22 research outputs found

    Particle monitoring capability of the Solar Orbiter Metis coronagraph through the increasing phase of solar cycle 25

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    Context. Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar particles with energies greater than tens of MeV penetrate spacecraft and instruments hosted aboard space missions. The Solar Orbiter Metis coronagraph is aimed at observing the solar corona in both visible (VL) and ultraviolet (UV) light. Particle tracks are observed in the Metis images of the corona. An algorithm has been implemented in the Metis processing electronics to detect the VL image pixels crossed by cosmic rays. This algorithm was initially enabled for the VL instrument only, since the process of separating the particle tracks in the UV images has proven to be very challenging. Aims. We study the impact of the overall bulk of particles of galactic and solar origin on the Metis coronagraph images. We discuss the effects of the increasing solar activity after the Solar Orbiter mission launch on the secondary particle production in the spacecraft. Methods. We compared Monte Carlo simulations of GCRs crossing or interacting in the Metis VL CMOS sensor to observations gathered in 2020 and 2022. We also evaluated the impact of solar energetic particle events of different intensities on the Metis images. Results. The study of the role of abundant and rare cosmic rays in firing pixels in the Metis VL images of the corona allows us to estimate the efficiency of the algorithm applied for cosmic-ray track removal from the images and to demonstrate that the instrument performance had remained unchanged during the first two years of the Solar Orbiter operations. The outcome of this work can be used to estimate the Solar Orbiter instrument's deep charging and the order of magnitude for energetic particles crossing the images of Metis and other instruments such as STIX and EUI.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Three Eruptions Observed by Remote Sensing Instruments Onboard Solar Orbiter

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    On February 21 and March 21 – 22, 2021, the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter observed three prominence eruptions. The eruptions were associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by Metis, Solar Orbiter’s coronagraph. All three eruptions were also observed by instruments onboard the Solar–TErrestrial RElations Observatory (Ahead; STEREO-A), the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Here we present an analysis of these eruptions. We investigate their morphology, direction of propagation, and 3D properties. We demonstrate the success of applying two 3D reconstruction methods to three CMEs and their corresponding prominences observed from three perspectives and different distances from the Sun. This allows us to analyze the evolution of the events, from the erupting prominences low in the corona to the corresponding CMEs high in the corona. We also study the changes in the global magnetic field before and after the eruptions and the magnetic field configuration at the site of the eruptions using magnetic field extrapolation methods. This work highlights the importance of multi-perspective observations in studying the morphology of the erupting prominences, their source regions, and associated CMEs. The upcoming Solar Orbiter observations from higher latitudes will help to constrain this kind of study better

    SKA telescope manager: a status update

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    The international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project to build two radio interferometers is approaching the end of its design phase, and gearing up for the beginning of formal construction. A key part of this distributed Observatory is the overall software control system: the Telescope Manager (TM). The two telescopes, a Low frequency dipole array to be located in Western Australia (SKA-Low) and a Mid-frequency dish array to be located in South Africa (SKA-Mid) will be operated as a single Observatory, with its global headquarters (GHQ) based in the United Kingdom at Jodrell Bank. When complete it will be the most powerful radio observatory in the world. The TM software must combine the observatory operations based at the GHQ with the monitor and control operations of each telescope, covering the range of domains from proposal submission to the coordination and monitoring of the subsystems that make up each telescope. It must also monitor itself and provide a reliable operating platform. This paper will provide an update on the design status of TM, covering the make-up of the consortium delivering the design, a brief description of the key challenges and the top level architecture, and its software development plans for tackling the construction phase of the project. It will also briefly describe the consortium’s response to the SKA Project’s decision in the second half of 2016 to adopt the processes set out by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) for system architecture design and documentation, including a re-evaluation of its deliverables, documentation and approach to internal reviews.publishe

    Evidence of Kelvin-Helmholtz and tearing mode instabilities at the magnetopause during space weather events

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    Introduction: Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) and tearing mode (TM) instabilities are one of the most important mechanisms of solar wind energy, momentum and plasma transport within the magnetosphere.Methods: To investigate the conditions under which KHTM instabilities occur in the Earth environment it is fundamental to combine simultaneous multipoint in situ measurements and MHD simulations. We analyzed data from the THEMIS and Cluster spacecraft considering two Space Weather (SWE) events starting with an M2.0 flare event (hereafter Case-1) that occurred on 21 June 2015 and the most-intensive flare (X9.3) of solar cycle 24 that occurred on 6 September 2017 (hereafter Case-2).Results: Our analysis utilized a 2D MHD model for incompressible and viscous flow. The results from Case-1 indicate the presence of KH and TM instabilities, suggesting existence of observed low-amplitude oscillations at the nose of the magnetopause. However, the MHD simulations for Case-2 did not show any evidence of KH vortices, but did reveal the presence of “magnetic island” structures during a low-shear condition. The reconnection rate derived from the observations is compared with the computed one in the presence of developed instabilities inside the Earth’s magnetopause

    First Metis Detection of the Helium D3 Line Polarization in a Large Eruptive Prominence

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    Metis on board Solar Orbiter is the space coronagraph developed by an Italian–German–Czech consortium. It is capable of observing solar corona and various coronal structures in the visible-light (VL) and UV (hydrogen Ly α ) channels simultaneously for the first time. Here we present observations of a large eruptive prominence on 2021 April 25–26, in the VL, taken during the mission cruise phase, and demonstrate that apart from the broadband continuum emission, which is due to the Thomson scattering on prominence electrons, we detect a significant radiation in the neutral-helium D _3 line (587.6 nm), which lies within the Metis VL passband. We show how the prominence looks like in Stokes I , Q , and U . We consider two extreme cases of the prominence magnetic field, and we separate the Stokes I and Q signals pertinent to Thomson scattering and to the D _3 line. The degree of linear polarization of the D _3 line (both Q and U ) indicates the presence of the prominence magnetic field; hence Metis can serve as a magnetograph for eruptive prominences located high in the corona

    Out-of-focus point sources image simulation for the Metis solar coronagraph onboard the Solar Orbiter mission

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    Metis is a multi-wavelength coronagraph onboard the European Space Agency (ESA) Solar Orbiter mission. Thanks to the selected Solar Orbiter mission profile, for the first time the poles of the Sun and the circumsolar region will be seen and studied from a privileged point of view near the Sun (minimum distance 0.28 AU). Metis features an innovative instrument design conceived for simultaneously imaging the visible (580-640 nm) and ultraviolet (Lyman α at 121.6 nm) emission of the solar corona. METIS is an externally occulted coronagraph which adopts an “inverted occulted” configuration. The inverted external occulter (IEO) is a circular aperture after which a spherical mirror M0 rejects back the solar disk light, which exits the instrument through the IEO aperture itself. The passing coronal light is then collected by the METIS telescope. Common to both channels, the Gregorian on-axis telescope is centrally occulted and both the primary and the secondary mirrors have annular shape. The optical and radiometric performance of the telescope is strongly dependent on the huge degree of vignetting presented by the optical design. The internal fields are highly vignetted by M0 and further vignetted by the internal elements, such as the internal occulter and the Lyot stop, furthermore the presence of some spiders, needed to mount the internal elements, are vignetting even more, in some parts of the FoV, the light beams. During the instrument commissioning, in the visible light channel some out-of-focus sources have been imaged while moving in the Metis FoV. At a first glance, the out-of-focus images exhibit a very strange pattern. The pattern can be explained by taking into account the peculiar design of the Metis coronagraph instrument; in fact, the not fully illuminated pupil gives rise to “half moon” shape out-of-focus images with the spiders casting their shadow in different positions. In this work, the ray-tracing simulation results for the out-of-focus images are compared with some of the images taken in flight; some considerations relating the shape and dimension of the acquired images with the distance from Metis of the sources are also given