65 research outputs found

    Functional Characterization of Antibodies against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Opacity Protein Loops

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    Background: The development of a gonorrhea vaccine is challenged by the lack of correlates of protection. The antigenically variable neisserial opacity (Opa) proteins are expressed during infection and have a semivariable (SV) and highly conserved (4L) loop that could be targeted in a vaccine. Here we compared antibodies to linear (Ab linear) and cyclic (Abcyclic) peptides that correspond to the SV and 4L loops and selected hypervariable (HV2) loops for surface-binding and protective activity in vitro and in vivo. Methods/Findings: AbSV cyclic bound a greater number of different Opa variants than AbSV linear, including variants that differed by seven amino acids. Antibodies to the 4L peptide did not bind Opa-expressing bacteria. Ab SV cyclic and Ab HV2 cyclic, but not AbSV linear or AbHV2 linear agglutinated homologous Opa variants, and AbHV2BD cyclic but not AbHV2BD linear blocked the association of OpaB variants with human endocervical cells. Only AbHV2BD linear were bactericidal against the serum resistant parent strain. Consistent with host restrictions in the complement cascade, the bactericidal activity of Ab HV2BD linear was increased 8-fold when rabbit complement was used. None of the antibodies was protective when administered vaginally to mice. Antibody duration in the vagina was short-lived, however, with,50 % of the antibodies recovered 3 hrs postadministration. Conclusions: We conclude that an SV loop-specific cyclic peptide can be used to induce antibodies that recognize a broad spectrum of antigenically distinct Opa variants and have agglutination abilities. HV 2 loop-specific cyclic peptides elicite

    Neisseria gonorrhoeae Coinfection during Chlamydia muridarum Genital Latency Does Not Modulate Murine Vaginal Bacterial Shedding

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    Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are the most frequently reported agents of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide. Nonetheless, C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae coinfection remains understudied. C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae coinfections are more common than expected by chance, suggesting C. trachomatis/N. gonorrhoeae interaction, and N. gonorrhoeae infection may reactivate genital chlamydial shedding in women with latent (quiescent) chlamydial infection. We hypothesized that N. gonorrhoeae would reactivate latent genital Chlamydia muridarum infection in mice. Two groups of C. muridarum-infected mice were allowed to transition into genital latency. One group was then vaginally inoculated with N. gonorrhoeae; a third group received N. gonorrhoeae alone. C. muridarum and N. gonorrhoeae vaginal shedding was measured over time in the coinfected and singly infected groups. Viable C. muridarum was absent from vaginal swabs but detected in rectal swabs, confirming C. muridarum genital latency and consistent with the intestinal tract as a C. muridarum reservoir. C. muridarum inclusions were observed in large intestinal, but not genital, tissues during latency. Oviduct dilation was associated with C. muridarum infection, as expected. Contradicting our hypothesis, N. gonorrhoeae coinfection did not reactivate latent C. muridarum vaginal shedding. In addition, latent C. muridarum infection did not modulate recovery of vaginal viable N. gonorrhoeae. Evidence for N. gonorrhoeae-dependent increased C. muridarum infectivity has thus not been demonstrated in murine coinfection, and the ability of C. muridarum coinfection to potentiate N. gonorrhoeae infectivity may depend on actively replicating vaginal C. muridarum. The proportion of mice with increased vaginal neutrophils (PMNs) was higher in N. gonorrhoeae-infected than in C. muridarum-infected mice, as expected, while that of C. muridarum/N. gonorrhoeae-coinfected mice was intermediate to the singly infected groups, suggesting latent C. muridarum murine infection may limit PMN response to subsequent N. gonorrhoeae infection. IMPORTANCE Our work builds upon the limited understanding of C. muridarum/N. gonorrhoeae coinfection. Previously, N. gonorrhoeae infection of mice with acute (actively replicating) vaginal C. muridarum infection was shown to increase recovery of viable vaginal N. gonorrhoeae and vaginal PMNs, with no effect on C. muridarum vaginal shedding (R. A. Vonck et al., Infect Immun 79:1566-1577, 2011). It has also been shown that chlamydial infection of human and murine PMNs prevents normal PMN responses, including the response to N. gonorrhoeae (K. Rajeeve et al., Nat Microbiol 3:824-835, 2018). Our findings show no effect of latent genital C. muridarum infection on the recovery of viable N. gonorrhoeae, in contrast to the previously reported effect of acute C. muridarum infection, and suggesting that acute versus latent C. muridarum infection may have distinct effects on PMN function in mice. Together, these studies to date provide evidence that Chlamydia/N. gonorrhoeae synergistic interactions may depend on the presence of replicating Chlamydia in the genital tract, while chlamydial effects on vaginal PMNs may extend beyond acute infection

    Vaccines for Gonorrhea: Can We Rise to the Challenge?

