26 research outputs found

    Depression among Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations in Northwestern Europe: a systematic review of prevalence and correlates

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    Background: This systematic review aimed to synthesize the prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders and symptoms of Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations in Northwestern Europe, formulating evidence-informed recommendations for clinical practice. Methods: We conducted a systematic search in PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge, and Cochrane databases for records up to March 2021. Peer-reviewed studies on adult populations that included instruments assessing prevalence and/or correlates of depression in Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations met inclusion criteria and were assessed in terms of methodological quality. The review followed the relevant sections of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses reporting (PRISMA) guideline. Results: We identified 51 relevant studies of observational design. Prevalence of depression was consistently higher among people who had an immigrant background, compared to those who did not. This difference seemed to be more pronounced for Turkish immigrants (especially older adults, women, and outpatients with psychosomatic complaints). Ethnicity and ethnic discrimination were identified as salient, positive, independent correlates of depressive psychopathology. Acculturation strategy (high maintenance) was related to higher depressive psychopathology in Turkish groups, while religiousness appeared protective in Moroccan groups. Current research gaps concern psychological correlates, second- and third-generation populations, and sexual and gender minorities. Conclusion: Compared to native-born populations, Turkish immigrants consistently showed the highest prevalence of depressive disorder, while Moroccan immigrants showed similar to rather moderately elevated rates. Ethnic discrimination and acculturation were more often related to depressive symptomatology than socio-demographic correlates. Ethnicity seems to be a salient, independent correlate of depression among Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations in Northwestern Europe

    Symptom manifestation and treatment effectiveness, -obstacles and -facilitators in Turkish and Moroccan groups with depression in European countries: A systematic review

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    Background: This study examined the state of the art relevant for clinical practice on symptom manifestation of depression or depression-related idioms of distress, the treatment effectiveness and obstacles and facilitators for therapeutic success in Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations with depression in Europe. Methods: We conducted a systematic search in PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge, and Cochrane databases (1970-31 July 2017). Peer-reviewed studies, with adult populations, and an instrument assessing depressive symptoms met inclusion criteria and were evaluated following quality guidelines. Results: We included 13 studies on symptom manifestation, 6 on treatment effectiveness, and 17 on obstacles and facilitators, published between 2000 and 2017, from Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden (n Turkish individuals = 11,533; n Moroccan individuals = 5278; n native individuals = 303,212). Both ethnic groups more often reported combined mood and somatic symptoms (and anxiety in the case of Turkish groups) than natives, and had higher levels of symptoms. There was no report on effectiveness of pharmacotherapy and there was weak evidence of the effectiveness of examined psychological treatments for depression in Turkish groups. No treatment has been examined in Moroccan groups. Salient obstacles to therapeutic success were socioeconomic problems, higher level of psychological symptoms at baseline, and negative attitudes towards psychotherapy. Possible facilitators were interventions attuned to social, cultural and individual needs. Results were most representative of first generation, low SES Turkish immigrant patients, and Moroccan-Dutch members of the general populations. Conclusion: Turkish and Moroccan immigrants with depression presented a comorbid symptom profile with more intertwined depressive and somatic complaints. There were indications that the available therapies are insufficient for Turkish groups, but the current evidence is scarce and heterogeneous, and RCTs suffer from methodological limitations

    The efficacy of recommended treatments for veterans with PTSD : A metaregression analysis

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    Soldiers and veterans diagnosed with PTSD benefit less from psychotherapy than non-military populations. The current meta-analysis identified treatment predictors for traumatised soldiers and veterans, using data from studies examining guideline recommended interventions, namely: EMDR, exposure, cognitive, cognitive restructuring, cognitive processing, trauma-focused cognitive behavioural, and stress management therapies. A systematic search identified 57 eligible studies reporting on 69 treated samples. Exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy were more effective than EMDR and stress management therapy. Group-only therapy formats performed worse compared with individual-only formats, or a combination of both formats. After controlling for study design variables, EMDR no longer negatively predicted treatment outcome. The number of trauma-focused sessions, unlike the total number of psychotherapy sessions, positively predicted treatment outcome. We found a relationship between PTSD pretreatment severity levels and treatment outcome, indicating lower treatment gains at low and high PTSD severity levels compared with moderate severity levels. Demographic variables did not influence treatment outcome. Consequently, soldiers and veterans are best served using exposure interventions to target PTSD. Our results did not support a group-only therapy format. Recommended interventions appear less effective at relatively low and high patient PTSD severity levels. Future high-quality studies are needed to determine the efficacy of EMDR

    The efficacy of recommended treatments for veterans with PTSD: A metaregression analysis

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    Soldiers and veterans diagnosed with PTSD benefit less from psychotherapy than non-military populations. The current meta-analysis identified treatment predictors for traumatised soldiers and veterans, using data from studies examining guideline recommended interventions, namely: EMDR, exposure, cognitive, cognitive restructuring, cognitive processing, trauma-focused cognitive behavioural, and stress management therapies. A systematic search identified 57 eligible studies reporting on 69 treated samples. Exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy were more effective than EMDR and stress management therapy. Group-only therapy formats performed worse compared with individual-only formats, or a combination of both formats. After controlling for study design variables, EMDR no longer negatively predicted treatment outcome. The number of trauma-focused sessions, unlike the total number of psychotherapy sessions, positively predicted treatment outcome. We found a relationship between PTSD pretreatment severity levels and treatment outcome, indicating lower treatment gains at low and high PTSD severity levels compared with moderate severity levels. Demographic variables did not influence treatment outcome. Consequently, soldiers and veterans are best served using exposure interventions to target PTSD. Our results did not support a group-only therapy format. Recommended interventions appear less effective at relatively low and high patient PTSD severity levels. Future high-quality studies are needed to determine the efficacy of EMDR

    The effectiveness of narrative exposure therapy: a review, meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis

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    Background: Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is a short-term psychological treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that has been investigated in various contexts among traumatized refugees and other trauma survivors. Sustained treatment results have been reported, but the methodological quality of the trials needs a more thorough examination. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of NET for survivors of trauma, using a quality assessment, an updated meta-analysis, and a meta-regression analysis. Method: Following a systematic literature selection, the methodological quality of the included studies was assessed; Non-controlled and controlled effect sizes (Hedges’ g) were estimated using a random effects model. Predictor analyses were performed. Non-controlled effect sizes for PTSD and depression included symptom change at post-treatment and follow-up time-points. Controlled effect sizes included post-treatment comparisons of NET with non-active and active comparators: both trauma-focused (TF) and non-trauma-focused (non-TF) interventions. Results: The selected studies showed high external validity; methodological quality was equivalent to other guideline-supported TF interventions. In 16 randomized controlled trials, involving 947 participants, large non-controlled effect sizes were found for PTSD symptoms, at post-treatment (g = 1.18, 95% confidence interval [0.87; 1.50]) and follow-up (g = 1.37 [0.96; 1.77]). For depression symptoms, medium non-controlled effect sizes were found, at post-treatment (g = 0.47 [0.23; 0.71]) and follow-up (g = 0.60 [0.26; 0.94]). Post-treatment, NET outperformed non-active comparators and non-TF active comparators for PTSD, but not the combined active comparators. For depression, NET only outperformed non-active comparators. Advancing age predicted better treatment results for PTSD and depression symptoms; a history of migration predicted smaller treatment results for depression symptoms. Conclusions:The findings of this meta-analysis suggest that patients and providers may expect sustained treatment results from NET. Controlled comparisons with other guideline-supported TF interventions are not yet available

    Trauma exposure and refugee status as predictors of mental health outcomes in treatment-seeking refugees

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    Aims and method This study aimed to identify predictors of symptom severity for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in asylum seekers and refugees referred to a specialised mental health centre. Trauma exposure (number and domain of event), refugee status and severity of PTSD and depression were assessed in 688 refugees. Results Symptom severity of PTSD and depression was significantly associated with lack of refugee status and accumulation of traumatic events. Four domains of traumatic events (human rights abuse, lack of necessities, traumatic loss, and separation from others) were not uniquely associated with symptom severity. All factors taken together explained 11% of variance in PTSD and depression. Clinical implications To account for multiple predictors of symptom severity including multiple traumatic events, treatment for traumatised refugees may need to be multimodal and enable the processing of multiple traumatic memories within a reasonable time-frame