197 research outputs found

    Bruising patterns in commercially harvested yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea)

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    AbstractFillet discolouration, commonly known as bruising, is an unintended and undesirable consequence in many commercial fishing operations. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to objectively measure and characterize the size and location of discolouration patterns that are currently observed in the fillets of commercially harvested yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) on the east coast of Canada. To accomplish this, an image processing program was developed to analyse fillet discolouration patterns. Total discoloured area and percent fillet coverage were measured and compared to total bruise weight and percent bruise weight attained from manual assessment. Results revealed that bruising was evident in 86.5% of the fish sampled. Of all the parameters measured, fish weight was the only parameter correlated with bruise weight. Bruise area ranged from 0 to 124.5cm2, with a mean of 12.1cm2 (s.d.=21.4), and accounted for an average of 4.3% of fillet area. Bruises were not uniformly distributed on any of the fillet sides. Results revealed a strong tendency for bruising to occur at the anterior dorsal region of the fillet, commonly known as the “nape”. Functional explanations for this finding are provided, including recommendations for future research

    Universal Dependencies for Learner English

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    We introduce the Treebank of Learner English (TLE), the first publicly available syntactic treebank for English as a Second Language (ESL). The TLE provides manually annotated POS tags and Universal Dependency (UD) trees for 5,124 sentences from the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) corpus. The UD annotations are tied to a pre-existing error annotation of the FCE, whereby full syntactic analyses are provided for both the original and error corrected versions of each sentence. Further on, we delineate ESL annotation guidelines that allow for consistent syntactic treatment of ungrammatical English. Finally, we benchmark POS tagging and dependency parsing performance on the TLE dataset and measure the effect of grammatical errors on parsing accuracy. We envision the treebank to support a wide range of linguistic and computational research o n second language acquisition as well as automatic processing of ungrammatical language.This work was supported by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF – 1231216

    Evaluating the Use of Good Neighbor Agreements for Environmental and Community Protection: Final Report

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    viii, 133 p. : forms ; 28 cmhttps://scholar.law.colorado.edu/books_reports_studies/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Efficacy of Carraguard®-Based Microbicides In Vivo Despite Variable In Vitro Activity

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    Anti-HIV microbicides are being investigated in clinical trials and understanding how promising strategies work, coincident with demonstrating efficacy in vivo, is central to advancing new generation microbicides. We evaluated Carraguard® and a new generation Carraguard-based formulation containing the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) MIV-150 (PC-817). Since dendritic cells (DCs) are believed to be important in HIV transmission, the formulations were tested for the ability to limit DC-driven infection in vitro versus vaginal infection of macaques with RT-SHIV (SIVmac239 bearing HIV reverse transcriptase). Carraguard showed limited activity against cell-free and mature DC-driven RT-SHIV infections and, surprisingly, low doses of Carraguard enhanced infection. However, nanomolar amounts of MIV-150 overcame enhancement and blocked DC-transmitted infection. In contrast, Carraguard impeded infection of immature DCs coincident with DC maturation. Despite this variable activity in vitro, Carraguard and PC-817 prevented vaginal transmission of RT-SHIV when applied 30 min prior to challenge. PC-817 appeared no more effective than Carraguard in vivo, due to the limited activity of a single dose of MIV-150 and the dominant barrier effect of Carraguard. However, 3 doses of MIV-150 in placebo gel at and around challenge limited vaginal infection, demonstrating the potential activity of a topically applied NNRTI. These data demonstrate discordant observations when comparing in vitro and in vivo efficacy of Carraguard-based microbicides, highlighting the difficulties in testing putative anti-viral strategies in vitro to predict in vivo activity. This work also underscores the potential of Carraguard-based formulations for the delivery of anti-viral drugs to prevent vaginal HIV infection

    A Macaque Model to Study Vaginal HSV-2/Immunodeficiency Virus Co-Infection and the Impact of HSV-2 on Microbicide Efficacy