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    Immune responses to the gonococcus after natural infection ordinarily result in little immunity to reinfection, due to antigenic variation of the gonococcus, and redirection or suppression of immune responses. Brinton and colleagues demonstrated that parenteral immunization of male human volunteers with a purified pilus vaccine gave partial protection against infection by the homologous strain. However, the vaccine failed in a clinical trial. Recent vaccine development efforts have focused on the female mouse model of genital gonococcal infection. Here we discuss the state of the field, including our unpublished data regarding efficacy in the mouse model of either viral replicon particle (VRP) vaccines, or outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccines. The OMV vaccines failed, despite excellent serum and mucosal antibody responses. Protection after a regimen consisting of a PorB-VRP prime plus recombinant PorB boost was correlated with apparent Th1, but not with antibody, responses. Protection probably was due to powerful adjuvant effects of the VRP vector. New tools including novel transgenic mice expressing human genes required for gonococcal infection should enable future research. Surrogates for immunity are needed. Increasing antimicrobial resistance trends among gonococci makes development of a vaccine more urgent

    Alanine 501 Mutations in Penicillin-Binding Protein 2 from Neisseria gonorrhoeae : Structure, Mechanism, and Effects on Cephalosporin Resistance and Biological Fitness

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    Resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins such as ceftriaxone and cefixime has increased markedly in the past decade. The primary cephalosporin resistance determinant is a mutated penA gene, which encodes the essential peptidoglycan transpeptidase, penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2). Decreased susceptibility and resistance can be conferred by mosaic penA alleles containing upward of 60 amino acid changes relative to wild-type PBP2, or by nonmosaic alleles with relatively few mutations, the most important of which occurs at Ala501 located near the active site of PBP2. Recently, fully cefixime- and ceftriaxone-resistant clinical isolates that harbored a mosaic penA allele with an A501P mutation were identified. To examine the potential of mutations at Ala501 to increase resistance to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins, we randomized codon 501 in a mosaic penA allele and transformed N. gonorrhoeae to increased cefixime resistance. Interestingly, only five substitutions of Ala501 (A501V, A501T, A501P, A501R, and A501S) that increased resistance and preserved essential transpeptidase function were isolated. To understand their structural implications, these mutations were introduced into the nonmosaic PBP2-6140CT, which contains four C-terminal mutations present in PBP2 from the penicillin-resistant strain FA6140. The crystal structure of PBP2-6140CT-A501T was determined and revealed ordering of a loop near the active site and a new hydrogen bond involving Thr501 that connects the loop and the SxxK conserved active site motif. The structure suggests that increased rigidity in the active site region is a mechanism for cephalosporin resistance mediated by Ala501 mutations in PBP2

    Both MisR (CpxR) and MisS (CpxA) Are Required for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infection in a Murine Model of Lower Genital Tract Infection

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    During infection, Neisseria gonorrhoeae senses and responds to stress; such responses may be modulated by MisRS (NGO0177 and NGO0176), a two-component system that is a homolog of CpxRA. In Escherichia coli, CpxRA senses and responds to envelope stress; CpxA is a sensor kinase/phosphatase for CpxR, a response regulator. When a cpxA mutant is grown in medium containing glucose, CpxR is phosphorylated by acetyl phosphate but cannot be dephosphorylated, resulting in constitutive activation. Kandler and coworkers (J. L. Kandler, C. L. Holley, J. L. Reimche, V. Dhulipala, J. T. Balthazar, A. Muszyński, R. W. Carlson, and W. M. Shafer, Antimicrob Agents Chemother 60:4690-4700, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.00823-16) showed that MisR (CpxR) is required for the maintenance of membrane integrity and resistance to antimicrobial peptides, suggesting a role in gonococcal survival in vivo Here, we evaluated the contributions of MisR and MisS (CpxA) to gonococcal infection in a murine model of cervicovaginal colonization and identified MisR-regulated genes using RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq). The deletion of misR or misS severely reduced the capacity of N. gonorrhoeae to colonize mice or maintain infection over a 7-day period and reduced microbial fitness after exposure to heat shock. Compared to the wild type (WT), the inactivation of misR identified 157 differentially regulated genes, most of which encoded putative envelope proteins. The inactivation of misS identified 17 differentially regulated genes compared to the WT and 139 differentially regulated genes compared to the misR mutant, 111 of which overlapped those differentially expressed in the comparison of the WT versus the misR mutant. These data indicate that an intact MisRS system is required for gonococcal infection of mice. Provided the MisR is constitutively phosphorylated in the misS mutant, the data suggest that controlled but not constitutive activation is required for gonococcal infection in mice

    Experimental Gonococcal Infection in Male Volunteers: Cumulative Experience with Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strains FA1090 and MS11mkC

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    Experimental infection of male volunteers with Neisseria gonorrhoeae is safe and reproduces the clinical features of naturally acquired gonococcal urethritis. Human inoculation studies have helped define the natural history of experimental infection with two well-characterized strains of N. gonorrhoeae, FA1090 and MS11mkC. The human model has proved useful for testing the importance of putative gonococcal virulence factors for urethral infection in men. Studies with isogenic mutants have improved our understanding of the requirements for gonococcal LOS structures, pili, opacity proteins, IgA1 protease, and the ability of infecting organisms to obtain iron from human transferrin and lactoferrin during uncomplicated urethritis. The model also presents opportunities to examine innate host immune responses that may be exploited or improved in development and testing of gonococcal vaccines. Here we review results to date with human experimental gonorrhea

