2013”. Ha tenido como problema de estudio la siguiente interrogante: ¿Qué relación existe entre la Gestión educativa y el proceso de acreditación en percepción de los estudiantes de la especialidad de Textil y Confección del CETPRO PROMAE Rímac, 2013?. Con el propósito de determinar la percepción de los estudiantes de la relación que existe entre la gestión Educativa y la acreditación de la especialidad de Textil y Confección del CETPRO PROMAE Rímac, 2013? Ello implicaba analizar los programas, carreras, contenidos, perfiles y estándares del centro que deben tener correspondencia con los requerimientos de las opciones ocupacionales y actividades económicas existentes en el medio. Solo de este modo se puede facilitar la inserción laboral satisfactoria de los egresados. Esta investigación ha sido de tipo básica descriptiva y de diseño correlacional, se ha llevado a cabo en una muestra de 180 estudiantes de la especialidad de textil y confección del CETPRO PROMAE Rímac, para conocer las percepciones que tienen sobre la acreditación de esta especialidad en torno a la capacidad de gestión educativa; para vincularse con el sector productivo y para sostener la mejora continua de la oferta formativa, para ello se trabajó como instrumento de recolección de datos la encuesta. De este estudio podemos concluir que sí existe una relación significativa entre las variables: gestión educativa y acreditación, en la especialidad de textil y confección del CETPRO PROMAE Rímac , esto se demuestra con la prueba de la correlación d e Spearman, ya que entre ambas variables existe una correlación moderada, debido a que el valor de significación observada es p=0.000

    A new methodology for uncertainties characterization in combustion diagnosis and thermodynamic modelling

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    Combustion diagnosis based on in-cylinder pressure signals as well as 0D thermodynamic modelling, are widely used to study and optimize the combustion in reciprocating engines. Both approaches share some uncertainties regarding the sub-models and the experimental installation that, for the sake of accuracy, must be reduced as much as possible in order to obtain reliable results. A methodology, based on the sensitivity effect of such uncertainties on heat release and simulated pressure, is proposed to adjust their values. The methodology is capable of identifying the separate influence of each parameter and to provide a set of values thanks to the Multi-Variable linear regression (MLR) in motoring conditions. The method is flexible enough to deal with different number of uncertainties and can be applied to different engines and thermodynamic models. The final results of the adjustment are validated in combustion conditions, showing an improvement of the apparent combustion efficiency of about 7% with respect to the reference values.The support of the Generalitat Valenciana (BEST/2010/145) is greatly acknowledged.Benajes Calvo, JV.; Olmeda González, PC.; Martín Díaz, J.; Carreño Arango, R. (2014). A new methodology for uncertainties characterization in combustion diagnosis and thermodynamic modelling. Applied Thermal Engineering. 71(1):389-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.07.010S38939971

    Genetic Basis of Resistance to Avian Influenza

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    Two high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks haveseverelyaffected the poultry industryon the American continentwithin the last four years; a 2012 H7N3 outbreak in Mexicoand a 2015 H5N2 outbreak in the US. Blood samples were collectedfrom survivors of each outbreak plus age and genetics matched non-affected controls. As surviving birds could contain natural genetic mutation(s) that make them resistant to HPAI,the goal of the present study was to identify genomic regions associated with resistance to HPAIand to determinewhether resistance regionsare the same fordifferent virus strains.Four genomic regions were identified for the H5N2 outbreak and fivedifferent regions were identified for the H7N3 outbreak. The apparentdifferent genomic regions of resistance for different virus strains is achallengefor the poultry industry, as it requires amore diversified strategyfor improving resistance toAI

    QTL mapping of egg albumen quality in egg layers

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    BACKGROUND: A fresh, good quality egg has a firm and gelatinous albumen that anchors the yolk and restricts growth of microbiological pathogens. As the egg ages, the gel-like structure collapses, resulting in thin and runny albumen. Occasionally thin albumen is found in a fresh egg, giving the impression of a low quality product. A mapping population consisting of 1599 F(2) hens from a cross between White Rock and Rhode Island Red lines was set up, to identify loci controlling albumen quality. The phenotype for albumen quality was evaluated by albumen height and in Haugh units (HU) measured on three consecutive eggs from each F(2) hen at the age of 40 weeks. For the fine-mapping analysis, albumen height and HU were used simultaneously to eliminate contribution of the egg size to the phenotype. RESULTS: Linkage analysis in a small population of seven half-sib families (668 F(2)) with 162 microsatellite markers spread across 27 chromosomes revealed two genome-wide significant regions with additive effects for HU on chromosomes 7 and Z. In addition, two putative genome-wide quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions were identified on chromosomes 4 and 26. The QTL effects ranged from 2 to 4% of the phenotypic variance. The genome-wide significant QTL regions on chromosomes 7 and Z were selected for fine-mapping in the full set composed of 16 half-sib families. In addition, their existence was confirmed by an association analysis in an independent commercial Hy-Line pure line. CONCLUSIONS: We identified four chicken genomic regions that affect albumen quality. Our results also suggest that genes that affect albumen quality act both directly and indirectly through several different mechanisms. For instance, the QTL regions on both fine-mapped chromosomes 7 and Z overlapped with a previously reported QTL for eggshell quality, indicating that eggshell membranes may play a role in albumen quality

    Performance of tomato rootstocks in False Root-knot Nematode (Nacobbus aberrans) infested soil

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    Nacobbus aberrans, known as the "false root-knot nematode", has drawn special attention since it affects large areas of tomato production in Latin America. The aim of this study was to evaluate two rootstocks, Solanum lycopersicon L. var. cerasiforme ´Carolina´ and S. lycopersicon L. ´Maxifort´, onto which S. lycopersicon L. ´Santa Clara´ was grafted. In addition to these, non-grafted ´Santa Clara´ plants were used as control. Grafting was carried out 30 days after sowing, both for scion and for rootstocks. Both the grafted plants and those used as control were grown in a greenhouse on two kind of substrate: without the presence of N. aberrans and inoculated with 5000 eggs. After 60 days of being inoculated, growth parameters, physiological stress indicators, and pathogen reproductive factor were evaluated. The parasitism caused changes in the metabolism of the plants. On grafted plants, f lowering was delayed, and on plants exposed to nematodes such delay was even greater. The reproductive factors of the nematode were 3.68, 5.47 and 2.76 on non-grafted rootstocks, ´Carolina´ and ´Maxifort´, respectively, and they were classified as suscepti ble. The Maxifort rootstock has an invigorating effect on Santa Clara scion. It stimulates the apical growth and shows a great tolerance to the attack of nematodes as indicated by parameters like the accumulation of proline and the damage in the cell membranes. However, N. aberrans reproduces at its roots and increases its population, so its use as rootstocks must be carried out together with other practices that reduce the reproduction factor of the pathogen.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta