3,517 research outputs found

    Stellar Populations and Star Cluster Formation in Interacting Galaxies with the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    Pixel-by-pixel colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams - based on a subset of the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys Early Release Observations - provide a powerful technique to explore and deduce the star and star cluster formation histories of the Mice and the Tadpole interacting galaxies. In each interacting system we find some 40 bright young star clusters (20 <= F606W (mag) <= 25, with a characteristic mass of ~3 x 10^6 Msun), which are spatially coincident with blue regions of active star formation in their tidal tails and spiral arms. We estimate that the main events triggering the formation of these clusters occurred ~(1.5-2.0) x 10^8 yr ago. We show that star cluster formation is a major mode of star formation in galaxy interactions, with >= 35% of the active star formation in encounters occurring in star clusters. This is the first time that young star clusters have been detected along the tidal tails in interacting galaxies. The tidal tail of the Tadpole system is dominated by blue star forming regions, which occupy some 60% of the total area covered by the tail and contribute ~70% of the total flux in the F475W filter (decreasing to ~40% in F814W). The remaining pixels in the tail have colours consistent with those of the main disk. The tidally triggered burst of star formation in the Mice is of similar strength in both interacting galaxies, but it has affected only relatively small, spatially coherent areas.Comment: 23 pages in preprint form, 6 (encapsulated) postscript figures; accepted for publication in New Astronomy; ALL figures (even the grey-scale ones) need to be printed on a colour printer style files included; for full-resolution paper, see http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/STELLARPOPS/ACSpaper

    Time for change: a new training programme for morpho-molecular pathologists?

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    The evolution of cellular pathology as a specialty has always been driven by technological developments and the clinical relevance of incorporating novel investigations into diagnostic practice. In recent years, the molecular characterisation of cancer has become of crucial relevance in patient treatment both for predictive testing and subclassification of certain tumours. Much of this has become possible due to the availability of next-generation sequencing technologies and the whole-genome sequencing of tumours is now being rolled out into clinical practice in England via the 100 000 Genome Project. The effective integration of cellular pathology reporting and genomic characterisation is crucial to ensure the morphological and genomic data are interpreted in the relevant context, though despite this, in many UK centres molecular testing is entirely detached from cellular pathology departments. The CM-Path initiative recognises there is a genomics knowledge and skills gap within cellular pathology that needs to be bridged through an upskilling of the current workforce and a redesign of pathology training. Bridging this gap will allow the development of an integrated 'morphomolecular pathology' specialty, which can maintain the relevance of cellular pathology at the centre of cancer patient management and allow the pathology community to continue to be a major influence in cancer discovery as well as playing a driving role in the delivery of precision medicine approaches. Here, several alternative models of pathology training, designed to address this challenge, are presented and appraised

    Brief of Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioners

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    State of Washington v. Anthony A. Moretti, Hung Van Nguyen, and Frederick Or

    Sleep Telemedicine: A Survey Study of Patient Preferences

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    Physicians' human papillomavirus vaccine recommendations in the context of permissive guidelines for male patients: a national study

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about physicians' human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine recommendations for males while the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' (ACIP) permissive guidelines for male vaccination were in effect. The purpose of this study was to examine and explore factors associated with U.S. physicians' HPV vaccine recommendations to early (ages 11-12), middle (13-17), and late adolescent/young adult (18-26) males. METHODS: Nationally representative samples of family physicians and pediatricians were selected in 2011 (n = 1,219). Physicians reported the frequency with which they recommended HPV vaccine to male patients ["always" (>75% of the time) vs. other] for each age group. Statistically significant predictors of vaccine recommendation were identified using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of physicians reporting they "always" recommended HPV vaccination for males was 10.8% for ages 11 to 12, 12.9% for ages 13 to 17, and 13.2% for ages 18 to 26. Pediatrician specialty and self-reported early adoption of new vaccines were significantly associated with recommendation for all patient age groups. In addition, physician race and patient payment method were associated with physician recommendations to patients ages 11 to 12, and patient race was associated with recommendations to ages 13 to 17 and 18 to 26. CONCLUSIONS: Less than 15% of physicians surveyed reported "always" recommending HPV vaccine to male patients following national guidelines for permissive vaccination. Vaccine financing may have affected physicians' vaccine recommendations. IMPACT: If these recommendation practices continue following the ACIP's routine recommendation for males in October 2011, then interventions designed to increase recommendations should target family physicians and possibly use early adopters to encourage support of HPV vaccination guidelines