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    Herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) infection enhances the transmission and acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This occurs in symptomatic and asymptomatic stages of HSV-2 infection, suggesting that obvious herpetic lesions are not required to increase HIV spread. An animal model to investigate the underlying causes of the synergistic action of the two viruses and where preventative strategies can be tested under such complex physiological conditions is currently unavailable.We set out to establish a rhesus macaque model in which HSV-2 infection increases the susceptibility to vaginal infection with a model immunodeficiency virus (simian-human immunodeficiency virus, SHIV-RT), and to more stringently test promising microbicides. HSV-2 exposure significantly increased the frequency of vaginal SHIV-RT infection (n = 6). Although cervical lesions were detected in only approximately 10% of the animals, long term HSV-2 DNA shedding was detected (in 50% of animals followed for 2 years). Vaginal HSV-2 exposure elicited local cytokine/chemokine (n = 12) and systemic low-level HSV-2-specific adaptive responses in all animals (n = 8), involving CD4(+) and CD8(+) HSV-specific T cells (n = 5). Local cytokine/chemokine responses were lower in co-infected animals, while simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific adaptive responses were comparable in naĂŻve and HSV-2-infected animals (n = 6). Despite the increased frequency of SHIV-RT infection, a new generation microbicide gel, comprised of Carraguard(R) and a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor MIV-150 (PC-817), blocked vaginal SHIV-RT infection in HSV-2-exposed animals (n = 8), just as in naĂŻve animals.We established a unique HSV-2 macaque model that will likely facilitate research to define how HSV-2 increases HIV transmission, and enable more rigorous evaluation of candidate anti-viral approaches in vivo

    Monitoring iCCM referral systems: Bugoye Integrated Community Case Management Initiative (BIMI) in Uganda

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    Abstract Background In Uganda, over half of under-five child mortality is attributed to three infectious diseases: malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Integrated community case management (iCCM) trains village health workers (VHWs) to provide in-home diagnosis and treatment of these common childhood illnesses. For severely ill children, iCCM relies on a functioning referral system to ensure timely treatment at a health facility. However, referral completion rates vary widely among iCCM programmes and are difficult to monitor. The Bugoye Integrated Community Case Management Initiative (BIMI) is an iCCM programme operating in Bugoye sub-county, Uganda. This case study describes BIMI’s experience with monitoring referral completion at Bugoye Health Centre III (BHC), and outlines improvements to be made within iCCM referral systems. Methods This study triangulated multiple data sources to evaluate the strengths and gaps in the BIMI referral system. Three quantitative data sources were reviewed: (1) VHW report of referred patients, (2) referral forms found at BHC, and (3) BHC patient records. These data sources were collated and triangulated from January–December 2014. The goal was to determine if patients were completing their referrals and if referrals were adequately documented using routine data sources. Results From January–December 2014, there were 268 patients referred to BHC, as documented by VHWs. However, only 52 of these patients had referral forms stored at BHC. Of the 52 referral forms found, 22 of these patients were also found in BHC register books recorded by clinic staff. Thus, the study found a mismatch between VHW reports of patient referrals and the referral visits documented at BHC. This discrepancy may indicate several gaps: (1) referred patients may not be completing their referral, (2) referral forms may be getting lost at BHC, and, (3) referred patients may be going to other health facilities or drug shops, rather than BHC, for their referral. Conclusions This study demonstrates the challenges of effectively monitoring iCCM referral completion, given identified limitations such as discordant data sources, incomplete record keeping and lack of unique identifiers. There is a need to innovate and improve the ways by which referral compliance is monitored using routine data, in order to improve the percentage of referrals completed. Through research and field experience, this study proposes programmatic and technological solutions to rectify these gaps within iCCM programmes facing similar challenges. With improved monitoring, VHWs will be empowered to increase referral completion, allowing critically ill children to access needed health services

    Quality of care in integrated community case management services in Bugoye, Uganda: a retrospective observational study