    Rapid Publication Multiple Gonococcal Pilin Antigenic Variants Are Produced during Experimental Human Infections

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    Abstract Gonococcal pilin variation is thought to allow immune evasion and change the adherence properties of the pilus. We have examined the process of pilin antigenic variation in human volunteers inoculated with strain FA1090. Our data show that pilin variation occurred throughout the process of infection, that at each time sampled after inoculation multiple pilin variants were present, and that later pilin variants appear to be recombinants between previously expressed genes and the silent storage pilin copies. Thus, during infection a large repertoire of proteins are available to the population to help avoid immune responses, to provide pili with varying functions, and to transmit to a new host. (J. Clin. Invest. 1994. 93:2744-274

    Control of gdhR Expression in Neisseria gonorrhoeae via Autoregulation and a Master Repressor (MtrR) of a Drug Efflux Pump Operon

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    ABSTRACT The MtrCDE efflux pump of Neisseria gonorrhoeae contributes to gonococcal resistance to a number of antibiotics used previously or currently in treatment of gonorrhea, as well as to host-derived antimicrobials that participate in innate defense. Overexpression of the MtrCDE efflux pump increases gonococcal survival and fitness during experimental lower genital tract infection of female mice. Transcription of mtrCDE can be repressed by the DNA-binding protein MtrR, which also acts as a global regulator of genes involved in important metabolic, physiologic, or regulatory processes. Here, we investigated whether a gene downstream of mtrCDE , previously annotated gdhR in Neisseria meningitidis , is a target for regulation by MtrR. In meningococci, GdhR serves as a regulator of genes involved in glucose catabolism, amino acid transport, and biosynthesis, including gdhA , which encodes an l -glutamate dehydrogenase and is located next to gdhR but is transcriptionally divergent. We report here that in N.Ā gonorrhoeae , expression of gdhR is subject to autoregulation by GdhR and direct repression by MtrR. Importantly, loss of GdhR significantly increased gonococcal fitness compared to a complemented mutant strain during experimental murine infection. Interestingly, loss of GdhR did not influence expression of gdhA , as reported for meningococci. This variance is most likely due to differences in promoter localization and utilization between gonococci and meningococci. We propose that transcriptional control of gonococcal genes through the action of MtrR and GdhR contributes to fitness of N.Ā gonorrhoeae during infection. IMPORTANCE The pathogenic Neisseria species are strict human pathogens that can cause a sexually transmitted infection ( N.Ā gonorrhoeae ) or meningitis or fulminant septicemia ( N.Ā meningitidis ). Although they share considerable genetic information, little attention has been directed to comparing transcriptional regulatory systems that modulate expression of their conserved genes. We hypothesized that transcriptional regulatory differences exist between these two pathogens, and we used the gdh locus as a model to test this idea. For this purpose, we studied two conserved genes ( gdhR and gdhA ) within the locus. Despite general conservation of the gdh locus in gonococci and meningococci, differences exist in noncoding sequences that correspond to promoter elements or potential sites for interacting with DNA-binding proteins, such as GdhR and MtrR. Our results indicate that implications drawn from studying regulation of conserved genes in one pathogen are not necessarily translatable to a genetically related pathogen

    Multiple gonococcal opacity proteins are expressed during experimental urethral infection in the male

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    The opacity (Opa) proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are a family of outer membrane proteins demonstrating phase and antigenic variation. N. gonorrhoeae strain FA0190 has 11 opa loci that encode at least 8 antigenically distinct Opa proteins. To determine if expression of one Opa protein or a subset of them is favored during gonococcal infection, we inoculated Opa-negative variants of strain FA1090 intraurethrally into male volunteers. The Opa phenotype of gonococci isolated from urine and urethral swab cultures from nine infected subjects was determined. Opa proteins were expressed in a large proportion of the reisolates from the infected subjects. Gonococci cultured from urine or urethral swab samples from six of the subjects were uniformly Opa positive, with the predominant Opa variants differing among subjects. Three different Opa proteins were represented as the predominant type in at least one subject each. In three subjects, there was more heterogeneity in Opa phenotype of the reisolates, including the presence of Opa-negative variants. An increase in the proportion of isolates expressing multiple Opa proteins occurred over time in most subjects. Passage of the inoculum in vitro did not result in similar changes in Opa expression. There was no detectable difference in infectivity of an Opa-negative variant and one expressing an Opa protein (OpaF) that was highly represented in reisolates from the original nine subjects. Reisolates from three infected volunteers inoculated with the OpaF variant showed continued expression of OpaF alone or in conjunction with other Opa proteins. These results demonstrate that there is strong selection for expression of one or more Opa proteins by strain FA1090 in vivo, but that no single protein is preferentially expressed during early infection in the male urethra
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