103 research outputs found

    Galois theory of iterated endomorphisms

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    Given an abelian algebraic group AA over a global field FF, α∈A(F)\alpha \in A(F), and a prime β„“\ell, the set of all preimages of Ξ±\alpha under some iterate of [β„“][\ell] generates an extension of FF that contains all β„“\ell-power torsion points as well as a Kummer-type extension. We analyze the Galois group of this extension, and for several classes of AA we give a simple characterization of when the Galois group is as large as possible up to constraints imposed by the endomorphism ring or the Weil pairing. This Galois group encodes information about the density of primes \p in the ring of integers of FF such that the order of (\alpha \bmod{\p}) is prime to β„“\ell. We compute this density in the general case for several classes of AA, including elliptic curves and one-dimensional tori. For example, if FF is a number field, A/FA/F is an elliptic curve with surjective 2-adic representation and α∈A(F)\alpha \in A(F) with α∉2A(F(A[4]))\alpha \not\in 2A(F(A[4])), then the density of p\mathfrak{p} with (\alpha \bmod{\p}) having odd order is 11/21.Comment: 33 pages; The appendix has been updated, several examples have been redone, and a number of typos corrected. The paper has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Societ

    The Explicit Sato-Tate Conjecture and Densities Pertaining to Lehmer-Type Questions

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    Let f(z)=βˆ‘n=1∞a(n)qn∈Sknew(Ξ“0(N))f(z)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty a(n)q^n\in S^{\text{new}}_ k (\Gamma_0(N)) be a newform with squarefree level NN that does not have complex multiplication. For a prime pp, define ΞΈp∈[0,Ο€]\theta_p\in[0,\pi] to be the angle for which a(p)=2p(kβˆ’1)/2cos⁑θpa(p)=2p^{( k -1)/2}\cos \theta_p . Let IβŠ‚[0,Ο€]I\subset[0,\pi] be a closed subinterval, and let dΞΌST=2Ο€sin⁑2ΞΈdΞΈd\mu_{ST}=\frac{2}{\pi}\sin^2\theta d\theta be the Sato-Tate measure of II. Assuming that the symmetric power LL-functions of ff satisfy certain analytic properties (all of which follow from Langlands functoriality and the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis), we prove that if xx is sufficiently large, then ∣#{p≀x:ΞΈp∈I}βˆ’ΞΌST(I)∫2xdtlog⁑t∣β‰ͺx3/4log⁑(Nkx)log⁑x \left|\#\{p\leq x:\theta_p\in I\} -\mu_{ST}(I)\int_2^x\frac{dt}{\log t}\right|\ll\frac{x^{3/4}\log(N k x)}{\log x} with an implied constant of 3.343.34. By letting II be a short interval centered at Ο€2\frac{\pi}{2} and counting the primes using a smooth cutoff, we compute a lower bound for the density of positive integers nn for which a(n)β‰ 0a(n)\neq0. In particular, if Ο„\tau is the Ramanujan tau function, then under the aforementioned hypotheses, we prove that lim⁑xβ†’βˆž#{n≀x:Ο„(n)β‰ 0}x>1βˆ’1.54Γ—10βˆ’13. \lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{\#\{n\leq x:\tau(n)\neq0\}}{x}>1-1.54\times10^{-13}. We also discuss the connection between the density of positive integers nn for which a(n)β‰ 0a(n)\neq0 and the number of representations of nn by certain positive-definite, integer-valued quadratic forms.Comment: 29 pages. Significant revisions, including improvements in Theorems 1.2, 1.3, and 1.5 and a more detailed account of the contour integration, are included. Acknowledgements are update
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