9 research outputs found

    Masterplanning at the Port of Dover: The Use of Discrete-Event Simulation in Managing Road Traffic

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    The Port of Dover is Europe’s busiest ferry port, handling £119 billion or 17% of the UK’s annual trade in goods. The Port is constrained geographically to a small area and faces multiple challenges, both short- and long-term, with managing the flow of five million vehicles per year to/from mainland Europe. This article describes some of the work that the Port is doing to minimize the impact of port road traffic on the local community and environment using discrete-event simulation modeling. Modeling is particularly valuable in identifying where future bottlenecks are likely to form within the Port due to projected growth in freight traffic and comparing the effectiveness of different interventions to cope with growth. One of our key findings is that space which can be used flexibly is far more valuable than dedicated space. This is supported by the much greater reduction in traffic congestion that is expected to be achieved given a 10% increase in freight traffic by reallocating space at the front of the system to temporarily hold vehicles waiting to pass through border control and check-in compared to extending the amount of space for ferry embarkation at the rear of the system. The importance of flexible space has implications for port design that can be applied more broadly. Modeling is also useful in identifying critical thresholds for vehicle processing times that would cause the system to become overwhelmed. Increasing the check-in time by just three to five minutes, for example, would completely exceed the Port’s capacity and produce indefinite queueing. This finding has important implications for Brexit planning. From a wider context, the research presented here nicely illustrates how simulation can be used to instill more evidence-based thinking into port masterplanning and support “green port” and other corporate sustainability initiatives

    Optimizing hydropower dam location and removal in the São Francisco River basin, Brazil to balance hydropower and river biodiversity tradeoffs

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    To support eco-friendly hydropower planning in developing regions, we propose a spatial optimization model for locating dams to balance tradeoffs between hydropower generation and migratory fish species richness. Our model incorporates two special features. First, it is tailored to the dispersal of tropical migratory fishes, which require long, unimpeded river stretches to complete their life-cycle. To model fish with this type of dispersal pattern, we introduce the concept of a river pathway, which represents a novel way to describe river connectivity. Second, it combines decisions about dam placement and removal, thus facilitating opportunities for hydropower offsetting. We apply our model to the São Francisco River basin, Brazil, an area of hydropower-freshwater biodiversity conflict. We find that dams have reduced weighted migratory fish richness 51% compared to a pre-dam baseline. We also find that even limited dam removal has the potential to significantly enhance fish biodiversity. Offsetting the removal of a single dam by the optimal siting of new dams could increase fish richness by 25% above the current average. Moving forward, optimizing new dam sites to increase hydropower by 20%, rather than selecting the fewest number of dams, could reduce fish species losses by 89%. If decisions about locating new dams are combined with dam removal, then a win-win can even be achieved with 20% greater hydropower and 19% higher species richness. Regardless of hydropower targets and dam removal options, a key observation is that optimal sites for dams are mostly located in the upper reaches of the basin rather than along the main stem of the São Francisco River or its main tributaries

    Using Google Scholar Institutional Level Data to Evaluate the Quality of University Research

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    In recent years, the extent of formal research evaluation, at all levels from the individual to the multiversity has increased dramatically. At the institutional level, there are world university rankings based on an ad hoc combination of different indicators. There are also national exercises, such as those in the UK and Australia that evaluate research outputs and environment through peer review panels. These are extremely costly and time consuming. This paper evaluates the possibility of using Google Scholar (GS) institutional level data to evaluate university research in a relatively automatic way. Several citation-based metrics are collected from GS for all 130 UK universities. These are used to evaluate performance and produce university rankings which are then compared with various rankings based on the 2014 UK Research Excellence Framework (REF). The rankings are shown to be credible and to avoid some of the obvious problems of the REF ranking, as well as being highly efficient and cost effective. We also investigate the possibility of normalizing the results for the university subject mix since science subjects generally produce significantly more citations than social science or humanities

    Optimizing the removal of small fish passage barriers

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    Removing small artificial barriers that hinder upstream migrations of fish is a major problem in riparian habitat restoration. Because of budgetary limitations, it is necessary to prioritize barrier removal and repair decisions. These have usually been based on scoring and ranking procedures, which, although simple to use, can be very inefficient in terms of increasing the amount of accessible instream habitat. We develop a novel decision-making approach, based on integer programming techniques, which optimizes repair and removal decisions. Results show based on real datasets of barrier culverts located in Washington State that scoring and ranking is over 25% below the optimum on average and a full 100% below in the worst case, producing no net habitat gain whatsoever. This is compared to a dynamic programming method that was able to find optimal solutions in less than a second, even for problems with up to several hundred variables, and a heuristic method, which found solutions with less than a 1% average optimality gap in even less tim

    Enhancing the ecological value of oil palm agriculture through set-asides

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    Acknowledgements: We thank the numerous field assistants for help with fieldwork, and SAFE Project for extensive support; the Carnegie Airborne Observatory and Sabah Forestry Department for use of the above-ground carbon LiDAR data; R. Nathan, M. Y. Abdullah, V. Moduying, D. Aloysius, M. Ationg, J. Lucey and S. Lord for involvement in the oil palm producer consultations; and D. Orme for developing the code used to extract slope values from SRTM data. The research was supported by UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grants NE/K016407/1, NE/K016261/1 and NE/K016148/1 as part of the LOMBOK consortium of the Human Modified Tropical Forests (HMTF) programme.Agricultural expansion is the primary driver of ecological degradation across the tropics. Set-asides—uncultivated parts of agricultural landscapes, often on steep slopes and alongside rivers—may alleviate environmental impacts but can reduce the area cultivated. Here we model an approach to configuring set-asides aimed at optimizing ecological outcomes (biodiversity, above-ground carbon storage and nutrient cycling) without reducing net cultivation area. We compare set-asides in an oil palm landscape where all plantations adopt the same configuration (‘uniform’ approach) with a scenario where there can be variation in configuration among plantations (‘variable’ approach). We find that all set-aside configurations support substantial ecological values but that the best strategies involve set-asides, particularly alongside rivers, that are spatially targeted and variable among plantations. This ‘variable’ approach can increase ecological outcomes twofold over the ‘uniform’ approach without reducing net cultivation area. Our findings underscore the potential importance of well-planned set-asides for enhancing agricultural sustainability

    A review of recent developments in climate change science. Part II: The global-scale impacts of climate change

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    This article presents a review of recent developments in studies assessing the global-scale impacts of climate change published since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Literature covering six main impact sectors is reviewed: sea-level rise (SLR) and coastal impacts, ocean acidification, ecosystems and biodiversity, water resources and desertification, agriculture and food security, and human health. The review focuses on studies with a global perspective to climate change impacts assessment, although in the absence of global studies for some sectors or aspects of impacts, national and regional studies are cited. The review highlights three major emerging themes which are of importance for the policy- and decision-making process: (1) a movement towards probabilistic methods of impacts assessment and/or the consideration of climate modelling uncertainty; (2) a move towards assessing potential impacts that could be avoided under different climate change mitigation scenarios relative to a business-as-usual reference scenario; and (3) uncertainties that remain in understanding the relationship between climate and natural or human systems. Whether recent impact assessments show a changed risk of damage to human or natural systems since the AR4 depends upon the impact sector; whether the assessments are robust or not (i.e. will stand the test of time) requires additional expert judgement. However, using this judgement, overall we find an increased risk to natural systems, and in some components of human systems