    Application of Neuroanatomical Ontologies for Neuroimaging Data Annotation

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    The annotation of functional neuroimaging results for data sharing and re-use is particularly challenging, due to the diversity of terminologies of neuroanatomical structures and cortical parcellation schemes. To address this challenge, we extended the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA) to include cytoarchitectural, Brodmann area labels, and a morphological cortical labeling scheme (e.g., the part of Brodmann area 6 in the left precentral gyrus). This representation was also used to augment the neuroanatomical axis of RadLex, the ontology for clinical imaging. The resulting neuroanatomical ontology contains explicit relationships indicating which brain regions are “part of” which other regions, across cytoarchitectural and morphological labeling schemas. We annotated a large functional neuroimaging dataset with terms from the ontology and applied a reasoning engine to analyze this dataset in conjunction with the ontology, and achieved successful inferences from the most specific level (e.g., how many subjects showed activation in a subpart of the middle frontal gyrus) to more general (how many activations were found in areas connected via a known white matter tract?). In summary, we have produced a neuroanatomical ontology that harmonizes several different terminologies of neuroanatomical structures and cortical parcellation schemes. This neuroanatomical ontology is publicly available as a view of FMA at the Bioportal website1. The ontological encoding of anatomic knowledge can be exploited by computer reasoning engines to make inferences about neuroanatomical relationships described in imaging datasets using different terminologies. This approach could ultimately enable knowledge discovery from large, distributed fMRI studies or medical record mining


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    Electrophoretic displays (EPDs), which exploit the surface charge of microparticles to control their deposition, have become widely available in consumer electronics, such as e-readers and smartwatches. However, a full-color EPD has yet to be demonstrated and commercialized. Here, we demonstrate colloidal assemblies of engineered quasi-amorphous photonic materials, using pigmentary α-Fe2O3/SiO2 core/shell nanoparticles, exhibiting non- iridescent tunable colors which can be tuned electrophoretically. The observed colors result from combination of colloidal particle arrangements, giving rise to structural color, along with the inherent pigmentary color of the α-Fe2O3/SiO2 nanoparticles. Colloidal particle assemblies of α-Fe2O3/SiO2 core/shell nanoparticles, and therefore the resulting colors, can be manipulated by shell thickness, particle concentration and external electrical stimuli. Dynamic tunability of α-Fe2O3/SiO2 nanomaterials in the visible wavelengths is demonstrated using reversible electrophoretic deposition with a noticeable difference between transmitted and reflected colors. The distinct contrast generated can be exploited for tunable display applications. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-ABS-704082

    Emission-Line Galaxy Surveys as Probes of the Spatial Distribution of Dwarf Galaxies. I. The University of Michigan Survey

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    Objective-prism surveys which select galaxies on the basis of line-emission are extremely effective at detecting low-luminosity galaxies and constitute some of the deepest available samples of dwarfs. In this study, we confirm that emission-line galaxies (ELGs) in the University of Michigan (UM) objective-prism survey (MacAlpine et al. 1977-1981) are reliable tracers of large-scale structure, and utilize the depth of the samples to examine the spatial distribution of low-luminosity (MB>_{B} > -18.0) dwarfs relative to higher luminosity giant galaxies (MB≤_{B} \leq -18.0) in the Updated Zwicky Catalogue (Falco et al. 1999). New spectroscopic data are presented for 26 UM survey objects. We analyze the relative clustering properties of the overall starbursting ELG and normal galaxy populations, using nearest neighbor and correlation function statistics. This allows us to determine whether the activity in ELGs is primarily caused by gravitational interactions. We conclude that galaxy-galaxy encounters are not the sole cause of activity in ELGs since ELGs tend to be more isolated and are more often found in the voids when compared to their normal galaxy counterparts. Furthermore, statistical analyses performed on low-luminosity dwarf ELGs show that the dwarfs are less clustered when compared to their non-active giant neighbors. The UM dwarf samples have greater percentages of nearest neighbor separations at large values and lower correlation function amplitudes relative to the UZC giant galaxy samples. These results are consistent with the expectations of galaxy biasing.Comment: 17 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap
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