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    Abstract Background Village health workers (VHWs) in five villages in Bugoye subcounty (Kasese District, Uganda) provide integrated community case management (iCCM) services, in which VHWs evaluate and treat malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhoea in children under 5 years of age. VHWs use a “Sick Child Job Aid” that guides them through the evaluation and treatment of these illnesses. A retrospective observational study was conducted to measure the quality of iCCM care provided by 23 VHWs in 5 villages in Bugoye subcounty over a 2-year period. Methods Patient characteristics and clinical services were summarized using existing aggregate programme data. Lot quality assurance sampling of individual patient records was used to estimate adherence to the iCCM algorithm, VHW-level quality (based on adherence to the iCCM protocol), and change over time in quality of care (using generalized estimating equations regression modelling). Results For each of 23 VHWs, 25 patient visits were randomly selected from a 2-year period after iCCM care initiation. In these visits, 97% (150) of patients with diarrhoea were treated with oral rehydration and zinc, 95% (216) of patients with pneumonia were treated with amoxicillin, and 94% (240) of patients with malaria were treated with artemisinin-based combination therapy or rectal artesunate. However, only 44% (44) of patients with a negative rapid test for malaria were appropriately referred to a health facility. Overall, 75% (434) of patients received all the correct evaluation and management steps. Only 9 (39%) of the 23 VHWs met the pre-determined LQAS threshold for high-quality care over the 2-year observation period. Quality of care increased significantly in the first 6 months after initiation of iCCM services (p = 0.003), and then plateaued during months 7–24. Conclusions Quality of care was high for uncomplicated malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Overall quality of care was lower, in part because VHWs often did not follow the guidelines to refer patients with fever who tested negative for malaria. Quality of care appears to improve in the initial months after iCCM implementation, as VHWs gain initial experience in iCCM care

    Progression of type 1 diabetes from latency to symptomatic disease is predicted by distinct autoimmune trajectories

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    Development of islet autoimmunity precedes the onset of type 1 diabetes in children, however, the presence of autoantibodies does not necessarily lead to manifest disease and the onset of clinical symptoms is hard to predict. Here we show, by longitudinal sampling of islet autoantibodies (IAb) to insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase and islet antigen-2 that disease progression follows distinct trajectories. Of the combined Type 1 Data Intelligence cohort of 24662 participants, 2172 individuals fulfill the criteria of two or more follow-up visits and IAb positivity at least once, with 652 progressing to type 1 diabetes during the 15 years course of the study. Our Continuous-Time Hidden Markov Models, that are developed to discover and visualize latent states based on the collected data and clinical characteristics of the patients, show that the health state of participants progresses from 11 distinct latent states as per three trajectories (TR1, TR2 and TR3), with associated 5-year cumulative diabetes-free survival of 40% (95% confidence interval [CI], 35% to 47%), 62% (95% CI, 57% to 67%), and 88% (95% CI, 85% to 91%), respectively (p < 0.0001). Age, sex, and HLA-DR status further refine the progression rates within trajectories, enabling clinically useful prediction of disease onset

    Risk perception and vulnerability of value: a study in the context of commercial property sector

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press, and Taylor & Francis. The research was developed linking the impact of flood risk on utility, desirability and marketability related to vulnerability of commercial property value. Likert style questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain data from flood affected and un-affected respondents across different designated flood risk zones on key business and perception variables among two groups of business property holders in England. The responses were analysed through a spatial vulnerability model to illustrate the distribution of the vulnerability of value of properties among flood plain business holders on a GIS platform. Majority of respondents perceived that utility of properties may be hampered by flooding and subsequently have an impact on value for property at risk. Those with flood experience gave greater weight to their specific business needs such as the prime location and expected income level than those without flood experience. The implication of the study lies in understanding that flood risk perceptions can shape actions of people at risk towards future increase in resilience having strategic impact on value of property saleability in the future
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